BU is compiling data for the annual Higher Education–Business & Community Interaction survey. Please tell us about the social, cultural and community events that you have been involved with.

What is HE-BCI Table 5 and why do we have to complete it?
HE-BCI, the Higher Education Business & Community Interaction survey, collects financial and output data related to knowledge exchange every academic year. This includes details of lectures, exhibitions and other cultural activities, which are provided in Table 5. The data is collected by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) and Research England uses elements of the data provided in the HE-BCI survey to inform the allocation of the Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF).
Which activities do I need to report?
Please include all events that:
- took place between 1 August 2023 and 31 July 2024
- were open to the public
- were intended for an external (non-academic) group
- included an exchange of knowledge
- were held in the UK or overseas.
How to add your data to the form
- Go to the page called Table 5 2023-24, linked in the sidebar or from the button at the end of this page.
- To add an event to the table, click the +New button. A form will appear on the right-hand side. Please complete all the relevant details, entering text and using the drop-down menus as appropriate. Incomplete entries cannot be included in our submission and so will not be counted.
- When you’ve added all required details, click the Save button.
- You can also choose to edit in Grid view, which is similar to using Excel.
Further information
The SharePoint site provides details about what data is collected, including how to calculate attendee numbers, staff time, reporting online activities and multiple related events.
If you have any other questions about the HE-BCI return, please contact publicengagement@bournemouth.ac.uk.