Tagged / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Opportunity for Japanese researchers based in the UK

The JSPS London network for Japanese researchers based in the UK is growing – why not join them?

Visiting Japanese scholars, as well as tenured Japanese academics based at a UK institution, are welcome to join. It is free to join and JSPS offer events and funding schemes exclusive to members.

The web link to register is: https://ssl.jsps.org/members/?page=regist.

This invitation is for the BU Research Blog’s external readership as well as Japanese researchers working at Bournemouth University.

Funder Visit – Japan Society for the Promotion of Science on 21st November 2017

BU’s Research & Knowledge Exchange Office is delighted to be hosting the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science visit on Tuesday, 21st November 2017.

The schedule for the event is:

13:00           Welcoming Address

13:05            JSPS – Overview, Institutional and Group Programmes

 Ms Chika Itoi, Deputy Director, JSPS London

13:25            JSPS Fellowship Programmes

 Ms Shiho Hayashida, International Programme Associate, JSPS London

13:45            Experiences of Doing Research in Japan

 Professor Chang Hong Liu (BU’s Department of Psychology)

13:55            Questions and Answers

14:00           Close

This event is open to BU academics and those from other regional universities. To book your place, please email RKEDevFramework@bournemouth.ac.uk, putting JSPS in the subject line. The event will take place on BU’s Talbot Campus, with the room confirmed to you after booking.

Please also see the post concerning JSPS’ Fellowship scheme which is open until 1st December 2017.