Tagged / KTP Associate conference

KTP associate attends conferences to promote her research

Dr Celia Beckett, Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) research associate at BU and Five Rivers Child Care Ltd attended the KTP Associates’ Conference at Brighton University on 13th June. She presented a paper on the pilot stage of her project “Improving the care of children in residential units: assessment and interventions”. The conference, which is a Brighton University initiative supported by the Centre for Collaboration and Partnership, was well attended and there were 10 paper presentations and 8 posters. Topics ranged from roller blinds to leak repair additives for coolant systems! A recurring theme at the conference was the role of the KTP in working to effect change in organisations that result in improved commercial outcomes as well as the challenges and rewards of this role.

There are c. 800 KTP associates currently working on projects throughout the UK, ensuring that there is an exchange of knowledge between Universities and private / public companies, making a real difference to all those organisations involved in KTPs. It is one of the largest graduate schemes in the UK. More information about BU’s KTPs can be found at the newly relaunched Business Pages.

Celia will also be presenting a poster at the forthcoming  Recovery-focused conference: Engagement in Life: Promoting Wellbeing and Mental Health, hosted by BU on 6th September 2013.

BU KTP Associate presenting a paper at the KTP Associates’ Conference in June

Are you interested in exploring the possibilities of KTPs? Then, the KTP Associates’ Conference will provide an excellent networking opportunity for current and former KTP Associates, their academic and industrial supervisors and all those involved with, or who would like to be involved with, Knowledge Transfer Partnerships.  Also, we can proudly confirm that one of BU’s own KTP Associates will be presenting a paper at the conference in June…..

Celia Beckett, is a HSC – KTP Associate based in Five Rivers Child Care Ltd.  The subject of the paper is her pilot study that is identifying ways of improving the assessment of the psychological needs of children who are looked after in residential care. Working with other leading experts in this area, she is hoping that the scheme will result in improved interventions and outcomes for looked after children. If successful with future funding, Dr Beckett is hoping to roll this scheme out further for children in foster placements and to evaluate its effectiveness. This project is addressing the standards identified in the NICE guidelines for improving outcomes for this group of children, who are at very high risk of emotional and behavioural difficulties.

We wish Celia the best of luck with her presentation at the conference!

The conference will be held at the University of Brighton on Thursday 13th June – if you would like to attend, please book your place via the University of Brighton’s website.