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Leverhulme Trust Programme Grants

The Leverhulme Trust invites proposals for its research programme grants. Proposals are invited for programme awards on one of the following two topics:

•the nature of knots, which includes uncovering the unifying and organising ideas that underpin knottedness in nature, establishing mathematical methods for quantifiying knottedness, measuring experimentally and developing techniques to control knottedness and identifying the scientific and technological consequences and implications of knottedness;

•innovation for sustainable living, which might involve disruptive science and engineering and their role in new energy, materials and transport, mathematics and statistics, public policy, economics and the complexities of trade-offs, psychology and determining the driers of behaviour change, lessons from history and comparative social analysis.

Grants are worth between £500,000 and £1.75 million each for a period of up to five years for each of the topics.

Closing date 4pm,03 Oct 13

The RKE Operations team can help you with your application. Please direct any enquiries to RKE Ops in the first instance.