Congratulations to academics from the Faculty of Management Dr Julie Robson, Prof. Juliet Memery, Dr Caroline Jackson, Dr Jason Sir, Dr Elvira Bolat and Samreen Ashraf for securing QR funding for their research into trust repair in the service sector.
Following a series of recent scandals and misdeeds there has been widespread erosion of trust in individual and indeed whole business sectors. This project examines trust repair in three very different high profile contexts: mis-selling in financial services (e.g. PPI); HR issues in the retail sector (Sports Direct) and safety issues within the leisure sector (Alton Towers).
With trust damage to firms occurring on an almost weekly basis, this research is not only topical but also responds to a very real business need in terms of providing firms with a framework to help them repair trust with their consumers.
This project kicked off this month. The research will be concluded by July 2017 with a dissemination event for academics and practitioners planned soon after.