Tagged / RKE Development and Operations

RKE Development and Operations is launched!

We’ve had a team name change over the summer by merging the RKE Operations team with the Research Development Unit. The new team is called RKE Development and Operations, with each sub-team called RKE Operations and RKE Development respectively. The new team will be managed by me as Head of Research and Knowledge Exchange, with Julia Taylor heading up RKE Operations and Corrina Dickson heading up RKE Development.

There are many benefits to be gained from a much closer working relationship, some of which have already been realised through the co-location of the teams in Melbury House. We already have posts which straddle both teams and there are efficiency gains to be made from linking our work up more effectively as well as improving communication about initiatives, bids, projects, etc and providing a more joined up level of service to academic colleagues.

There have also been some significant changes to the RKE Operations team. Five new colleagues have joined us this month – Brian McNulty, Eva Papadopoulou, Teresa Coffin and Sarah Katon have joined us as RKE Officers, and Gary Cowen has joined us as Assistant Management Accountant. A temporary structure has been put in place to cover the period from now until next summer. Rather than having three Senior RKE Officers we will have in place two – Paul Lynch will head up the pod responsible for all EU and KTP bids and awards, ApSci and BS; Jenny Roddis will head up the pod responsible for ST, MS, DEC and HSC. Thank you for all your patience over the summer whilst the team has been short staffed; we are now offering a full service again going forward.

You can access information on all the team members here: RKE Development and Operations

And can access a structure chart here: R&KEO structure chart