As mentioned last week, after the BRIAN upgrade, you can look forward to seeing a much more consistent and a “cleaner” feel to the overall look of the homepage –

The tiles for each core elements of “publications”, “professional activities”, “grants” and “records of impact” are now in the same shape and size and they are neatly arranged. If you refer to a previous post about this particular feature, you can also find out how you can customise this homepage.
If you look closely at the top right corner of the “Publications” and “Grants” tiles, you will also notice a feature that will allow you to quickly clear any “pending” or “rejected” publications –

There will be a planned upgrade to BRIAN taking place beginning the week commencing 19th April, during which time BRIAN will be unavailable for use. The planned upgrade is expected to take place all week, therefore we are hoping for BRIAN to resume running again by 25th April 2022 (if not earlier).
Do stay tuned for more exciting new features from the BRIAN upgrade!
For all BRIAN related queries, please email BRIAN@bournemouth.ac.uk