On Wednesday, 8th November 2017, BU staff enjoyed the annual UKRO visit, timed to provide an update on the new 2018-2020 Work Programmes, released at the end of October. Our institutional representative, Andreas Kontogeorgos, gave an excellent summary of all the new calls and opportunities, especially within the Societal Challenges and where industrial collaboration is championed. Given that one day is insufficient to provide and take in all the information available, please refer to the slides from the day in MyBU. Please select UKRO Updates, and continue into this section having read the access information.
If you have an interest in applying to Horizon 2020 and other European funding, please make full use of BU’s subscription by registering to receive updates from UKRO. On their website, you can access subscriber-exclusive support materials including call fact-sheets (which will be updated as required) and details of UKRO events.
Within BU, additional support materials are being developed, along with follow-up events based around calls, which will be announced and circulated in due course.
BU staff considering applying for any of these calls and other international funding, should contact Emily Cieciura, RKEO’s Research Facilitator: International Funding, for further information and support.