Tagged / town meeting

Doctoral training partnerships funding call (DTP2) – Town hall meeting

When: 30 January 2018
Where: London

On 19 October 2017, NERC announced that its second round of investment in doctoral training partnerships (DTP2) would be made through a fully open competitive call. This decision was made following the outcomes of the mid-term evaluation of NERC’s existing DTPs in 2016-17.

The DTP evaluation concluded that this mechanism of delivering PhD studentships provides valuable training and that NERC should continue to support PhD studentships in this way. A fully open competitive call will ensure that they build on the success of existing investments while enabling innovation and change within the DTP community. It will ensure that all eligible organisations are able to compete for access to NERC studentships based on excellence, determined by a robust and consistent assessment process.

The DTP2 call will be launched in early January 2018, at which point an announcement of opportunity will be published on the NERC website. To ensure clear communication regarding the scope and expectations of this call, NERC will be holding a town hall meeting for interested parties to discuss the call in more detail with NERC staff and to network with potential DTP partners. The meeting will take place once the call has been launched.

The event

The purpose of the town hall meeting is to provide an opportunity for those interested in applying to the DTP2 call to receive detailed guidance about the scope and requirements of the call, raise any questions with NERC staff and network with prospective DTP partners. The meeting will commence with a presentation from NERC staff, followed by a plenary question and answer session, and will conclude with an open session to include lunch and networking.

Those expressing an interest in attending will be invited to propose questions to be addressed at the meeting – this will enable NERC staff to tailor the content of presentations and ensure that they address as many commonly asked questions as possible. Common queries raised following the publication of the call will also be addressed at the meeting.

Following the presentations and Q&A, the meeting will be unstructured, providing an opportunity for attendees to network with one another and discuss potential partnerships, as well as to talk further with NERC staff regarding specific questions.

Attendance at this meeting is not a pre-requisite for submission of a DTP2 proposal. A summary report of the meeting will be published on the NERC website as soon as possible after the event.

How to apply

To express your interest in attending the meeting, you must complete the online registration form.

The closing date for registration is 16:00 on 1 December 2017.

There are a limited number of places available and so the submission of an application is not a guarantee of a place at the meeting. If the event is oversubscribed, NERC will limit the number of attendees per organisation to allow for even representation from across the NERC community – this will be done in discussion with the individuals and organisation, as appropriate. Those applicants offered a place will receive a formal invitation confirming attendance once all applications have been processed. NERC will aim to confirm the final list of attendees by early January 2018.


NERC Research Careers

AHRC Town Meeting on Anti-Microbial Resistance in the Indoor and Built Environment

amrAHRC Cross-Disciplinary Networking and Information Event (Town Meeting) on Anti-Microbial Resistance in the Indoor and Built Environment

Event date Event time Event location
30/11/2016 10:00 am – 3:30 pm Amba Hotel, Bryanston St, London

The event will provide an opportunity to discuss the potential innovative contribution of the arts and humanities to cross-disciplinary collaborative research on AMR. (See the pre-call announcement).

The meeting will start at 10.30am (registration from 10.00am) and finish around 3.30pm, and participants will be able to:

  • hear background on the Research Councils AMR initiative and the AHRC-led call on AMR in the Indoor and Built Environment
  • network and explore possible research partnerships and collaborations to support potential future applications under the call
  • speak to Research Council staff about possible applications.

Who is the event for?

The event is open to academic researchers, both from the arts and humanities and other relevant research fields, who are interested in cross-disciplinary research relating to AMR in the built environment and to potential partners from outside academia who might be interested in the opportunity to initiate possible collaborations that might lead to research bids. Arts and Humanities researchers with related interests and expertise but who may not have previously engaged directly with AMR are welcome to attend to learn more about potential opportunities in this area.

The event provides a chance to:

  • find out about the cross-Council AMR initiative and the AHRC-led call for pump-priming grants on AMR in the Indoor and Built Environment due to be launched in November 2016
  • discuss with experts the challenges and opportunities of interdisciplinary working and co-delivery with end-users in this field
  • put questions about the funding call direct to funders
  • network with potential collaborators from other discipline areas or as end-users of research.

How to Register

If you are interested in attending the event please contact AMR@ahrc.ac.uk confirming your interest and providing a brief summary of no more than 300 words, outlining your current role/ organisational affiliation and relevant research / professional expertise as well as briefly stating your potential interest in the AMR in the Built/ Indoor Environment funding call.

Please Note: For those invited to attend the event this summary information will be shared among other participants to support the networking aspects of the event. Your application therefore needs to include a statement confirming that you are happy for this information to be shared with other participants if invited to attend the event.

The closing date for expressing your interest in attending the event is 20 November 2016.

For more information regarding the event please contact Samuel Lambshead 01793 416000 or email s.lambshead@ahrc.ac.uk

If you are interested in attending the town meeting then please let the RKEO Funding Development Team know as we would be interested in receiving a summary of the meeting.