The Royal Geographical Society have announced several funding opportunities. They are as follows:
The Gilchrist Educational Trust offers an award of £15,000 to support original and challenging overseas fieldwork carried out by small teams of university academics and researchers.
The research should include a single field session of at least six weeks. There should be strong links with the host country and preferably the research should be of applied benefit to the host nation.
The Award was created by the Gilchrist Educational Trust in 1990 and is judged in conjunction with the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG).
Deadline: 21 February 2014. The award is run biennially in even years.
Apply: Gilchrist Fieldwork Award guidelines (PDF)
Slawson Awards
By the kind generosity of Fellows Paul and Mary Slawson, the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) offers two to three awards annually, each between £1,000 – £3,000, for PhD students intending to carry out geographical field research.
The awards, which have been given since 2001, support geographical fieldwork involving development issues with a high social and economic value.
Deadline: 22 February 2013
Apply: Slawson Award guidelines (PDF)
Neville Shulman Challenge Award
The Neville Shulman Challenge Award, first given in 2001, is an annual award of £10,000, established for the Society by Neville Shulman CBE and his associates.
The Neville Shulman Challenge Award aims to further the understanding and exploration of the planet: its cultures, peoples and environments, while promoting personal development through the intellectual or physical challenges involved in undertaking the research and/or expeditions.
Applications are invited from both individuals and groups.
Deadline: 21 September 2012
Apply: Neville Shulman Challenge Award Guidelines (PDF)
Peter Fleming Award

The Peter Fleming Award is an award of up to £9,000 for a geographical research project that seeks to advance geographical science. It is one of the senior awards that the Society offers to support the development of geographical knowledge and understanding.
Applications can be made in any field of geography provided the project can demonstrate genuine advancement of current knowledge.
Deadline: 23 November 2012
Apply: Peter Fleming Award guidelines (PDF)
The Research Ethics and Code of Practice for RGS applies to all of the above calls:
Research Ethics and Code of Practice (PDF)
The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.