In this extended blog post you’ll find details of lots of new and exciting developments in the world of public engagement and impact, including funding calls. As ever, if you are looking to develop engagement and impact around your research, please contact Becca in the Research and Knowledge Exchange office on 01202 961206 or redwards@bournemouth.ac.uk. She can help you brainstorm ideas, develop funding proposals or point you in the direction of further help. If you have any information that you would like to share, email Becca and she will include it in her round-up of information.
Events to attend
- The BIG Event 2013 is now taking bookings (early bid registration ends 31st March 2013). The British Interactive Group invites its 500+ members to this three day interaction event to keep up to date in all things STEM engagement related.
- Bristol University, is organising a History Day, including a women’s history taster session and free creche. For further details, click here
Interesting things to read
- Roger Highfield has written a blog post on ‘How I write about science’ on the Wellcome Trust blog. Click here to read more.
- On the LSE Impact Blog, is a piece by Martin Eve discussing ‘Open Access, the Impact Agenda and resistance to the neoliberal paradigm’.
- Professor Tim Darvill’s has been quoted in the Observer article: “Stonehenge remains a mystery as scientists ask: was it a health spa, or a cemetery?”
Training opportunities
- Want to take your research to the masses through TV? Click here for a range of training opportunities including how to catch the idea of a TV producer, how to shine on TV and understanding the process of making TV.
- AHRC and CARD are sponsoring a postgraduate training event on Engaging with Communities: Arts and performance-based collaborative training. The event is free to attend, although places are limited.
- Research, Researchers and the Media – an immersive three day course aimed at all academic staff, researchers and PGRs.
- CCIG Forum: Enacting public engagement: collaboration and critique within/beyond the university
Funding and awards
- The Society of Biology has announced the Science Communication Awards 2013. Deadline is 31 May 2013; two prizes are available for the New Researcher Prize and Established Researcher Prize.
- The Foundation for Canadian Studies have announced their Outreach Awards for Canadianist or Canada-linked teaching and research. Further details can be found here
- The AHRC have announced the Cultural Value Project Call – which wishes to make a major contribution to how we think about the value of arts and culture.
- NERC Knowledge Exchange projects call, closing date for expressions of interest 26th March. Details can be found here
- ESRC Retail Knowledge Exchange opportunities. Deadline is 30th April. More details can be found here
- For details of both the People and Society Awards from the Wellcome Trust, please click here
- The Institute of Physics, is offering up to £1500 for Public Engagement Grants. For more details, click here
- Royal Society Industry fellowships. Closing date 5th April. Full details can be found here
Thanks for plugging our workshop, guys 🙂