UKRO logoThrough BU’s subscription to UKRO, we have been advised of the following news items, which represent a ‘mere taster’ of all the updates provided by UKRO to their members.


To make full use of BU’s subscription to this service, why not register now?

  • Science With And For Society (SWAFS) Brokerage Event Presentations and Video are now available on the UKRO website.
  • The public consultation on the mid-term evaluation of the Erasmus+ programme is now open
  • The RISE Coordinators’ Day FAQ and Presentations are now available on the UKRO website
  • The White PaperFuture of Europe: Reflections and scenarios for the EU27 by 2025 has been published by the European Commission
  • Improve your public engagement using the EU Guide to Science Communication
  • eHealth Week 2017 will have the theme Data for Health: the key to personalised sustainable careRegister for this event in Malta, 10-12 May.
  • Draft documentation for Secure Societies future calls is available to UKRO subscribers.

Please note: You will need to sign in or register as a BU staff member to access many of these items, as part of BU’s UKRO subscription. Links have only been given to resources in the public domain.

If considering applying to EU calls, please contact Emily Cieciura, RKEO’s Research Facilitator: EU & International, to access further support.