These re-orientation events are your opportunity to receive Faculty and Doctoral College updates for the forthcoming academic year. You’ll also hear about the updates to the 2019-20 Researcher Development Programme and a reminder of support services available to you throughout BU. You’ll be asked to consider research ethics during and towards the end of your research degree and there will be a bite-size effective researcher session appropriate to each re-orientation stage.
Pre-Major Review Re-Orientation Tuesday 8 October – 9.30 – 1pm – Lansdowne This re-orientation will also include a preparation session for the Major Review. |
Post-Major Review (Transfer) Re-Orientation Tuesday 15 October – 10.00 -1.30pm – Lansdowne This re-orientation will also include a preparation session for the Viva Voce examination. |
I look forward to seeing you at one of these bespoke sessions.
(Reasearch Skills & Development Officer)