PGR Virtual Poster Showcase | Ismail Can Kurtuk

This week in our PGR Virtual Poster Showcase:

Ismail Can Kurtuk, PhD student in the Faculty of Management with this poster entitled:

‘The butterfly effect of decisions: Enhancement of teaching-decision making in project management within UK higher education.’

Click the poster below to enlarge.

This research is investigating how to improve the teaching in UK Higher Education of decision-making related to project management. Decision-making is a core element of effective project management, but practitioners have reported that without extensive experience of real-life project management, the decision making of newly qualified professionals is inadequate. As a result, projects are delayed, resources are used ineffectively, risks are increased and opportunities are overlooked. Using an inductive approach based upon interviews and focus groups, this research study will investigate the experience of project managers to develop a better understanding of what how decision-making can be taught more effectively, and from this new perspective, a decision-making teaching framework will be developed and validated for application across UK Higher Education.


If this research has inspired you and you’d like to explore applying for a research degree please visit the postgraduate research web pages or contact our dedicated admissions team.