Category / Knowledge Exchange

Innovative Industry-based Cyber Security Masters kicked off last week!

The all new MSc Cyber Security & Human Factors course kicked off last week with students eager to embark on their 18-36 month journey! This exciting part-time Masters in Cyber Security has been developed to meet the skills and education required by most digital enabled organisations whilst adapting the content and delivery to meet today’s student’s work-life balance. This innovative industry based MSc has taught modular elements followed by a period of research and reflection. Each module has an intensive 3 day program of lectures delivered at the University followed by 8 weeks of research activities, directed reading and reflection.

Cyberspace is a vast, complex and still evolving community that presents enterprise, industry and governments with ongoing security management challenges, as it grows on an exponential scale. The security of data is fundamental to any business, and IT professionals are increasingly aware of the complexities involved in protecting information, assets, knowledge and intellect. As cyberspace stores more and more information, specialists in security who are ahead of the game will become a critical element in reducing risk.

On this course, students will gain an understanding of the psychology of cyber security by investigating threat, vulnerabilities and impact risk; the contagion of fear, uncertainty and doubt; managing human factors in security; trust management and information assurance. Students will develop a deep and holistic awareness of Cyber Security and Human Factors.

Students will have access to a suite of Cyber Security and Digital Forensics laboratories with state-of-art simulation and analytical systems to discover, evaluate and educate the use of Intrusion Detection, Incident Management, Forensic analysis and System Penetration testing as well as incorporating Industry based skill training material and practices.

The next enrollment opportunity for this course is September 2015 (both part-time and full-time). If you’d like more information on the course please visit BU Cyber Security Unit or email the team.

New KTP vacancies

You may have seen lots about Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP), perhaps from the KTP Academic Development Scheme or on blog posts, or perhaps even whilst in conversation with your colleagues.  At Bournemouth University, we’re working hard to maximise our KTP provision and this is working..!

We currently have two KTP projects in recruitment stages where we are looking for KTP associates (a graduate hired to work on the projects, full time for the duration of the project) to fill these KTP positions.


Following on from a successful series of shorter KTP, this position is a 25-month fixed term appointment for an IT Systems Project Manager.  This is a challenging yet potentially very rewarding opportunity to apply creative and innovative thinking, as well as strong technical skills that will result in an innovative and exploitable capability.  The role will involve the creation of a mobile convergence solution within a company operating over a wide geographical area enabling information and data exchange in real time whilst maintaining data integrity and security. As this is a KTP the Associate will not only be required to research, develop and install the solution but also embed sufficient knowledge within the company to enable them to both use and develop the system in an efficient and sustainable manner.


This is the company’s first KTP and is for a Computer Graphics/Games Programmer for a 30-month project.  The role will involve the researching of all types of 3D terrain generation applications and then the development of proprietary prototype software that will allow for rapid, automatic/semi-automatic 3D terrain content generation for use within the Virtual Battle Space (VBS) 3 game engine. In addition to this, the role will involve embedding the capability within the company to enable further development and exploitation of the software.


Both of these vacancies are in recruitment and they close on Monday 23 March.  Please do share with any candidates who may be interested in these roles.

For further information about KTP, please contact Rachel Clarke, KE Adviser (KTP) on 61347 or email


KTP Academic Development Scheme – join us!

Following on from the launch of the Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) Academic Development Scheme last Autumn, the second cohort is currently in recruitment.

Academics on this scheme now are working towards a target of submitting a KTP proposal within a year of starting the scheme and are currently in various stages leading up to this.  KTP is an excellent way of developing knowledge exchange whilst demonstrating impact and also bringing in income.

The KTP scheme is 40 years old this year and there is a is a lot of funding (managed by Innovate UK) to dedicate to KTP, so why not join in and find out more about KTP?  KTP submissions have a 90% success rate which shows us that there is an huge potential for us to grow our KTP portfolio with a funded scheme that has such a great and solid history.

If you’re working with a business, or want to work with business, find out how KTP could work for you.

For an informal chat about the scheme or an application form, please contact Rachel Clarke Knowledge Exchange Adviser (KTP) on 61347 or email

£5,000 business funding available – Innovation Vouchers

Are you working with business?

Innovation Vouchers are open to all kinds of small businesses.    Businesses  can claim up to £5,000 towards the cost of expert advice if they classify as a start-up, micro or  SME . The funding encourages SMEs and start-ups to seek out fresh knowledge that can help their business to grow and develop. This could include advice on an innovative idea, learning more about using design within the  business or how to make the most of intellectual property.

Business challenge

Innovation Vouchers  have in the past been available only in specific technology areas. Now a business can apply if  they  just meet these simple tests:

• you need specialist help to meet a business challenge

• it’s the first time you have worked with the university (a great first rung on the ladder before a KTP  perhaps?)

You can apply at any time with around 100 vouchers being awarded every 3 months – for 2015 this is April and July. 

For more information, visit the website  Innovation Vouchers .

Innovation Vouchers are funded by Innovate UK. A short guide to  help make clear what an assessor for Innovate UK competitions is looking for has been produced. All of the Innovate UK funding programmes follow a similar pattern and you should bear in mind that the questions are designed to help rather than trip you up. It is important that you answer the questions asked and cover all aspects the Guidance for Applicants describes.




Digital Briefing is out now!




The February/March edition of the Digital Business Briefing is now live. This is a monthly publication that provides a digest of useful information about funding, financing, support and events to assist digital businesses with their innovation and growth strategies. This includes public funding calls, financing mechanisms, support, reports and events from leading organisations including Innovate UK, IC tomorrow, Nesta and Tech City UK. 

This has been combined  into one briefing document published monthly. A quick and easy way to keep up to speed with what is happening in the digital, creative and design sector.

£4M Protecting Data in Industry



Innovate UK is to invest up to £4 million in collaborative research and development (R&D) projects that tackle the growing risks of disruption to internet-enabled businesses and their digital supply chains.

With the Internet of Things providing new sources of data and end-users’ ever-increasing digital footprint, it is difficult to adequately protect the interests of a business, industry or sector. There is also a lack of understanding of the effects disruption may have.  Desired proposals would address the challenge of protecting a business, industry or sector from digital disruption that could compromise data across the digital supply chain.

A series of briefing events are being run during March and April:

Belfast: 25 March 2015 –

Cardiff: 30 March 2015 –

London: 31 March 2015 –

Edinburgh: 01 April 2015 –

Financial technologies funding


Attend the Fintech Innovation Contest Assembly – 25 Feb 2015

This facilitated knowledge sharing and networking event, organised by IC tomorrow, a digital programme for Innovate UK, and the Knowledge Transfer Network brings together leading industry experts to explore the challenges and opportunities around innovation in financial technologies.  There will also be the chance to find out about the upcoming launch of IC tomorrow’s funded ‘Financial Technologies Innovation Contest.

If you have technology or expertise relevant to the financial services industry, or if you are interested to find out about how to navigate this expanding market, then this free evening event is for you. This session provides the opportunity to meet with entrepreneurs, brands, academics, technologists, designers, and thought leaders across a range of financial services sectors.

Register at:

 £175K Financial Technologies Innovation Contest

The IC tomorrow Financial Technologies innovation contest will offer a total of £175k to businesses to encourage innovation within Financial Technologies. Through a range of challenges, including themes of Education, Cyber Security, Transactions, Personal Finance Management, Compliance and Regulation, IC tomorrow are looking for innovative proposals from companies with digital solutions relevant to these themes within the financial sector.

The briefing event will provide an opportunity to get insight about the challenges from our challenge partners and all you need to know about the application process for the Financial Technologies Innovation Contest.

London: 04 March 2015 –

Online Webinar: 04 March 2015 –

Cardiff: 05 March 2015 –

Edinburgh: 10 March 2015 –

Belfast: 11 March 2015 –

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships – what’s in it for you? REF edition

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP)…you may have heard this term before and wondered what they are?  Or maybe you’ve been part of one?  Regardless of your experience with KTP, the scheme is currently in it’s 40th year of operation.  That’s 40 years of government funding dedicated to collaboration between academia and business, 40 years of innovation and 40 years of successful relationships being built (and lasting!) between Universities and business resulting in stronger partnerships boosting both academic expertise and business productivity.

So, what’s so important about this scheme in terms of you?  If we look at it in terms of the REF, recently for REF2014, KTP featured in impact case studies from Universities all around the country.  A few examples of this include an impact case study from us at Bournemouth University, where a KTP with local company Morning Data provided an insight into the success of the project and the impact it had on the company.  A brief insight into this KTP can be found here and the full case study referencing the KTP can be found here.  Other examples of where KTP has informed a REF2014 impact case study is with the University of Teesside, where several KTP have been referenced in this impact case study.  The University of Bristol have also demonstrated the link between KTP and impact by highlighting a KTP in one of their impact case studies.

As we move to REF2020, impact is expected to continue to play a large part of the submissions and as such, KTP is a fantastic way to demonstrate impact from research.

If you would like to receive dedicated support for KTP from the Research and Knowledge Exchange Office, find out about the KTP Academic Development Scheme which is currently in recruitment.  For further information on this scheme or other KTP enquiries, please call Rachel Clarke, Knowledge Exchange Adviser (KTP) on 61347 or email;

Up to £10M Worth of Funding Available for Digital Innovators

Register now for the upcoming events below which will highlight and provide information about Innovate UK funding competitions opening in March 2015.

Digital Business Drop-in – 19 February 2015

Come along to an informal and short Digital Business Drop-in session for an opportunity to meet the representatives of the Innovate UK and the organisations working in partnership to hear about upcoming funding and support available for digital companies and also the chance to showcase your business in a 5 minute presentation. 

Register at:

Attend the Fintech Innovation Contest Assembly – 25 Feb 2015

This facilitated knowledge sharing and networking event, organised by IC tomorrow, a digital programme for Innovate UK, and the Knowledge Transfer Network brings together leading industry experts to explore the challenges and opportunities around innovation in financial technologies.  There will also be the chance to find out about the upcoming launch of IC tomorrow’s funded ‘Financial Technologies Innovation Contest.

If you have technology or expertise relevant to the financial services industry, or if you are interested to find out about how to navigate this expanding market, then this free evening event is for you. This session provides the opportunity to meet with entrepreneurs, brands, academics, technologists, designers, and thought leaders across a range of financial services sectors.

Register at:

 £175K Financial Technologies Innovation Contest

The IC tomorrow Financial Technologies innovation contest will offer a total of £175k to businesses to encourage innovation within Financial Technologies. Through a range of challenges, including themes of Education, Cyber Security, Transactions, Personal Finance Management, Compliance and Regulation, IC tomorrow are looking for innovative proposals from companies with digital solutions relevant to these themes within the financial sector.

The briefing event will provide an opportunity to get insight about the challenges from our challenge partners and all you need to know about the application process for our Financial Technologies Innovation Contest. 

London: 04 March 2015 –

Online Webinar: 04 March 2015 –

Cardiff: 05 March 2015 –

Edinburgh: 10 March 2015 –

Belfast: 11 March 2015 –

 Using Personal Data to Improve User & Customer Experience

London: 17 March 2015 –

Manchester: 19 March 2015 –

Edinburgh: 20 March 2015 –

 £4M Protecting Data in Industry 

Innovate UK is to invest up to £4 million in collaborative research and development (R&D) projects that tackle the growing risks of disruption to internet-enabled businesses and their digital supply chains.

With the Internet of Things providing new sources of data and end-users’ ever-increasing digital footprint, it is difficult to adequately protect the interests of a business, industry or sector. There is also a lack of understanding of the effects disruption may have.  Desired proposals would address the challenge of protecting a business, industry or sector from digital disruption that could compromise data across the digital supply chain.

Belfast: 25 March 2015 –

Cardiff: 30 March 2015 –

London: 31 March 2015 –

Edinburgh: 01 April 2015 –

Innovation in Retail Speed Networking – 31 March 2015

If you are an SME or start-up with an innovative product in the Retail space then this free evening event is for you.

The event will offer chosen companies a series of one-to-one sessions with major retail brands including Argos, John Lewis, Snow & Rock and Liberty of London. The speed networking format has been designed to help connect start-ups and SMEs with larger commercial partners to fuel understanding and enable partnerships. We have up to 15 places available for the most innovative digital companies working in this space.

The aim of this event is to explore opportunities for innovation throughout the Retail industry, from ecommerce & payment through to aspects such as data analytics & personalisation & supply chain management.

Apply here:


European Commission workshop “A European Roadmap for Climate Services”, Brussels, 17 March 2015

This Commission workshop is the first public occasion to present the European Roadmap for Climate Services to stakeholders and key players in the field, share views and experiences on key issues, discuss the challenges and opportunities, and move towards its implementation.  It is aimed in particular at organisations that either produce or supply climate information and intelligence, or are interested as actual or potential users of climate services.

[The Commission attributes a broad meaning to the term “climate services”, which covers the transformation of climate-related data – together with other relevant information – into customised products such as projections, forecasts, information, trends, economic analysis, assessments (including technology assessment), counselling on best practices, development and evaluation of solutions and any other service in relation to climate that may be of use for the society at large.]

The Roadmap, which will be published by the end of February 2015, has been produced by a Commission ad hoc Expert Group, established as one of the main outcomes of the first workshop “Towards a European Market for Climate Services” (18 March 2014). It is not a Commission document, but relied on the involvement of a larger supporting group – including the EC services, Copernicus and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology’s Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) – and on a focused stakeholders’ consultation.  The Roadmap is expected to offer a coherent and focused framework for action, able to leverage on existing initiatives at EU (such as Horizon 2020) and national level, as well as to provide a support framework to local initiatives.

Online registration, draft agenda and further information are available here:

Deadline to register is 10 March, but early registration is recommended as places are limited.








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New KTP call – Stratified Medicine!

Innovate UK have announced a new specific call for Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) in Stratified Medicine.  Stratified medicine in this case means providing the right treatment, at the right time, to the right patient.  The specific call is part of a Stratified Medicine Innovation Platform that is funding a £50 million programme of research and development over five years.

Listed below are the main points for this call:

  • Innovate UK is investing up to £1million to establish new KTP in developing modelling approaches to support the use of stratified medicine in the UK – this is across bioinformatics, systems biology, health economics and analytical algorithms
  • The competition aims to help businesses to achieve access to modelling expertise that allows development of new diagnostic approaches and improves earlier evaluation of diagnostic products

Successful partnerships will enable businesses to advance a product for a stratified approach to treatment, requiring the use of new modelling systems that will either:

  • integrate healthcare and science data, to predict the likelihood of a product demonstrating the intended effect or value in a clinical setting, incorporating approaches such as systems biology or bioinformatics
  • provide innovative multi-parameter algorithms that enhance the predictive strength of a diagnostic test and allow commercialisation
  • provide innovative health economic models for products that will establish new clinical care pathways and allow product adoption
  • This competition aims to allow healthcare- related businesses to use KTP projects to access the modelling skills necessary to improve decision-making and the evaluation of diagnostic tests. This will allow for faster, more predictive and more accurate development of stratified medicine approaches.

Please note that out of scope are modelling approaches that:

  • Do not address a stratified approach to patient treatment
  • Are not related to the advancement of a potential product

There will be a briefing webinar at 13.00 on Thursday 19th February 2015, further information on this webinar can be found here.  Please note this webinar will be recorded and made available for future reference.

This call opens on 2nd March 2015 and closes on 18th November 2015.

If you have any comments or perhaps know of a company who might be interested in this call, please do let me know.  Rachel Clarke, KTP Officer – or 01202 961347.

Partnership opportuntity – Seeking Computational Chemistry Expertise

Strategic Allies have a client who would like to collaborate with a partner that can simulate complex reactions and predict the effects of various adjustments and additions on product yield in a thermal/catalytic cracking reaction. If you   have the ability to carry out chemical experiments in silico, please contact : Yvonne Crocker to discuss this further.

 Yvonne Crocker
Projects Co-ordinator
Strategic Allies Ltd

Tel. + 44 (0)1442 860634

SW businesses can benefit from £5k of funding from Creative England

Creative England is offering creative digital businesses in the South West the chance to apply for a third round of Business Strategy and Innovation Vouchers.

The scheme provides companies with £1,000 – £5,000 to subsidise much of the cost of procuring expert third party services in order to aid growth.

Funded by the Creative Industries iNet programme through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Regional Growth Fund (RGF), the initiative focuses strongly on digital innovation and business strategy.

The Creative England Innovation Programme helps creative companies build and sell innovative products and services more successfully. This work is delivered through structured projects – which include seed investment, mentoring, marketing, and business support, planning and strategy. These projects help companies jump over business barriers to grow more quickly and profitably.

In order to apply to this round, businesses must be based in Bristol, Bath, Dorset, Devon, Wiltshire, Somerset or Gloucestershire, and be able to provide a total equalling 30% of the requested amount in match funding.

The voucher scheme is part of a wider £314k programme of support through the Creative England Innovation Programme.

Applications for the Voucher Scheme close on February 27th, 2015. For more information please read the guidelines below. Companies can apply directly here.


North Wales Brain Injury Service – Independence in cooking tasks

This competition aims to promote independence in cooking tasks , to identify and develop innovative solutions that maximise the benefits for brain injury service users’ and benefits for public services.

On Thursday 26th February 2015 the competition will launch to seek and develop innovative solutions that will promote independence in cooking activities for North Wales Brain Injury Service users rather than current practice which involves direct one to one prompting from therapists and support workers. 

Organisations will be invited to compete for a share of a total £160,000 fund for the further development and commercialisation of innovative technologies, processes and business models.

The competition will open on 26th February 2015 and close on 20 April 2015. There will  be a formal launch event on Monday 23rd March 2015 in Wrexham.   

Once the competition is open, interested parties will be able to get further information, register their interest and book a place at the briefing event on 23rd March 2015 via the following email address;

 For further details click here.