Tagged / event

Postdoc Appreciation Week: Postdoc Appreciation meet-up

This week is UK Postdoc Appreciation Week and we are celebrating and showcasing the achievements of our postdoctoral researchers and their important contribution to research at BU. 

To mark the week, we hosted a Postdoc Appreciation meet-up event on Talbot Campus…

A photo through a window of people gathered in a room with a poster saying Postdoc Appreciation Week

The Postdoc Appreciation Week meet-up

The event offered the opportunity for postdoctoral researchers, their line managers, and research staff from across the university to come together and network, as well as find out more about current postdoctoral research taking place at BU.

The event was opened by Professor Mike Silk, Co-Chair of the Research Concordat Steering Group at BU.

Introducing the event as an opportunity to increase and enhance the visibility of postdoc researchers at BU, he said: “Postdoctoral researchers really are the ones who drive forward the research agenda at any institution.

“They are the lifeblood of my research and career – I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing without the postdoctoral researchers that I have managed.”

As part of the event, postdoctoral researchers Sina Safari and Anastasia Vayona presented short summaries of their current research.

Sina Safari stood in front of a screen

Sina Safari presents his work as part of the ADDISONIC cluster

Sina, a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Structural Dynamics and Advanced Materials, shared his work as part of the ADDISONIC research cluster, which is looking at how ultrasonic fatigue testing can provide valuable data around how long materials will last.

The work has applications for industry in helping them develop more robust modelling around the lifespan of materials, as well as exploring ways of potentially using less material while extending their life.

Anastasia, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Social Science and Policy, spoke about her research exploring greenwashing, wish cycling and the circular economy.

Anastasia Vayona presenting her research

Anastasia Vayona presenting her research into the circular economy

She shared a brief history of the introduction of plastic packaging and the development of a ‘throwaway culture’, which peaked around the 1990s. She also spoke about some of the challenges around recycling – including the responsibility being largely left with consumers, and unclear messaging which leads to recycling becoming contaminated and ended up in landfill.

The event ended with the chance to chat over coffee and cake, and offered a great opportunity to learn more about postdoctoral research at BU and meet some of our current researchers, as well as say thank you for the contribution they make to research at BU. The hope is to hold similar events in future – watch this space!

If you’d like to write a blog post to share your appreciation for our postdoctoral researchers, please contact research@bournemouth.ac.uk. You can also get involved on social media during Postdoc Appreciation Week by using #LovePostdocs and #NPAW2023 on Twitter and Instagram and tagging us @BU_Research or @UK_NPAW.



Repurposing Your Unsuccessful Grant Applications

Have you been unsuccessful with a grant application and don’t know what to do next? Don’t give up!!



This session will cover best practice for repurposing unsuccessful applications for external funding.

Beginning from the research itself and how to reshape it, the session will then cover the predominant differences between the UK funders and the types of schemes they offer.

The value of feedback – from the funder or from peers will be discussed. Participants will be asked to select a potential new funder or scheme for their unsuccessful application and develop a pitch for a revised application.


  • Understanding of what makes a successful application
  • Knowledge of the UK funding landscape and the schemes available
  • Draft pitch for a repurposed application

Repurposing Your Unsuccessful Grant Applications

Tuesday, 04/07/23    09:30 – 11:00  On line workshop


To book a place on this workshop, please complete the Booking Form


For any specific queries regarding this Workshop please contact Research Facilitators:      Kate Percival kpercival@bournemouth.ac.uk, Zarak Afzal zafzal@bournemouth.ac.uk,                Ainar Blaudums  ablaudums@bournemouth.ac.uk ,   Eva Papadopoulou epapadopoulou@bournemouth.ac.uk,

Here are some great RKEDF training events coming up in July

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Here are some great RKEDF training events coming up in July


Repurposing Your Unsuccessful Grant Applications 

  • Tuesday, 4 July 09:30-11:00 Online book here

The session is aimed at ECR’s and will cover best practice for repurposing unsuccessful applications for external funding


RedCap system training

  • Thursday, 13 July 11:00-16:00 Lansdowne Campus book here

RedCap system training is aimed at HSS academic and researchers conducting clinical research where clinical data is being collected and needs to be stored in a central place during the conduct of the study.


Preparing for External Audits – An Academics Perspective

  • Wednesday, 12 July 10:00 – 11:00 Talbot Campus book here
  • Thursday, 13 July 13:00-14:00 Talbot Campus book here

This session is aimed at all academics and researchers wanting to gain a better understanding of their role and responsibilities in preparing their externally funded research projects for external audit.

Budget Management for RKE Projects

  • Wednesday, 12 July 13:00 – 14:00 Talbot Campus book here
  • Thursday 13th July, 10:00 – 11:00 Lansdowne Campus book here

By the end of the session, all academics and researchers will have a good foundation in what funders look for when carrying out audits and how best to prepare proactively over the project period.


*If there are any sessions that are already fully booked, please make sure you add your name to the waiting list.

If you have any queries, please get in touch


The RKEDF Team

Global Consortium in Public Health meets in Huddersfield

On Monday and Tuesday 18-19 June the University of Huddersfield will organize its Global Consortium in Public Health meeting. This meeting is the brain child of Prof. Padam Simkhada, he is Visiting Professor at Bournemouth University and based at the University of Huddersfield.  The event brings together public health researchers and experts from the UK, the USA, Ghana, Nepal, India, Qatar and Brazil to discuss the latest developments and challenges in the field. The Global Consortium in Public Health is an international network of public health researchers, practitioners, and policymakers who are committed to advancing the field of public health through collaborative research, education, and advocacy. The consortium provides a platform for sharing best practices and building future collaborations.

On Monday 19th June Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen will be talking about the REF 2028 and the importance of strong international partnerships in the fields of research and education.  BU’s Dr. Pramod Regmi was also invited to this event in Huddersfield, but he is on his way to Nepal as part of Bournemouth University’s Erasmus+ staff and student exchange with Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences (MMIHS).

Looking to cook up new research related to Media and Social Justice? Join us!

Apply to participate here! More details below.

Media Industries and Social Justice Sandpit

Co-organised by the Media Production department and CESJ (the Centre for the Study of Conflict, Emotion and Social Justice).

19th and 20th July, 2023 (venue TBC)

This two-day sandpit creates a dynamic approach to the development of concepts for innovative projects and funding bids. By the end of both days, the participants will form interdisciplinary project teams and generate proposals (including pinpointing external partners) for funded projects on media and social justice issues. See more details in the programme outline.

The event will involve participants from across BU, who are interested in, or already doing research on, social justice issues. It will establish an interdisciplinary dialogue, enhance the scope for public engagement or knowledge transfer, increase the potential for impact, improve the chances for successful bids, and establish cross-institutional networks as seedbeds for future projects.

The sandpit will culminate in project pitches to a panel of senior staff (see below) for constructive feedback and for allocating a bid-writing mentor. After the event, the teams will be offered mentorship to support writing the full funding application.

Sandpit Programme Outline

Sandpit Programme Outline

Who should participate:

We welcome any BU-based junior to mid-career researcher, artist, practitioner or anyone with a general interest in media and social justice. You should be keen to work in a multidisciplinary team, and willing to commit to attending the full sandpit, on both days. No prior experience of research funding is required.

How to participate:

To secure your spot in the Sandpit, please complete and submit the following application – note that all participants must commit to attending both full days:

APPLY HERE BY 23rd JUNE: https://forms.office.com/r/Ezix4LkcL0

The event will be facilitated by Dr. Catalin Brylla and Dr. Lyle Skains, and the pitching panel and mentors will include Prof. Richard Berger, Prof. Candida Yates, Prof. Christa van Raalte, Dr. Sue Sudbury, Dr. Christopher Pullen, and Dr. Karl Rawstrone.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact Catalin at cbrylla@bournemouth.ac.uk, or Lyle at lskains@bournemouth.ac.uk.

Artificial Intelligence – RKEDF Workshop on Thursday, 29th June

If you are interested in exploring ways in which AI could be utilised to deliver new or enhanced ways of working,

then put 29 June 2023 in your diary



AI is pervasive and will – for better or worse – hugely impact the nature of business, as well as society at large.

BU will be hosting a workshop where you can connect with expert colleagues at Bournemouth University who are involved in a range of AI research projects. There will also be a chance to find out about major funding opportunities connected with AI, build connections, and hear about support that you can access when applying for funding.


  • Learning more about AI research at BU
  • Building connections with Businesses working in AI
  • Meeting with BU colleagues doing AI research
  • Learning about AI research funding opportunities
  • Learning about support available for research applications

The event will take place on 29th June 2023, from 08.30 to 13:30 at Lansdowne Campus and catering will be available.

To book a place for the BU Artificial Intelligence Workshop, please complete the Booking Form.

For any queries regarding the content of this session, please email Zarak Afzal or Finn Morgan

BU Research Conference – one week to go!

There’s still time to book your place for the BU Research Conference, which takes place next Wednesday (14 June) in the Fusion Building.

The theme for this year’s conference is embracing failure, looking at how we can overcome and learn from the moments that don’t go to plan.

Speakers include BU Honorary Doctorate recipient Dr Jan Peters MBE, Professors Ann Hemingway and Sam Goodman, and Robert Seaborne from Inside Academia. You’ll also have chance to take part in practical workshops covering topics including building resilience, repurposing funding applications, and improving writing practices.  

Lunch and refreshments are provided, and you’ll be able to create your own ‘failure cake’ with members of the Centre for Science, Health and Data Communication Research.

Following the conference, a drinks reception will provide the opportunity to network and share your experiences over a beverage or two.

We’re hoping it will be an inspiring and informative day, and we’d love to see you there.

Find out more and book your place via Eventbrite