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Register to attend | The 16th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference

The 16th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference 2024 will take place on Wednesday 27 November, and registrations are open!

We are excited to share with you that the full conference brochure is now available.

The programme of the day will be as follows:
09:00 – 10:00 Poster Exhibition| FG06 & FG07
10:00 Opening Remarks | Dr Fiona Knight & Dr Julia Taylor, Heads of the Doctoral College | Share LT
10:05 – 10:15 Welcome from the Vice-Chancellor | Professor Alison Honour | Share LT
10:15 – 11:15 Session 1 Oral Presentations | Share LT
11:15 – 11:30 Comfort break
11:30 – 12:30 Session 2 Oral Presentations | Share LT
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break & Poster Viewings | FG06 & FG07
13:30 – 13:35 Welcome from the Pro Vice-Chancellor Research and Knowledge Exchange | Professor Sarah Bate | Share LT
13:35 – 14:15 Keynote speaker | Professor Mary Davis (Oxford Brookes University) | Research integrity in the age of AI | Share LT
14:15 – 15:15 Session 3 Oral Presentations | Share LT
15:15 – 15:25 Comfort break
15:25 – 16:25 Session 4 Oral Presentations | Share LT
16:30 Closing Remarks

Conference brochure

This conference is a celebration of the incredible work being carried out by our postgraduate researchers, and we are proud to provide this platform for sharing knowledge, fostering collaboration and building connections. Whether you are presenting, exhibiting, or attending, this is a wonderful opportunity to network with fellow PGRs, colleagues from across the university and external visitors.

Poster and oral presenters do not need to register as their participation has already been confirmed.
This conference is open to external participants, please share this invite with companies and organisations you are cooperating with.

Register to attend

We look forward to meeting you on Wednesday 27 November. Don’t miss this chance to celebrate research and collaboration!

Best wishes,
The PGR Conference Team

Enrica Conrotto – Doctoral College Programme Manager
Arabella Moyse – Doctoral College Marketing & Events Coordinator
Zoe Leonard – Postgraduate Research Administrator


Using REDCap for data management in the whole research data lifecycle

Using REDCap for data management in the whole research data lifecycle

9am to 4pm 5 December 2024

Advanced course in person at Bournemouth Gateway Building 12 St Paul’s Lane Bournemouth BH8 8GP

Session 1: 09:00-12:00

Lunch break (lunch will be provided)

Session 2: 13:00 -16:00

Book here

Those with some basic REDCap knowledge* will be led by our external REDCap expert (Will Crocombe) though more in-depth real-world scenarios using REDCap.

Completion of the of basic training ‘REDCap A recommended tool for Data Management in Research Projects’ will enable participants to benefit from this advanced course.

What you will need for this course: Your own laptop and completion of ‘Recommended tools for Data Management in Research Projects’

Topics to be covered:

  • Data management – data workflow, queries and audit trail, site management
  • Simple randomisation – stratified lists
  • Electronic consent – design and setup
  • Longitudinal data collection – events and repeating forms
  • Surveys – patient data collection
  • Mobile data collection – using the REDCap mobile app

Our REDCap expert will do a small presentation on each topic and then arrange participants into small teams to carry out tasks on the topic. Our expert will be on hand to help and guide the teams through the tasks and will summarise the experiences, ‘take-homes’ and key learning at the end. At the end of the course, participants will be able to confidently set-up and use all the features in the training course.Refreshments will be provided

Book here

REDCap Key Features:

  1. Data Collection: REDCap allows users to easily create and manage data collection forms, which can be used for various purposes like surveys, longitudinal studies, or clinical trials.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: It provides an intuitive, web-based interface for project setup and data entry, allowing non-technical users to create complex projects without needing programming skills.
    1. Easy to Design Forms: REDCap provides a user-friendly interface for creating and designing online surveys and databases without needing advanced programming skills.
    2. Drag-and-Drop Interface: Allows for easy form building and question arrangement.
  3. Secure and Compliant: REDCap supports HIPAA compliance and other data security standards as GDPR and FISMA, making it suitable for handling sensitive or protected health information (PHI).
  4. Customisability: Users can customize forms, surveys, and workflows to suit their project needs, and it supports branching logic, validation, and automated alerts.
    1. Flexible Form Design: You can create complex branching logic, calculated fields, and use piping to personalize questions.
    2. Autonomy for Researchers: Users can independently design and manage their projects without needing IT support.
  5. Collaboration: It enables collaboration across institutions, allowing multiple users with different permission levels to work on the same project.
  6. Longitudinal Data Collection: It supports collecting data over time from the same participants, which is important for research projects that involve repeated measurements.
  7. Shared Library: REDCap’s Shared Library allows users to browse and search for data entry forms that other users have uploaded.
  8. Data Export: Data collected in REDCap can be exported to various statistical software formats (e.g., SPSS, SAS, Stata, R) for analysis

November Digest RKEDF

Book now for RKEDF training in November 2024

Click on the titles to find further details and book your place

Do you need to know about the Research & Enterprise Database? This online training session on Weds 27 November, 13.00-13.30, is aimed at all academics to provide an overview of the Research & Enterprise Database. This includes how to access the system, the information available to view, budget management, and identifying your pre and post award officers. Book your place here

REF for ECR’S: A beginners guide!

This in-person session on Weds 20 November 2024, 13:00-15:00, will introduce you to what the REF is, where it came from, where it’s going, and how it may impact you as an early career researcher. We will also discuss any questions you have around expectations and processes at BU and experiences will be shared by academics with previous and current involvement in REF.

Telling a compelling story & developing a KTP application

One of a series of in-person developmental sessions on Weds 20 November, 13:00-14:00, for staff (and businesses) to debunk myths, provide insights, and forge connections, this in person session on will focus on telling a compelling story and developing a coherent and convincing Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) application.

BRIAN drop-in surgery

This is a 2-hour, in-person, drop-in surgery for questions or issues relating to BRIAN.  No question is a stupid question so pop in and ask.  No booking required – drop-in between 13:00 and 14:00 on Tues 26 November, at BG-217 Gateway Building, Lansdowne campus.

Epigeum Research Skills Toolkit 

Do you want to refresh your researcher skills? Have a look at the Epigeum Research Skills Toolkit (on demand online modules).  Further information on how to access Epigeum courses can be found here

Look out for events in early December, to be announced soon!

A close-up of a blue and white megaphoneDescription automatically generatedPlease help us in avoiding any waste of resources; make sure you can attend or cancel your booking prior to the session. For any further information, please contact


The Leverhulme Trust Visit to BU, 4th December now open for bookings-

Online event – 4 December 13.00-14.30

Join us at our upcoming virtual visit from The Leverhulme Trust, The Trust has been funding research for almost 100 years and has an essential role in the UK research funding landscape via its support for fundamental and higher-risk research, which has become much scarcer in some disciplines in recent years.

We will hear from the Director of Leverhulme about the funding schemes they offer, advice for applicants, Strategy and Looking into the future.

You are all welcome to join us and you will get a chance to raise your questions – to make the process easier can you please sent Eva Papadopoulou your questions in advance so we can coordinate them.

For more information about Leverhulme Trust visit and if you have any questions, please contact RDS.

Please book here: The Leverhulme Trust – funding development Tickets, Wed 4 Dec 2024 at 13:00 | Eventbrite

REDCap – Recommended tools for Data Management in Research Projects

Recommended tools for Data Management in Research Projects

4 December 2024, 09:00 -13:00 Book here

Learn about data collection and management best practices in research and why REDCap is better that MS Excel or Qualtrics for almost every type of data collection, either through online surveys or direct entry into a database.

Our REDCap expert (Will Crocombe) will show you why this tool has been used in 2.2 million research projects worldwide to date, and with no prior knowledge, you will learn to use REDCap and be ready to use it in your next investigation at the end of this course.

Attendees on the basic course will learn:

What is REDCap and why is it important?

  • What can REDCap do and who uses it. Data management expectations, data integrity and quality, safety and security.

Data collection forms and data entry – the basics

  • Understand basics of field types and form design, build a simple study and add some data. Review form status and dashboard.

Improving usability

  • Data range checks, action tags, field skipping, option lists, calculated fields.
  • Use of Data Quality Rules, inbuilt and custom, calculations.

Data import and export

  • Data export options and format. Import features and use as data editor.
  • Data Dictionary and metadata.

So why use REDCap?

REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure, web-based software platform designed for building and managing online surveys and databases. Originally developed at Vanderbilt University, it has become widely used all over the world in academic, non-profit, and government institutions, particularly for research and clinical data management.

REDCap is considered better than Microsoft Excel for data collection and management because it is more secure, offers better data quality, and is easier to use.

Qualtrics and REDCap are both easy to use, but REDCap is more customisable and supports data entry workflows, including multiple user roles and permissions, which are particularly useful in collaborative research teams. Additionally, REDCap supports audit trails for data entries and changes, critical for research reproducibility. Qualtrics can be expensive, especially to access advanced features, while all features in REDCap are free.

For further information on this event please contact

Book here

REDCap Key Features:

  1. Data Collection: REDCap allows users to easily create and manage data collection forms, which can be used for various purposes like surveys, longitudinal studies, or clinical trials.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: It provides an intuitive, web-based interface for project setup and data entry, allowing non-technical users to create complex projects without needing programming skills.
    1. Easy to Design Forms: REDCap provides a user-friendly interface for creating and designing online surveys and databases without needing advanced programming skills.
    2. Drag-and-Drop Interface: Allows for easy form building and question arrangement.
  3. Secure and Compliant: REDCap supports HIPAA compliance and other data security standards as GDPR and FISMA, making it suitable for handling sensitive or protected health information (PHI).
  4. Customisability: Users can customize forms, surveys, and workflows to suit their project needs, and it supports branching logic, validation, and automated alerts.
    1. Flexible Form Design: You can create complex branching logic, calculated fields, and use piping to personalize questions.
    2. Autonomy for Researchers: Users can independently design and manage their projects without needing IT support.
  5. Collaboration: It enables collaboration across institutions, allowing multiple users with different permission levels to work on the same project.
  6. Longitudinal Data Collection: It supports collecting data over time from the same participants, which is important for research projects that involve repeated measurements.
  7. Shared Library: REDCap’s Shared Library allows users to browse and search for data entry forms that other users have uploaded.
  8. Data Export: Data collected in REDCap can be exported to various statistical software formats (e.g., SPSS, SAS, Stata, R) for analysis

RKEDF: Principal Investigation – Post Award for RKE

Are you a Principal Investigator or planning to be one? Then book now for 6 November.


This session on Wednesday 6 November 2024 at 13.00 to 14.30 is for researchers who are or plan to be a Principal Investigator for an externally funded research or knowledge exchange project.

Topics covered include:

• What is post award?
• Roles and responsibilities
• Systems
• Key policies
• Starting your awarded project
• Making changes to your project and reporting
• Hints and tips

By the end of the session, attendees will have a strong foundation of what to expect when being responsible for their awarded projects.

Book your place here.

For any queries regarding this workshop, please contact RKE Development Framework

The Innovation Common Room returns to FG04 on Wednesday 9 October 1-3:30pm

The Innovation Common Room offers researchers the opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and provide mentorship in a casual environment over coffee.

Academics are welcome to invite their Post-Graduate Students

Please contact Wendelin Morrison, BU Knowledge Exchange Manager, if you would like more information: