We had a fantastic time identifying research priorities with local older people at the ADRC coffee morning on 12th July 2023.
During the event we heard from Bournemouth University researchers (see below) about their projects. After lunch, we spent time discussing local issues and research gaps that were pertinent to the group. Attendees highlighted a wide range of topics from nutrition to knickers (yes really!). We hope to take forwards some of these ideas in our future research and are working with a smaller number of the group to discuss how they might become more involved in developing research as co-researchers – watch this space for further updates!

Thanks to all attendees and speakers for the engaging discussions which made the event so enjoyable:
- Strategies to promote activities of daily living in people with long term conditions. Matthew Armstrong
- Harnessing digital technologies to support older adults’ social wellbeing and inclusion. Catherine Talbot
- An exploration of the meaning of participation for older adults of diverse cultural backgrounds to inform student education. Büşra Yildiz
- Supporting people living with dementia at home: Practical ways to improve eating and drinking. Gladys Yinusa
- End of life care for people with dementia in care homes. Ashley Spriggs
- The need for culturally sensitive dementia education. Michele Board

Thanks also to the British Society of Gerontology* (BSG) for funding this event under the Small Grant scheme!
If your research is focused on ageing or dementia and you would like to present at a future ADRC coffee morning please email adrc@bournemouth.ac.uk
*Please note the views expressed and discussions may not represent the views of the BSG. For more information about the BSG, visit https://www.britishgerontology.org/