Tagged / PG supervision

Congratulations to Dr. Tsofliou

Earlier this month the scientific journal Psychology & Health published the paper ‘Effectiveness of client-centred counselling on weight management among Black African women with overweight and obesity in high-income countries: a systematic review’ [1].   This paper is based on the work of Itse Olaoye, a PhD student at St Mary’s University, London.  Bournemouth University’s Dr Fotini Tsofliou is part of the student’s interdisciplinary supervisory team together with academics from the Faculty of Sport, Allied Health and Performance Science at St Mary’s University, London.
The message in the paper is that client-centred counselling appears promising for weight management in Black African women with overweight or obesity. Long-term follow-up studies are needed to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of these interventions in this population over time.
Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen
Centre for Midwifery & Women’s Health
  1. Olaoye, I., Myrissa, K., Kelaiditi, E., Tsofliou, F., & Brown, N. (2025). Effectiveness of client-centred counselling on weight management among Black African women with overweight and obesity in high-income countries: a systematic review. Psychology & Health, 1–32. [Published online: 11 Mar 2025]  https://doi.org/10.1080/08870446.2025.2475161


Postgraduate Research Showcase & Celebration

Get ready for the Postgraduate Research Showcase and Celebration! All PGRs and Supervisors are invited! 

The Doctoral College Postgraduate Research Showcase is scheduled to take place at the Atrium Gallery from 3 to 28 February 2025. This exhibition will showcase a selection of the posters presented at the 16th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference.

To launch the showcase, we are hosting the PGR Showcase Celebration event, as part of our 3C event series (Culture, Community & Cake). PGRs and Supervisors are invited to this social gathering and this time we are swapping out the cake for cheese and wine!

Date: Wednesday 5 February

Time: 15:00-16:00

Location: Atrium Galley, Poole House, Talbot Campus

Meet fellow researchers and academics, support your PGR community and celebrate some of the amazing research that is taking place at BU!

Don’t miss out, book your place below:

Showcase Celebration – register here

Any Questions please contact pgconference@bournemouth.ac.uk

Best wishes,

The Doctoral College

Next week! 3C Event – PGR Culture, Community & Cake

All PGRs and Supervisors are warmly invited to attend next week’s Doctoral College 3C event! 

The 3C events are a perfect opportunity to catch up and network with the PGR community in a social setting. Don’t miss out on the chance to make new connections whilst enjoying some coffee and cake!

Following feedback from the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES), we will be hosting this 3C event on the Lansdowne Campus.

Join us Wednesday 13 November 10:00-11:00 in room BG-302.

Let’s foster collaboration, support and networking!

Book now

Upcoming 3C Event – PGR Culture, Community & Cake

Don’t miss out on your chance to book onto our upcoming 3C event! Join us Tuesday 14 May 10:00-11:00 in room K101, Kimmeridge House.

All PGRs and Supervisors are warmly invited to participate and contribute to this enriching and delicious gathering. This social event is a catch-up opportunity to meet informally with the PGR community and make new connections whilst enjoying some coffee and cake.

Places are limited so book as soon as possible.

Let’s foster collaboration, support and networking!

Book now

Best wishes,

The Doctoral College

Getting Out There

When I finished my PhD here at BU in 2006, all I had to show for it was…a PhD. There is nothing wrong with that, but my research career only really began when I had completed my doctoral studies; I presented my first international conference paper the following year, and my first journal article finally appeared a year after that.

Now I’m a supervisor of PhD students, and most are already submitting their work to conferences and writing journal articles. This provides a corollary to my own advice and support, and in many ways it also holds me to account. In June, the Times Higher Education reported that:

 “For those hoping to progress to a more stable academic career, the figures make for depressing reading. The NSF estimates that only 26 per cent of recent PhD recipients in the US will secure a tenure-track position. UK postdocs appear to have even more reason for pessimism” (Jump, 2011).

This is rather a bleak assessment, but even so, it is clear that a PhD is no longer the ‘entry level’ route into a research career it once was. At BU, we want our PGRs to be competitive, so it is imperative that our PGRs have a clutch of conference papers, a publication-or-two and a bit of teaching experience behind them on exiting their doctoral research.

This workload must of course be carefully managed, but there is nothing to stop full-time BU PGRs undertaking our P/G Cert in Education Practice. As for publications, there are now hundreds of open access journals online, and even some of the most prestigious ones have themed issues and room for smaller ‘research reports’ on work in progress. All supervisors need to be aware of these places and not leave it for their students to find them.

BU has a postgraduate conference each year, which is an excellent nursery for presenting at national and international conferences later. Most subject areas now have established conferences; the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association has both a national conference and a dedicated postgraduate one – which BU hosted this year. Just last week I met an eminent broadcasting history scholar who praised a BU PGR she had seen at a recent symposium in Winchester. This can only reflect well on us and validates the students’ work.

So if our PhD students finished with…just a PhD, then to an extent we have failed them. Part of being a good PhD supervisor is not just to help bring the project to completion, but to also nurture the beginnings of a research career; the dialogue with ‘outside’ scholarship needs to get going as soon as possible.


Richard Berger – Associate Prof & Head of Postgraduate Research, The Media School.

Upcoming Missenden Centre workshops – book your place now!

The Missenden Centre still has places available on a number excellent workshops this autumn/winter.

The Research Development Unit has some funds available to support academics and research support staff to attend. If you are interested please contact Julie Northam in the first instance.

Ensuring PhD completions for REF 2014
15/16 September
With: John Wakeford, Head of Missenden Centre and Fiona Denney, Head of Postgraduate Development at King’s College London
Special session for academic, registry and graduate school staff

Successful bidding: third of our day clinics
18 November
With: John Wakeford
Bring a draft or previously unsuccessful application for advice on how to turn it into an award-winning form.

Bidding for research funding: pathways to success
9/10 November for academics
10/11 November for research support staff
With Sarah Andrew, Dean of Applied and Health Sciences, University of Chester
Robert Crawshaw, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Lancaster University
‘The course was excellent. I think it will probably change my entire approach to writing grant proposals and will most wholeheartedly recommend it to my colleagues. So, once again, many thanks.’  Dr. Miriam V. Dwek, Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry, University of Westminster.

Effective supervision
12/13 January
Our unique preparation for supervisors and those with responsibilities for training them.

Speak to the Research Development Unit and book your place now!