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Your chance to attend one of the AHRC’s theme events and contribute to the future funding agenda

The AHRC are organising three open events for people to come and find out more about their themes, to provide input into the future development of the themes and to give an opportunity for networking.

Details about the events and how to register have been added to the AHRC website today: http://www.ahrc.ac.uk/News/Events/Pages/AHRCThemeEvents.aspx

The themes are:

• Care for the Future
• Digital Transformations
• Science in Culture
• Translating Cultures
• Connected Communities

The events will be held on the following dates:

Wednesday 4 July – University of Manchester: 10am – 3.30pm
Monday 16 July – Avonmouth House London: 10am – 3.30pm
Friday 20 July – Edinburgh (venue tbc): 10am – 3.30pm

These events provide academics with an excellent opportunity to find out what is happening with each of the themes and to contribute to the development of the future agenda and funding calls. They also provide the opportunity to network with colleagues with similar research interests and to test out ideas.

UK Research Councils respond to Horizon 2020 proposal

This month the RCUK released their response to the proposals for Horizon 2020. The RCUK response represents the collective views of the seven UK Research Councils in response to the proposed structure and scope of Horizon 2020 as set out in the Commission’s proposals.

You can read the full document here but highlights include praise for emphasis on excellence and capacity, praise for tackling Societal Challenges and a recognition of praise for the retaining of schemes such as Marie Curie. It raises concerns over  proposals for  ‘Inclusive Innovative and Secure Societies’ challenge as this seems to bring together a large number of disparate activities in a way that may not be the most coherent or effective and calls for the contribution of social sciences and humanities to each of the Societal Challenges to be better articulated.


Fusion Investment Fund Applications – Four Weeks to go!

I hope you enjoyed the Diamond Jubilee celebrations this weekend.  With the help of our surgeries you might also be toasting a successful application to the FIF.

We still have another four weeks to get applications in, let me remind you of our exciting series of workshop and surgeries booking now:

Strengthening your FIF Proposal:

Thursday 7th June 2012, 09:30-13:30 – EB202, EBC (LC)

Thursday 7th June 2012, 12:30-16:30 – EB202, EBC (LC)

This session will be lead by John Wakeford from the Missenden Centre and will provide academics who have drafted their FIF proposals with the opportunity to have their proposals reviewed by John Wakeford and to identify areas that could be strengthened. Max of 12 attendees per session. Lunch included from 12:30 to 13:30.

Fusion Investment Fund surgeries:

Thursday 7th June 2012, 12:00-14:00 – PG146, Thomas Hardy Suite (TC)

Friday 22th June 2012, 12:00-14:00 – P403, Poole House (TC)

These surgeries will provide academics preparing proposals for one of the FIF strands with the opportunity to bring their ideas and drafts to discuss with Matthew Bennett and a team of Professors and to test out what makes a good, fundable proposal with a competitive edge. Max of 30 attendees per session.

The Perfect FIF Proposal:

Friday 8th June 2012, 13:30-16:00 – MG01, Melbury House (LC)

This session will be led by Matthew Bennett and will focus on writing the perfect proposal for the Fusion Investment Fund strands. Max of 30 attendees per session.

  •  Booking onto a session is easy, simply click the link to be taken to Staff Development bookings page.


Applying to the fund:

To apply to the fund please see the information here on our intranet pages.

The email to submit to the fund and if you have any queries is FusionFund@bournemouth.ac.uk.



Sam Furr

The Research Blog wins a GOLD Heist award!

Last week the BU Research Blog won a prestigious Gold Heist Award in the Best Internal Communication Campaign category at a glittering awards ceremony in Leeds. HURRAY! 😀

The Best Internal Communication Campaign category examines awareness campaigns aimed at staff, students or both. Judges were looking for a project with the purpose of improving internal knowledge, awareness and engagement. There were 10 institutions short-listed in the category.

The judges commented that the Research Blog was a innovative within the sector and a ‘great way to motivate and engage with staff, bringing a sense of community’.

The Heist Awards have grown continually over the past 20 years to become the premier awards programme for Education Marketing within further and higher educaton and its aim is to recognise and celebrate professionalism and innovation in the sector.

Thank you to everyone who contributes to the Research Blog by subscribing to the daily digest, adding posts, alerting us to news stories, adding comments, etc, and also to CEMP for designing and maintaining the Blog.

Importance of Publishing – and other PGR Researcher Development actvities (June 2012)

Updated sessions for the BU Researcher Development Programme for June 2012 are below. 

Booking is essential as places are limited – details of how to book are listed under each session.

Importance of Publishing

  • Date: Wednesday 13 June 2012
  • Time: 9.30 am – 13:00 (with lunch provided)
  • Room: TAG02
  • Facilitators: see below
  • Booking: graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk
  • Outline:  Publishing is an integral part of a researcher’s professional life and the workshop aims to outline the process of publishing research papers in journals and conference proceedings.  A provisional timetable is detailed below:
    • 09:30 – 10:00 – Introduction to the importance of publishing – Prof. Tiantian Zhang (Graduate School)
    •  10:00 – 10:45 – Publishing in the Sciences – Speaker TBC
    •  10:45 – 11:00 – Break
    •  11:00 – 11:45 – Publishing in the Humanities – Prof. Stuart Allan (Media School)
    •  11: 45 – 13:00 – Publishing’s Perspectives on Publishing – Prof. Tom Watson and Meet the Editors – Prof. Francis Biley and Prof. Edwin Van Teijlingen
    • 13:00 – Lunch will be provided

 Academic Writing Skills Course

  • Outline: This workshop covers essential good practice in writing, editing techniques and methods of improving organisation
  • Date: Monday 18 June 2012
  • Time: 09.30 am – 4.30 pm (lunch will be provided)
  • Room: P401, Poole House, Talbot Campus
  • Facilitator: Sue Mitchell (external visitor)
  • Booking: graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk  FULLY BOOKED – places still available for the same workshop on 19 June (see below)

Academic Writing Skills Course

  • Outline: This workshop covers essential good practice in writing, editing techniques and methods of improving organisation
  • Date: Tuesday 19 June 2012
  • Time: 09.30 am – 4.30 pm (lunch will be provided)
  • Room: EBC704, Executive Business Centre, Lansdowne Campus
  • Facilitator: Sue Mitchell (external visitor)
  • Booking: graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk There are limited places available for this workshop, so book early to avoid disappointment!

Postgraduate Research Conference

  • Outline: This annual conference is designed to showcase the best of BU’s postgraduate research and to provide a unique opportunity for PGRs to present their work within a learning environment. Our multi-disciplinary conference will allow for cross-school interaction as well as opportunities for collaboration, where appropriate. Full details can be found here
  • Date: Thursday 28 June 2012
  • Time: 09.30 am – 4.30 pm (lunch will be provided)
  • Room: Thomas Hardy Suite
  • Booking: graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk  

Details of further workshops coming soon!

Details will be published on the BU Research Blog, so subscribe today to the BU Research Blog to keep in touch with current events to avoid the disappointment of missing out!

Increasing publication impact – publishing in journals covered by the main external publication databases

Publishing in journals covered by the main external publication databases, such as Scopus and the Web of Science, will give your research greater visibility and will ensure that citations received are counted in your citation metrics (for example, in your Scopus H-index). The journals that tend to be covered by these external databases are the ones produced by the big publishing houses – Wiley-Blackwell, Elsevier, Springer, etc. These journals are likely to have larger readerships and greater institutional subscriptions than journals published by smaller publishers, which will increase the potential visibility of your research and therefore the potential citations/downloads.

BUDI@ Alzheimer Research UK event

On the 25th May 2012 Southampton Solent University hosted an annual Alzheimer’s Research UK (ARUK) public awareness event. BUDI (Bournemouth University Dementia Institute) was invited to set up a display and provide information about BUDI’s services and research. Clare Cutler from BUDI, along with scientists and clinicians from the local ARUK network demonstrated and provided information about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, current treatments and the latest research. The event was attended by many members of the public, carers and students. BUDI was able to provide information about the services it can provide and insight from ongoing research. The day was very well received by the public and was said to be an ‘excellent event”.

Fusion Investment Fund workshops with John Wakeford next week

John Wakeford from the Missenden Centre will be visiting BU on Thursday 7th June to run two workshops to help colleagues to develop and strengthen their applications to the Fusion Investment Fund (deadline 1st July). Attendees will need to provide a copy of their draft FIF proposal to Sam Furr no later than Wednesday 6th June at midday; this is to ensure John has enough time to read these prior to the session.

There will be a morning and an afternoon session and lunch will be provided.

Thursday 7th June 2012, 09:30-13:30 – EB202, EBC (LC)

Thursday 7th June 2012, 12:30-16:30 – EB202, EBC (LC)

Similar sessions have been well attended previously and spaces are limited. Booking onto a session is easy, simply click here to be taken to the bookings page.


Bournemouth University Dementia Institute

Bournemouth University Dementia Institute (BUDI) was launched at a public open meeting on dementia on the 16th May. See our fledgling website for more details: www.bournemouth.ac.uk/dementia-institute
A University wide meeting open to all staff interested in working in the dementia field will be held on Thursday 14 June at the Business Centre (EB708) 10-12 followed by opprtunity to network over a light lunch. If you would plan on coming along can you let Michelle O’Brien know (mobrien@bournemouth.ac.uk) for catering purposes.

How to use StratNav to explore BU’s strategy in relation to Research and Fusion

Last week the Vice-Chancellor launched StratNav as an interactive online tool to help you to navigate the delivery of the BU2018 strategy.

You can easily search StratNav for the elements of the plan that relate specifically to Research and Fusion:

1. Access StratNav here: http://strategicplan.bournemouth.ac.uk/

2. Select ‘Research’ or ‘Fusion’ from the drop down search box at the top right of the page

3. The Research or Fusion elements will be displayed and you can choose to show the results by the strategic themes and enablers – Creating, Inspiring, Sharing, Finance, People, Environment.

StratNav provides an excellent platform from which to explore the BU2018 plan.

Times Higher Education Awards 2012

Do you want to highlight the excellent work of yourselves and colleagues, gain national recognition, and attend a gala ceremony in London on 29 November 2012? If so, please consider making a submission to the Times Higher Education Awards 2012. This year’s categories are:

  1. Excellence and Innovation in the Arts
  2. Outstanding ICT Initiative of the Year
  3. Research Project of the Year                  
  4. Outstanding Contribution to Leadership Development
  5. Outstanding Employer Engagement Initiative
  6. Widening Participation Initiative of the Year
  7. Outstanding Contribution to the Local Community
  8. The Lord Dearing Lifetime Achievement Award
  9. Outstanding Contribution to Sustainable Development
  10. Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Technology
  11. Outstanding Support for Early Career Researchers
  12. Outstanding Support for Students
  13. Most Innovative Teacher of the Year
  14. Most Improved Student Experience (nominations not sought – winner to be determined via student poll)
  15. International Collaboration of the Year
  16. Business School of the Year (new category)
  17. Entrepreneurial University of the Year
  18. University of the Year

Further details are available here: http://www.the-awards.co.uk/the2012/awards. These awards celebrate achievements during the 2011-2012 academic year and are open to all UK higher education institutions. Entries are open until midnight on Friday 15 June 2012. The shortlist will be announced in September and the winners will be announced at a gala ceremony on 29 November 2012.

BU is keen to put forward a good number of high quality submissions. If you are interested in making a submission, please email the Policy Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor, Colette Cherry, at ccherry@bournemouth.ac.uk for further details.

Introduction to Adaptive Learning from Streaming Data by Dr Zliobaite, Wednesday 30th of May:

Kindly announce that our next speaker of the STRC seminar series will be Dr Indrė Žliobaitė. The talk will take place next Wednesday, 30th of May in Lawrence Lecture Theatre at 16:00 h (please click for a map)

Indrė (Lecturer in BU as most of us know) will present novel angles of her work in a highly didactic fashion. She will talk about an exciting topic, strategies for predicting streaming data. This is particularly attractive for instance for those of us involved in projects in real-time industrial settings.

Please feel free to show up if you like it regardless you background!

The talk title is:

“Introduction to Adaptive Learning from Streaming Data”

Short description:

Changing data over time presents one of the major challenges in predictive modelling applications, for example automated movie recommendation, bankruptcy prediction, spam categorization, food sales prediction and many more. In such situations predictive models need to have mechanisms to update or retrain themselves using recent data, otherwise they will quickly lose accuracy. This talk will give an introductory overview of settings and algorithms for adaptive predictive modelling.

Best Wishes, Emili

Search for a volunteer/champion…

I opened by ‘ideas book’ full of random notes and reminders of things that I should have done ages ago just now and found a small yellow, innocent looking post-it with the words ‘PGR & ECR journal?’ Do I hear a stampede of volunteers to get this off the ground? We could fund this and make it happen via the Fusion Investment Fund if there is an interest, may be even call the journal ‘Fusion’ if the title has not already been taken!

Over the last few years I have talked to several people about the idea of an internal journal to help PGR students – doctoral and masters – publish. There are also some cracking undergraduate dissertations each year which could be published as well via such a vehicle. Internal journals are also ideal places for Early Career Researchers (ECR) to try out and develop new ideas before launching them on the big journals. I believe for example that the Business School has recently set up a working paper series which is a similar concept.

So what I have in mind is a BU journal – Fusion – which is managed by a small editorial board of PGR students and staff publishing material online with full internal peer review. Papers could either be visible internally only or externally depending on whether staff/students plan to publish it in an external journal later. We could form the scope in such a way as to embrace research, education and practice and therefore live up to the name of Fusion. It could also be a place to share ideas and showcase the work of our students, early career researchers and to try out new ideas.

If this is to get off the ground I need an energetic champion(s) who fancies taking this forward with my full support, and financial backing, as well as volunteers to join an editorial board and any idea or thought around this concept would be welcome to add into the mix. I look forward to hearing from you!


Your chance to talk to the AHRC!

  • Have you ever submitted a proposal to the AHRC?
  • Have you considered the AHRC as a potential funder of your research?
  • Would you like to find out more about the AHRC and how it works?
  • Have you any burning questions about AHRC strategy?

If you have answered yes to any of the above, then you will be pleased to hear that on 27th June Professor Mark Llewellyn, Director of Research from the AHRC is coming to BU. 

This is a great opportunity to ask your questions about the AHRC and how you might best secure funding.  It is unusual for Research Councils to visit universities – it would be wise to make the most of this chance to hear first hand about AHRC’s future strategy, and how your research might fit within it.

Professor Llewellyn began his secondment to the AHRC as Director of Research in January and his responsibilities cover all areas of research activity, postgraduate funding, peer review, and international and Knowledge Exchange issues.

The open meeting with start with a presentation, and then be followed by discussion. 

Click here to book your place.

Day: Wednesday, 27th June

Time: 1.30pm – 2.15pm

Place: Talbot Campus – PG16

In the meantime, if you have any questions please email Caroline O’Kane

Fusion Investment Fund Applications – Five Weeks to go!

Hi – I am Sam, I started working last week in the RDU as Resources Administrator with specific responsibility for the Fusion Investment Fund.  I would like to remind you of the deadline for applications to the Fusion Investment Fund, which is the 1st July.

Workshop and Surgery places are available to book now!

 Should you need help writing the perfect proposal, we can help you!  I am pleased to announce the dates of our first Fusion Investment Fund surgeries and workshops over the coming weeks.  Here are the details:


Fusion Investment Fund surgeries:

Thursday 7th June 2012, 12:00-14:00 – PG146, Thomas Hardy Suite (TC)

Friday 22th June 2012, 12:00-14:00 – P403, Poole House (TC)

These surgeries will provide academics preparing proposals for one of the FIF strands with the opportunity to bring their ideas and drafts to discuss with Matthew Bennett and a team of experienced academics and to test out what makes a good, fundable proposal with a competitive edge. Lunch is included.

Study Leave Workshop:

Wednesday 6th June 2012, 13:00-15:00 – PG146, Thomas Hardy Suite (TC).

This workshop will provide academics preparing proposals for study leave funding with the opportunity to discuss issues around study leave, the contractual/HR side of the arrangements, and the benefits of undertaking study leave. The workshop will be lead by Matthew Bennett with support from HR and a couple of BU academics with experience of taking study leave as part of their careers.  Lunch is included.


The Perfect FIF Proposal:

Wednesday 6th June 2012, 10:00-12:30 – PG146, Thomas Hardy Suite (TC)

Friday 8th  June 2012 13:30-16:00 – MG01, Melbury House (LC)

This session will be led by Matthew Bennett and will focus on writing the perfect proposal for the Fusion Investment Fund strands.


Strengthening your FIF Proposal:

Thursday 7th June 2012, 09:30-13:30 – EB202, EBC (LC)

Thursday 7th June 2012, 13:30-16:30 – EB202, EBC (LC)

This session will be lead by John Wakeford from the Missenden Centre and will provide academics who have drafted their FIF proposals with the opportunity to have their proposals reviewed by John Wakeford and to identify areas that could be strengthened.  Attendees will need to provide a copy of their draft FIF proposal to me no later than Wednesday 6th June at midday; this is to ensure John has enough time to read these prior to the session. Max of 12 attendees per session. Lunch is included.


How to book onto one of these sessions:

Booking onto a session is easy, simply click here to be taken to the bookings page.

To apply to the fund please see the information here on our intranet pages.

Good Luck!


Horizon 2020: The latest update

On May 14th I was lucky enough to attend the International Network of Research Management Societies (INORMS) conference in Copenhagen, thanks to free tickets off the back of our team winning last year’s poster competition at ARMA. There were 444 delegates from around the world (including many from Australia) which reflected the need for Higher Education Institutions to really engage in international collaboration.

I heard some really interesting presentations, and wanted to report some of the highlights over the next few days. Firstly Peter Härtwich, Head of Sector: from the EC’s Directorate-General for Research & Innovation gave a plenary presentation on developments related to FP7s successor entitled ‘ Horizon2020: The big picture, the road ahead and simplification’. The presentation gave insight into 3 key points related to the funding areas, the proposals for simplification and the role of SMEs.

Horizon 2020: Funding Areas

European Commission funding will be divided up into 5 areas. The one most relevant for you will be ‘Smart and Inclusive Growth’ (budget €491bn) as this includes Horizon 2020, Education Youth and Sport, Connecting Europe, Cohesion and Competitive Business SMEs. The presentation revealed that the formation of Horizon 2020 has involved a huge amount of consultation including EU Presidencies, EU Parliament, a public consultation (with more than 2,000 responses), a survey on costs and 25 workshops.

The highlight of the presentation was the announcement of what will be new in Horizon 2020;  the merger of FP7, CIP and EIT into a single programme, the coupling of research to innovation, a focus on societal challenges and simplified access for all companies, universities and institutes in and outside of the EU. It is proposed that Horizon 2020 will run between 2014 and 2020 and will have 3 priorities:

1. Excellent Science: this is focused on attracting and retaining research talent in the EU, creating excellent infrastructures and producing world-class science. It is proposed that the funding is as follows:

  • European Research Council (frontier research by the best individual teams –  €13,268m)
  • Future and Emerging Technologies(collaborative research to open new fields of innovation – €3, 100m)
  • Marie Curie Actions (opportunities for training and career development – €5, 572m)
  • Research Infrastructures -including e-infrastructure (ensuring access to world-class facilities – €2, 478m)

2. Industrial Leadership: this is focused on strategic investments in key technologies to underpin innovation as it is recognised that the EU needs to attract more private investment in research and innovation and also needs more innovative SMEs to create growth and jobs. It is proposed that the funding is as follows:

  • Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space – €13, 781m)
  • Access to risk finance (Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation – €3, 538)
  • Innovation in SMEs (Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs €619m + €6, 829m from other areas)

3. Societal challenges: this is focused on the concerns of citizens and society and EU policy objectives such as climate, environment, energy and transport. It will support breakthrough solutions from multidisciplinary collaborations (good news for social sciences and humanities). It is proposed that the funding is as follows:

  • Health, demographic change and wellbeing (€8, 033m)
  • Food, security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the bioeconomy (€4, 152m)
  • Secure, clean and efficient energy (€5,782m)
  • Smart, green and integrated transport (€6, 802m)
  • Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials (€3, 160)
  • Inclusive, innovative and secure societies (€3, 819)


Horizon 2020: Simplification

Many of you will have experienced the confusing rules and regulations of FP7, but Horizon 2020 will look different for the following reasons:  

  • It will have a single set of rules covering all research programmes
  • It will have one rate of funding for the whole project (max 100% of eligible costs, flat rate of 20% for direct eligible costs)
  • The  evaluation criteria will be simple (excellence, impact, implementation – but only excellence in ERC)
  • New forms of funding aimed at innovation will be in place such as pre-commercial procurement and dedicated loans
  • International participation will be facilitated  but will protect the interests of the EU much better;
  • There will be simpler rules for grants (flat rate for indirects, no timesheets for people working full time on grants)
  • There will be fewer, better targeted audits and controls (focused on risk and fraud prevention)
  • Improved rules on intellectual property (balance between security and flexibility, tailor made IPR provisions, open access publications)
  • Reduced average waiting time to grant (current average is 350 days – aim to reduce this by 100 days)


Horizon 2020: SMEs Participation

There is an overwhelming move to integrate SMEs into Horizon 2020 and several initiatives are planned to increase their participation:

  • Integrated approach: 15% of total budget for societal challenges will go to SMEs
  • Simplification of their participation
  • A new SME instrument
  • Dedicated activity for research intensive SMEs
  • Access to risk finance


So what next…?

Currently the EC are negotiating the proposals for Horizon 2020 and the budget proposed. Over the next few months the final calls under FP7 will be released. Mid-2013 will see the adoption of Horizon 2020 by the EC and the first calls will be launched 01.01.14. So to prepare, keep up to date with developments on this blog and network your socks off so you are part of a consortium who can bid in for Horizon 2020 funds!