Follow the link for more information on the funding opportunities available within the area of Children’s Rights. Deadline for submission: 15/1/2015.
Please contact your Funding Development Officer for further information.
Latest research and knowledge exchange news at Bournemouth University
Follow the link for more information on the funding opportunities available within the area of Children’s Rights. Deadline for submission: 15/1/2015.
Please contact your Funding Development Officer for further information.
Last week Professor Juliet Memery and Dr Dawn Birch from the Business School, supported by the Cyber Security Unit, travelled to Tromso in Norway at the invitation of the University of Tromso. The aim of the trip was to discuss future research collaborations and funding opportunities around the areas of food security, food crime, food waste and technology with a particular emphasis on fish and seafood.
Whilst there Juliet and Dawn met with academics from the University of Tromso, including Professor Svein Ottar Olsen and Professor Kåre Skallerud, as well as Pirjo Honkanen, Director of Research (Consumer and marketing research) and Petter Olsen, senior scientist, from Nofima, one of the largest institutes for applied research within the fields of fisheries, aquaculture and food industry in Europe. A series of research presentations revealed a number of areas of mutual interest which will be scoped out and explored further with a view to securing EU/Research Council funding. Additionally they met with analysts at the Head Office of the Norwegian Seafood Council to discuss their role and research in the seafood industry and explore potential opportunities for them to be included in future research collaborations.
Overall it was a very successful networking trip, and a reciprocal visit to Bournemouth is anticipated in the coming months to further strengthen relationships and collaborations.
Follow the link for more information on the funding opportunities available within the area of Facilitating EU transnational tourism.
Deadline for submission: 15/01/2015.
Please contact your Funding Development Officer for further information.
Follow the link for more information on the funding opportunities available within the area of Promoting the contribution of private savings to pension adequacy. Limited time left to apply so if this area is of interest to you then please take a look. Deadline for submission: 23/12/2014.
Please contact your Funding Development Officer for further information.
The Knowledge Transfer Network are running an information day and workshop around User Experience and Data technology innovation. This event will bring together businesses, academics and researchers working within UX and data to contribute to a discussion on the scoping of a Spring 2015 funding competition.
Innovate UK (formally Technology Strategy Board) will be running three funding competitions in areas relating to User Experience (UX). This event is an opportunity to learn more about these funding calls, how to apply as well as influencing future activities in UX.
There are two themes to these UX related competitions:
1. Utilising personal data to improve a user’s experience of a product or service: This competition is a feasibility study and is due to launch in March 2015. There will be an opportunity to influence the scope of this call so that it correctly addresses the issues that are affecting the UX industry.
2. Innovative technology & software to improved the interaction between human and machine: This will focus on novel approaches to UX with an innovative software element to them, essentially how to let people and machines interact better, moving beyond the traditional keyboard, mouse and screen.
There are two competions in this theme: a feasibility study and a Knowledge Transfer Parnership. (KTP).
Date: Tuesday, 02 December 2014
Time: 10:30 – 16:30
Venue: Barbican Centre, London
Below are this weeks funding opportunities:
Welcome Trust- Senior Investigator Awards in Biomedical Science.
Senior Investigator Awards support exceptional, world-class researchers, who hold an established academic position. We will support researchers who have an international track-record of significant achievement relative to their career stage, who have demonstrated the originality and impact of their research, and who are leaders in their field.Senior Investigator Awards provide flexible support to enable the best researchers to address the most important questions about health and disease. Awards may be small or large, but candidates must be able to articulate a compelling vision for their research and set out the approaches they will take.
Senior Investigator Awards provide a flexible package of funding that is driven by the requirements of the proposed research. A Senior Investigator Award might be anything up to £425k per year, and for any duration of up to a maximum of seven years. Costs should be suited to and clearly justified by the proposed research and the approaches you will take.
Innovate UK- Innovation Vouchers
An Innovation Voucher gives you up to £5,000 to work with an external expert for the first time. It allows you to gain new knowledge to help your business innovate, develop and grow. That expert help could be advice on a novel idea, on using design within your business or on how to make the most of intellectual property (IP). Our national Innovation Voucher scheme gives you access to a wide range of expert suppliers. They include universities, further education colleges, research and technology organisations, Catapult centres and technical, design and IP consultancies. For instance, is an excellent source of advice on university research equipment.
You can apply at any time, with around 100 vouchers being awarded every three months – in October, January, April and July.
The ESRC in partnership with a range of funding partners jointly invites full proposals from eligible research organisations to bid for funding to undertake evidence programmes to underpin a new and independent What Works Centre for Wellbeing.
Interest in wellbeing is growing both nationally and internationally and the UK is regarded as one of the leading countries in this area in terms of measurement, innovative uses of wellbeing data and academics in the field. International focus has been on how societies, governments, communities and populations measure their progress, in more holistic ways – including the UK’s Legatum Institute’s Commission on Wellbeing and Policy. In November 2010, a national ‘measuring wellbeing’ programme was launched by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) driven by public consultation. ONS now publishes regular wellbeing reports and data at a national and local level and has developed a measurement tool for wellbeing comprising 10 domains. A recent All Party Parliamentary Group on Wellbeing Economics has published a report on translating wellbeing evidence into policy, which argues that ‘the time is right to move from national wellbeing measurement to a national wellbeing strategy’.
Proposals are invited for the 2015-16 Advanced Training: Short Courses (ATSC) training initiative. Initiatives funded as part of this scheme must be completed by 31 March 2016.
This call invites proposals offering training initiatives in a variety of forms that fall both within the NERC science remit as well as addressing one or more of the Priority Training Areas contained within the ATSC Announcement of Opportunity document. These training initiatives must prioritise NERC-funded PhD students or develop the skills of environmental sciences early career researchers (working within academic and/or non-academic settings) for future careers in research and other contexts.
NERC has a total budget of £1m for this scheme. The maximum applicants can apply for to run a training initiative is £100k although it is expected that most training initiatives will request £20k-£50k.
The Wellcome Trust is particularly interested in receiving applications from university lecturers within the first five years of their independent research careers. New Investigator Awards are intended to support strong researchers who are in the early stages of their independent research careers and have already shown that they can innovate and drive advances in their field of study. Candidates should be no more than five years from appointment to their first academic position.These Awards provide flexible support at a level and length appropriate to enable the best researchers to address the most important questions about health and disease. Awards may equally be small or large, but candidates should be able to articulate a compelling vision for their research, while ensuring that their proposal and requested funding is appropriate to their research experience to date.
New Investigator Awards provide a flexible package of funding that is driven by the requirements of the proposed research. An award can be worth anything up to £425k per year and for any duration up to a maximum of seven years. Requested costs should be suited to, and clearly justified by, the proposed research, and candidates should ensure that the scope of the proposal and the associated resources are appropriate for their career stage and research experience to date.
The AHRC and BBC Radio 3 are looking for applications for the New Generation Thinkers of 2015. This pioneering scheme aims to develop a new generation of academics who can bring the best of university research and scholarly ideas to a broad audience – through BBC broadcasting. It’s a chance for early career researchers to cultivate the skills to communicate their research findings to those outside the academic community.Each year, up to sixty successful applicants have a chance to develop their programme-making ideas with experienced BBC producers at a series of dedicated workshops and, of these up to ten will become Radio 3’s resident New Generation Thinkers. They will benefit from a unique opportunity to develop their own programmes for BBC Radio 3 and a chance to regularly appear on air.
The aim of the scheme is to provide a development opportunity for early career researchers to cultivate the skills to communicate their research findings to those outside the academic community. The scheme wants to find the new generation of academics who can bring the best of the latest university research and scholarly ideas to a broad audience. Applications should demonstrate an engaging and stimulating programme but also demonstrate an ability to talk about other subjects areas within the arts and humanities in an accessible andrefreshing manner, with awareness of the wider listening audience. We would recommend that you listen to the 2014 winners’ programmes on BBC iPlayer Radio.
The Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Local Authorities, supported by the Public Health team, are very keen to build on the success of the 2012 Olympics in Dorset and have developed a legacy fund to provide a significant resource for investment in innovative and evidence based local projects in Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole. The aim of the legacy fund is to create a legacy and inspire communities by investing in projects that focus on the particularly vulnerable, marginalised and deprived communities in order to address health inequalities which exist in Dorset.
Project criteria:
The second round of funding is due to open on 1 December with £200,000 funding available.
Congratulations to BUDI who were successful in the first round of funding.
For more information including the application process click here.
The following funding opportunities have been announced. Please follow the links for more information:
Innovative Medicines Initiative – Joint Undertaking, EU
Innovative Medicines Initiative invites proposals for its call on Ebola and other filoviral haemorrhagic fevers programme
This aims to support projects addressing challenges across the entire innovation cycle, leveraging input and multidisciplinary expertise across stakeholders.
Funding is available to both projects addressing short term challenges of the current epidemic as well as actions needed to address EVD and other filoviral haemorrhagic fevers in a sustainable way for the long term. Five topics are covered by the current call:
•vaccine development Phase I, II, and III;
•manufacturing capability;
•stability of vaccines during transport and storage;
•deployment and compliance of vaccination regimens;
•rapid diagnostic tests.
Applications are invited from consortia of any legal entities from across the world.
The indicative budget is €140 million and EFPIA companies are expected to provide an additional €140m in-kind contribution. Closing date 01/12/14 (please note Central European Time/ Brussels Time)
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, US – New interventions for Global Health
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is launching a new Grand Challenge: New Interventions for Global Health. This challenge focuses on innovative concepts for vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics with the potential to be translated into safe, effective, affordable, and widely utilized interventions to protect against the acquisition, progression, or transmission of infectious diseases, or to provide a cure for infectious diseases, in resource‐limited settings.
This request for proposals will fund full awards that could include grants, program related investments, or contracts up to USD $10,000,000 per awardee for up to four years. Closing date 13/01/15
Please note that some funders specify a time for submission as well as a date. Please confirm this with your RKEO Support Officer.
You can set up your own personalised alerts on ResearchProfessional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in RKEO or see the recent post on this topic, which includes forthcoming training dates up to November 2014.
If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on ResearchProfessional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.
Do you want to tell the world about your research? Are you passionate about communicating your work to a wider audience? The Arts and Humanities Research Council and BBC Radio 3 are looking for the next generation of emerging academics who can excite others about the benefits of research.
New Generation Thinkers is a pioneering programme designed to find a new generation of academics who can bring the best of university research and ideas to a wide audience. Through the use of BBC broadcasting, the scheme aims to encourage early years researchers to develop the skills needed to communicate their research to non-expert audiences.
Applicants do not need to be AHRC funded and can be working in a wide variety of areas, including archaeology, geography, history, journalism, law or media and communications. For more information, see the New Generation Thinkers website.
You can apply here. Applications close on 15th December 2014.
This is a reminder that the Pilot Follow-on Fund closing date is 16.00 hrs on 18th December 2014. Panel interviews with applicants will be held in London on 26 February 2015.
This pilot round of the NERC Follow-on Fund has increased the previous maximum amount that could be applied for (£125k) to up to £250k (£200k at 80% FEC). As part of the pilot, NERC has also introduced more flexible time scales, ie funding for projects lasting between 3 and 24 months. These changes have been introduced to provide projects with the very best opportunity for commercial exploitation.
There is also an optional Pathfinder grant available to strengthen your market knowledge and make your Follow-on Fund application more persuasive for the Panel.
For further information go to the NERC website.
Please make sure that you contact your School’s Funding Development Officer for help and support.
SPARK 2014 is a brand new opportunity to see the latest innovations developed to meet NHS needs alongside a national conference that brings together the Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs), industry partners and NHS leaders and clinicians.
The conference will be of interest to the following audience who are keen to know what the next innovations in healthcare are:
The SBRI Healthcare programme is an NHS England funded scheme to accelerate the development of new technologies for known health needs. With over 100 companies in the SBRI Healthcare fold some of the key areas in which innovations are being developed are:
Cancer : COPD : CVD : Diabetes : Dementia : End of Life : Hand hygiene : Meds Adherence / Meds Optimisation : Mental Health : Long Term Conditions : Patient Safety : Patient Empowerment : Renal : Research Tools : Telehealth / Telecare for People with Learning Disabilities.
Conference details: 10 December, QE II Conference Centre, London
Booking information including discounted rates for universities: click here
Proposed agenda: click here
The User Experience (or UX) KTP competition has just opened .
The aim is to encourage new, enhanced forms of interaction between computing systems and the people who use them. Proposals may address technologies that contribute to these new forms, such as sensing information about the user, or those that improve specific types of experience, such as mobile and wearable devices.
A launch event is being held in London on 14 November 2014. Registration is required.
To find our more about this call and other KTP opportuntities please contact Rachel Clarke in R&KEO . Contact details are as follows: email: or ring extension 61347.
Further to the recent post outlining the Newton Funding opportunities, two new calls have been announced for India and South Africa, with closing dates of 28/11/14 and 04/12/14, respectively.
Please refer to the websites for further information and application guidance.
The European Commission has announced intentions to bring in three major funding streams into Horizon 2020. In relation to 2016 and 2017 work programmes, these will comprise: the Internet of Things, automated road transport and an approach to sustainable industrial production called “the circular economy”, according to the draft plan. Specific reference is given to social sciences and humanities, following a recommendation from the European Forum on Forward Looking Activities, or Effla, that non-technical solutions to problems should be given more emphasis.
Further details can be found in Research Fortnight:
Newton Institutional Links are grants for the development of research and innovation collaborations between the UK and partner country institutions at the group, departmental or institutional level, as well as the commercial and not-for-profit sector. The countries included in this call are: Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Turkey and Vietnam. In addition to this general Newton Institutional Links call, which includes Chile, there is a UK-Chile FONDEF IDeA call (formerly called Chile-specific CONICYT call) with separate guidelines and a different closing date.
Grants will be £30,000 to £300,000 over two years (depending on the country) and will cover collaborations between the UK and partner country. Grants can cover costs which support research and innovation collaboration, including:
Other activities can also be funded. For a full list of eligible and ineligible costs, please read the guidelines document on the website link given above.
Under this Institutional Links call the British Council can commit up to £6 million, depending on matched funding from partner organisations and institutions.
Key Dates:
Deadline for applications: 16.00 UK time on Thursday 20 November 2014. Applications with Chile and Turkey (general Newton Institutional Links) close 27 November 2014.
Deadline for applications for the UK-Chile FONDEF IDeA call: Tuesday 18 November 2014
Please contact RKEO if you wish to apply.
See the website for other Newton Fund opportunties.
Are you working with business?
Innovation Vouchers are open to all kinds of small businesses from 10 November 2014. Businesses can claim up to £5,000 towards the cost of expert advice if they classify as a start-up, micro or SME . The funding encourages SMEs and start-ups to seek out fresh knowledge that can help their business to grow and develop. This could include advice on an innovative idea, learning more about using design within the business or how to make the most of intellectual property.
The first round of applications for Innovation Vouchers under the new rules opens on 10 November.
Innovation Vouchers had been available only to those working in specific technology areas. Now a business can apply if they just meet these simple tests:
• you need specialist help to meet a business challenge
• it’s the first time you have worked with the university (a great first rung on the ladder before a KTP perhaps?)
For more information, visit Innovation Vouchers .
Up to £7.5million is to be made availabe to support research into “Solving urban challenges with data”. Funding is being provided by Innovate UK, ESRC and NERC. Funding will be offered for projects which aim to create solutions and services that offer specific commercial benefits or limit risks and increase the resilience, quality of life or economic performance of urban areas by integrating environmental, social and economic data with data from other sources. The focus is on better defining and solving problems through finding innovative ways to combine data sources.
Briefing events will be held regarding this call, as follows:
Further information and booking for events can be found at
The following funding opportunities have been announced. Please follow the link for more information:
British Archaeological Association, GB. The Reginald Taylor and Lord Fletcher essay prize recognises the best essay submitted on any subject of art-historical, archaeological or antiquarian interest within the period from the Roman era to 1830. The prize comprises £500 and a bronze medal. Closing date: 01/11/2015
Harvard University, US. The Center for International Development at Harvard University invites applications for its fellowships in sustainability science. These aim to facilitate the design, implementation and evaluation of effective interventions that promote sustainable development. Fellowships are worth up to US$55,000 over a maximum of one year depending on the experience of the candidate. The competition is open to advanced doctoral and post-doctoral students and to mid-career professionals engaged in research or practice to facilitate the design, implementation and evaluation of effective interventions that promote sustainable development. Closing date: 02/02/15
Palestine Exploration Fund, GB. The Palestine Exploration Fund invites applications for travel and research and enable scholars to conduct research into the archaeology and history, topography, geology, natural sciences, and manners, customs and culture of biblical Palestine and the Levant. A total of £4,000 is available, of which up to three awards of £500 each are set aside for student travel to the Levant. Closing date: 31/01/15
Please note that some funders specify a time for submission as well as a date. Please confirm this with your RKE Support Officer.
You can set up your own personalised alerts on ResearchProfessional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s RKE Officer in RKE Operations or see the recent post on this topic, which includes forthcoming training dates up to November 2014.
If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on ResearchProfessional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.