Category / HSS Our 9 Research Entities

HSS Our 9 Research Entities

Integrative Wellbeing Research Centre (iWell)

Integrative Wellbeing Research Centre (iWell)

The Integrative Wellbeing research centre (iWell) has its ancestry in a previous Research Centre, viz., the Centre of Wellbeing & Quality of Life. The legacy of this centre is a wealth of expertise that can be brought to bear on several key domains of health-related wellbeing, including the development of public health innovations, physical and mental health, physical activity and nutrition.

Our inter-disciplinary, and cross-faculty team will undertake research to improve health and wellbeing at population, community and individual citizen levels. Furthermore, members are committed to the INVOLVE principles for the co-production of research questions with service users.

Current Membership

Steve Trenoweth (Head), Alison McConnell, Jaqui Hewitt-Taylor, Pramod Regmi, Christoph Schroth, Paula Shepherd, Jo Hirdle, Matt Hartwell, Sara White, Osman Ahmed, , Ann Hemingway, Carol Clark, Swrajit Sakar, Sarah Collard, Angela Turner-Wilson, Liz Norton, Jonny Branney, Pete Phillips, Kathryn Collins.


Tula Brannelly, Clare Killingback, Jane Murphy, Sue Baron, Adele Ladkin, Sharon Docherty, Petra Brown, Karen Rees, Isaac Ngugi


Sarah Gallimore, Besty Jose, Sophie Smith, Joanne Holmes, Sue Melling, Jo Frost, Funmi Omotade, Karen Cooper, Julie Northam, Debbi Houghton, Malika Felton, Francesco Ferraro, James Odell, Mashael Alsufyani, Andrew Harding, Folashade Alloh, Charlotte Clayton, Elizabeth Njoki Waithaka, Pippa Hillen, Sara Glithro, Michael Gara, Dominique Mylod, Andrea Lacey, Nikki Glendening, Donna Wixted, Marta Paglioni

Visiting Fellow

Sheila Brooks

The Centre for Qualitative Research (CQR)

 CQR is part of The Faculty of Health & Social Sciences but attracts membership from across faculties at BU. The Centre offers a potential springboard for cross-faculty development with the Media, Business and Science and Technology Faculties and with the Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL).

CQR members hold editorial board positions on major international qualitative research journals and an impressive list of internationally relevant publications. The Centre remains an internationally recognised resource for knowledge transfer activities and for the alignment of teaching and research. It has increasingly become an interdisciplinary and methodological resource beyond its historical contribution to Health and Social Care studies.

The Centre for Qualitative Research acknowledges a history of achievements and expertise which serve as foci for emerging developments in: Humanising Health and Social Care; Performative Social Science and Arts-led Research; Narrative and Biographic Research; and Novel and Innovative Research including auto-ethnography, poetic inquiry, fiction, and creative use of media including Research as Film.


Twitter: @BUQualitative




Judith Chapman, Andrea Lacey, Liz Norton, Carole Pound, Anne Quinney, Immy Holloway, Sarah Collard, Michele Board, Sheila Brooks, Caroline Ellis-Hill (Deputy Director), Kip Jones (Director), Catherine Hennessey (Visiting Professor), Karen Rees, Karen Cooper, Maria (Camila) Devis-Rozental, Wendy Cutts, Jo Thurston, Jenny Hall.


Lorraine Brown, Trevor Hearing (Media), Lee-Ann Fenge, Clare Cutler, Jen Leamon, Janet Scammell, Jonathan Parker, Jane Fry, Nicky Glendenning, Vanessa Heaslip,  Mark Readman (Media), Sarah Crabtree Parker, Ben Hicks, Maggie Hutchings, Andy Mercer, Jill Phillips, Lynn Rutter, Carly Stewart, Emma Kavanaugh


Clare Gordon, Peter Wolfensberger, Kathleen Vandenberghe, Louise Oliver, Elizabeth Gauntlett, Mevalyn Cross, Mananya Podee, Chantel Cox, Katy Baldock, Sharon Waight, Paul Leal, Helen Ribchester, Elizabeth Waithaka

Centre for Midwifery, Maternal and Perinatal Health (CMMPH)

CMMPH focuses on research in midwifery, maternal and perinatal care. Academic researchers associated with the group employ a wide spectrum of research approaches, ranging from qualitative to quantitative research and from mixed-methods studies to systematic reviews. They also cover a range of different topics, with studies undertaken locally in Dorset and the South of England, nationally across the UK, and internationally as far afield as Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan and the USA. We currently have 21 doctoral students working on a wide variety of projects both local and international.

Research focuses on the following broad areas

  • Improving maternal outcomes in low and middle income countries
    1. Early labour
    2. Maternal health and the media
  • Breastfeeding
  • Midwifery professional and maternal education
  • Other clinical studies

Current Members

Edwin van Teijlingen (Head), Sue Way (Deputy), Catherine Angell, Luisa Cescutti-Butler, Simon Dyall, Sarah Emberley, Jane Fry, Vanora Hundley, Denyse King, Jen Leamon, Lesley Milne, Sara Stride, Alison Taylor, Fotini Tsofliou, Carol Wilkins, Pramod Regmi, Juliet Wood.

 Associate Members

Ann Luce, Andrew Mayers (Sci-tech).


Dana Colbourne (staff), Rebecca Cousins, Liz Davey (staff), Hannah Haydock, Debbee Houghton (staff), Rie Inomata, Michelle Iriving, Alice Ladur, Preeti Mahato, Susan Mant (staff), Amy Miller, Dominique Mylod, Isabell Nessell, Stella Rawnson (staff), Layla Toomer, Daisy Wiggins (staff), Donna Wixted, Iro Arvanitidou, Charlotte Clayton.

Visiting Faculty

Jo Alexander, Debra Bick, Sheena Byrom, Suzanne Cunningham, Jillian Ireland, Minesh Khashu, Gwyneth Lewis, Paul Lewis, Ans Luyben, Wendy Marsh, Zoe Matthews, Emma Pitchforth, Samridhi Pradhan, Kath Ryan, Brijesh Sathian, Rob Sawdy, Bibha Simkhada, Padam Simkhada, Mandy Forrester.

Bournemouth University Clinical Research Unit (BUCRU)

BUCRU aims to design, conduct and manage high quality, funded, health-related randomised controlled trials and other well-designed studies within HSS, across University Faculties, with researchers in National Health Service (NHS) Trusts and with national and international collaborators.

It does this by:

  1. Supporting researchers in improving the quality, quantity and efficiency of research across Bournemouth University and local NHS Trusts.
  2. Incorporating the Dorset office of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Research Design Service (RDS) to support the methodological development of high quality research grant applications.
  3. Offering methodological and statistical collaboration for health related research, particularly research of relevance to the NHS and public health.
  4. Conducting high quality nationally and internationally recognised research in complex interventions (including digital health) and long term conditions. “


Current Membership

Peter Thomas (Head), Tamas Hickish (Head), Sarah Thomas (Deputy), Helen Allen, Sharon Docherty, Vanessa Heaslip, Ian Darby, Ahmed Khattab, Roger Baker (Visiting Professor), Katie Ryan, Andy Powell, Maria Vahdanina, Louise Ward (administrator).

 Associate Members

Samuel Nyman (Sci-tech).


Ageing & Dementia Research Centre (ADRC)

The ADRC is the only cross faculty centre at BU that brings together expertise in the areas of ageing and dementia. The aim of ADRC is to use the team’s collective expertise to develop person-centred research which will improve the lives of older people with long-term conditions including dementia and their families.  The research falls under three broad categories – developing ageing & dementia friendly environments, nutrition & wellbeing and activity & social inclusion. The ADRC is led by Professor Jane Murphy, supported by staff and students from the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences and the Faculty of Science & Technology.

Current ADRC Membership:- 

Jane Murphy (Head), Michele Board (Deputy Leadership – HSS), Jan Wiener (Leadership – Sci-Tech), Ben Hicks (Deputy Leadership – Sci-Tech), Natalia Adamczewska (Post Doc), Michael Bracher, Michelle Heward (Post Doc), Joanne Holmes, Clare Killingback, Samuel Nyman, Sophie Smith, Ashley Spriggs, Elaina Conneely (Administrator).


Associate Members

Clare Cutler (Doctoral College), Janet Scammell (HSS), Shanti Shanker (Sci-Tech), Steve Trenoweth (HSS), Vanessa Heaslip (HSS), Christos Gatzidis (Sci-Tech), Bernhard Angele (Sci-Tech), Tula Brannelly (HSS), Swrajit Sarkar (HSS).



Yolanda Barrado- Martin (Sci-Tech), Iram Bibi (Sci-Tech), Sophie Bushell (HSS),Mary Duah-Owusu White (Sci-Tech), Mananya Podee (HSS), Vladislava Segen (Sci-Tech), Raysa El Zein (HSS).

National Centre for Post Qualifying Social Work (NCPQSW) – Centre Membership

NCPQSW specialises in providing high quality education, continuing professional development (CPD) and training for professionals within Health and Social Care. Post qualifying social work education is centred on a commitment, passion and dedication to develop professional practice, the enhancement of which is crucially focused on challenge and creative resolve, encompassing sound professional values, reasoning and judgement.

The centre currently works in partnership with over one third of local authorities in England. The flexible delivery model means we come to you to deliver education and training designed to make a positive contribution to practice.


Current Membership

Keith Brown (Head), Lee-Ann Fenge (Deputy), Jennifer Bigmore, Richard Field, Melanie Forsyth-Smith, Jane Holroyd, Katherine Hewe, Michael Lynne, Joanne Parker, Lynne Rutter,  Sarah Williams, Sally Lee.




Seldom Heard Voices Membership

Seldom Heard Voices: marginalisation and societal integration’ brings together a range of existing academics across Social Sciences and Social Work, both early career researchers keen to be mentored and established researchers. A key aspiration is to collaborate, develop and share networks for joint research activities and funding bids to achieve a critical mass of high quality Social Science focussed research within the faculty that will underpin a credible REF submission. This area includes both qualitative and quantitative methods to engage with marginalised communities and often excluded or silenced voices, particularly through user-led and participatory co-created research.
Current Membership

Dr Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers, Prof. Lee-Ann Fenge, Dr Mel Hughes, Prof. Sara Ashencaen Crabtree, Jenny Bigmore, Prof. Keith Brown, Dr Sid Carter, Wendy Cutts, Dr Jill Davey, Dr Richard Heslop, Dr Maggie Hutchings, Dr Steve Keen, Stefan Kleipoedzsus, Dr Sally Lee, Dr Hyun-Joo Lim, Prof. Jonathan Parker , Prof. Colin Pritchard, Dr Rosie Read, Emily Rosenorn-Lanng, Dr Lynn Rutter, Richard Williams.


Orthopaedic Research Institute (ORI) Membership

The Orthopaedic Research Institute (ORI) works across the university and with hospitals, industry partners and academia to produce high quality research and educational outputs that have a proven impact for patients, clinicians and society.

Current Membership

Robert Middleton, Tom Wainwright, Tikki Immins, Shay Bahadori, Louise Burgess.

Link to people page on our website –

Nursing Research Cluster Membership

The Nursing Research Cluster came into being in May 2016 and following some scoping of members’ expertise and areas of interest in the context of contemporary nursing and health care, our focus from autumn 2017 will concern Nursing and long-term health challenges.  The cluster brings together academics with passion, expertise and reputation in nurse education and research for impact on patient benefit and the preparation of a resilient workforce to support healthy communities.  It is led by a core group of very experienced researchers with high level collaborations nationally and internationally.  It will support and build the reputation of nursing research at Bournemouth University and enable many more staff to achieve a fused portfolio of activity for Ref 2021.

Managing people with long-term conditions is a significant challenge for the UK and global health community.  As the largest professional group in health care, nursing has a major role to play.  Colleagues at BU have been researching leadership, workforce development and value-based nurse education, as well as issues pertaining to long-term conditions such as cancer and chronic obstructive airway disease (COPD).  The aim is to bring these three strands together to form a synergy to establish a clear framework for research activity that supports the development of a nursing workforce capable of meeting the challenges of changing patterns of health need in the coming decades.

Moving forward cluster members will develop and lead distinct research themes to provide a clear framework for nursing research at BU.  The potential for collaborative activity with FHSS research groups is clearly evident and to be encouraged. However the unique focus of this group is the nursing contribution towards healthy communities, particularly for those living with long-term conditions.


Sue Baron; Emma Bockle; Teresa Burdett; Ian Donaldson; Katherine Curtis; Sarah Eales; Helen Farasat; Martin Hind; Janet James; Eleanor Jack; Anneyce Knight; Andy Mercer; Sam Porter; Elizabeth Rosser; Janet Scammell; Lucy Stainer; Desiree Tait; Stephen Tee; Sharon Waight


Petra Brown; Sonya Chelvanayagam; Karen Cooper; Nikki Glendening; Sue Melling; Jill Phillips; Ashley Spriggs

Associate members

Michele Board; Jonny Branney; Lisa Gale-Andrewes, Vanessa Heaslip; Peter Thomas; Andy Powell; Sara White

External members (associates)

Debbie Streeter (DHC)

iWell Membership

The Integrative Wellbeing research group (iWell) has its ancestry in a previous Research Centre, viz., the Centre of Wellbeing & Quality of Life. The legacy of this centre is a wealth of expertise that can be brought to bear on several key domains of health-related wellbeing, including the development of public health innovations. Furthermore, recent appointments have strengthened the Faculty’s research expertise in areas that are known to influence wellbeing at a fundamental level, such as physical activity and nutrition.

Our inter-disciplinary, and cross-faculty team will undertake research to improve public health and wellbeing at population, community and individual citizen levels. A particular focus has been, and will continue to be, upon low income, disadvantaged and/or marginalised groups. Furthermore, members are committed to the INVOLVE principles for the co-production of research questions with service users.

Current Membership

Alison McConnell (Head), Carol Clark, Clare Killingback, Jon Williams, Jonny Branney, Jo Thurston, Osman Ahmed, Sarah Collard, Gill Glasgow, Steve Trenoweth, Andrea Lacey, Debbie Neal, Ann Hemingway, Angela Turner-Wilson, Anne Mills, Anneyce Knight, Adele Ladkin (FOM), Sheila Brooks, Karen Rees, Liz Norton, Sid Carter, Heather Hartwell (HSS & FOM), Holly Crossen-White, Katherine Appleton (FST), Sam Crowe (visiting fellow), David Phillips (visiting prof)

 Associate Members

Jane Murphy, Fotini Tsofliou, Joanne Holmes, Michelle Heward, Sharon Docherty, Sue Baron, Swarjit Sarkar, Sara Crabtree, Petra Brown, Sara White, Bernadette Waters.


Sarah Pyke, Stacy Wall, Alice Ladur, Elizabeth Waithaka, Folashade Alloh, Pippa Hillen.



Centre for Qualitative Research – Centre Membership

The Centre for Qualitative Research (CQR) is is part of The Faculty of Health & Social Sciences. CQR is an internationally recognised resource for knowledge transfer activities and for the alignment of teaching and qualitative research.

The Centre in Qualitative Research acknowledges a history of achievements and expertise which serves as a focus for emerging developments in: Humanising Health and Social Care;  Performative Social Science and Arts-based Research;  Narrative and Biographic Research; and  Novel and Innovative Research including auto-ethnography, poetic inquiry, fiction, creative use of media including Research as Film.


Twitter: @BUQualitative



Current Membership

Kip Jones (Director), Anne Quinney, Carol Bond, Carol Pound, Caroline Ellis-Hill (Deputy Director), Judith Chapman, Immy Holloway, Sarah Collard, Michele Board, Sheila Brooks, Catherine Hennessey (Visiting Prof), Karen Rees, Jennifer Roddis, Karen Cooper, Maria (Camila) Devis-Rozental, Wendy Cutts.

Associate Members

Lorraine Brown, Jenny Hall, Trevor Hearing (Media), Lee-Ann Fenge, Jacqueline Priego, Clare Cutler, Jen Leamon, Janet Scammell, Jonathan Parker, Jane Fry, Nikki Glendening, Vanessa Heaslip, Mark Readman (Media), Sara Crabtree, Ben Hicks, Maggie Hutchings, Andy Mercer, Jill Phillips, Lynn Rutter, Carly Stewart, Emma Kavanagh.

Post Grad Affiliates

Clare Gordon, Peter Wolfensberger, Kathleen Vandenberghe, Louise Oliver, Karen Cooper, Elizabeth Gauntlett, Mevalyn Cross, Camila Devis-Rozental, Sally Lee, Manaya Podee, Paul Leal



Ageing & Dementia Research Centre (ADRC) – Centre Membership

The ADRC is the only cross faculty centre at BU that brings together expertise in the areas of ageing and dementia. The aim of ADRC is to use the team’s collective expertise to develop person-centred research which will improve the lives of older people with long-term conditions including dementia and their families.  The research falls under three broad categories – developing ageing & dementia friendly environments, nutrition & wellbeing and activity & social inclusion. The ADRC is led by Professor Jane Murphy and Professor Jan Wiener, supported by staff and students from the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences and the Faculty of Science & Technology.

Current ADRC Membership:-

Jane Murphy (Head), Jan Wiener (Joint Head – Sci-tech), Michele Board, Michelle Heward, Joanne Holmes, Juliet Wiseman, Mike Bracher, Swrajit Sarkar, Ashley Spriggs, Ben Hicks (Sci-tech), Ramona Grzeschik (Sci-tech), Samuel Nyman (Sci-tech), Denise Carroll (Sci-tech).

Associate Members

Janet Scammell, Shanti Shanker (Sci-tech), Steven Trenoweth, Wendy Cutts, Vanessa Heaslip, Christos Gatzidis (Sci-tech).


Mananya Podee, Natalia Adamczewska, Yolanda Barrado-Martin, Iram Bibi, Sophie Bushell, Mary O’Malley, Mary Duah-Owusu White, Christopher Hilton.

BUCRU – Centre Membership

“BUCRU aims to design, conduct and manage high quality, funded, health-related randomised controlled trials and other well-designed studies within HSS, across University Faculties, with researchers in National Health Service (NHS) Trusts and with national and international collaborators.

It does this by:

  1. Supporting researchers in improving the quality, quantity and efficiency of research across Bournemouth University and local NHS Trusts.
  2. Incorporating the Dorset office of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Research Design Service (RDS) to support the methodological development of high quality research grant applications.
  3. Offering methodological and statistical collaboration for health related research, particularly research of relevance to the NHS and public health.
  4. Conducting high quality nationally and internationally recognised research in complex interventions (including digital health) and long term conditions. “

Current Membership

Peter Thomas (Head), Tamas Hickish (Head), Sarah Thomas (Deputy), Helen Allen, Sharon Docherty, Vanessa Heaslip, Roger Baker (Visiting Professor), Andy Powell, Louise Ward (administrator).

Associate Members

Samuel Nyman (Sci-tech).


Centre for Midwifery, Maternal and Perinatal Health (CMMPH) – Centre Membership

CMMPH focuses on research in midwifery, maternal and perinatal care. Academic researchers associated with the group employ a wide spectrum of research approaches, ranging from qualitative to quantitative research and from mixed-methods studies to systematic reviews. They also cover a range of different topics, with studies undertaken locally in Dorset and the South of England, nationally across the UK, and internationally as far afield as Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan and the USA. We currently have 21 doctoral students working on a wide variety of projects both local and international.

Research focuses on the following broad areas

  • Improving maternal outcomes in low and middle income countries
  • Early labour
  • Maternal health and the media
  • Breastfeeding
  • Midwifery professional and maternal education
  • Other clinical studies

Current Membership

Edwin van Teijlingen (Head), Sue Way (Deputy), Catherine Angell, Luisa Cescutti-Butler, Simon Dyall, Sarah Emberley, Jane Fry, Vanora Hundley, Denyse King, Jen Leamon, Lesley Milne, Sara Stride, Alison Taylor, Gail Thomas, Fotini Tsofliou, Carol Wilkins, Pramod Regmi, Wendy Marsh, Juliet Wood.

Associate Members

Ann Luce, Andrew Mayers (Sci-tech), Jenny Hall.


Dana Colbourne, Rebecca Cousins, Liz Davey, Hannah Haydock, Debbee Houghton, Rie Inomata, Michelle Iriving, Alice Ladur, Preeti Mahato, Susan Mant, Amy Miller, Dominique Mylod, Isabell Nessell, Stella Rawnson, Layla Toomer, Daisy Wiggins, Donna Wixted.

Visiting Faculty

Jo Alexander, Debra Bick, Sheena Byrom, Suzanne Cunningham, Jillian Ireland, Minesh Khashu, Gwyneth Lewis, Paul Lewis, Ans Luyben, Wendy Marsh, Zoe Matthews, Emma Pitchforth, Samridhi Pradhan, Kath Ryan, Brijesh Sathian, Rob Sawdy, Bibha Simkhada, Padam Simkhada, Mandy Forrester.