Category / policy

This part of the blog features news and information about higher education policy and how BU’s research is influencing policy.

HE policy update for the w/e 20th May 2022

We’ve tried to keep it short this week.  But the politics is still sticky on a number of issues and the culture wars are not over… Research REF results: you’ve probably read everything you want to, but here is a blog from Dave Radcliffe of the University if Birmingham on QR funding: QR allocations could… Read more »

Policy Influencing training sessions

Time is often a barrier stopping colleagues from using their research to influence policy. These training sessions are designed with the ‘doing’ built into the training day. Each programme will help you move onto the next step and produce some of the key materials to influence policy with your research. So when you get back… Read more »

HE policy update w/e 3rd May 2022

Parliament was prorogued on Thursday 28 April. The State Opening of Parliament will take place on 10 May and the Queen’s Speech will set the agenda for the forthcoming Parliament. Research Tech transfer: The Government has announced that Dr Alison Campbell OBE has been hired as CEO of the new Government Office for Tech Transfer which will support the… Read more »

Upcoming Research Impact Workshops

We have several RKEDF impact-related workshops coming up over the next couple of months; please use the links below to book onto them via OD: Getting started with research impact: what is it? 12 May, 2pm (repeated on 16th September, 10am) Evidencing Impact 14 June, 2pm (repeated on 12 October, 2pm) Impact and Funding Applications… Read more »

HE policy update for the w/e 4th April 2022

A slightly quieter time with the House of Commons on recess. Before they went on recess, the Skills Bill finally made it over the line.  If you are wondering why we are focussing on school level education at the moment, the first item here will explain why, as the OfS provides more insight into its… Read more »

HE policy update for the w/e 4th April 2022

The Government has announced the current Parliamentary session will be prorogued in April (date not confirmed yet) (you’ll remember that process from “that” prorogation).  A new session will commence with a State Opening of Parliament and the Queen’s Speech on Tuesday 10 May. This means that legislation that is currently incomplete will either be dropped… Read more »

HE policy update for the w/e 18th March 2022

A wide ranging update for you this week! Parliamentary News Chancellor Rishi Sunak is due to deliver his spring statement. Wonkhe predict: tough times are coming for a sector that almost certainly won’t feature in any list of political priorities. For students, thanks to the way these things have been historically calculated, inflation-linked rises to… Read more »

He policy update for the w/e 10th March 2022

A bit of a catch up on a range of issues this week after an education focus in our last couple of updates. Ukraine – UK HE’s approach Wonkhe readers will already have seen their round up relating to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Here it is for those who haven’t caught it yet: Ukraine’s… Read more »

HE policy update for the w/e 3rd March 2022

The response to Augar – finally After so many delays that it seemed to have been passed by completely, we finally got the response to the Augar review and the outcome of the Review of Post-18 Education and Funding. You will recall that the Post-18 review was opened in February 2018 by Theresa May, and… Read more »

HE policy update for the w/e 17th February 2022

As it is Parliamentary recess, we thought we would do a general policy round up this week Fees, funding and finance We’ve updated our  separate paper on fees, funding and finance for BU readers while we wait for the final response to the Augar review. Research and knowledge exchange Post-Brexit there is still a great… Read more »

Upcoming Research Impact Workshops – book now!

We have five RKEDF Impact-related workshops coming up over the next month; please use the links below to book onto them via OD: Impact and Funding Applications: 16th February at 15:00  Influencing Policy – with Professor Mark Reed: 1st March at 13:00 Getting started with research Impact: what is it?: 8th March at 14:00 Inspirational… Read more »

HE policy update for the w/e 14th February 2022

Hi all, Parliament are in recess but there is plenty going on.  We start with last week’s reshuffle and research, but there are strong hints about new plans for access and participation Mini Reshuffle Last week there was a mini reshuffle of the parliamentarians holding Government. The appointments effectively draw his loyal staff ever closer… Read more »

HE policy update for the w/e 7th February 2022

Parliamentary news Michelle Donelan responded to oral questions within the chamber this week. They covered low-quality university courses (including in relation to disadvantaged access) and non-disclosure agreements. Research Professional (RP) has an interesting write up on low quality courses in the playbook. They note how few (41) courses don’t meet the quality threshold and that… Read more »

HE policy update for the w/e 28th January 2022

The big news this weekend was the quiet announcement of at least part of the government’s response to the Augar review – a freeze on the inflation linked threshold increase for student loan repayments. Student loan repayments The statement that generated a fair amount of weekend press coverage is here.  It looks like a very… Read more »

HE policy update for the w/e 21st January 2022

There so much regulatory stuff to talk about, so we are focussing on that this week.  There will be a more normal update next week. Moving the goalposts  – the OfS proposals for regulating absolute baselines This is the biggy – the one with the absolute student outcomes metrics.  The 60% metric that was all over… Read more »