Tagged / nature

AWE: Augmented Wildlife Experiences – Gaining traction

We’re excited to share updates about our groundbreaking Augmented Wildlife Experiences (AWE) project created by a team of academics from the Department of Life and Environmental Science. The project uses digital technology to create immersive experiences along walking trails, helping people connect with nature in new and meaningful ways while supporting their well-being. Wildlife sounds, camera trap footage, and educational information are accessible on our custom-built website, www.awetrails.co.uk.

BU HEIF funding allowed us to complete our proof-of-concept trail at Holton Lee, owned by Shaftesbury Millie College – by Livability. Over the past months, we have actively shared our work and built connections with diverse audiences. Various organisations have asked us to develop an AWE trail on their lands to enhance their public engagement activities.

Sharing Our Vision

On the 11th of November, Amanda Korstjens and Anastasia Vayona presented AWE for BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, titled: “Augmented Wildlife Experiences (AWE) trails to support nature connection”. The talk reflected on the challenges faced during the setup of the first trail at Holton Lee, located on private land with restricted access owned by Shaftesbury Millie College – by Livability, compared to the unique opportunities and issues anticipated with new trails being established on public land. We also discussed how AWE can be a tool to allow less mobile people to immerse themselves in local nature online.

Join us for more public events:

January 14th 2025 Webinar for Bournemouth Natural Sciences Society: “Using IT to make wildlife trails more interesting and accessible – Augmented Wildlife Experiences ( AWE) trails to support nature connection”.

In February, 14-23rd 2025, as part of “A Heathland Celebration” exhibition at the Gallery Upstairs in Upton Country Park (led by Julia Jennings), we will hold a panel discussion.

June 3rd, 2025, we will showcase AWE at Café Scientifique with Bournemouth University’s Public Engagement team. In a relaxed setting, we’ll explore how AWE merges conservation with technology.

Building Momentum

  • Anastasia Vayona submitted a British Academy small grants proposal, seeking to test the effectiveness of AWE enhancements in promoting nature connectedness.
  • AWE now proudly includes six talented students from diverse disciplines, whose fresh perspectives and skills are driving the project forward. This SERT (Student Environmental Research Team) started planning and shaping our second trail in November 2024 (funded by departmental QR funding). The Talbot Woods trail is a collaboration with Martha Searle from Talbot Village Trust. Get in touch if you would like to contribute.

AWE is a collaborative multi-disciplinary project led by BU academics working with local organisations Dorset Electrical Solutions, Shaftesbury Millie College, and Talbot Village Trust.

With these activities and accomplishments, AWE is paving the way for a future where technology and conservation work hand in hand.

Stay tuned for more updates and join us at www.awetrails.co.uk

New interdisciplinary COVID-19 paper

An evidence-based, multidisciplinary approach on risk zoning, personal and transmission risk assessment in near real-time, and risk communication would support the optimized decisions to minimize the impact of coronavirus on our lives. This interdisciplinary paper [1], pubished today in Scientific Reports, offers a framework to assess the individual and regional risk of COVID-19 along with risk communication tools and mechanisms. Relative risk scores on a scale of 100 represent the integrated risk of influential factors. The personal risk model incorporates age, exposure history, symptoms, local risk and existing health condition, whereas regional risk is computed through the actual cases of COVID-19, public health risk factors, socioeconomic condition of the region, and immigration statistics. A web application tool (http://www.covira.info) has been developed, where anyone can assess their risk and find the guided information links primarily for Nepal. This study provides regional risk for Nepal, but the framework is scalable across the world. 

The authors comprised researchers from the University of Bristol, Science Hub (Nepal), University of the West of England, Public Health Perspective Nepal, Nepal Open University, Center for Molecular Dynamics Nepal, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, the University of Huddersfield and Bournemouth University.



  1. Parajuli, R.R., Mishra, B., Banstola, A. Multidisciplinary approach to COVID-19 risk communication: a framework and tool for individual and regional risk assessment. 21650 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-78779-0

Cross-Border Event on Natural and Cultural Heritage – post event report

On Wednesday 11th October, BU were pleased to welcome the Interreg France (Channel) England (FCE) team and their guests for their cross-border event, considering Specific Objective 3.1: Natural and Cultural Heritage:

3.1- Realise the potential of the common natural and cultural assets to deliver innovative and sustainable growth 

The focus of this Specific Objective is to develop the economic potential of the Programme’s natural and cultural heritage. By investing in this Specific Objective the Programme aims to improve the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the Programme’s cultural and natural heritage, and to support economic growth through developing a more competitive tourism offer.

This has the aim of increasing not only the regions appeal to visitors, but making it a more appealing place to live and work with the intention of attracting businesses and therefore jobs to the area.

With over 70 attendees from across the area of eligibility, the day gave all attendees the opportunity to find out more about the programme, explore areas of common interest, meet with like-minded potential project partners and consider how their own disciplines may contribute to the delivery of innovative and sustainable economic activities which enhance common cultural and natural assets.

The day began with a welcome from Carolyn Reid (FCE Programme Manager) and Prof Michael Wilmore (Executive Dean, BU’s Faculty of Media and Communication). Following presentations outlining the scheme, attendees found out more about two funded projects – VISTA-AR and GO TRADE. Following a panel discussion with heritage experts from both France and the UK, the afternoon consisted of themed breakout sessions (Natural Heritage, Built Heritage, Intangible Tourism and Events and Trails) plus surgeries with FCE facilitators.

The day concluded with project pitches and recognition that the event had been a fruitful experience for all those in attendance.

If BU staff are considering applying for this or any other Interreg scheme, please contact Emily Cieciura, RKEO’s Research Facilitator: EU & International Funding.

Interreg: Cross-Border Event on Natural & Cultural Heritage on 11th October 2017

Don’t miss out – some places are still available at this event:

BU is proud to announce that the The Interreg France (Channel) England Programme is holding their cross-border event, to support applicants who are interested in applying for EU funding under the Programme’s specific objective 3.1 on natural and cultural heritage, at Bournemouth University. This event will take place in BU’s Executive Business Centre on Wednesday, 11th October 2017. Booking is essential.

The event is a fantastic opportunity to:

  • Understand how to apply for EU funding under the Programme’s specific objective on natural and cultural heritage
  • Hear from experts working in the heritage industry
  • Find out what heritage needs and priorities have been identified in the Channel area
  • Hear from heritage projects already approved by the Programme
  • Network with applicants and project partners from both France and the UK

We look forward to welcoming guests from both France and the UK at this event.

Interreg: Cross-Border Event on Natural & Cultural Heritage on 11th October 2017

BU is proud to announce that the The Interreg France (Channel) England Programme is holding their cross-border event, to support applicants who are interested in applying for EU funding under the Programme’s specific objective 3.1 on natural and cultural heritage, at Bournemouth University. This event will take place in BU’s Executive Business Centre on 11th October 2017. Booking is essential.

The event is a fantastic opportunity to:

  • Understand how to apply for EU funding under the Programme’s specific objective on natural and cultural heritage
  • Hear from experts working in the heritage industry
  • Find out what heritage needs and priorities have been identified in the Channel area
  • Hear from heritage projects already approved by the Programme
  • Network with applicants and project partners from both France and the UK

Find out more and reserve your place.

NERC Valuing Nature programme: Understanding ecosystem stocks and tipping points

nerc-logo-50thNERC is inviting proposals to contribute to addressing the goals of the Valuing Nature programme through a broader understanding of the tipping points of ecosystem services.

This NERC supported call is for UK focused research proposals to further understand:

  • the links between ecosystem stocks, ecosystem service flows and benefits that are delivered as a result, to enable identification of critical levels of ecosystem stocks that avoid abrupt and damaging change in the delivery of benefits (tipping points); and
  • how the values (including those broader than economics) of ecosystem services and the benefits they deliver change as tipping points are reached and exceeded.

A funding pot of up to £1·1m (80%FEC) is available from NERC, which is expected to support three proposals of up to 30 months duration, and up to £370K (80% FEC).

Applicants should refer to the full Announcement of Opportunity for further details.

Announcement of Opportunity (PDF, 247KB)

Call closes: 16:00 BST 6 May 2016

Contacts: For further information about this Announcement of Opportunity, please contact:

Rachel Leader   01793 411595  

General Valuing Nature Programme Coordination Team enquiries should be directed to:

If you are interested in applying to this call then please contact your RKEO Funding Development Officer in the first instance.

LIFE+ 2012 Call now open!

The sixth LIFE+ call opened recently and closes on the 26th September 2012. LIFE+ funds projects that implement, update and develop Community environmental policy and legislation. There are three strands:

There is a significant change to the application process this year as this must be done using a new eProposal online tool. There are user guides available on the LIFE+ website. In addition applicants submitting a Nature & Biodiversity project or an Information & Communication project related to Forest Fire Prevention will also need to submit an A8 form, signed by the relevant competent authority.

Beta Technology can review your project idea before you start taking time to fill in the application form, simply complete the project concept form and send it to Catherine Holt or Jane Watkins . You can also take a look at the Tips and Advice section of the Beta website for some great hints when completing an application.

There is also an Info Day for this call being held in London on May 29th  -povisional plans for the day include presentations from Stefan Welin, Technical Desk Officer at the EU LIFE Unit, Catherine Holt from BETA Technology and previous project funding recipients. Attendance is free but must be registered in advance, places are limited and will initially be allocated at one per organisation on a first come, first served basis; you can register here.