The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) has announced it is inviting expressions of interest to join subject advisory groups for Subject Benchmark Statements.
QAA leads the development of Subject Benchmark Statements and reviews them on a cyclical basis to ensure they are useful as possible for discipline communities and can inform a range of purposes across the sector, including course design and providing support for securing academic standards.
In 2021, QAA will be reviewing the following subjects:
- Archaeology
- Chemistry (BSc and MSc/MSci/MChem)
- Classics and Ancient History (including Byzantine Studies and Modern Greek)
- Computing and Computing (Master’s)
- Counselling and Psychotherapy (BA &MA)
- Criminology, Early Childhood Studies
- Earth Sciences
- Environmental Sciences and Environmental Studies
- Forensic Science
- Geography
- History
- Housing Studies
- Theology and Religious Studies
Members of the academic community, employers, PSRBs and students are all encouraged to apply. Academic representatives and current students will only be drawn from higher education providers who are QAA Members.
You can view the call here:
To submit an expression of interest, complete the online survey by 5pm on Friday 12 March.
After submitting your expression of interest it would be helpful if you would let Jane & Sarah (BU’s policy team) know. This is simply so we can track interest in sharing these kind of opportunities. We can be contacted at: Thank you.
Tagged / chemistry
Volunteers wanted to run science activities at Christchurch Food Festival Experi-TENT

Why does corn Pop? How much chemistry is in your shopping basket? How safe is your food? How can you be sure where your food comes from? If you can help explain any of these questions you would be welcome to help Discover Science Christchurch as they deliver activities at their Experi-TENT at the Christchurch Food Festival on 11 and 12 May on the Quomps in Christchurch. The Experi-TENT is supported by the Royal Society of Chemistry Outreach Fund.
Activities will include;
- Food safety and fraud: good bugs and chemical analysis
- What am I eating: making sherbert and exploring sugar and salt in food.
As well as bringing some science to the festival, there will be a dialogue about creating a permanent science discovery centre at the end of Christchurch High Street as part of a planned new development in order to engage public input and support.
Staff, students or anyone else interested are encouraged to register to volunteer on the day.
Biotechnology YES 2015 is open for applications
Biotechnology YES, now in its 20th year, is an innovative competition developed to raise awareness of the commercialisation of ideas among early career researchers. The competition is funded by sponsorship and aims to encourage an entrepreneurial culture in the UK postgraduate and postdoctoral base for the benefit of the UK bioeconomy.
6 workshops are being held across the UK in the autumn and three of these are to be hosted by industry:
- Plant, microbial and environment workshop hosted for the fifth year by Syngenta at Jealott’s Hill
- Biomedical YES workshop again hosted by GSK and the Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst
- Food, Nutrition and Wellbeing workshop hosted for the first time by Unilever at Colworth
The Royal Society of Chemistry is once again sponsoring teams to compete in Chemistry YES to be run in conjunction with the Biotechnology YES workshops.
Environment YES, now in its 10th year, will once again be run alongside Biotechnology YES.
This competition is open to all bioscience early career researchers not just those funded by BBSRC.
For further information and how to apply please visit:
Partnership opportuntity – Seeking Computational Chemistry Expertise
Strategic Allies have a client who would like to collaborate with a partner that can simulate complex reactions and predict the effects of various adjustments and additions on product yield in a thermal/catalytic cracking reaction. If you have the ability to carry out chemical experiments in silico, please contact : Yvonne Crocker to discuss this further.
Yvonne Crocker
Projects Co-ordinator
Strategic Allies Ltd
Tel. + 44 (0)1442 860634
Do you want to present your research to MPs? Then enter the SET for Britain awards!
Are you a PGR student, research assistant or early career researcher working in the areas of engineering, biological and biomedical sciences, or physical sciences?
Then the SET for BRITAIN awards could be your opportunity to present your research to MPs at an exhibition in London in March 2012. The aim is for applicants to present their high level science research to a lay audience via a poster.
The overall aim of SET for BRITAIN is to encourage, support and promote Britain’s early-stage and early-career research scientists, engineers and technologists who are the “engine-room” of continued progress in and development of UK research and R&D, and ultimately of UK plc.
Early-stage researchers include university research students, postgraduates, research assistants, postdocs, research fellows, newly-appointed lecturers, part-time students and their equivalents in national, public sector and industrial laboratories, etc, and appropriate MSc students, all of whom are engaged in scientific, engineering, technological or medical research and are achieving results.
On Monday 12th March SET for BRITAIN will hold a poster exhibition and reception in the House of Commons Terrace Marquee during National Science and Engineering Week. The exhibition will be of posters submitted by applicants to the SET for BRITAIN competition. The closing date for entries is Saturday 24 December 2011. There will be an initial selection by the judges and applicants will be informed by the end of January 2012 whether their application to take part in the exhibition has been successful.
In order to encourage maximum participation by early-career researchers and Members of Parliament the competition is divided into three distinct areas:
- Engineering
- Biological and Biomedical Science
- Physical Sciences (Chemistry and Physics)
Each section has a separate two-hour poster exhibition and judging session during the day, ending with a reception and prize-giving. It is expected that there will be about 60 posters on display in each session, representing the best in each field as part of a national competition for a prestigious Medal and substantial monetary prize.
A wide range of important scientific and engineering institutions are lending their support to this event, including the Society of Biology, the Institute of Physics, the Royal Academy of Engineering, and the Royal Society of Chemistry.
SET for BRITAIN Awards are made solely on the basis of the very best research work and results by an early-stage or early-career researcher. Prizes will be awarded for the scientific posters presented in each discipline which best communicate high level science to a lay audience.
To read a review about the event written by one of this year’s poster exhibitors, see Blanka Sengerova’s write up on the Vitae website.
This is a fantastic opportunity for BU staff and students to gain experience of communicating science with a lay audience and also for their research to make an impact on MPs.
For further information, including details on how to apply, visit the SET for BRITAIN website.