EuropeAid is responsible for designing EU development policies and delivering aid through programmes and projects across the world, providing a single contact point for stakeholders inside and outside the EU to deal with. EuropeAid offers funding through grant calls and contract calls; to learn more about how to get funded visit the BU EuropeAid webpage.
Tagged / EU
Lifelong Learning Programme Call: Support for European Co-operation in Education and Training
The European Commission has launched a call for proposals for the provision of support for European co-operation in education and training under the Lifelong Learning Programme.
Sign up for FP7 information & alert service
The UK Research Office (UKRO) promotes effective UK participation in European Union funded research, higher education and training, and related activities. Established in Brussels in 1991, UKRO is jointly sponsored by the UK Research Councils.
UKRO provides information and advice on EU funding opportunities, and EU programmes and policies. You can sign up for the UKRO FP7 information and email alert service. Simply, “create a profile” (a personalised web page, covering the areas that you are interested in) and then select to receive email alerts at whatever interval you would prefer. UKRO has also produced a guide to help you understand more about this service.
FP7 Partner Searches
Partner search: Sport & Health – The Centre for Sport Health and Exercise Research, Staffordshire University, is seeking partners to join a research project in the fields of sports and health.
For Emotion Regulation; Emotion and Cognitive Performance; and Emotion and Motor Performance. Email
For Physical activity/health and the environment; Green space and physical activity/health; Community health/physical activity promotion; and Primary care-based health/physical activity promotion. Email
Partner Search: Turkish SME & Wearable Cardiac Diagnosis Tool – The European Care Network is seeking partners to join a research project regarding a wearable cardiac diagnosis tool (in a vest) with clinical decision support system. For further information contact
EU research and funding workshops
We are looking to host a series of workshops/ presentations on EU funding and we would like to hear your suggestions for topics.
What information would you find most useful? What would you like to learn more about? What format would you find most helpful?
Please comment below to let us know what you would like to see…
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