Tagged / funding opportunities

British Society for Rheumatology – Two calls

Allied Health Professional Bursaries

Aimed at health professionals working in the field of rheumatology, the Allied Health Professional bursaries entitle successful applicants to complimentary attendance at Rheumatology 2013 on 23-25 April in Birmingham.

Five bursaries are available to allied health professionals who meet the selection criteria.

The winners will receive

  • Complimentary registration to Rheumatology 2013
  • Two nights’ bed and breakfast
  • Economy class travel expenses

Please note that any additional expenses are not included in the bursary.

Rules and eligibility

Applicants must:

  • be members of the British Health Professionals in Rheumatology (BHPR)
  • have at least three years’ post-registration work experience and a minimum of one year’s experience in rheumatology
  • show a commitment to the future of the rheumatology profession
  • have support from their department

How to apply

Submission deadline is Monday 21 January 2013. Bursary winners will be selected by the BSR Executive Committee and will be notified by email approximately 2 weeks after the deadline.

To apply, visit the web site for a form.

Bursary winners are required to submit a 300 word report on their experience at Rheumatology 2013 which will be used in future BSR/BHPR literature and as feedback for planning future meetings.

Garrod Prize

The prestigious Garrod Prize is open to scientists with a non-clinical background currently working in rheumatology or a related discipline. BSR would normally expect candidates to be within 15 years of graduation.

Named after Sir Alfred Baring Garrod, who was responsible for recognising the difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and for initiating the thread test for uric acid in the blood. This prize replaced the Non-Clinical Bursary

View past Garrod Prize winners

The winner will receive

  • £1,000
  • Complimentary registration to Rheumatology 2013, 23-25 April 2013 
  • The opportunity to present their work during the plenary session at Rheumatology 2013
  • The winner’s work will be considered for publication in the BSR journal Rheumatology

Rules and eligibility

  • Applicants do not have to be BSR members
  • Open to applicants with less than 10 years experience in research activities

How to apply

Submission deadline is Wednesday 21 November 2012. Entrants will be notified by 21 December 2012.

To apply submit:

  • Your full CV
  • Three to five published papers on a similar theme
  • A 1,000 word free-standing and potentially publishable editorial
  • An explanation of your contribution to the work.

References should be numbered consecutively and should conform to the style of the BSR journal Rheumatology.

Entrants must explain why their work is significant to rheumatology or rheumatologists.

Please contact Lindsay McClenaghan at lmcclenaghan@rheumatology.org.uk for any further information.

The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

World Cancer Research Fund International – Regular Grant Programme

The call for outline applications for the Regular Grant Programme 2012/2013 Cycle is now open.

WCRF International funds research into the effects of diet, nutrition (including nutritional status) and physical activity on cancer.

Applications are accepted from anywhere in the world, except the Americas (North America, Central America and the Caribbean, and South America). Applications from the Americas are accepted by the AICR Grant Programme.Grant Applicants

Detailed information on how to apply is provided in the Grant Application Package (GAP) 2012/2013 and in the Grant applicants section below.

Grant applicants

Find out how you can apply for a grant. The call for Outline Applications for the Regular Grant Programme 2012/2013 Cycle is now open.


Grant holders

This section provides information relevant to current WCRF International grant-holders.

Grant Application Package (GAP)

Grant Application Package (GAP)

Download the GAP PDF file, which contains information on the Regular Grant Programme and details of how to apply for a grant.

Funded Research

Funded research

Find out about grants awarded under the WCRF International Research Grant Programme between 2001 and 2011.

Grant Panel

Grant panel

Details of the panel members for the WCRF International Regular Grant Programme.

 The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

Deafness Research UK – PhD Studenship Scheme

Deafness Research UK currently administer over 40 grants, including awards for two and three-year projects, research fellowships, postgraduate studentships, equipment and travel.

Postgraduate Studentships

Deafness Research UK award PhD studentships by annual competitive round. Applications are now open for the 2013 round, with a closing date of Friday 12 October. Download the PhD Studentship application form and download the PhD Studentship guidance notes.

Please view their terms and conditions.

For further information on their grant programme please email research@deafnessresearch.org.uk or telephone 020 7164 2290

 The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

TSB – Digital Innovation Contest – Culture2


Digital Innovation Contest – Culture 2

The ‘Digital Innovation Contest – Culture 2’ – run by IC tomorrow in conjunction with the Design Museum and the Public, is procuring up to two trials – offering a maximum of £24,000 for each successful innovative commercial prototype in response to the following two challenges:
1. ‘Digital campaigning and fundraising challenge’ – set by the Design Museum – 1 award of £24,000.
2. ‘Fun and engaging gallery journeys challenge’ – set by the Public – 1 award of £24,000.

Successful applicants will also benefit from:

  • collaborating with one of the two leading cultural partners
  • an opportunity to promote their prototype via the IC tomorrow programme
  • support in resolving content delivery, licensing and metadata issues related to the service or application
  • retaining their intellectual property.

Register and Apply at:

Deadline for submissions – Noon, Monday 20 August 2012.

Open date: 09 July 2012

Close date: 20 August 2012

Email: competitions@innovateuk.org
Email: support@ictomorrow.co.uk

Phone number: 0300 321 4358

The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

British Sociological Association – Phil Strong Memorial Prize

The British Sociological Association have announced the Phil Strong Memorial Prize for the Academic year 2011-12.  It is anticipated that there will be one prize to the value of £1200.  The purpose of the prize is to contribute to the advancement of medical sociology by supporting post-graduate research in medical sociology.

The prize was established in memory of Phil Strong (1945-1995) one of the post-war generation of sociologists who influenced the development of medical sociology in the UK.  Phil’s work combined rigorous empirical analysis with sociological imagination. He was one of the foremost exponents of Goffman’s ideas, but he did not confine himself to interactionism, or indeed to sociology, in his reading or thinking which drew on philosophy, political science and literature. His empirical research included important studies of the clinical encounter, NHS reforms, and the social history of AIDS.  In memory of his contribution as an essayist, researcher and teacher this prize has been established to support postgraduate research in medical sociology.


Applicants must show that they are low waged or unwaged and not receiving a full or part time research studentship that is intended to cover maintenance and research expenses for the duration of study, that they are working in the field of Medical Sociology and that they are registered for a higher degree at a British University or other recognised British research institution, with a named supervisor who is a member of the BSA.

Applications must be submitted to arrive no later than 17 August 2012.  Incomplete applications and applications received after this date will not be considered.  The draw and announcement of the winner for this year’s prize will be made at the Medical Sociology Study Group’s AGM during their Annual Conference

Conditions of the award of the Phil Strong Prize

A draw for the prize will be held each year at the Medical Sociology AGM and an immediate announcement of the recipient made.  The money will be paid by cheque to the sponsoring institution that will be responsible for administering and accounting for the money, and making such information available to the Committee on request.  Departments that do not comply with the conditions listed above will not be allowed to enter students for the prize in the following five years.

Students receiving the Phil Strong prize must produce a short report (approximately 1000 words) on how the money has been used. This should include (1) a brief overview of their doctoral research including the background, aims and objectives, methods and progress to date including a summary of any analysis or conclusions (2) an account of the activities supported by the Phil Strong Memorial Prize, including any reflections on how this enhanced the study or the recipients’ sociological development.  This should be submitted to the convenor of the BSA Medical Sociology Study Group within three months of the completion date specified in the student’s application. This will be published in Medical Sociology Online.

The recipient should keep the convenor of the Medical Sociology Committee informed should there be any problems associated with the use of the money.  The prize money may not be used for any other purpose than that for which it is granted. Should the money not be used within one year of the time from which was awarded, it shall be returned to the Medical Sociology Group.  These conditions may be varied by the Medical Sociology Committee, subject to the approval of the AGM, to optimise the outcome of the Phil Strong Memorial Prizes and enhance the good name of Medical Sociology.


The Phil Strong Prize Money may not be used for:

  • The material production of a thesis (e.g. photocopying and binding).  The BSA has a support fund to which students can apply for this;
  • Courses which should be offered by the Department/Unit as part of normal provision for postgraduate or undergraduate students (e.g. standard courses in research methods);
  • Return fares for an overseas student, registered in Britain, to return home. Exceptions may be made if there is strong evidence of how this would advance the study;
  • Materials and equipment such as books, computers (including access to the internet) and tape-recorders which should properly be supplied by the sponsoring institution; and
  • Any purpose which is unlawful.

How to Enter

To enter, complete the application form and return as an email attachment to the BSA Office.  Alternatively, you can fax your application to 0191 383 0782 or post to the address on the application form.

Applications must be received no later than 17 August 2012.  Receipt will be acknowledged.  Incomplete applications and applications received after this date will not be considered.

TSB – Design for a future Climate – climate-resilient infrastructure

Defra Defra intends to invest in projects for development of proposed actions, innovations and associated feasibility studies that will increase the resilience of UK infrastructure to a future changing climate.

Defra’s Climate Ready Programme is working to enhance infrastructure resilience to climate change through the development of the National Adaptation Programme for 2013. Reports submitted under the Adaptation Reporting Power have demonstrated that key infrastructure organisations are already considering climate change adaptation and working to mitigate their specific climate change risks. Defra believes that there are significant market opportunities to develop the resilience of infrastructure to climate change and extreme weather, in resource efficient and innovative ways.Defra

Defra is inviting proposals to develop climate resilience innovations both for potential future infrastructure projects and to retro-fit existing infrastructure assets. Innovations which provide incremental adaptation options are also desirable. This competition is seeking innovations which can demonstrate a ‘route to market’ and can be put into practice as viable business and environmental propositions.

Registration close date: 29 August 2012

Close date: 06 September 2012

Website: www.innovateuk.org/sbri

Email: competitions@innovateuk.org

 The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

ESRC – Workshop for Google Data Analytics Social Science Research

“Data is the new raw material of the 21st century, it allows citizens to hold governments to account, drives improvements in public services by informing choice, and provides a feedstock for innovation and growth.” As open-source data is set to grow, this is a key time to better understand how it maps onto and possibly significantly strengthens, the ability of academics to understand society. The ESRC and Google are therefore pleased to announce the Google Data Analytics Social Science Research Call.

The call for Google Data Analytics Social Science Research aims to provide funding for projects that demonstrate the potential of how publicly accessible online data, analytical and presentational tools, such as those provided by Google, can be used to address social and economic research topics, showcasing how academics can use online data analytical tools in creative, intellectual and creative ways. As part of this process, the projects should:

  • transmit best practice in use of such tools for social science
  • show how the tools can be used to test social-science theories
  • suggest possible improvements/innovations in the tools to help integrate analytics and open-source data tools in general into the teaching/learning community.

They have allocated £200,000 to fund a maximum of four research projects lasting up to one year. The call will open on 20 August 2012 and close on 2 October 2012.

To register for this call launch workshop please send a brief description of your area of interest to:knowledgeexchange@esrc.ac.uk by 2 August 2012. Please note, this information may be circulated to other attendees unless you state otherwise.

Further Information

 The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

ESRC – Student Internship Scheme

The ESRC student internship scheme provides current ESRC-funded PhD students with the opportunity to spend up to six months in a non-academic organisation within the public, civil society (voluntary) or private sector where they can work as part of a team involved with policy and practice development.

The internship scheme provides both student and host organisations with a clear set of benefits and contributes to the skills and professional development of PhD students.

Students can benefit from:

  • networking within the policy arena
  • transferable skills and knowledge
  • time management skills
  • report writing skills.

Hosts can benefit from:

  • additional resources
  • production of briefing papers
  • adding to the organisation’s policy evidence base.

ESRC students

If you are an ESRC-funded student wishing to undertake an internship award during 2012, you will need to complete and return an application form for each of the host organisation(s) you wish to apply to by the closing date of 10 August 2012.

Application forms and project details for participating hosts are available using the host organisations links below.

Participating host organisations for the 2012 internships:

Internship holders receive a three month extension to their ESRC award (conditions apply), and will be able to claim for reasonable travel and accommodation costs (conditions apply).

End of Award Report

Students and host organisations must complete and submit an End of Award Report within three months of completing the internship.


 The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

Daiwa Foundation Small Grants

Grants of £3,000-£7,000 are available to individuals, societies, associations or other bodies in the UK or Japan to promote and support interaction between the two countries.


Daiwa Foundation Small Grants can cover all fields of activity, including educational and grassroots exchanges, research travel, the organisation of conferences, exhibitions, and other projects and events that fulfil this broad objective. New initiatives are especially encouraged.


Daiwa Foundation Small Grants cannot be used for:
*general appeals
*capital expenditure (eg, building refurbishment, equipment acquisition, etc)
*consumables (eg, stationery, scientific supplies, etc)
*school, college or university fees
*research or study by an individual school/college/university student
*salary costs or professional fees
*commissions for works of art
*retrospective grants
*replacement of statutory funding
*commercial activities


UK-based applicants can apply online. Applications from Japan should be posted to the Tokyo Office.

There are two application deadlines each year, 31 March (for a decision by 31 May) and 30 September (for a decision by 30 November). However, the Foundation encourages applicants to submit their application as early as possible. The Foundation is also happy to provide advice about possible applications – please contact grants@dajf.org.uk.

Please read the application notes before starting your online  application:
Online Application Notes

Please click here for the online application form


All applicants are notified by letter from the Foundation. The decision of the Trustees is final and the Foundation is unable to discuss unsuccessful applications.

 The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

BBSRC/FSA joint call for Early Career Research Fellowships

Application deadline: 20 September 2012


BBSRC, in partnership with the Food Standards Agency (FSA), encourages applications for early career research fellowships (analogous to the David Phillips fellowships scheme) in areas of science that are of strategic and scientific interest and importance to the funders. For more details see:Visit the Food Standards Agency website

They welcome proposals within the BBSRC/FSA remit. The FSA particularly encourages proposals which can demonstrate potential for significant leaps forward in providing the evidence needed to underpin its objective of safer food for the nation. These may be on current/new areas of interest where building research capability/capacity/new approaches would be helpful, for example:

  • on foodborne disease organisms such as Listeria
  • on emerging/new issues for which a compelling case can be made

Number of awards

They anticipate two 5-year fellowships will be awarded, in addition to the standard BBSRC David Phillips fellowships awarded annually, and subject to the usual excellent quality expected.

BBSRC and FSA have allocated up to £2M to fund these additional fellowships.

How to apply

Application to these fellowships is through the David Phillips fellowship scheme (see related links).

Applicants should submit a covering letter indicating that they wish to be considered for the BBSRC-FSA fellowships scheme.

Please note that only one application to both schemes is required.

Applications submitted which are considered out of remit will automatically be considered for a standard David Phillips fellowship, so long as they fall within the broader BBSRC remit.


Applications to both schemes will be assessed in the same way through BBSRC’s Research Committee E (supplemented by appropriate expertise as required).

Application assessment will run concurrently with that of David Phillips fellowships.

Engagement with policy

As part of successful fellowships, each Fellow will be allocated a mentor from the FSA (in addition to the mentor assigned from BBSRC) to foster collaboration and interaction between the Fellow and the FSA.

Each Fellow will also be expected to spend approximately one to two days per month working with FSA staff to:

  • develop understanding of the science into policy environment
  • contribute to the strategic development of the Agency’s evidence base to underpin the formulation of FSA policies

Further information

Potential applicants are encouraged  to contact BBSRC/FSA to discuss their proposals’ fit to remit, see contacts below.

External contact

Alisdair Wotherspoon, FSA (scientific remit)


Anuj Bhatt (scientific remit)

Administrative enquiries

 The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

JRF call in Poverty and Ethnicity: Social Networks

In Spring 2011, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation launched a major new 5 year programme across the UK which aims to increase understanding of the relationship between poverty and ethnicity. Details of the programme can be viewed here.

A considerable amount of research has been undertaken which has highlighted the positive impact that participation in social networks can have. However, their role in enabling people to escape poverty and the way in which they operate for people in different minority ethnic groups is not fully understood. As part of the first phase of this programme of work, we are inviting proposals for a research project which aims to address this important gap in our understanding.

This research aims to develop our understanding of how the experience of accessing social networks differ across a range of people in different ethnic groups and how this impacts on their ability to escape from poverty.

Further information

The submission must contain two attachments: 

For more information about the programme please refer to our poverty and ethnicity page. Proposals should be submitted by 23.59pm on 30 August 2012.

 The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

HEA Workshop and Seminar Series Thematic seminars, 2012-13

The Higher Education Academy is inviting HEIs to host thematic workshops and seminars that disseminate findings from research or evaluation work, or share evidence-informed policy and/or practice. A grant of £750 is available from the HEA to support each workshop run by the HEI.   This is an excellent opportunity to disseminate outcomes from your Education Excellence projects.

The next call for proposals for workshops in 2012/13 opens 01 October 2012 and closes 29 October 2012.  Workshops or seminars should be held during the spring and summer (February – July 2013).

The three thematic areas for this call are:

•  Employability – includes integrating work experience; addressing employer perspectives.

•  Flexible learning – includes using technology to support flexibility in the pace or place of delivery; engagement with employers to promote flexibility of pace, place or mode of delivery.

•  Internationalisation – includes student mobility; internationalising the curriculum; integration of home and international students; promoting intercultural understanding. 

Further details, a proposal form and details of past workshops are here: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/seminar-series#themes

 The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

Arthritis Research UK – Educational Project Grants

Arthritis Research UK seeks to fund a number of projects aimed at investigating innovative approaches to enhance the education of health care professionals and the public on musculoskeletal disorders. They are pleased to issue a call for expressions of interest in research in this area. This call will be in relation to particular questions and research topics – please make sure you read the document, Call for research proposals in the education of health professionals and the public 2012, before you apply.

The application process is in three stages, as follows:

Stage 1: Submission of an intent form via our on-line application system, deadline Wednesday 19 September 2012

Stage 2: Shortlisted applicants from Stage 1 may be invited to attend a review/mentoring workshop in January 2013. Those subsequently invited to submit a full application will be informed of this by 27 February 2013.

Stage 3: Submission of a full application form, for those invited to submit only, again via our online application system, deadline Wednesday 17 April 2013. Provisional notification of final awards will be made by 26 July 2013.

Those interested in submitting an intent form are advised to speak beforehand to Keir Windsor, Education Manager, on 01246 558033. Technical queries relating to the application process or timing should be directed to Rowan Roberts, Education Awards Administrator, on 01246 558033 or r.roberts@arthritisresearchuk.org

The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

Centre for Nursing Studies – Patients First Studies

The Patients First Programme provides support and facilitation to clinically based nurse-led teams to help them to develop, implement and evaluate locally focused innovations that improve patient care in any healthcare setting across the UK.

Over a period of 12 months, the Patients First Programme provides:

  • Help to keep a central focus on the patient and/or service users and the issues that matter to them the most
  • Advice on developing effective project plans/proposals
  • Encouragement to identify and make links with people who may be able to offer support locally
  • Access to practice development tools and resources
  • A workshop programme of support and development that will bring together the nurse-led teams to explore and enable effective strategies for developing and changing practice and provide opportunities for networking and sharing
  • Facilitation in the workplace to enable the development of knowledge and skills in leading and facilitating sustainable changes in practice and improvements in care
  • Peer mentorship linking up team leaders with those who have completed similar initiatives
  • Support with publishing and active dissemination
  • Bursary of up to £5000

Who can apply?

Clinically based nurses and nurse-led teams who have identified with patients an aspect of care that needs to be improved and who can demonstrate a commitment to:

  • Using a variety of approaches to inform and evaluate the development of practice leading to sustainable improvements in care
  • Working in ways that enable the inclusion and participation of patients and other key stakeholders in all aspects of the project
  • Using a collaborative and systematic approach to development and improvement

Find out more

To date, 40 project teams have been recruited;  (7 in autumn 2009, 8 in February 2010, 15 in November 2010 and 10 in November 2011). You can find out more about the current Patients First Projects by clicking on the link. A number of project teams have now completed their final reports; to read the summaries of their work, view Volume 6 of the Dissemination Series by clicking on the link.

An evaluation of Year One of this programme that identifies outcomes for patients, participants and practice is available by clicking here.

Closing date 19 September 2012

The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology – Funding Opportunities

The Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology have announced a number of funding opportunities.  These include:

Developmental Grants (these must include some members of SRIP) – The Society will provide up to £1500 to cover travel and accommodation for participants and other small incidental costs. Costs will be reimbursed through a University or other appropriate organisation. The organisers of funded workshops will be required to supply accounts of the monies spent and a brief factual report of the workshop.  Applications can be made at any time .

Conference bursary for students – Since 1980 SRIP has organized an annual international scientific conference to exchange research findings, develop research interest and networks and to engage with clinical partners. The society awards bursaries to enable academic students to attend the conference and prizes to esteemed researchers (clinical and academic) in recognition of their work. The Society provides a total of 3 Bursaries for students to attend the conference each year. The bursary will cover Conference Fees and up to £150 towards travel and accommodation. Applications for a bursary will be considered on an individual basis by the committee. Preference will be given to students presenting a paper or poster and to those who have no, or limited, funds available to support conference attendance.  The closing date for receipt of applications is the end of July of the year in which the conference is due to take place.

Annual Student Prize – Each year the society awards an Annual Prize for a research thesis submitted as part of an undergraduate degree (B.A. / B.Sc.), masters by research (M.A. / M.Sc.), or equivalent level professional training (e.g., MBBS).* The subject of the thesis may be any aspect of reproduction, birth or infancy.  If you are working on a dissertation at this level, why not enter?  You could win £150, an expenses paid trip to the SRIP annual conference and a years membership (see terms and conditions). All entries must be received by 30th June.

Annual Graduate Student Prize – The Society has instituted an annual prize for a research thesis submitted as a full or partial requirement for a post graduate degree, including M.Phil., D.Clin.Psy. and Ph.D and other similar awards. The subject of the thesis may be any aspect of reproduction, birth or infancy. If you are working on a dissertation at this level, why not enter? The prize is £250, a year’s membership of SRIP and an expenses paid trip to the SRIP annual conference (see terms and conditions).  All entries must be received by 30th June.

Please visit their web site for specific details on how to apply.

 The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

Nesta – Ageing Well Challenge

Image of an old lady in a wheelchair & close up of old man

Ageing Well Challenge Prize


Towards the later stages of life the quality of where we live takes on a greater significance, in particular social relationships and networks.  There is evidence that demonstrates the importance of supporting older people to live independently for as long as they can and that people too often lack the support networks and resources to make it possible. We know from research evidence that feeling connected and having supportive social relationships has a strong link to health and longevity.

Isolation is a major factor impacting on older people’s well-being and life expectancy.  Isolation and loneliness are not necessarily effects of the ageing process, but life events associated with older age such as leaving work, health decline and bereavement do put people at greater risk. At the same time, factors such as a good local environment and good social networks can help protect older people.

Being able to stay mobile is crucial to older people’s wellbeing, as loss of mobility means the loss of so many other things from their lives such as the ability to go shopping, meet friends and pursue hobbies and interests.

The pace of demographic change creates the need for radical new approaches to support older people to live well by mobilising community and civic resources more effectively. There are already some interesting innovations that seek to respond to this challenge, such as Care4Care and Good Gym, but the scale of the challenge demands more and there is good evidence that this is an area where social action has an important role to play. The involvement of older people in the design and development of ideas is also important in providing inclusive responses to older peoples’ needs.

Nesta are offering a prize for the innovation that can reduce the isolation and/or increase the mobility of vulnerable older people by providing new opportunities for communities to come together to give time, skills and resources.  Please visit their web site for more information.

 The RKE Operations team can help you with your application. 

HEA Doctoral Programme

The Doctoral Programme forms part of the Higher Education Academy’s strategy to undertake a significant and extensive study to develop pedagogical knowledge and evidence based practice in Higher Education.

The Doctoral Programme enables focused long run study to be carried out within a well-supported environment.

The creation of yearly cohorts of supervisors and students maximises the potential for synergies and maximum impact on policy and practice.

The 2012-13 call for applications to host studentships is now open.

The call will close at 5pm 31st August 2012.

Royal Society – University Research Fellowship

This scheme is for outstanding scientists in the UK who are in the early stages of their research career and have the potential to become leaders in their field.

 The scheme provides the opportunity to build an independent research career. Those appointed are expected to be strong candidates for permanent posts in universities at the end of their fellowships.  The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine and any researcher addressing a direct biomedical research question.

Eligibility requirements
The applicant must:

  • have a PhD (note we will not consider applicants who have just submitted their PhD); be in the early stages of their research career (between 3 to 8 years of research experience since their PhD) by the closing date of the round
  • not hold a permanent post in a university or not-for-profit organization in the European Economic Area (EEA)
  • be a citizen of the EEA or a be a Swiss citizen (or have a relevant connection to the EEA or Switzerland)

The European Economic Area (EEA) consists of the European Union (including the UK) plus Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein.

Applicants should ensure that they meet all the eligibility requirements, which are explained in the scheme notes .

Value and tenure
The scheme provides funding to cover the applicant’s salary costs, estates costs and indirect costs. Under the full economic costing model, 80% of these costs will be met by the Royal Society. Research expenses (up to £13,000 for the first year and up to £11,000 annually thereafter) will also be provided.
Initially funding is provided for five years with the opportunity to apply for an extension of three additional years. The University Research Fellowship provides researchers with maximum flexibility and can be held part-time, and allows sabbaticals, secondments or international experience.

The basic salary requested should be at a level commensurate with the applicant’s skills, responsibilities, expertise and experience, up to a maximum of £37,555 per annum.  An annual spine point increase of 3% may be applied to the salary.

No indexation should be applied to the salary, indirect and estates costs; the Society will apply an annual inflationary increase to these budget headings of successful awards.  The level of inflation applied will be determined by HM Treasury’s GDP deflator.  This will be reviewed on an annual basis and the value of awards amended in line with increases or decreases in the GDP deflator.

Application process
Applications are initially reviewed and then shortlisted by members of University Research Fellowship Selection Panels. Applicants are notified if they have reached the shortlisting stage by December.  The shortlisted proposals are reviewed by three independent referees suggested by the panel members and successful applicants are shortlisted for interview. Applicants are informed of the result of this stage in February/March and interviews take place in early to mid April.  The final decision is made at a meeting of the panel Chairs in April, and applicants are notified of the result in early May. 

Please note that interviews for the fellowships are held at the Royal Society. Applicants are asked to keep April free. Only applicants that pass the other stages of assessment will be invited.

 The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.