Tagged / funding opportunities

Latest Major Funding Opportunities

The following opportunities have been announced. Please follow the links for more information:

  • The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) and Medical Research Council (MRC) are establishing a £25M UK Regenerative Medicine Platform. Stage 1 – Research Hubs. Closing date: 01/10/13. Stage 2 – Research Consortia. Closing date: 18/09/13
  •  The NHS NIHR has issued a call for proposals to the Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Programme concerning diseases of the skin, chronic pain and sarcopaenia and its effects on older people. Closing date: 01/10/13 
  • The Technology Strategy Board is investing up to £8m in collaborative research and development via the Technology-inspired innovation call. Awards up to £500,000. Registration by 25/09/13 and Expressions of interest are to be submitted by 25/09/13 
  • The Technology Strategy Board and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) are to invest up to £4m in  feasibility studies which use environmental data to develop new solutions to business problems. A briefing webinar for potential applicants will be held on 8 October 2013. Awards up to £200,000. Closing date: 06/11/13 
  • This Technology Strategy Board and Medical Research Council Biomedical catalyst programme offers early and late stage funding to innovative small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) and researchers to develop solutions to healthcare challenges.  Maximum grant is £250,000. Registration closing date: 02//10/13 and closing date for applications: 09/10/13. A feasibility call is forthcoming later in 2013
  •  The Wellcome Trust is offering Research Fellowships to medical, dental and veterinary graduates. Closing date: 20/09/13 
  • The Wellcome Trust, through the Master’s Award is offering scholars the opportunity to undertake basic training in research and methods through a one-year Master’s course in the History of Medicine or Medical Humanities. Strong preference is given to applicants intending to make a long-term academic career in the subject. Closing date: 01/05/14

Please note that some funders specifiy a time for submission as well as a date. Please confirm this with your RKE Support Officer.

You can set up your own personalised alerts on ResearchProfessional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s RKE Officer in RKE Operations or see the recent post on this topic.


Latest Major Funding Opportunities

The following opportunities have been announced. Please follow the links for more information:

  • The BBSRC David Phillips Fellowship supports scientists who have demonstrated high potential and who wish to establish themselves as independent researchers. Closing date: 23/10/13
  • BBSRC / FSA have announced a joint call for Early Career Research Fellowships. Closing date 23/10/13
  • ELRHA call – The Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) aims to improve health outcomes by strengthening the evidence base for public health interventions in humanitarian crises. Seed funding up to £10,000. Closing date: 10/09/13 for Expressions of Interest
  • The EPSRC Digital Economy Theme wishes to encourage user-driven research in the emerging area of Internet of Things. Closing date: 24/10/13
  • There is call for Expressions of Interests for the EPSRC / Jaguar Land Rover Programme for Simulation Innovation. Maximum award £1m. Closing date: 27/08/13
  • The EPSRC, through the RCUK Digital Economy Theme (DET),  invites academics to enter the Telling Tales of Engagement competition. Maximum award £10,000. Closing date: 10/10/13
  • ESRC has announced the third call for proposals for their early careers scheme, Future Research Leaders which supports outstanding early career researchers to carry out excellent research and to develop all aspects of their research and knowledge exchange skills. Maximum award £312,500. Closing date: 24/10/13
  • Nesta is supporting arts projects across Wales with its Digital Research and Development Fund. Closing date: 09/09/13
  • NERC invites proposals for its call for NERC PURE associates to transfer knowledge in the field of Probability, Uncertainty & Risk in the Environment. Closing date: 30/09/13
  • People Awards and Society Awards from The Wellcome Trust, support projects that enable the public to explore biomedical science, its impact on society and culture, its historical roots and the ethical questions that it raises. Closing date 04/10/13
  •  The Wellcome Trust has a scheme for postdoctoral scientists who have recently decided to recommence a scientific research career after a continuous break of at least two years. The Career Re-entry Fellowships are particularly suitable for applicants wishing to return to research after a break for family commitments. Closing date: 27/09/13
  • The Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Wellcome Fellowship provides a unique opportunity for the most promising newly qualified postdoctoral researchers to make an early start in developing their independent research careers, working in the best laboratories in the UK and overseas. Maximum award £250,000. Closing date: 27/10/13

Please note that some funders specifiy a time for submission as well as a date. Please confirm this with your RKE Support Officer.

You can set up your own personalised alerts on ResearchProfessional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s RKE Officer in RKE Operations or see the recent post on this topic.

Latest Major Funding Opportunities

The following opportunities have been announced. Please follow the links for more information:

  • The Academy of Medical Sciences is supporting starter grants for clinical lecturers up to £30,000. Closing date 11/09/13
  • The AHRC is inviting proposals for projects to explore Big Data from an Arts and Humanities perspective. Funding for either smaller projects of up to £100k, or larger projects of up to £600k is available on a fEC basis, with the AHRC meeting around 80% of the fEC.  Closing date: 12/09/13
  • BBSRC has a call for the Support for development of bioinformatics tools and computational approaches to the biosciences. It is anticipated that successful grants will not exceed £150k. Closing date: 10/09/13
  • Nominations for BBSRC-funded researchers are now open. Closing date: 06/11/13
  • BBSRC is supporting professional internships for PhD students. Closing date: 05/08/13
  • BBSRC Policy Internships for BBSRC and NERC funded PhD students are available. Closing date: 09/09/13
  • Big Data consortium call from The Digital R&D Fund for the Arts. Applications invited for no more than £300k. Closing date:  13/09/13
  • Digital R&D Fund for the Arts Research+ call  provides an opportunity for existing projects, or projects that are due to start very soon, that are NOT funded through the Digital R&D Fund for the Arts, to apply for a grant to support a researcher to work on the project. Applications are invited up to a limit of £50,000. Rolling closing date to end December 2013
  • EPSRC – high-voltage direct current (HVDC) networks for offshore grid. Closing date: 24/09/13
  • Manufacturing the Future Challenge call from the EPSRC – up to £5m allocated and no closing date
  • ESRC – invites expressions of interest for the establishment of its Social Science of the Nexus network plus. Town meeting – 02/09/13 then deadline for Expression of Interest – 03/10/13
  • ESRC – appointment of a DEGRP research strategy group. Closing date: 05/09/13
  •  The Urgency Grants Mechanism is a pilot launched by ESRC, on behalf of RCUK, is to enable a response to urgent or unforeseen events (for example the August 2011 UK riots), where there is a strong case for immediate research. Provide grants for up to 24 months of work, to a maximum amount of £200,000 (100% fEC) of ESRC funding. Closing date: Not given.
  • IC Tomorrow has launched the Digital Innovation Contest – Sport. Awards up to £25,000. Closing date: 14/08/13
  • JPI Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change and the Belmont Forum are inviting  proposals for their food security and land use change call. Funding of up to 3m Euros. Closing date: 30/09/13
  • MRC-funded senior clinical fellowship at Harwell. Closing date: 09/04/14
  • The National Science Foundation has a call – ecology and evolution of infectious diseases programme. Award amount not given. Closing date: 20/11/13
  • NERC invites applications for its postgraduate skills development awards. Total budget for the scheme is £1m. Closing date:  30/08/13
  • NERC invites applications for its Arctic research station programme. Closing date: 31/03/14
  • The Royal Society invites applications for its research professorships. The scheme provides salary costs, a one-off start-up grant and research expenses. Appointments are usually made for up to 10 years. Closing date: 13/03/14
  • The Technology Strategy Board is to invest up to £10m in highly innovative collaborative R&D projects in the field of low carbon vehicles, closely aligned with the aims of the newly announced Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC) and the joint government and industry automotive sector industrial strategy. Registration closing date: 06/11/13 and submission closing date: 13/11/13
  • The Technology Strategy Board is to invest up to £1.5m in collaborative research and development (CR&D) to encourage companies to rethink the design of products, components and/or services, with the potential to reduce their environmental impact by a factor of four in the Design Challenges for a Circular Economy call. Closing date: 04/09/13
  • The Technology Strategy Board is to invest up to £2.5m in feasibility and collaborative R&D projects to encourage the development and commercialisation of innovative processes that will generate high-value chemical products through industrial biotechnology and bio-refining through its Sustainable High-value Chemical Manufacture through Industrial Biotechnology 2 – Technical Feasibility call. Closing date: 16/10/13
  • The Wellcome Trust invites proposals for its cross-disciplinary Sustaining Health call. This call supports small awards in the order of £250,000 (exceptionally up to £500,000) for up to two years. Closing date for concept notes: 27/08/13
  • The Wellcome Trust is also supporting the Senior Investigator Awards. Awards are worth up to £425k per year and for any duration of up to seven years. Closing date: 22/11/13 (future rounds are available)
  • The Wellcome Trust – Strategic Awards. These provide flexible forms of support to excellent research groups with outstanding track records in their field. The support available can be tailored to the needs of individual groups with agreement from the Trust and might be justified in terms of the added value they will provide. Closing date: rolling deadline
  • The Wellcome Trust invites proposals for its intermediate fellowships for researchers in India. The total award for an Intermediate Fellowship typically amounts to INR 3.5 Crores. Preliminary application deadline: 26/8/13 and invited full application deadline: November/December 2013
  • The Wellcome Trust is providing support for new investigator awards in biomedical science. An award can be worth anything up to £425k per year and for any duration up to a maximum of seven years. Closing date: 22/11/13
  • Wellcome Trust–Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Postdoctoral Fellowships. Closing date 22/11/13

Please note that some funders specifiy a time for submission as well as a date. Please confirm this with your RKE Support Officer.

You can set up your own personalised alerts on ResearchProfessional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s RKE Officer in RKE Operations or see the recent post on this topic.

FIF call for applications now closed

The current call for applications to all strands of the Fusion Investment Fund  has now closed. For those of you who have missed out this time, fear not! There will be another chance to apply later this year when we open the next call in October. Watch this space for details!

Thank you to all who have submitted applications. We’re really pleased* to report that you have helped to set a new FIF record with the most applications received to date! You will receive the outcome of your application via email in August. We wish you the best of luck!


*Really, so, so pleased. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Who doesn’t love a load of data entry?! 😉

Tick tock! Tick tock! – Fusion Fund deadline today at 2pm

A reminder that applications to the Fusion Investment Fund must be submitted via email to FusionFund@bournemouth.ac.uk  by the deadline which is 2pm TODAY! No exceptions will be made to this deadline.

Please ensure you use the correct application form when applying. They are different this year. 

This one for SMN standard, CCCP and SL: FIF Application Form 

This one for Erasmus: Erasmus Application form 

This one for Santander:  Santander application form

If you haven’t already accessed the documents you need please visit the FIF intranet pages.

The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland and is administered by Natalie Baines. Please direct all initial enquiries to Natalie Baines.

FIF Applicants – please use the correct form

A quick reminder to applicants to the Fusion Investment Fund: Please can you ensure you use the correct application form when applying. They have been updated since previous rounds. 

Please use the following (as on the intranet pages):

This one for SMN standard, CCCP and SL: FIF Application Form 

This one for Erasmus: Erasmus Application form 

This one for Santander:  Santander application form

All other documents including policies and FAQs are available on the FIF intranet pages.

The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland and is administered by Natalie Baines. Please direct all initial enquiries to Natalie Baines.

Time is running out! – Deadline for applications is 2pm on Monday

If you would like to apply to any strands of the FIF please make sure you submit your application by the deadline which is 2pm on Monday 1 July. No exceptions will be made to this deadline.

For all the updated strand policy documents, Fund FAQ’s and information about applying, please visit the FIF intranet pages.

 The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland and is administered by Natalie Baines. Please direct all initial enquiries to Natalie Baines.

Free money! Free money! 1 week left to apply!

 Okay so it’s not exactly free….you will have to do something for it but what if I told you that you will be hailed within BU, and who knows, maybe the world, as a researcher/support staff member extraordinaire! Your peers will bow down in the corridors in your honour, you will be met with applause when you enter the atrium.*

 I know what you’re thinking….’This sounds brilliant! Where can I find out more?’ Just point your mouse here, my friend, and all will be revealed.

*This may not actually happen.

The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland and is administered by Natalie Baines. Please direct all initial enquiries to Natalie Baines.

Thank FIF for that! Professional services staff can apply too!

Not only does the Fusion Investment Fund provide opportunities for academic staff at BU, there are also options for professional services staff:

Staff can apply to Erasmus which is most appropriate for enabling academic and professional staff based at higher education institutions (HEIs) to spend a period of training or teaching between 5 working days and 6 weeks in a European HEI or enterprise.  Under training mobility, the purpose is to allow the staff members to acquire knowledge or skills relevant for their current job and their professional development and to help create cooperation between organisations. There are also opportunities to invite staff from enterprises to Bournemouth University to give presentations and provide teaching. Professional staff can undertake training at a European educational institution.

Another option is to apply to the standard element of the Staff Mobility and Networking (SMN) strand. Non-academic staff must be able to demonstrate through their application how their travel will benefit the academic process within BU and particular focus should be placed on the creation of sustainable collaborative networks of academics or professionals linked to specific outputs or partnership developments. 


For more information please read the relevant policy documents and information available on the FIF intranet pages.

The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland and is administered by Natalie Baines. Please direct all initial enquiries to Natalie Baines.

What the FIF’s it all about? – Another drop-in session today!

Couldn’t get to the drop-in session on Talbot yesterday? Don’t panic! We’re holding another one today at Lansdowne.

Do you have questions about a potential bid for Fusion funding? Don’t know which strand to apply to? Not sure if your idea is eligible? Need more information about Erasmus? Come along to our drop-in session TODAY to get your questions answeredand to find out more about the Fusion Investment Fund (FIF):

    TODAY 1-2pm, EB702, EBC, Lansdowne Campus

The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland and is administered by Natalie Baines and we’ll be there along with Moritz Ehlen, BU’s International Mobility Officer, who can provide specific guidance with regards to Erasmus.

There are some fantastic opportunities available under the 3 strands of the FIF and we’re looking forward to receiving lots of really good quality applications in time for the deadline of 1 July.  We look forward to seeing you later!


More information about the different strands of the Fund on the Staff Intranet pages.

 Please direct all initial enquiries to Natalie Baines.

Want some money?

I thought that might get your attention! The latest call of the FIF (or the ‘Fusion Investment Fund’ for those of you who haven’t yet added this acronym to your vocabulary) is open for 2 more weeks so if you haven’t applied yet or haven’t seen my previous blog posts, let me give you the highlights:

 So basically you could be given a pile of cash to enable you to do what you love! Pursue that dream of undertaking world-leading research or travel across the pond to work collaboratively with experts in your field. Become a hero and take your rightful place on that pedestal that your peers and students will put you on.*

 Sound good? Find out more.

*BU cannot guarantee this.

 The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland and is administered by Natalie Baines. Please direct all initial enquiries to Natalie Baines.

What the FIF’s it all about? Find out Today!

Do you have questions about a potential bid for Fusion funding? Don’t know which strand to apply to? Not sure if your idea is eligible? Come along to our drop-in session TODAY to get your questions answered and to find out more about the Fusion Investment Fund (FIF) on:

    TODAY 12-1pm in P411, Poole House, Talbot Campus

The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland and is administered by Natalie Baines and we’ll be there along with members of the strand committees and Moritz Ehlen, BU’s International Mobility Officer, who can provide guidance with regards to Erasmus.

There are some fantastic opportunities available under the 3 strands of the FIF and we’re looking forward to receiving lots of really good quality applications in time for the deadline of 1 July.  We look forward to seeing you later!


More information about the different strands of the Fund on the Staff Intranet pages.

 Please direct all initial enquiries to Natalie Baines.


Prefer to stay put? Let the professionals and/or academics come to you!

Did you know that under the FIF you can invite an academic or professional to BU in respect to the development of projects or to provide training which is linked to any aspect of Fusion?

2 elements of the Fusion Investment Fund provide support for inward mobility:

The Standard element of the Staff Mobility and Networking (SMN) strand supports UK or overseas travel and subsistence in pursuit of any aspect of Fusion – research, education, and/or professional practice – with no minimum or maximum duration. Awards made will be between £1k and £10k. Particular focus should be placed on the creation of sustainable collaborative networks of academics or professionals linked to specific outputs or partnership developments. 

The Erasmus element of the Staff Mobility and Networking (SMN) strand provides opportunities to invite staff from enterprises to Bournemouth University to give presentations and provide teaching.

For more information please read the relevant policy documents and information available on the FIF intranet pages.


The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland and is administered by Natalie Baines. Please direct all initial enquiries to Natalie Baines.

Hurry! Only 4 weeks until the deadline for applications to the Fusion Investment Fund

If you haven’t already sent in your application, don’t panic! There’s still time. With three funding strands available for staff there are a wealth of opportunities for both academic and professional support staff to take advantage of:                                                                            


We are holding two drop-in sessions for anyone who has questions or requires more information about the Fund on:

                 Monday 17 June, 12-1pm in P411, Poole House, Talbot Campus

                Tuesday 18 June 1-2pm in EB705, EBC, Lansdowne Campus

 Joining Samantha and myself will be members of the strand committees and Moritz Ehlen, BU’s International Mobility Officer, who can provide guidance with regards to Erasmus .

For all the updated strand policy documents, Fund FAQ’s and information about applying, please visit the FIF intranet pages.


The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland and is administered by Natalie Baines. Please direct all initial enquiries to Natalie Baines.

Could the SMN Strand of the Fusion Investment Fund be the one for you?

The Staff Mobility and Networking strand (SMN) may seem like your normal, everyday standard strand but look carefully and you’ll see it’s a strand with a difference. It has 3 elements meaning even more opportunities for you! Not only is there a Standard element but there are also Erasmus Staff Mobility and Santander elements too!

The standard scheme is most appropriate for supporting staff UK or overseas travel and subsistence in pursuit of any aspect of Fusion – research, education, and/or professional practice – with no minimum or maximum duration and also includes inward mobility. Awards made will be between £1k and £10k.

The Erasmus Staff Mobility part of the strand is most appropriate for enabling academic and professional staff based at higher education institutions (HEIs) to spend a period of training or teaching between 5 working days and 6 weeks in a European HEI or enterprise. There are also opportunities to invite staff from enterprises to Bournemouth University to give presentations and provide teaching.

Please be aware that this scheme differs quite significantly from the other FIF strands. More information is on the Erasmus intranet page.

Santander, through Santander Universities, works to encourage the international exchange of students and lecturers with respect to the development of projects linked to research, education or professional practice. Support will be available in the form of subsistence and travel costs for staff. Five awards of £5k will be made.

 Has this whetted your appetite? Are you hungry for more? Then go, go, go to the FIF intranet pages.

The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland and is administered by Natalie Baines. Please direct all initial enquiries to Natalie Baines.

An opportunity for study leave, secondment or placement? Thank FIF for that!

I know, it’s unbelievable! BU is actually paying staff to take a period of study leave. Amazing!

The Study Leave strand (SL) now has three sub-strands: Academic Study Leave, Internal Secondments and Industrial Staff Placements.


  •  Academic Study Leave provides academic staff with a period of paid academic study leave normally up to 6 months in duration for the purposes of undertaking research, educational development or professional practice.  A period of Study Leave can be undertaken while at BU, but normally the expectation is that an individual would be based for part or all of the time at another academic institution either within the UK or overseas.







  • Internal Secondments:  In order to drive interdisciplinary research at BU a limited programme of internal secondments is available.  Secondments may last up to a maximum of 6 months.


  •  Industrial Staff Placements:  Commencing from December 2013 only a series of short placement and internship opportunities will be available– typically 2 to 6 months – for BU staff with local and regional businesses/organisations will be advertised internally.  Staff will have the opportunity of applying for these placements with the selection panel involving a representative from the host and at least two BU Deans.  In addition to the placements that will be advertised centrally staff will still be invited to submit funding applications for industrial placements arranged through their own networks.


Read more about some of the projects we’ve previously funded under this strand:

Zulfiqar Khan’s blog post

Lai Xu’s blog post 

Lorraine Brown’s blog post


Need to know more? Your wish is my command! Go now to the FIF intranet pages.

The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland and is administered by Natalie Baines. Please direct all initial enquiries to Natalie Baines.


To co-create and co-produce – what life (and FIF) is all about!

We humans love nothing more than to co-create and co-produce so it seems rather appropriate, don’t you think, that we have a strand of the Fusion Investment Fund dedicated to just that!

The Co-Creation and Co-Production strand (CCCP) is most appropriate for activities with specific emphasis on research and / or professional practice of between 6 and 12 months duration. Awards made will be between £2k and £75k.  Previously funded projects include the re-launch of The Rock community newspaper and the creation of the Poole and Purbeck community consortium to establish a fusion platform based on regional natural and heritage assets to service students across BU.

 Read about some of the projects we’ve funded under this strand:

Rick Fisher – CCCP funded project: An educational game for nursing student engagement in caring for people with dementia

Jan Wiener, Mariela Gaete-Reyes – CCCP funded project: Decreasing spatial disorientation: towards dementia-friendly environments

 Want to know more? Of course you do! Follow this link to the FIF intranet pages.

The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland and is administered by Natalie Baines. Please direct all initial enquiries to Natalie Baines.

Fusion Investment Fund – 2013/14 round one now open to applications!



The Pro Vice-Chancellor is delighted to invite you to apply for this round of the Fusion Investment Fund. It provides fantastic opportunities for you to grow as a researcher, an educator and practitioner and there are a range of options for you to choose from, depending on your needs. Three funding strands are available for staff at BU:

Co-Creation and Co-production strand (CCCP)

Study Leave strand (SL) – There are three elements of this: Academic Study Leave, Internal Secondments and Industrial Staff Placements.

Staff Mobility and Networking strand (SMN) – There are also three elements to this strand: Standard, Erasmus, Santander

Successful bids will need to have benefits to the student experience at the core and be able to demonstrate how this will occur, so hitting the Education point in the BU Fusion triangle is important. For all the updated strand and policy documents, Fund FAQs and information about applying, please visit the FIF intranet pages.

The Fusion Investement Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland and is administered by Natalie Baines. Please direct all intial enquiries to Natalie Baines.