As you know, BU subscribes to UKRO who kindly attended the FP7 Security infoday and compiled key tips and information presented at the day. You can access this on the specific UKRO webpage for the Security InfoDay. Don’t forget we have our UKRO advisor Jo coming to visit in November and she can tell you how to make the most out of your UKRO account
Tagged / infoday
Missed the FP7 Capacities info day? See the presentations here!
Sometimes it just isn’t possible to get out of the office to attend events. Thankfully, the EC acknowledge this and post many of their presentations online! The FP7 Capacities info day was held a number of weeks ago and all presentations are available here
Start your EU career with a Leonardo grant!
Funding is available under the Lifelong Learning Programme for Leonardo da Vinci transfer of innovation multilateral projects. The aim of this funding is to improve the quality and attractiveness of vocational education and training in participating countries by transferring existing innovations to new legal, systemic, sector, linguistic, socio-cultural and geographic environments through working with transnational partners. Funding is worth a maximum of €150,000 per year for one to two years, and the closing date is 31.01.13.
Don’t forget from my blogpost last week, that there is an info day in November which will cover the Lifelong Learning Programme and that we also have a successful Leonardo award holder here at BU, who is a great fan of the scheme; read Christos Gatzidis’ first Leonardoblogpost and second Leonardo blogpost for inspiration!
FP7 ICT UK Information Event

Can’t make forthcoming EU Environment events? Don’t worry, you can watch them on ESKTN TV!
The Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network’s (KTN) live webstreaming service ESKTN TV is bringing 2 events to you in May to help with your EU activity. And the good news is you don’t have to leave your desk!
On the 11th, they will be in London at the 2012 CIP Eco-innovation funding call UK National Information Day where National Contact Point Ewa Bloch and Astrid Geiger, Deputy Head of Eco-innovation at the Executive Agency for Competitiveness & Innovation (EACI) will tell you everything you need to know about this important funding opportunity for collaborative eco-innovation projects.
On the 16th they will be webcasting from Dublin, where the KARIM IWA WCE 2012 Open Forum is taking place at the World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy. This event will showcase knowledge and emerging technologies for environmental solutions in water and agriculture from Lancaster University, University College Dublin and organizations from across North West Europe, including rapid fire pitches from SMEs with business and research project ideas.
Both events will be covered LIVE on ESKTN TV. You can see preview trailers for both events there now, and on our YouTube channel where you can also catch up on past ESKTN TV recordings.
FP7 Energy: Expected Date of European Information Day and Brokerage Events on 2013 Calls
FP7 Transport Information Day and Networking Event for the 2013 Work Programme Calls

Marie Curie Infoday & Proposal Writing Events – Registration Open!
Registration is now open for the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships and Career Integration Grants General Information and Proposal Writing event, organised by the Marie Curie UK National Contact Point. There will be three separate events, each with the same format, which will take place at the following locations:
- University College London, 10 May 2012;
- University of Glasgow, 11 May 2012; and
- University of Bristol, 23 May 2012.
The aim of the session is to provide participants with an overview of the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships (Intra-European (IEF), International Outgoing (IOF), and International Incoming (IIF)) and the Career Integration Grants (CIG). These sessions will also provide those wishing to submit an application with a deeper understanding of the proposal format and the key issues they are required to address in planning and writing their proposal.
The session will include a presentation on the schemes, highlighting changes that have occurred since the 2011 call. It is also hoped that the session will provide a forum for discussion, and to answer questions that applicants may have relating to these schemes and preparing a proposal.
These sessions will last for half a day and are free (you will need to cover your own expenses and travel). Each session will provide an outline of the Marie Curie Actions, specific details on the fellowships and grants action and the application form and guidance on planning and writing your Marie Curie proposal. There will be the opportunity to ask questions throughout the sessions.
To register, please fill in the online registration form available from the Marie Curie NCP website. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis so register quickly!!!
Thinking of applying for FP7 Transport? Then you should attend this Maritime Transport and Innovation Brokerage Event
The Maritime Transport and Innovation Brokerage Event, MIBE2012, will take place in Santiago de Compostela, Spain on 20-21 June 2012.
From the Atlantic Area, a Pan-European conference on the latest innovation and development within the European Maritime Industry, showcasing a selection of leading EU projects.
This is a unique opportunity to network and find out how to participate in FP7 funded projects, in particular the latest Transport Call for Tenders, with a total budget over €20M.
Presentations from the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) infoday are now available online.
The infoday was organised on the IMI Call for Proposals on the topic “European Lead Factory: Joint European compound library and screening centre”.
Presentations included an update on the revised IMI Strategic Research Agenda and IMI rules and procedures. Among the changes in the rules are:
•the new option for using real indirect costs in addition to the option of the 20% indirect cost flat rate;
•average or actual personnel costs can be used;
•Certificates on the Financial Statements (CFS) are now only due once a threshold of EUR 375,000 is reached;
•and periodic reports are now either due in July or December each year.
A presentation was also given on how to write a successful IMI proposal. This included general advice and participants were taken through the most common mistakes made in previous rounds.
Creative Europe Info Day and Debate
BU subscribes to UKRO services and they have written a great synopsis of the recent information event on the forthcoming Creative Europe programme which will succeed the current Culture and Media programmes of the European Commission. The article on their webpage summarises the information given and the main points that were debated with stakeholders at the event.
Miss the FP7 Health Programme Infoday? Don’t worry, slides are available!
The Infoday was organised by the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) who manages the Health Programme on behalf of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO). Presentations made on the day include advice on administrative procedures and the technical contents of the Call which is open until 9 March 2012. A video and slides of presentations held at a recent Infoday on the 2012 Call for Proposals for the Health Programme (2008-2013) are available here.
2 EU events: Clean Sky Info Day and Social Innovation conference (covering social media) – registration open!
Clean Sky JTI Workshop and Information Day: The Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) will be holding a workshop on selected topics of the Clean Sky Call for Proposals 11 on 19 January and an information day on the Clean Sky Call for Proposals 11 on 20 January. Both events are in Brussels, with free participation, but registration is compulsory. The workshop on selected topics of the Call will focus on those topics which are critical to the progress of the programme or are complex. Applicants will have the opportunity to seek clarification on the list of selected topics. The information day on the Clean Sky Call for Proposals will include presentations on the topics included in the calls; discussions on the evaluation procedure and contractual agreements; and advice and tips on submitting a successful proposal. There will also be the opportunity to have a short meeting with Clean Sky Joint Undertaking staff during the information day.
2012 EU Research Forum Stakeholders’ Conference on Research and Social Innovation : The European Foundation Centre (EFC)’s Research Forum will hold its next Stakeholder’s Conference in Barcelona on 9-10 February 2012.The theme for the conference will be ‘Research and social innovation: the potential for European foundations to pave the way’. The conference will include sessions on:
- The potential for foundations to spearhead socially innovative research;
- The impact of social media and networks on research and social innovation;
- Open Access and the challenge of quality assurance; and
- Public participation in science: new modes of interaction.
Registration is on the European Foundation Centre’s website.
Calls related to Health Policy released & InfoDay live online!
The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) has issued calls for proposals, based upon the Directorate for Public Health and Consumers (DG Sanco) Work Programme for 2012. This Programme supports the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, and the calls cover a wide area of public health issues. The deadline for these proposals is 09.03.12. Funds are available for projects, conferences, operating grants and joint actions, available through calls under the following headings:
- 3.1.1. Protect citizens against health threats – Develop risk management capacity and procedures, improve preparedness and planning for health emergencies;
- 3.1.2. Protect citizens against health threats – Develop strategies and mechanisms for preventing, exchanging information on and responding to health threats from communicable and non-communicable diseases and health threats from physical, chemical or biological sources, including deliberate release acts;
- 3.1.3. Improve citizens’ safety – Scientific advice;
- 3.1.4. Improve citizens’ safety – Safety and quality of organs and substances of human origin, blood, and blood derivatives;
- 3.2.1. Increasing healthy life years and promoting healthy ageing;
- 3.2.2. Identifying the causes of, addressing and reducing health inequalities within and between Member States in order to contribute to prosperity and cohesion; supporting co-operation on issues of cross-border care and patient and health professional mobility;
- 3.2.3. Addressing health determinants to promote and improve physical and mental health and taking action on key factors such as nutrition and physical activity, and on addiction-related determinants such as tobacco and alcohol;
- 3.2.4. Prevention of major and rare diseases;
- 3.3.1. European Health Information System;
- 3.3.2. Dissemination, analysis and application of health information; provision of information to citizens, stakeholders and policy makers; and
- 3.3.3. Analysis and reporting.
Take a look at the DG Sanco web page for more information on the calls.
There is also an Information Day in Brussels on 11.01.12 where you will be offered the opportunity to clarify queries concerning the administrative procedure and the technical contents of the call, as well as network with others in the same field. The deadline for registration for this event is 09.01.12 January 2012 but don’t worry if you can’t make it as the Infoday will also be web-streamed, and the link to this will be available on the EAHC website in advance.