There are a
variety of funded initiatives on offer to help businesses develop and grow, but many are not aware of these offers, or just how much BU can help them with their development.
This is why we felt it was important to organise the recent KTP and SMART award events, to help promote and encourage businesses to take advantage of the expertise BU has to offer.
Both events were well attended by businesses and academics wanting to find out more on Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, SMART Awards and Innovation Vouchers. The feedback was extremely positive from all those who attended, and as a result a number of meetings have been arranged with businesses who are keen to
discuss how BU can help them develop!
It was fantastic to receive such positive feedback; one business owner was particularly impressed and commented:
“I go to quite a few so called “Business Events” that serve little purpose, so I approached today’s event at BU a little circumspect. Now I can say that this morning I have attended the best business focused event in my recent experience. Extremely informative, very professionally managed and a great breakfast. A big thank you for showing the way that Academia and business can and should complement each other.”
Roger Allen – Managing Director, Zeta Commerce Ltd
Should you wish to find out more on how businesses can benefit from any of the funded initiatives spoken about at the events, please contact Lucy Rossiter, email or call 01202 961215.