Tagged / TAG

BU organised a very successful Theoretical Archaeology Group meeting last weekend

A stand at the TAG meetingLast week we saw over 220 archaeologists from all over the world gather on Talbot Campus for the 45th annual meeting of the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG), organised by Department of Archaeology and Anthropology staff and students. Over two and a half days, 25 separate sessions with over 230 research papers were presented, mostly in the Fusion Building.

Two keynote lectures were delivered by Prof Ian Hodder on “Archaeological Theory since 1984 and the Politics of Human Displacement” and Gill Hay on “Mrs Thatcher and the privatisation of knowledge: the evolution of archaeological practice in Britain since 1990”.

In addition, key stakeholders such as the Council for British Archaeology and the Chartered Institute for Archaeology, Butser Ancient Farm, BU’s The Sanctuary heritage, craft and wellbeing group, as well as academic publishers and other heritage-related vendors held stalls.

People stood behind a table BU continued the recent TAG tradition of awarding prizes. This year’s TAG Prize for outstanding theoretical contribution was awarded to Dr Rachel Crellin of Leicester University. The Don Henson prize for best student debut paper went to Heather Ford of the University of Glasgow, with three commendable mentions also awarded – one of which went to BU’s postgraduate researcher Ingrid O’Donnell.

Written by Dr Fabio Silva

BU to host 35th meeting of the Theoretical Archaeology Group!

BU will host the 35th meeting of the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) on the 16-18 December 2013. TAG is a lively international meeting that promotes debate and discussion of issues in theoretical archaeology.

BU last held TAG back in 1997, a meeting that is still remembered for its strong international profile and also some rather disruptive snow-showers! This year we anticipate 300-400 delegates, many of whom will be undergraduate and postgraduate students. Indeed, TAG 

 is rather unique in the sense it is run by students (overseen by faculty) for students. It presents a valuable opportunity to fuse academic research with student learning, exploring new and topical ideas and showcasing original work.

More details will be posted in due course by event-leader Professor Timothy Darvill.