Category / conferences

Interdisciplinary Research Sector Day – 21st June 2016

Save the date for REKO’s forthcoming Interdisciplinary Research Sector Day!

interdisciplinary-1It will take place on Tuesday, 21st June 2016 in the Executive Business Centre.

There will be speakers from BU and other organisations plus plenty of opportunity to network with academic and professional research administration colleagues from other universities. Already confirmed are speakers from HEFCE, Sussex and BU.

The event will be advertised to colleagues in other institutions so, if you would like to help promote this event to people in your professional network, keep an eye on this blog for further information in the coming weeks.

If you or someone in your network would like to contribute on the day, please contact Emily Cieciura in REKO to discuss this further.

CfP: Lifestyle and communities: sharing in the digital era

ID-100267211It’s with great pleasure that we invite you to submit an abstract to a special track on “Lifestyle and communities: sharing in the digital era” of the ATLAS annual conference. It will take place in Canterbury, Kent, UK, 14th-16th September 2016.

Please see below for details, or click here… and share!
Led by: Lenia Marques, Jules Hecquet and Dimitrios Buhalis (Bournemouth University, UK)
Supported by: ETourism Lab

The leisure and tourism landscape has been subject to rapid changes in a world where internet and technologies have contributed to shape experiences, relationships, practices and lifestyles. In the network society, the sense of community is also varied and we can interrogate different meanings, values and practices at the heart of changing social interactions. The boundaries between online and offline communities seem to be blurred and they present new societal challenges, which also affect the industry, namely with sharing economy / collaborative consumption practices and communities (such as AirBnB, Uber, Couchsurfing, Meetup, Mealsharing, etc.).

The causes and consequences of such platforms in terms of lifestyle and the sense of community is yet to be studied. Therefore, we welcome papers which may explore, but are not limited to, the following themes:

  • Online/offline communities and lifestyle
  • Sharing economy / collaborative consumption and lifestyle
  • Social interaction in the digital era
  • Leisure digital practices
  • Events as online/offline communities of practice
  • Digital technologies in the tourism experience
  • Lifestyle challenges in leisure and tourism
  • Impacts of sharing economy / collaborative consumption in conventional industry production systems
  • Research methods in the context of sharing economy / collaborative consumption

The convenors are looking at possibilities for publication.

For more details, click  here or contact Dr Lenia Marques, .

*Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at


Grad School Header 2 smallOnly a week away… BU POSTGRADUATE CONFERENCE 9-10 MARCH 2016, hosted by the Graduate School on the 3rd Floor, Executive Business Centre, Lansdowne. With only a few tickets left, register to experience a jam packed programme of exciting postgraduate research, addresses from BU and external key academics, and share experiences with research and masters students from across the whole university…an opportunity not to be missed. For a copy of the programme and to register visit

Political Studies Association: Sport and Politics Conference 2016

PSA-logoDept visual

Political Studies Association: Sport and Politics Conference 2016

Conference theme: Social Justice

Sport, Politics and Social Justice

The Department of Sport and Physical Activity are pleased to be hosting this years PSA Sport Special Interest Groiup Conference on the 4th and 5th March at the Executive Business Centre.

This is the 10th anniversary of this academic group and the conference has gradually grown to become an international event with papers being presented by academics from the USA, Turkey, Poland, Hong Kong and the UK.

The conference will aim to unpack and interrogate some of the ideas concerning Sport, as a cultural form par excellence, its inherent political nature, andwhat can only be described as an ambiguous relationship with social justice. Governments and international sports organisations often cite the commonly held precepts of social justice – fairness and/or entitlement – as key aspects and determinants of political bargaining and policymaking concerning sport.

Some might claim that it is the supposed virtue of justice that sits at the heart of sport that gives it such special value manifest in the use of sport in initiatives such as crime prevention, community development and health promotion.

Others might argue that within a wider cultural politics, sport can be understood as an insidious site through which various discourses are appropriated and mobilised in regard to the organisation and discipline of daily life and, from this perspective, that sport may do very little to champion an orientation towards social justice, equality and inclusion.

The Sport, Politics and Social Justice Conference 2016 will provide a wide-ranging and interdisciplinary examination of these issues and more. The conference will explore the inter-relationship between sport, politics and social justice by drawing on research from a variety of academic fields, including: politics, political science, sociology, social policy, political philosophy, criminology, community and youth work, history, law, geography, and sport studies.

If you are interested and would like to attend please contact the conference Chair Andrew Adams +


Big Data in Health and Care – ‘Using data to gain new insights’


Date: Tuesday 19 April

Location: St. Mary’s Stadium – Britannia Road Southampton, Hampshire SO14 5FP GB – View Map

Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm

About the event:

Big Data in healthcare is being used to cure disease, improve quality of life, avoid preventable deaths and more importantly plan primary prevention strategies. With the UK population increasing and all of us living longer, through initiatives such as the Vanguards, models of care are rapidly changing, and many of the decisions behind those changes are being driven by data.

This Big Data conference, chaired by Richard Samuel, (Fareham and Gosport, South-Eastern Hants CEO) will provide an overview of Big Data from experts within the field, as well as practical examples of how Big Data is being used to improve the way that we deliver services. A Big Data expo will be accessible throughout the day and in the afternoon a variety of plenary sessions will gather feedback from participants to help shape future actions.

To register: Click here

If you have any questions or queries regarding the event or any specific access needs please do not hesitate to contact Katie Cheeseman – Digital Health Programme Manager                                                                                     


The Graduate School in the Netherlands

Professor Tiantian Zhang attended the 9th EUA Council for Doctoral Education (CDE) in the Netherlands on the 20th – 21st January, 2016. The EUA CDE is dedicated to improving and developing doctoral education. This event was attended by approximately 110 international delegates who represented numerous Universities from across Europe. Representing the Graduate School from Bournemouth University, Professor Zhang was able to network and develop international contacts with other UniversitiEUAes. This was a wonderful opportunity for a representative from BU to learn and exchange good practices with others who are dedicated to enhancing the Doctoral Education experience.

Dr. Fiona Kelly invited guest speaker at Cecily Saunders Institute, King’s College London

fiona Cecily SaundersOn 25th November, Dr Fiona Kelly attended the Cecily Saunders Institute at King’s College London as an invited guest speaker to present research on determining what aspects of the design of care environments might be important for people with dementia nearing the end of life. The key messages of her presentation were the importance of firstly assuming the ability of people with dementia to engage with the senses, whether through touch, sound, smell, sight or taste and then to provide the means of engaging with whatever sense was appropriate or possible. The presentation was followed by a panel discussion with the audience in which the practical application of design principles within hospital settings was debated. The consensus was that even small changes can make a big difference. Following the presentation and discussion, the panel made a commitment to include consideration of dementia design principles in staff education within the Institute.

Fleming, R., Kelly, F. and Stillfried, G. (2015) ‘I want to feel at home’: establishing what aspects of environmental design are important to people with dementia nearing the end of life, BMC Palliative Care.

Academy of Marketing 3rd B2B Marketing Colloquium in Paris, 11-12 APRIL 2016: Opportunity to publish in Special Issue, Journal of Industrial Marketing Management (3* ABS ranking)

Dear All,

Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne in partnership with Bournemouth University is hosting 3rd annual colloquium for academics and professionals investigating the theory, context and practice of the B2B marketing.

Please see details on the theme, the indicative programme and submission instructions below. We are also pleased to inform that Professor Peter Laplaca is coming to facilitate the session aimed at helping you to write and publish in high quality journals. Moreover, the colloquium is sponsored by the Journal of Industrial Marketing Management (the lead ranking journal for the B2B marketing, 3* ABS ranking).

For any information related to the event and submission/registration process, do email Dr Elvira Bolat at and Dr Kaouther Kooli at



Organising team:

Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne

Bournemouth University

  • Dr Kaouther Kooli, Lecturer in marketing, Faculty of Management, Bournemouth University,
  •  Dr Elvira Bolat, Lecturer in marketing, Faculty of Management, Bournemouth University,
  • Dr Julie Robson Senior Principal lecturer   in marketing, Faculty of Management, Bournemouth University,
  • Dr Nektarios Tzempelikos, Tzempelikos , Senior lecturer in marketing, Anglia Ruskin University, Lord Ashcroft International Business School,

To-date, B2B research has examined the factors that drive successful buyer/seller relational exchanges in business markets. However, the focus has mainly been on the supplier, the customer and/or the interaction between them, with little attention being paid to the impact of macro-factors on these interactions. The result is limited knowledge of the complexities that the broader macro-environment encompasses, how these affect the theory and practice of B2B marketing and how their management could be a source of differentiation for B2B firms. In other words, the ‘big picture’ of where and how B2B firms operate is still lacking.

Macro-environmental changes are both major and uncontrollable. They range from political and legal changes, to demographic and social conditions, as well as technological developments, natural disasters and civil wars. These factors influence firms’ decision making, their strategies, innovation, technological prowess, and market performances. . This need, to address the big picture of the impact of the macro environment on B2B firms, provides the topical basis for this Call for Papers.

Relevant topics for the Colloquium and special journal issue include (but are not limited to):

  • Analysis of B2B relationships and firm responses to macro environmental changes.
  • The management of macro-environment changes by B2B firms in the present and the future.
  • The effects of political changes on B2B relationships g. the current discussions on Britain’s continued membership of the EU
  • Legal changes, g., the growth of patent applications and issues of Intellectual property as indicators of firms’ R&D and innovation activities in a country or countries.
  • Social and psychological effects of B2B activities with the business custom
  • The impact of technological changes, g. how Social media is affecting B2B firms’ intelligence gathering and product marketing for their B2B
  • How environmental factors affect (positively or/and negatively) relational exchanges in B2B m
  • Value co-creation between firms and/or sub-contractors in similar or different industries
  • Other topics affecting B2B firms, such us services marketing, customer relationship management, supply chain management and log

This colloquium is dedicated to researchers in B2B marketing. Day one will provide an opportunity for authors to present their papers and gain feedback from their B2B peers. On day two the keynote speaker will provide insight into how to get published in top B2B journals. Papers presented at this conference will be considered for publication in a special dedicated issue of Industrial Marketing Management.



Day 1

8.15-8.30         Welcome and refreshment

8.30-10.30      Parallel Session 1 Paper presentation ( 2 x 4 papers)

10.30- 10.45    Coffee break

10.45-13.00     Parallel Session 2 Paper presentation ( 2 x 4 papers) 13.00-14.00 Lunch

14.00-15.45     Parallel Session 3 Paper presentation ( 2 x 4 papers) 15.45-16.00 coffee break

16.00-17.30     Parallel Session 4 Paper presentation ( 2 x 4 papers)

19.00              Dinner

Day 2

7:30 – 8:00      Refreshment

8:00 12:00       Keynote Session: How to get published in a top B2B journal

Chair: Professor Peter Laplaca

12:00 – 12:15 Coffee break

12:15-14.00     Keynote Session: B2B research needs: Advancing the discipline & Close of Colloquium

Chair: Professor Peter Laplaca

14.00               Lunch



  • 11th January 2016 :   paper submission closes at midnight
  • 25th January 2016     Paper decision notified to authors.
  • 12th February 2016 Conference registration deadline for those presenting

Paper Format & Review

Full-length paper submission according to the guidelines of Industrial Marketing Management to

Manuscripts must be original, unpublished works not concurrently under review for publication at another outlet and are expected to follow the standard formatting guidelines for IMM (Guidelines can be found at management/0019-8501/guide-for-authors ). Do not submit a paper at the IMM paper submission website. Address questions regarding the special issue to any of the organising team.

The papers will undergo a rapid-response review process by end- January and must not be submitted to a journal prior or during this time. Success in the review will not guarantee publication in the special issue, but in order to be accepted for special issue publication, papers need to be presented at the colloquium.

Colloquium fees: Academics € 300 PhD students € 200


  • For any cancellation after the 01 March 2016 there will be no refund of the fees

To register for the colloquium please go to