Tagged / congratulations

Congratulations and Good Luck

March saw an increase in the level of activity for bids being submitted and awards being won with congratulations due to Schools/Faculty for winning research and consultancy contracts.

For the Business School, congratulations to Dean Patton for his short course with the Guernsey Training Agency, and to Huiping Xian, grants academy member Fabian Homberg and Davide Secchi for their short course with Hubei Star Around Universe Culture Exchange Company.  Good luck to Ke Rong with his ESRC application, and to Milena Bobeva and Richard Berger (Media School) for their contract to the Higher Education Academy.

For HSC, congratulations are due to Caroline Ellis for her short course on appreciative inquiry masterclass, to Peter Thomas for his consultancy with Poole Hospital NHS Trust, and to Bernie Edwards for two short courses both with Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust.  Good luck to Ann Hemingway for her application to Alcohol Research UK to carry out a case study on alcohol harm and licensing density, to Clive Andrewes and Sarah Gallimore for their short course with Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, to Anthea Innes and Damien Fay (SciTech) for their application to the EPSRC, and to Keith Brown for his contract to Hampshire County Council.

For MS, congratulations to Iain MacRury for his consultancy with Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership.  Good luck to Lihua You for his application to the British Academy, to Julian McDougall for his application to UK Literacy Association, to grants academy member Anna Feigenbaum for her contract to NESTA and her application to Antipode Foundation, to grants academy members Jenny Alexander, Caroline Hodges, Dan Jackson and Richard Scullion for their application to AHRC, to Chindu Sreedharan, Ana Adi and Richard Berger for their application to the ESRC on initiating and supporting collaborative learning through community writing for children and teachers in Indian and Nepalese schools.

For the Faculty of Science and Technology, congratulations are due to Paola Palma for three short courses, to Gary Underwood for his consultancy with North Sea Systems, to Siamak Noroozi and Philip Sewell for their short course with EADS, and to Jonathan Monteith for his consultancy with Terence O’Rourke Plc.  Good luck to Feng Tian for his application to the Royal Society, to Lai Xu and Paul de Vrieze for their application to the Royal Society, to grants academy member Emilie Hardouin for her contract to the EC Erasmus Mundus, to Sine McDougall and Kevin Thomas for their application to the British Medical Association to research the impact of patient complications and errors on surgeons, to Hongnian Yu (leading on two) and Shuang Cang (Tourism – leading on one) for their three applications to the EC Erasmus Mundus, to Rob Britton for his application to Interreg, and to Nan Jiang for his consultancy to Grads for Growth.

For ST, congratulations to Jonathan Hibbert for his two consultancies with Bournemouth Borough Council and NHS Dorset, and to Keith Hayman for his consultancy with Corinthian Hotels.  Good luck to Miguel Moital for his EC Erasmus Mundus application.

Congratulations and Good Luck

February saw a relatively quiet level of activity for bids being submitted and awards being won with congratulations due to Schools for winning research and consultancy contracts.

For the Business School, congratulations to Andy Mullineux for his consultancy with Cooperatives UK Ltd.  Good luck to Maurizio Borghi and Ruth Towse with their AHRC application, to grants academy members Lukman Aroean and Julie Robson and to Gelareh Roushan with their British Academy application, to Hossein Hassani and Mansi Ghodsi with their SIGMA application, and to Juliet Memery and Dawn Birch for their contract to the Crown Estate.Professor Keith Brown

For HSC, congratulations are due to Keith Brown for his contract with Plymouth City Council and his consultancy with Mouchel Management Consulting Ltd.  Good luck to grants academy member Sarah Hean with her contract to Association for Medical Education in Europe.

For MS, congratulations to Richard Scullion for his consultancy with WISH (Women in Social Housing), to Darren Lilleker for his consultancy with Borough of Poole, to Peter Truckel for his two short courses, and to Paula Callus for her VFX Academic conference.  Good luck to Julian McDougall for his application to AHRC, and to Ana Adi and grants academy member Anna Feigenbaum for their application to the British Academy to research the digital memory of ephemera.

For the Faculty of Science and Technology, congratulations are due to Tania Humphries-Smith, Nigel Garland, Mark Hadfield, Clive Hunt and Philip Sewell for their EPDE conference with the Institute of Engineering Design, to Adrian Pinder for his consultancy with Natural England, and to Jonny Monteith for his consultancy with Anesco.  Good luck to Mark Hadfield and Zulfiqar Khan for their contract to Wessex Institute, and to Timothy Darvill for his application to AHRC to research Stonehenge and Avebury rock source exploitation during the neolithic.

For ST, congratulations to Ehren Milner for his consultancy with Bournemouth Borough Council, and to Richard Gordon for his two consultancies with the British High Commission and the Royal Office of Oman.  Good luck to Jonathan Hibbert for his consultancy to Resort Development Organisation.

Congratulations and Good Luck

With the Christmas break out of the way, January saw a relatively quiet level of activity for bids being submitted and awards being won with congratulations due to Schools for winning research and consultancy contracts.

For the Business School, good luck to grants academy member Dinusha Mendis for her application to AHRC to ‘identify 3D printing delivery systems for older people to support care in the community’, to Lois Farquharson for her consultancy to Health-on-line, to Jens Holscher, Andy Mullineux and Dean Patton for their application to ESRC.

For HSC, congratulations are due to Bernie Edwards for a short course for ‘Foundations in Practice Nursing’.  Good luck to Sophie Smith, Jacqui Hewitt-Taylor and grants academy member Jane Murphy for their research training fellowship to Dunhill Medical Trust.

For MS, congratulations to grants academy member Mike Molesworth and Liam Toms for their consultancy with Cammegh Davies Flemming, and to grants academy member Richard Scullion and Rebecca Jenkins for their consultancy to McKenna Townsend PR.  Good luck to Julian McDougall for his applications to Higher Education Academy and AHRC, the latter of which is to research ‘connecting communities with their history across geography and generations through interaction design’, and to Richard Berger who has also applied to the Higher Education Academy.

For the Faculty of Science and Technology, congratulations are due to Jonny Monteith for his four consultancies with T Ingram Building Contractors Ltd, Renaissance Retirement Ltd, Mark Sanderson and SolarTech Ltd, to Tim Darvill for his conference, to grants academy members Cornelius Ncube and Keith Phalp for their consultancy with DSTL, to Adrian Pinder for his consultancy with Aluna Foundation, to Richard Stillman for his consultancy with Footprint Ecology, to grants academy member David Newell for his two short courses, and to Jacqui Taylor for her consultancy with Higher Education Academy.  Good luck to Emma Jenkins for her short course, to Neil Vaughan for his application to NIHR for ‘Development of a patient-specific epidural simulator for training and assessment’, to Adrian Pinder for his consultancy to Natural England, and to Sulaf Assi for her application to the Royal Society for Chemistry an ‘analytical chemistry summer school studentship’.

For ST, congratulations to Lisa Stuchberry and Jonathan Hibbert for their consultancy with Bournemouth Borough Council for the Bournemouth Arts Festival 2013 research, to Jeff Bray for his consultancies with Waitrose and with Which?, and to Richard Gordon for his short course and for his consultancy with the British High Commission Nigeria.  Good luck to Jonathan Hibbert for his consultancy to NHS Dorset.

Congratulations and Good Luck

As would be expected for a short working month, December saw a relatively quiet level of activity for bids being submitted and awards being won with congratulations due to Schools for winning research and consultancy contracts.

For ApSci, congratulations are due to Adrian Pinder for his consultancy with Borough of Poole, to Jonny Monteith for his consultancy with Colten Developments Ltd, and to Paola Palma for her contract with English Heritage.  Good luck to Richard Stillman for his consultancy to Footprint Ecology, and to Roger Herbert for his consultancy to Marine Ecological Surveys Ltd.

For the Business School, congratulations are due to Gelareh Roushan for her contract with the Higher Education Academy exploring the value of social media for education and research in business and management studies.

For DEC, good luck to Venky Dubey for his application to the British Council to research integrative intelligent vibro-electro-tactile device for balance correction and therapy, to Samuel Nyman, Anthea Innes (HSC), Peter Thomas (HSC) and Joanne Mayoh (ST) for their application to the National Institute for Health Research, to Grants Academy member David Newell for his two short courses, and to Jacqui Taylor for her consultancy with the Higher Education Academy.

For HSC, congratulations are due to Clive Andrewes for his consultancy with Wessex Academic Health Science Network.  Good luck to Lee-Ann Fenge for her application to the Big Lottery Fund, to Grants Academy member Timothy Etheridge for his contract to UK Space Agency, to Ann Hemingway for her application to Alcohol Research UK, and to Grants Academy member Jane Murphy for her consultancy to Wessex Academic Health Science Network.

For MS, good luck to Julian McDougall for his consultancy to University of Wolverhampton, and to Grants Academy member Richard Scullion for his consultancy with WISH (Women in Social Housing).

For ST, congratulations to Yeganeh Morakabati for securing the final year of the Crown Estate Project to study the perceptions of stakeholders with respect to the Boscombe Artificial Surf Reef.  Good luck to Heather Hartwell, Jeff Bray and Sherry Jeary (DEC) for their application to Global Innovation Initiative to research empowering consumer decision making in out of home eating.

Congratulations and Good Luck

November saw a steady level of activity for bids being submitted and a number of awards were won with congratulations due to Schools for winning research grants, consultancy contracts and organising Short Courses. 

The most notable success for this month was in the Media School and congratulations go to Jian Jun Zhang and the Centre for Digital Entertainment (a joint Centre for Doctoral Training run in collaboration with the University of Bath), which has received 8.5 years additional funding for 50 new doctoral students from the EPSRC.

For ApSci, congratulations are due to Richard Stillman for his contract with Natural England, to Adrian Pinder for his consultancy with Beacon Hill Touring Park, to Anita Diaz for her contract with the Higher Education Academy, and to Jonathan Monteith for his consultancies with SolarTech Ltd and Mark Sanderson.  Good luck to Richard Stillman for his consultancy to HR Wallingford, to Emma Jenkins for her short course on ‘Outreach Archaeology’, and to Jonathan Monteith for his consultancy to T Ingram Building Contractors Ltd.

For the Business School, congratulations are due to Grants Academy member Dinusha Mendis and Davide Secchi for their contract with the Intellectual Property Office, and to Chris Chapleo for his consultancies with DevelopMyPlan Ltd and Nigel Reed Smith Ltd.  Good luck to George Filis for his ESRC application on ‘Modelling the efficient allocation of marketing and trade expenditure in the UK firms’, and to Lukman Aroean for his application to the British Council.

For DEC, congratulations to Grants Academy member Christopher Richardson and Hongnian Yu for their KTP with TDSi.  Good luck to Lai Xu, Paul de Vrieze and Keith Phalp for their application to the European Commission – ‘FITMAN – Business Process Servers in the Virtual Factory’.

For HSC, congratulations are due to Caroline Ellis-Hill for her research with The Stroke Association, to Ahmed Khattab for his award with Weill Medical College of Cornell University – Qatar, to Anthea Innes for her consultancy with Shelbourne Senior Living Ltd, and to Vanora Hundley, Zoe Sheppard and Edwin van Teijlingen for their conference on Midwifery and the post MDG agenda.  Congratulations are due for a number of short courses to Keith Brown with Cheshire West and Chester Council, to Luisa Cescutti-Butler with Great Western Hospital NHS Trust and with Eastbourne District General Hospital, to Grants Academy member Michele Board with Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, to Clive Andrewes and Sarah Gallimore with the University of Iceland, and to Vanora Hundley, Grants Academy member Marilyn Cash and Edwin van Teijlingen for their Masterclass in Systematic Reviews.  Good luck to Lee-Ann Fenge for her application to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, and to Anthea Innes and Clare Cutler for their application also to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, to Jaqui Hewitt-Taylor for her KTP to Five Rivers Child Care Trust, and to Maggie Hutchings for her contract to the Department of Health.

As mentioned above, congratulations to the Media School for Jian Jun Zhang’s continued funding for the Centre for Digital Entertainment from the EPSRC.  Congratulation are also due to Tom Watson for his contract with the British Council, to Melanie Gray for her consultancy with Captec Ltd, to Liam Toms for his consultancy with WISH (Women in Social Housing), to Stephanie Farmer for her consultancy with THAT Bournemouth Company Ltd, and to Anthony Minto for his consultancy with the iHeed Institute.  Good luck to Stephanie Farmer for her consultancy with 4com, to Anna Feigenbaum for her application to the Wellcome Trust, to Jian Chang and Jian Jun Zhang for their European Commission application on ‘Animated platform for closed-loop virtual experiments of neurobots’, to Liam Toms for his consultancy to Craft Realities Ltd and for his joint consultancy, together with Mike Molesworth, to Cammegh Davies Flemming.

For School of Tourism, congratulations to Richard Gordon for his consultancy with the British High Commission, to Ehren Milner for his contract with Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS) and his consultancy with Bath Museum Partnership, and to Heather Hartwell, Katherine Appleton (DEC), Ann Hemingway (HSC) and Ann Bevan (HSC) for their European Commission project ‘VeggieEAT’.  Good luck to Janet Dickinson for her application to the AHRC and her contract to Dorset County Council, and to Richard Gordon for his consultancy to the Royal Office of Oman.

Best wishes


Congratulations and Good Luck

October saw an increase in activity for bids being submitted and a number of awards were won with congratulations due to Schools for winning research grants, consultancy contracts and organising Short Courses.

For ApSci, congratulations are due to Adrian Pinder for his consultancies with Natural England, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, and Aluna Foundation, to Paola Palma for her contract with English Heritage, and to Jonny Monteith for his consultancies with Churchfield Farm, Roofing Cladding & Building Ltd, Sembcorp Bournemouth Water Ltd, Anesco, and Sherborne Castle Estates.  Good luck to Adrian Pinder, Roger Herbert and Adrian Newton for their consultancy to New Forest National Park Authority, and to Grants Academy member Amanda Korstjens for her application to AHRC investigating the feedback loops between our diets, societies and bodies.

For the Business School, good luck to Tim Ford, Mark Painter and Dean Patton for their consultancy to RBS Group, to Grants Academy member Max Lowenstein for his application to Socio-Legal Studies Association, to George Filis and Hossein Hassani who have submitted individual applications to the British Academy, to Aroean Lukman for his contract to the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science, to Juliet Memery and Dawn Birch for their application to British Academy of Management, and to Huiping Xian and Julie Robson who have submitted individual applications to the British Academy of Management.

For DEC, congratulations to Hongnian Yu and Shuang Cang (ST) for their Erasmus Mundus award with the European Commission, to Bob Eves and Siamak Noroozi for their Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Consolor, to Biao Zeng and Jian Jun Zhang (MS) for their contract with Hunan Tianpei IT Ltd for a match funded student, and to Zulfiqar Khan and Mark Hadfield for their contract with Future Energy Source.  Good luck to Katherine Appleton for separate applications to the MRC and ESRC, to Sarah Williams for her application to NIHR, to Simon Thompson and Jian Jun Zhang (MS) for their application to the British Academy identifying yawning in neurological disorders by facial capture techniques, to Jan Weiner, Samuel Nyman and Anthea Innes (HSC) for their application to Alzheimer’s Research UK, to Jianbing Ma who has applied to the Royal Society, and to Tania Humphries-Smith, Nigel Garland, Mark Hadfield, Clive Hunt and Philip Sewell for their EPDE conference with the Institute of Engineering Designers.

For HSC, congratulations are due to Anthea Innes and Michele Board for their successful Erasmus LLP with the European Commission, to Anthea Innes, Michele Board, Sarah Hambidge, Samuel Nyman and Jan Weiner for their ESRC Festival of Social Science application ‘Dementia in Dorset – what does this mean for you?’, and to Lee-Ann Fenge, Maggie Hutchings, Jen Leamon and Anne Quinney for their ESRC Festival of Social Science application ‘Promoting dignity through understanding narratives of care’, and to Anthea Innes for her contract with Quantum LifeCare.  Good luck to Sara Crabtree and Gail Thomas for their application to Wellcome Trust, to Jonathan Parker and Sara Crabtree for their application to the British Academy, to Luisa Cescutti-Butler for her short courses to Great Western Hospital NHS Trust and to Eastbourne District General Hospital, to Vanora Hundley, Edwin Van Teijlingen and Ann Luce for their application to the British Academy, and to Anthea Innes for her Wellcome Trust application.

Congratulations to the MS for Jian Jun Zhang, Jian Chang and Lihua You for their successful European Commission application for user centred computer animation techniques, they also, together with Xiaosong Yang, successfully secured a second European Commission application for ‘Dr Inventor’, to Stephanie Farmer for her consultancies with Borough of Poole and also Tribal Education Ltd, which the latter was joint with Anthony Minto, to Liam Toms for his consultancy with Doppelganger Productions, and to Rebecca Jenkins and Grants Academy member Mike Molesworth for their consultancy with Work Research Ltd.  Good luck to Barry Richards and Roman Gerodimos for their application to AHRC, to Chris Pullen for his application to the British Academy, to Roman Geromidos for his submission to The Spencer Foundation, to Jian Chang, Hongchuan Yu and Jian Jun Zhang for their Royal Society of Medicine application researching smart mobile production of computer animation, to Jamie Matthews for his application to the Japan Foundation Endowment Committee, to Lihua You and Jian Jun Zhang for their Royal Society application, and to Julian McDougall and Ashley Woodfall for their application to NESTA.

For ST, congratulations to Lisa Stuchberry and Jon Hibbert for their contract with Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS), to Richard Gordon and Mike Evans (ApSci) for their consultancies with the British High Commission Nigeria and also with the British Embassy, and to Ehren Milner for his consultancy with Dorset County Council.  Good luck to Grants Academy member Alessandro Inversini for his ESRC application on strategic and tactical use of tourism technologies in developing countries, to Andrew Adams for his British Academy application, to Grants Academy member Debbie Sadd for her Leverhulme Trust application, to Charles McIntyre for his consultancy to Winchester Council, and to Ehren Milner for his consultancy to Bath Museum Partnership.

Congratulations and Good Luck

September saw a slight reduction of activity for bids being submitted and a number of awards were won with congratulations due to Schools for winning research grants, consultancy contracts and organising Short Courses.

For ApSci, congratulations are due to Adrian Newton, Ralph Clarke and Judith DeGroot (DEC) for their NERC grant, which is part of the Biodiversity & Ecosystem Service Sustainability (BESS) project, to Fiona Coward and Bronwen Russell for their short course on an introduction to world prehistory, to Richard Stillman for his award from Scottish Natural Heritage, to Rick Stafford, Genoveva Esteban, Duncan Golicher and Roger Herbert for their NERC award, to Jonathan Monteith for his two consultancies with Anesco, as well as consultancies with Sherborne Castle Estates and Distributed Generation Ltd, and to Adrian Pinder for his consultancy with the Environment Agency.  Good luck to Paola Palma for her application to English Heritage, to John Gale for his short course on Guided walk – aspects of prehistoric West Dorset, to Adrian Pinder for his consultancies to Natural England and to the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, to Rick Stafford and Chris Shiel for their application to Higher Education Academy, to Sulaf Assi for her consultancy to Royal Society of Chemistry, and to Jonathan Monteith for his consultancy to Roofing Cladding & Building Ltd.

For the Business School, good luck to Melanie Klinkner, Sascha Dominik Bachmann and Howard Davis for their application to United States Institute of Peace, to Thanh Cong Huynh for his European Commission Marie Curie Fellowship, to Gbola Gbadamosi and Lois Farquharson for their application to the Higher Education Academy to investigate the contribution of aspirations in shaping personal trajectories and outcomes, and to Hiroko Oe for her application to the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation.

For DEC, congratulations to Simon Thompson and Biao Zeng for their pilot study on Auditory Selective Attention and Lexical Tone Perception under a Whisper Condition for Chongqing University.  Good luck to Andrew Johnson for his application to Wellcome Trust, to Martin Teal and Glyn Hadley for their application to Royal Academy of Engineering to research Virtual Reality Simulation of WW1 Tank Battles, to Jacqui Taylor, Raian Ali and Keith Phalp for their match funded studentships to Higher Education Academy, to Marcin Budka for his EPSRC application, and to Sarah Bate for her application to the British Psychological Society.

For HSC, a number of short courses were awarded and so congratulations are due to Anthea Innes working with Bournemouth Borough Council, to Clive Andrewes with Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS, and to grants academy member Jane Murphy, Joanne Holmes and Sophie Smith with Abbeyfield Solent Society Ltd.  Good luck to Fotini Tsofliou for his pilot study to Rank Prize Funds, to Maggie Hutchings, Caroline Ellis-Hill and Janet Scammell for their application to the Higher Education Academy to explore the education strategies to empower students in humanising care, to Jen Leamon, Marilyn Cash and Vanora Hundley for their Higher Education Academy application to promote employability of dyslexic student midwives whilst protecting the public, to Tim Etheridge for his bid to Rank Prize Funds, to Peter Thomas for his application to Cancer Research UK, and to Anthea Innes and Sarah Hambidge for their application to Alzheimer’s Society.

Congratulations to the MS for An Nguyen for his contract with World Federation of Science Journalists, to grants academy members Dan Jackson and Shelly Thompson for their consultancy with Work Research Ltd, and to Zhidong Xiao for his short course with Wuhan Vocational College of Software and Engineering.  Good luck to Trevor Hearing who has submitted a HEFCE bid for postgraduate support in creative and digital economies, to Stephanie Farmer for her consultancy to 4com, to Alexander Pasko and Peter Comninos for their application to Interreg, to Melanie Gray and Pawel  Surowiec for their separate consultancies to Captec Ltd, and to Liam Toms for his consultancy to WISH.

For ST, congratulations to Ehren Milner for his consultancy with West Dorset District Council.  Good luck to Heather Hartwell, Adele Ladkin, Stephen Page and Ann Hemingway (HSC) for their ESRC application for ‘Promotion of wellbeing as a destination resource’, to Lisa Stuchberry and Jon Hibbert for their consultancy to Bournemouth Borough Council, to Richard Gordon and Mike Evans (ApSci) for their consultancy for British High Commission Nigeria, and to Ehren Milner for his contract to Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS).

Best wishes


Congratulation and Good Luck

August saw a busy period of activity for bids being submitted and a number of awards were won with congratulations due to Schools for winning research grants, consultancy contracts and organising Short Courses.

There were a significant number of European Commission Marie Curie Fellowships submitted in August and so good luck goes to EUADS member Anita Diaz, and to Robert Britton for his three applications, both from ApSci, to Mark Hadfield, and also to Feng Tian and Chang Liu for their applications, all from DEC, to Vanora Hundley from HSC, to Jian Chang, Darren Lilleker (both EUADS members), Hammadi Nait-Charif, Lihua You, An Duc Nguyen for their individual applications, along with EUADS member Barry Richards for his two applications and a joint submission from Alexander Pasko, Valery Adzhiev and Oleg Fryazinov, all from the Media School, and to Ana Adi (MS) and Debbie Sadd (ST) for their joint application, and finally to Heather Hartwell from the School of Tourism, who is also a member of EUADS.

For ApSci, congratulations are due to Mark Maltby for his AHRC Large Grant to research Chickens and People: Past, Present and Future.  Mark will lead on this collaborative project for over £1.5M, working with several University partners.  Congratulations are also due to Adrian Pinder for two consultancies with the Forestry Commission and Natural England, the latter also involving Grants Academy member Pippa Gillingham, Roger Herbert and Richard Stillman, and to Jonathan Monteith for his consultancy with WPA Consultants.  Good luck to Richard Stillman for his contract to Natural England, and to Jonathan Monteith for his consultancies to Anesco and to Churchfield Farm. 

For the Business School, congratulations to Grants Academy member Dinusha Mendis for her contract with the University of Glasgow.  Good luck to Lois Farquharson for her consultancy to CAFCASS, and to Yasmin Sekhon and Elvira Bolat for their application to Academy of Marketing.

For DEC, congratulations to Sarah Bate for her award from the British Psychological Society to launch the Face Blindness awareness campaign, and to Chris Benjamin for his Sonar short Course to be held in September.  Good luck to Christos Gatzidis for his application to Leverhulme, to Grants Academy member Raian Ali for his application to EPSRC for Software Engineering Framework for Systematic Social Sensing, to Christopher Richardson and Hongnian Yu for their KTP to TDSi, to Shamal Faily and Cornelius Ncube for their application to Centre for Defence Enterprise, and to Venky Dubey for his application to UK Science and Innovation Network.

For HSC, congratulations are due to Jane Murphy and Joanne Holmes for their Burdett Trust for Nursing project to research ‘Empowering nurses and care home staff to lead excellence in nutrition and dignity in dementia care’, to Clive Andrewes for his short course with Poole Hospital NHS Trust, and to Keith Brown for his two short courses with Portsmouth Hospital NHS Trust and Worcestershire County Council.  Good luck to Jonathan Williams for his application to the Private Physiotherapy Educational Fund, and to Keith Brown for his short course to Cheshire West and Chester Council, and his contract to Croydon Council.

Congratulations to the Media School for Liam Toms two consultancies with Swann Recruitment Ltd and Doppelganger Productions.  Good luck to Julian McDougall for his application to AHRC, to An Duc Nguyen for his contract to the World Federation of Science Journalists, and to Richard Scullion, Rebecca Jenkins, Iain MacRury and Mike Molesworth for their application to the Society for Research into Higher Education to map out best practice in factors influencing recruitment, retention and the student experience in a marketised Higher Education.

For the School of Tourism T, congratulations to John Fletcher, Adam Blake and Yeganeh Morakabati for their contract with Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce, to Lisa Stuchberry, Jon Hibbert and Nicky Pretty for their contract with Bournemouth Borough Council, to Richard Gordon for his short course in International Disaster Management to run in September, to Lisa Stuchberry, Jon Hibbert and Lauren Thom for their contract with Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and for their consultancy with West Dorset District Council, and to Crispin Farbrother for his short course with Wuhan City Vocational College.

Congratulations and Good Luck

July saw a low level of activity for bids being submitted but we did have more awarded with congratulations due to Schools for winning research grants, consultancy contracts and organising Short Courses.

For Applied Science, congratulations are due to Jonathan Monteith for his four consultancies with North Mead Farm, Merryfield Park Partnership, New Forest National Park Authority and Balfour Beatty Construction, to Kathy Hodder for her consultancy with Fieldwork Ecological Services Ltd, and to Holger Schutkowski for his consultancy with Cellmark Forensic Services.  Good luck to Jonathan Monteith for his consultancy with WPA Consultants, to Adrian Pinder for his consultancy with the Forestry Commission, to Richard Stafford and Roger Herbert for their application to NERC in connection with marine ecosystems, and to Adrian Newton for his application to DfID regarding livelihood and biodiversity benefits from forest transitions in Mesoamerica.

For the Business School, congratulations to Jens Holscher for his ESRC Festival of Social Science project for ‘Finance for Small Firms’.

Good luck to DEC, for Venky Dubey’s application to NIHR researching patient specific advanced epidural simulator to improve patient safety, to Katherine Appleton for her application to NIHR for a pilot study to test implementation of a food-based rewards intervention in secondary schools, and to Sarah Bate for her application to the British Psychology Society to launch the Face Blindness awareness campaign.

For HSC, congratulations are due to Les Todres and Caroline Ellis-Hill for their contract with the Burdett Trust for Nursing, to Keith Brown for his consultancy with Skills for Care, to Grants Academy member Vanora Hundley for her two matched funded PhD contracts and her contract ‘Every reason to SMiLE’ all with Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, to Anthea Innes for her two matched funded PhD contracts with Hamble Heights and Guild Care, and to Sarah Hean, also a Grants Academy member, for her matched funded PhD contract with Legal and General.  Good luck to Sarah Hean for her contract to the British Council, and to Keith Brown for his contract to Mouchel Management Consulting Ltd.

Congratulations to the Media School for Rebecca Jenkins and Mike Molesworth for their consultancy with Work Research Ltd, to Anthony Minto and Peter Truckel for their consultancy with iHeed Institute, and to Grants Academy member Carrie Hodges for her ESRC project ‘Seen but seldom heard, which is together with Wendy Cutts and Lee-Ann Fenge from HSC.  Good luck to Chris Pullen for his Leverhulme application for an interactive Ebook on diversity and family, and to Tom Watson for his contract to the British Council.

For School of Tourism, congratulations to Lisa Stuchberry, Stephen Calver, Anya Chapman, Nicky Pretty and Lauren Thom for their consultancy with Marketing Blackpool, to Dimitrios Buhalis, Philip alford and Alessandro Inversini for their ESRC Festival of Social Science project, Richard Gordon for his short course with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and to Lisa Stuchberry, Jon Hibbert and Lauren Thom for their contract with Christchurch Borough Council to carry out a residents survey.  Good luck to Dimitrios Buhalis and Alessandro Inversini, who is a Grants Academy member, for their application to European Commission.

Best wishes


Congratulations and Good Luck

June saw a slight increase in activity for bids being submitted and awarded with congratulations due to Schools for winning research grants, consultancy contracts and organising Short Courses.

For ApSci, congratulations are due to Jonathan Monteith for his consultancy with Distributed General Ltd, and to John Gale for his contract with Heritage Lottery Fund.  Good luck to Jonathan Monteith for his consultancy with Merryfield Park Partnership, and to Kathy Hodder for her consultancy with Fieldwork Ecological Service Ltd.

For the Business School, congratulations to Ruth Towse and Maurizio Borghi for their AHRC research project in Music Publishing.  Good luck to Tim Ford and Mark Painter for their consultancy to RBS Group, to Lois Farquharson, Fabian Homberg, Roger Palmer and Dean Patton for their consultancy to Wiltshire Probation Trust.

Good luck to DEC, for Bob Eves KTP project with Consoler, to Sarah Williams for her application to MQ: Transforming Mental Health, to Christos Gatzidis for his application to Leverhulme, to Bogdan Gabrys and Marcin Budka for their submission to ITaaU Network, to Chang Liu, Sarah Bate, Angela Gosling and Nicola Gregory for their application to the Royal Society to research the cultural influence on typical and atypical development of face perception.

For HSC, congratulations are due to Keith Brown for his short courses with Powys County Council, to Lee-Ann Fenge, Keith Brown and Lynne Rutter for their contract with Hampshire County Council.  Good luck to Peter Thomas and Zoe Sheppard for their application to the National Institute for Health Research, to Anthea Innes, Michele Board and Sarah Hambridge from HSC, together with Sam Nyman and Jan Wiener from DEC, for their application to the ESRC Festival of Social Science, to Jonathan Parker and Sara Crabtree for their contract to IASSW, to Andrew Harding, Sue Baron, Di Galpin, Edwin van Teijlingen and Cate Wood for their contract to the Royal College of General Practitioners, to Lee-Ann Fenge, Maggie Hutchings, Jen Leamon and Anne Quinney who have also applied to the ESRC Festival of Social Science, to Keith Brown for his short course for Worcestershire County Council.

Congratulations to the Media School for Bronwen Thomas and Julia Round’s AHRC project for Research Networking Researching Readers Online, to Zhidong Xiao for his consultancy with the University of Bedfordshire, and to Stephanie Farmer for her consultancy to Nuffield Health, Chichester.  Good luck to Liam Toms for his consultancy to Doppelganger Productions, to Zhidong Xiao for his short course with Wuhan Vocational College of Software and Engineering, to Carrie Hodges of the Media School, Lee-Ann Fenge and Wendy Cutts from HSC for their application to ESRC, and to Julian McDougall of the Media School and Dinusha Mendes of the Business School for their application to the European Commission.

For School of Tourism, good luck to Heather Hartwell for her European application to COST on shaping consumer behaviour and food choice, and her application, together with Sean Beer and Jeff Bray, to the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, and to Katherine King and Alessandro Inversini for their application to European Commission.

Congratulations and Good Luck

May had a disappointingly low level of activity for bids being submitted and awarded, but congratulations are due to Schools for winning consultancy contracts, research grants and organising Short Courses.

For ApSci, congratulations are due to Holger Schutkowski for his award from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education to look at the variability of diet in human populations of the Near East from the Neolithic to the Modern period, to Jonathan Monteith for his two consultancies with Peter Gunning and Partners LLP and with Distributed Generation Ltd, and to Grants Academy members Emilie Hardouin and Demetra Andreou for their consultation with Natural Resources Wales.  Good luck to Roger Herbert and Rick Stafford with their contract to Scottish Natural Heritage, and to David Parham and Jonathan Monteith for their contract to English Heritage.

Good luck to Isaac Ngugi of the Business School and Adrian Newton from ApSci for their application to Ekhaga Foundation, and to Kaouther Kooli and Elvira Bolat both from the Business School for their application to the Academy of Marketing.

For DEC, congratulations to Grant Academy member Marcin Budka and Bogdan Gabrys for their consultancy with Western Union Financial Services Inc, and to Zulfiqar Khan for his contract with Sunseeker International.  Good luck also goes to Zulfiqar and Mark Hadfield for their contract to Future Energy Source, to Venky Dubey for his application to UKIERI, and to Nicola Gregory for her application to the Experimental Psychology Society on individual differences in saccadic orienting to eye gaze.

For HSC, congratulations are due to Keith Brown for his short courses with Cheshire West and Chester Council, and with Torbay Council, as well as his contract with Somerset County Council.  Good luck also goes to Keith for his consultancy to Skills for Care, his contract to Plymouth City Council and his short course with Powys Country Council, to Jane Murphy and Joanne Holmes and to Janet Scammell and Martin Hind for their applications to the Burdett Trust for Nursing, to Anthea Innes and Clare Cutler for their short course for Bournemouth Borough Council, to Vanora Hundley and Edwin van Teijlingen, and to Zoe Sheppard, Peter Thomas and Helen Allen for their applications to the National Institute for Health Research.

Congratulations to the Media School for Peter Comninos, Alexander Pasko, Oleg Fryazinov, Valery Adzhiev and Eike Anderson for their international conference on Shape Modelling, and to Tom Watson for his IHPR conference.  Good luck to Zhidong Xiao for his consultancy to the University of Bedfordshire, and to Liam Toms for his consultancy to Kind of Watersports.

For School of Tourism, congratulations go to Nicky Pretty for her contract with the National Trust, as well as Nicky, Eva Makris and Samir Bhatti’s contract with Wells Cathedral, and for all of them together with Ehren Milner for their contract with Bath Museum Partnership, to Keith Hayman for his short course with Hall & Woodhouse Ltd, and to Nicole Ferdinand and Mary Beth Gouthro for their contract to King’s College London to research Carnival Futures: Notting Hill Carnival 2020.  Good luck to Lisa Stuchberry for her contract to Marketing Blackpool, and to Nicky Pretty, Eva Makris, Samir Bhatti and Ehren Milner for their contract to Shropshire Council.

Congratulations and Good Luck

April had a high level of activity around bids being submitted and awarded, with Schools winning consultancy contracts, research grants and organising Short Courses.

For ApSci, congratulations are due to Pippa Gillingham for her award from the Royal Entomological society, to David Parham for his contract with English Heritage for SWASH post-excavation, to Emilie Hardouin for her award from The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, to Mark Maltby for his consultancy with Central Bedfordshire Council, to Jonathan Monteith for his consultancy with Barbara Farquharson, to Richard Stillman for his consultancy with Natural Resources Wales, and to Miles Russell for his short course introducing Roman Britain.  Good luck to Luciana Esteves for her application to the Royal Society, to Paola Palma for her contract to English Heritage, to Anita Diaz and Demetra Andreou for their individual applications to the European Commission and also to Anita for her application to the EU Lifelong Learning Programme, to Jonathan Monteith for his consultancy to the Forestry Commission, to Fiona Coward for a short course introducing World Prehistory, and to Kate Welham for a short course introducing Archaeology.

Congratulations to the Business School for Andy Mullineux’s AHRC award on responsibilities, ethics and the financial crisis.  Good luck to Yasmin Sekhon for her British Academy application, to Ruth Towse and Maurizio Borghi for their joint application to AHRC, as well as Maurizio’s second application to AHRC, to Hiroko Oe for an application to the Japan Foundation Endowment Committee, to Fabian Homberg for his application to the SWIFT Institute on gender diversity in the finance industry, to Isaac Ngugi and Gordon Liu for their application to ESRC, and also to Juliet Memery, Dawn Birch, Chris Chapleo and Jeff Bray for their application to ESRC on the perceptions of the High Street retailing experience.

For DEC, congratulations to Hongnian Yu for his successful European Commission award for RABOT, and to Marcin Budka for his consultancy with Western Union Financial Services Inc.  Good luck to Sarah Bate and Nicola Gregory for their application to the British Academy on the role of eye movements in the recognition of moving faces, also to Jane Elsley and Andrew Johnson for their individual applications to the British Academy, to Christopher Richardson for his short course on Digital Economy and Assurance for UKUD International Education Consultants, to Simon Thompson and Biao Zeng for their contract to Chongqing University, to Katherine Appleton for her application to The Humane Research Trust, to Siamak Noroozi, Philip Sewell and Mihai Dupac for their application to Remedi.  There were a number of applications to the European Commission, and so good luck goes to Hongnian Yu for his two applications, as well as Zulfiqar Khan for his, and Abdelhamid Bouchachia and Hammadi Nait-Charif for theirs.

For HSC, congratulations are due to Keith Brown for his KTP with Dorset County Council, to Caroline Ellis-Hill for her short course Masterclass on action research, to Jane Murphy and Joanne Holmes for their short course on nutrition for older people living in the community, to Clive Andrewes for his short course from the Strategic Health Authority, to Edwin Van Teijlingen for his short course for a Masterclass in interviewing in semi-structured interviews, to Sarah Hean for her contract from Offender Health South West, and to Anthea Innes for her contract with the Alzheimer’s Society. Good luck to Jonathan Parker for his application to the British Academy, to Rosie Read for her application to NORFACE, to Vanora Hundley, Zoe Sheppard and Jennifer Leamon for their application to National Institute for Health Research, to Peter Thomas for his contract to Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, and to Les Todres and Caroline Ellis-Hill for their contract to the Burdett Trust for Nursing for a strategy for improving ‘what matters to people’ to enhance dignity in care.

Congratulations to the Media School for Liam Toms and Mike Molesworth for their individual consultancies with Work Research Limited, and to Janice Denegri-Knott for her two consultancy contracts with Work Research Limited, to Laura Hampshaw and Matt Northam for their short course with the RBCH on WordPress, to Sofronis Efstathiou for a conference with SKILLSET, to Stephanie Farmer for her consultancy contracts with the National Trust and Grapevine Telecom Ltd, and to Heather Savigny for an annual conference for Media and Politics Specialist Group.

For the School of Tourism, congratulations go to Nicky Pretty for her contract with Godolphin Company, to Crispin Farbrother for his short course in wines, to Lisa Stuchberry for her contracts with Bournemouth and Poole College, Borough of Poole, and Holburne Museum, to Jon Hibbert for his contract with Liz Lean PR Ltd, and to Richard Gordon for his conference on International Disaster Management.  Good luck to Keith Hayman and Simon Thomas for their short course to Hall & Woodhouse Ltd, to Nicole Ferdinand and Mary Beth Gouthro for their contract to King’s College London to research Carnival Futures: Notting Hill Carnival 2020, to Neelu Seetaram and Stephen Page for their application to the British Academy, to Miguel Moital for his application to the European Commission.

Finally, congratulations to Colleen Harding in HR for her award from the Leadership Foundation for HE for transformative approaches to career progression for academic staff aspiring to leadership roles, and good luck to Bogdan Gabrys, Hongnian Yu, Dimitrios Buhalis, Ross Hill, Keith Phalp, Ben Parris, Kate Welham, Alexander Pasko and Dean Patton for their EPSRC application for a Centre for Doctoral Training in Data Science.

Congratulations and Good Luck

March had a good deal of activity around bids being submitted and awarded, with Schools winning consultancy contracts, research grants and organising Short Courses.

For Applied Sciences congratulations are due to Rob Britton for a successful month of March with several awards obtained which include the Environment Agency, Barbel Society and the University of Toulouse; to Ross Hill for his consultancy contract with Joint Nature Conservation Committee; to Roger Herbert and Richard Stillman for their consultancy contract with Natural England to assess Birds of Prey in Chichester Harbour; to Pippa Gillingham for her short course on GIS for Environment Managers.  Good luck to Pippa with her application to the Royal Entomological society; to Emilie Hardouin and Demetra Andreou for their individual applications to the British Ecological Society; to Anita Diaz for her application to the Soil Association; to David Parham for his application to English Heritage; and to Adrian Newton for his application to DEFRA.

Congratulations to the Business School for Donald Nordberg’s award from the British Academy to research ‘News Media as corporate governance watchdogs’.  Good luck to Huiping Xian and Sachiko Takeda for their application to the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation (DAJF) and to Hiroko Oe who has also applied to DAJF.

For DEC good luck with the consultancy contract submitted by Marcin Budka and Bogdan Gabrys to Western Union Financial Services; to Simon Thompson for his application to the Multiple Sclerosis Society to investigate post-traumatic growth in people with multiple sclerosis; and for the TOSCANA application submitted by Mark Hadfield to the European Commission.

For Health and Social Care congratulations are due to Luisa Cescutti-Butler for her award from the EU Lifelong Learning Programme; to Keith Brown for his consultancy contract from Hampshire County Council; to Anthea Innes, Michele Board, Vanessa Heaslip and Sue Barker for their consultancy training for Gracewell Healthcare; also to Anthea for her short course with RBCH; to Michele Board for her short course with the Isle of Wight NHS Trust; to Susan Clarke for her short course with Solent NHS Trust; and to Clive Andrewes for several short courses with Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust, Southern Health, North Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust together with Bernie Edwards, Wessex Deanery and NHS Bournemouth and Poole.  Good luck to Elizabeth Rosser and Andrew Harding for their application to the General Nursing Council for England and Wales Trust; and to Ann Hemingway, Sarah Hean and Lee-Ann Fenge-Davies for their application to the European Commission.

Congratulations to the Media School for Kris Erickson’s award from the ESRC; Jian Chang for his award from the Royal Society to research ‘Mobile Physically based Computation for Computer Animation’; to Tom Watson, Anastasios Theofilou and Georginana Grigore for their award from The Arthur W Page Centre; to Liam Toms, Graham Goode and Melanie Gray for their consultancy contract with Dorset County Council; and to Stephanie Farmer for her consultancy contract to develop a web site for Richard Cole.  Good luck to Bronwen Thomas and Julia Round for their application to AHRC; to Julian McDougall, Mark Readman and Marketa Zezulkova for their application to EPSRC; and to Iain MacRury and Richard Berger for their application to EPSRC; to Jian Jun Zhang for his application to the EPSRC for continued funding for the Doctoral Training Centre; to Laura Hampshaw with her short course with the RBCH; and to Dan Jackson, Einar Thorsen and Christos Gatzidis for their application to HEA.

Finally, for the School of Tourism congratulations go to Lisa Stuchberry for her contracts with NHS Dorset, Dorset County Hospital and Bangor University; to Stephen Calver for his contract with Bournemouth Borough Council; to Sarah Hambidge for her award from the Bournemouth Borough Council for the Bournemouth Arts Festival; and to Jon Hibbert for his award from Resort Development Organisation.  Good luck to Nicky Pretty for her application to the National Trust.

Best wishes


Congratulations and Good Luck

February had a good deal of activity around bids being submitted and awarded, with Schools winning consultancy contracts, research grants and organising Short Courses.

For Applied Sciences, congratulations are due to Richard Stillman for his consultancy contract with the Welsh Government, to Mark Maltby for his consultancy contract with Central Bedfordshire Council, to Andrew Ford for his two consultancy contracts with WPA Consultants and Axent Embroidery, to Ralph Clark for his consultancy contract with the Environment Agency, to Phillipa Gillingham and John Stewart for their award from Natural England.  Good luck to Daniel Franklin with his application to the Marine Management Organisation, to Emilie Hardouin for her application to FSBI, and to Rob Britton and Richard Stillman for their proposed consultancy with DEFRA.

For DEC, good luck with the applications submitted by Katherine Appleton to the Humane Research Trust, by Simon Thompson to the Royal Society, and by Tania Humphries-Smith to the HEA. 

For HSC, congratulations are due to Anthea Innes for her award from the NIHR and also good luck with her application to Bournemouth Churches Housing Association, as well as her consultancy training for Gracewell Healthcare together with Michele Board, Vanessa Heaslip and Sue Barker, and finally, for Anthea and Michele Board’s short course with RBCH.  Good luck also to Edwin Van Teijlingen for his application to NIHR.

Congratulations to the Media School for Liam Toms consultancy contract with Kestrel Medical Ltd, to Rebecca Jenkins for her consultancy contract with Craft Strategy Ltd.  Good luck to Stuart Allan and Einar Thorsen for their application to ESRC, and to Darren Lilleker, Dan Jackson, Richard Scullion, Einar Thorsen and Shelley Thompson for their application to ESRC, to Julian McDougall and Kris Erickson for their application to The Spencer Foundation, to Carrie Hodges and Janice Denegri-Knott for their application to the British Academy, to Iain MacRury, Chris Williams and Steve Harper for their consultancy bid to SKILLSET, and to Liam Toms with his consultancy bid to Work Research Limited.

For the School of Tourism, congratulations go to Richard Gordon for securing funding for his short courses with the MoD and NEMA, and good luck to Jon Hibbert with his contract to Liz Lean PR Ltd, to Christian Lemmer and Crispin Farbrother with their short course to Wuhan City Vocational College, to Lisa Stuchberry for her contract to NHS Dorset, to Stephen Calver with his contract to Bournemouth Borough Council, and to Nicky Pretty and Lisa Stuchberry for their contract to Godolphin Company.

For applications and bids submitted, a number of people have submitted applications to the European Commission and so good luck to Adrian Newton, Kathy Hodder, Elena Cantarello, Judith DeGroot and Chris Shiel from Applied Sciences who are investigating Bio-regional approaches to sustainability transitions, to Jon Williams, Luciana Esteves and Christos Gatzidis also from Applied Sciences. To Ian Swain who is researching the Mediterranean diet against depression, to Katherine Appleton, Emili Balaguer-Ballester for their separate applications,  all from DEC, and to Abdelhamid Bouchachia (DEC) and Hammadi Nait-Charif (MS) for their application, to Anthea Innes and Michele Board from HSC with their Erasmus application, to Edwin Van Teijlingen also from HSC, to Stuart Allan from the Media School, and to Dimitrios Buhalis, Alessandro Inversini and Katherine King, all from the School of Tourism.

Finally, good luck to Jian Jun Zhang, Xiaosong Yang and Lihua You (all MS) with their application to EPSRC for an award in Human Robot Symbiosis in a shared Nervebot for phantom limb pain, to Jonathan Williams (HSC) for his contract to the International Tennis Federation concerning Lumbo-pelvic-hip motion sharing in tennis players.  In HSC, good luck goes to Keith Brown who is applying for two separate KTPs with Brent Council and Dorset County Council.  Good luck to Venancio Tauringana in the Business School, who has submitted an application to the British Academy’s International Partnership and Mobility Scheme.

Good Luck and Congratulations!

December was unusually busy and January has also seen a great deal of activity around bids being submitted and awarded, with Schools winning consultancy contracts, research grants and organising Short Courses and Master Classes.  For DEC, congratulations are due to Chris Benjamin for his consultancy contract with TMSS, to Jonathan Cobb, Zulfiqar Khan, Reza Sahandi and Ian Swain respectively for securing match-funding for studentships and good luck to Siamak Noroozi and David Newell with their forthcoming short courses.

For HSC congratulations are due to Caroline Ellis-Hill for her award from the NIHR, to Jonathan Parker for winning both an award and a consultancy contract, to Anthea Innes for her consultancy contract with ECE Architecture, to Peter Thomas for his two consultancy contracts, and good luck to Sarah Cheesman with her short courses and also to Sue Way, Denyse King, and Alison Taylor with theirs.

Congratulations to the MS for Jian Zhang’s award for Intuitive Motion Data Retrieval and Synthesis, to Stuart Allan’s for his Gambrinus Fellowship, to Melanie Gray and Mike Molesworth for their consultancy contracts with Revelation Marketing, to Stephanie Farmer for her consultancy contracts, with Micronav and YYS International, and good luck to David McQueen with his short course on Media policy post-Leveson. 

For ST congratulations go to Heather Hartwell for securing match-funding for a studentship, to Adam Blake for his contract for a collaborative project with Price Waterhouse Cooper for delivery to HMRC and good luck to Richard Gordon with his forthcoming short courses, including training diplomatic staff.

For ApSci, congratulations are due to Emma Jenkins for her Early Career Researcher award from the AHRC, to Andrew Ford who, in addition to winning two NERC awards, has also secured consultancy contracts with Anesco and the Intellectual Property Office, to Genoveva Esteban for her KTP with Sembcorp Bournemouth Water Ltd, to Dave Parham for his consultancy contract, to Laura Basell and Tim Darvill for their awards from English Heritage, and to Richard Stillman, who has won had an award from Natural England, and secured contracts with DEFRA and the Marine Management Organisation. 

For applications and bids submitted, good luck to George Filis in the BS, who has submitted an application to the European Commission for a Marie Curie IAPP, and Dinusha Medis’ for an application to the Intellectual Property Office to investigate 3D Printing and IP Implications for SMEs, and to Heather Hartwell of ST for her application to the European Commission for a Marie Curie IAPP award, to Lisa Stuchberry for her two contracts with Bournemouth Borough Council,  and with Bangor University, Bournemouth and Pool College and Weymouth and Portland Borough Council, to Heather Hartwell for her British Academy application, to Keith Hayman for his tender, and to Jon Hibbert with his Bournemouth Borough Council contract.

Good luck to Abdelhamid Bouchachia (DEC) for his application to the European Commission for an award to investigate Cognitive Robot Companion for Dynamic Learning, and to Tian Feng, Hongnian Yu and Keith Phalp who are also applying to the European Commission, to Zulfiquar Khan for his application to the World Bank and his forthcoming conference on Advances in Engineering Design and their Industrial Applications, to Sarah Williams for her application to the Health Foundation, to Andrew Mayers with his application to the Department for Education,  and to Jacqui Taylor for her HEA application.

In HSC, good luck goes to Keith Brown who is applying for three separate KTPs, and also contract for research with Somerset County Council, to Caroline Ellis-Hill for her application to The stroke Academy, to Anthea Innes, who has submitted an application to the European Commission, another to the MRC and a consultancy contract with Guild Care, to Peter Thomas who has submitted an application to NIHR, to Edwin Van Teijlingen for his application,  to Sarah Hean for her contract with the Health Foundation, to Association for Medical Education in Europe, to Lee-Ann Fenge-Davies for her HEA application and to Clare Cutler’s contract with the Alzheimer’s Society.

Good luck is due to Jian Zhang (MS) who has submitted two European Commission applications, to Heather Savigny with her AHRC application, Lihua You who has an application in to the Royal Academy of Engineering, Dean Wright with his consultancy contract with the iHEED Institute, and to Tom Watson with his application to The Arthur W. Page Center.

Finally good luck in ApSci to Adrian Newton, who has applications submitted to NERC and to the Yayasan Sime Darby Foundation, to Richard Stillman for his application to the Leverhulme and to Daniel Franklin for his NERC application and Mark Maltby for his AHRC application, to Rob Britton for his application to the The Fisheries Society Of The British Isles, to Tim Darvill with his English Heritage contract, to Bronwen Russell with her consultancy contract with Waddeton Park Ltd, and good luck to David Ossleton with his series of short courses for Forensic Lawyers.

Best wishes
