Tagged / FP7

Winning EU R&D Funding – Framework Programme 7 (FP7) Forming a Team and Writing a Proposal Masterclass….

A free one day masterclass on FP7 has been organised by Enterprise Europe Network South West, the ICT Knowledge Transfer Network and Bishop Fleming . The session includes:

  • Taking the right approach to minimise the cost of participation
  • Working with the EU Commission on your proposal
  • Available support
  • Building a team
  • Work integration
  • Matching roles to partners
  • Consortium organisation
  • Partner search methods
  • Building a proposal
  • Proposal section by section view

This event will offer an opportunity for in depth examination of the task of putting together a winning proposal under FP7 and provide you with all the information you require to make strategic decisions about participation.

The Master Class will be delivered by Eddie Townsend, our collaboration domain expert. Eddie has based the material for the workshop on his experience of successful proposal submissions and management in FP6 and FP7.

Places are limited so book your place online now!

FP7 FAFB Registration Open for Information Day on 2013 Call

The European Commission is organising an Information Day and Brokerage Event on the 2013 FAFB call (also often referred to as KBBE, or Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy). As stated in the leaflet enclosed below, the call is foreseen to be published on around 10 July 2012, although this date is still provisional.

The morning session will consist of presentations of the topics in the 2013 call, divided into the three “activity areas” of the FAFB theme. The afternoon will consist of parallel sessions with group discussions by thematic areas, in order to help bring together consortia, and pre-arranged face-to-face meetings to discuss potential partnerships for proposals. Participants can sign up for both when registering for the Information Day. There will also be a focus on opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the 2013 FAFB call, which is foreseen to be a particular priority. 

This is a great opportunity to network!

Thinking of applying for a FP7 Health call? UKRO has some good advice…

The final version of the FP7 2013 Health Work Programme will be published in early July 2012, and at the same time two calls for proposals (INNOVATION 1 and 2) are expected to be launched with deadlines in late September and early October 2012. These calls will mark the last opportunity to bid for FP7 funding under the Health theme and no further calls are expected to be issued until the start of Horizon 2020 in 2014.

UKRO have provided some excellent tips for  those interested in taking up this last opportunity under FP7 with some hints and tips for preparing for their submissions on their website.


FP7 Security Partner Brokerage Event

Potential applicants to the 2013 FP7 Security call are invited to attend a brokerage event organized by the Security Mission Information & Innovation Group (SMI2G) on 22-23 May in Brussels.

 The meeting will be an opportunity to exchange information on the 2013 call of the FP7 Security programme and to stimulate networking for the creation of potential ideas and consortia. All stakeholders interested in the participation in a topic for this call as co-ordinator or partner are invited to this meeting.

The goals of the  meetings are to:

  • provide information on the 2013 Security call (6th call) and provide potential partners with information on what is expected by the European Commission;
  • exchange information on specific contributions to proposals as partners or co-ordinator; and
  • provide a networking opportunity to find partners in proposals.

Forthcoming info days and key networking conferences…

FP7 Information Day on The Ocean of Tomorrow 
Brussels, 6th June
The European Commission will be holding an information day on “The Ocean of Tomorrow 2013” call on 6 June 2012 in Brussels. The information day will be aimed at those interested in the applying to “The Ocean of Tomorrow 2013” cross-thematic call. The event is the day before the information day for the 2013 Environment calls, which will allow people to attend both information days, if desired.
Registration is not open yet; more information is available on this leaflet.

2012 European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative Conference
Brussels, 5th June
The aim of the conference is to make the EIBI better known to the various biofuels stakeholders. Stakeholders along the whole biofuels value chains will be invited to attend the conference. Details will be published on the EBTP website as soon as they are available. Registration will begin in early May.

Conference on Energy Efficient Buildings and Districts: Research to Accelerate Innovation
Brussels, 15th May
The Energy Efficient Buildings Association (E2BA) is promoting an industry driven research, demonstration and innovation (RDI) programme for energy-efficient buildings and districts, with the ambitious vision that all European buildings and districts will be designed, built or renovated to high energy efficiency standards by 2050. Its 150 members come from industry, research organisations, SMEs, public promoters and agencies. E2BA is currently developing a new Roadmap for RDI priorities in the energy efficient built environment field for the period 2014-2020 and beyond.

Seventh European Photovoltaic Technology Platform 
Amsterdam, 19th June
The conference will zoom into the challenges and opportunities of the European photovoltaic (PV) industry sector related to manufacturing as well as large-scale deployment. It will show how PV can continue to contribute to innovation and economic development in Europe when supported by adequate policies and measures.Innovation approaches, transition from incentive-driven to self-sustained markets for PV as well as long term scenarios will be analysed by selected representatives of the European Parliament, the Dutch government and world leading players of the PV industry.

EU funding available in the hard sciences for research, networking, visits and conference attendance

FP7 Artemis call for proposals: Funding supports industry-driven research projects in the field of embedded computing systems which aim to design, develop and deploy interoperable, cost-effective, powerful safe and secure electronics and software systems. The budget for this call is approximately €138.73 million and the financial contribution of the programme will be 16.7 per cent of eligible costs. Projects are expected to last for up to three years. Closing date 06.09.12

ESF Research conferences scheme: Grants support high-level research conferences lasting for three to four days in ESF member organisation countries. Closing date 15.09.12

 ESF Earthtime – the European contribution short visit and exchange grants: Grants should foster collaboration between European researchers working on topics relevant to geochronology and stratigraphy. Short visit grants provide €85 per day over a maximum of two weeks. Exchange grants provide €400 per week over a maximum of three months. Both awards provide actual travel expenses, worth up to €500. No deadline.

Find Partners for NNMP in FP7 at this event!

A transnational brokerage event is being organised for participants looking for partners for Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Material and new Production technologies (NMP) Public-Private Partnership (PPP) calls under the 2013 NMP Work Programme.

The  event aims to include presentations from Commission officials about the content of the NMP-PPP 2013 calls (which will be published in July 2012), as well as opportunities to meet other potential participants from a range of sectors to discuss project ideas, during pre-arranged bilateral meetings.

The main topics will be:

  • Nanosciences and nanotechnologies;
  • Materials, new forms of production, integration;
  • Factories of the Future PPP;
  • Energy efficient Buildings PPP; and
  • Green Cars PPP.

The event will be held in Lyon, France on 12 June 2012. It is free of charge but you will need to register and submit your profile by 22 May 2012.


FP7 Health: Virtual Match Making Event

The European Commission funded project “Fit for Health” is organising a virtual match-making event where an “intensive match-making” process is offered. Between 7 and 11 May, the Fit for Health expert network will perform an “intensive match-making” process: this means that they will assist each participant registered in their database to find relevant partners.  In order to participate in the virtual match-making registration in the Fit for Health partnering database is required. This is free of charge.

FP7 Transport Information Day and Networking Event for the 2013 Work Programme Calls

The EC  is holding a two-day info day for universities, research institutions, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and companies who are interested in learning more about participating in the FP7 Work Programme 2013 transport theme. The two-day information event will be held on 18-19 July 2012 in the Charlemagne building, rue de la Loi 170, Brussels. The first day will inform potential researchers about FP7 and the new Transport Calls for Proposals under the 2013 Work Programme AND The second day will give participants the opportunity to network with potential project partners. If you are thinking of making a submission to this programme, then I cannot recommend your attendance at this enough! It will also be a key opportunity to network in general with people in similar research areas, so could well be worth attending even if you don’t intend to submit to this round. You can’t book online yet (see the hyperlink on info day for the page the booking will be released on to), but it’s good to block these dates out early if you want to attend.

Want to see the calls for proposals for FP7 Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities to be launched in July? Then read on!

I’ve managed to obtain a draft version of the FP7  Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities Work Programme which features the calls for proposals to be released in 2012. This is just a draft and therefore subject to change but it gives you a great idea as to what the European Commission are looking to fund. The Work Programme is a tedious read so I’ve summarised the info on funding in there for you; the aim of the call etc. I have bookmarked the document so you can jump straight to the call that interests you from the front page.

As this document is highly confidential I have placed it on our I drive; it is strictly forbidden to circulate this outside of BU! I:\R&KEO\Public\RDU\Draft Work Programmes for 2012-13

There are also the drafts for Environment, Health, ICT and Food, Agriculture, NMP, Fisheries & Biotechnology and others  in there too which I’ve blogged about previously. The final official version of the Work Programmes aren’t released until July 2012 so this gives you a fantastic head start to preparing a submission.

EC electronic system to be replaced!

A new online proposal submission system is currently being piloted on the FP7 ICT 9 Call for Proposals. The new system works directly in the Participant Portal.

While overall the system is very similar to the current submission system EPSS (Electronic Proposal Submission System), the main novelty is that the submission is now being done directly via the Participant Portal, and no longer in a separate system.

The Participant Portal Submission Service (PPSS) will be used for almost all calls from summer 2012 onwards, which may include the Marie Curie calls, but the EC will specify which system is to be used in each individual Call for Proposals and Guide for Applicants.  There is also a PPSS guide to take a look at.

Thinking of applying for Eco-Innovation in FP7? Then you must attend this!

Registration has opened for the European Info Day for the 2012 Eco-Innovation call, which will take place in Brussels on Tuesday 8 May 2012. The event will also be webstreamed, and a series of national Info Days on the call will be advertised soon on the Eco-Innovation website.The 2012 call is expected to open in May 2012 and close in September 2012

The European Info Day is aimed at people interested in submitting an Eco-Innovation proposal and who would like to know more about the application procedure. A large number of participants are expected to attend the event, including from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), SME associations, larger companies, European and national trade associations, chambers of commerce and the EU institutions.

The Info Day features presentations on the call and the opportunity to arrange one-to-one discussions with staff of the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI, which runs the Eco-Innovation initiative) and is a key opportunity to network and meet potential partners.

Part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP), the Eco-Innovation initiative is designed for organisations which have developed an environmental product, service, management practice or process which has a proven track record, yet is not fully marketed due to residual risks.

International partnering event for research and innovation in health and agrofood

An international partnering event for research projects in the FP7 Health and Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnologies (FAFB, also known as Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy or KBBE) themes will take place in Basel, Switzerland, on 26 and 27 June 2012. The partnering event offers an opportunity for UK researchers to meet potential European partners in order to set up projects and build consortia for the final FP7 Health and KBBE calls (which are expected to be published in around mid-July 2012).

Participants can register on the event website and submit a profile describing an offer or request, then all the participants’ profiles will be assessed and published on the site. The online catalogue can then be consulted and meetings booked with other participants. Prior to the event, each participant will receive an individual meeting schedule.

The programme includes company visits, a networking dinner plenary session on research and innovation issues in the life sciences, parallel pitch presentation of companies in health and agro-food and pre-arranged partnering meetings. The event is organised by the Euresearch organisation in Switzerland, along with the Fit for Health and BIO-Net networks and the Enterprise Europe Network.

Thinking of applying for FP7 Transport? Then you should attend this Maritime Transport and Innovation Brokerage Event

The Maritime Transport and Innovation Brokerage Event, MIBE2012, will take place in Santiago de Compostela, Spain on 20-21 June 2012.

From the Atlantic Area, a Pan-European conference on the latest innovation and development within the European Maritime Industry, showcasing a selection of leading EU projects.

This is a unique opportunity to network and find out how to participate in FP7 funded projects, in particular the latest Transport Call for Tenders, with a total budget over €20M.

Looking for FP7 Health partners or attending an infoday? Then this is unmissable!

Fit for Health and Health-NCP-Net are organising a partnering event in Brussels on 30.05.12  for the next FP7 Health Call for Proposals, due to be published in July 2012.

The main aim of the event is to facilitate consortium building for future bids to the FP7 Health Theme. The day will mainly consist of bilateral meetings which will be arranged between groups interested in the same topics of the forthcoming FP7 Health Call for Proposals.

The European Commission will also hold an infoday on the Call the day before the brokerage event on 29.05.12 which is essential for finding out more about the Call and meeting potential partners.

New EU IPR guidance for SMEs

SMEs can sometimes be  nervous of getting involved in FP7 projects because of the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The European Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Helpdesk has published new guidance intended to give SMEs an overview of how IP should be managed within FP7.  The guide addresses issues faced by participants at the proposal stage, during negotiation and implementation, and upon completion of the project. It also contains a glossary and a list of links to useful resources.  The guide can be used in conjunction with the three more detailed guides addressing IP issues at different stages of FP7 projects which were published at the end of 2011.

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen JTI: Slides From Information Events Now Available

The 5th call for proposals is currently open for the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative (FCH JTI). The call, which is worth EUR 150 million, closes on 24th May 2012. The slides and recordings are now available from information events related to this call.
A European information event was held in Brussels on 9 February 2012. The slides are now available. Slides 26 to 58 include some useful tips on things to do and things to avoid, based on previous calls. Slide 59 provides a contact email at the FCH Joint Undertaking (JU), which runs the FCH JTI calls on behalf of the European Commission. The FCH JU emphasises that applicants should not hesitate to ask them for help or further information.
In the UK there was also a webinar, which was organised by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Group of the UK Energy Generation and Supply Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN). This was held on 28 February 2012 and included a presentation from the Head of Unit for the FCH JU. The slides and a recording of the presentation are in the ‘Focus Working Group on the FCH JU 2012 Call’ website of the KTN. To access these documents, you will need be a member of this Group. The group is also intended to facilitate discussion on: preparing a successful bid to the FCH JU Call; exchanging experiences; gaining insights into the 2012 topics; and searching for collaboration partners.