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Tagged / funding

2025 Bid-generating sandpit: Interdisciplinary research towards sustainable development goals

Funded by the British Academy Early Career Researcher Network and organised by the Centre for the Study of Conflict, Emotion, and Social Justice, we are inviting applications for the:

2025 Bid-generating Sandpit: Interdisciplinary Research towards Sustainable Development Goals

26 – 27 March 2025

Bournemouth University, Executive Business Centre (TBC)

Participate in dynamic and interactive sessions to develop innovative research concepts addressing any of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), leading to funding bids across institutions and disciplines. Your goal is to form an interdisciplinary project team and build a funding proposal in only two days. You will then be allocated a mentor and have two online follow-up sessions to share your project progress and experiences.

We welcome early career (as you choose to define it) researchers, artists, practitioners or anyone with a general interest in sustainability and emerging interdisciplinary projects. You must be based at one of these universities: Bournemouth University, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff University, University of Exeter, University of Bath, Bath Spa University, University of Bristol, University of Gloucestershire, University of Plymouth, University of the West of England or University of Wales Trinity Saint David. You should be keen to work in a multidisciplinary team, and willing to commit to attending the full sandpit, on both days. No prior experience of research funding is required.

To secure your spot in the Sandpit, please complete and submit the following application by 6th February 2025 – note that all participants must commit to attending both full days in person:

The event is facilitated by Dr. Catalin Brylla and Dr. Lyle Skains, with advisors and mentors to be drawn from senior Bournemouth University staff based on participant disciplines and interests.  If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The Year in Research 2024

2024 has been another great year for research and knowledge exchange at BU. From securing funding to disseminating findings, there’s a lot to celebrate.

A cartoon image of black and white hands clapping on a yellow background

The Month in Research

Here are just a few highlights from across the past year…

Your achievements

Thank you to everyone who has used the Month in Research online form to put forward their achievements, or those of colleagues, this year.

  • With BU ECRN Research networking funding, Dr Sarah Hambidge (Faculty of Science and Technology) set up and hosted Unveiling the Digital Trail: A Tabletop Discussion on Cyber Signatures in Human Trafficking. The event was attended by The Home Office, The National Crime Agency, The College of Policing, Chief of Staff to the Anti-Slavery Commissioner, NGOs, a number of UK police forces, and academics. The event was supported by Dr Terri Cole and Dr Kari Davies and co-hosted with the National Police Chiefs’ Council. Read more about the event.
  • PhD student Damla Kuleli (Faculty of Science and Technology; the MINE lab) attended and gave an oral presentation at the 24th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents in Glasgow, receiving very valuable feedback from the experts and the opportunity to explore and enhance knowledge on embodied and conversational agents. Damla also had their first paper published from their PhD as an extended abstract titled “Exploring Influence of Social Anxiety on Embodied Face Perception during Affective Social Interactions in VR” in the ACM Digital Library, co-authored with supervisors Dr Xun He, Dr Nicola Gregory, Liucheng Guo, Professor Fred Charles, Dr Laura Renshaw-Vuillier, and Chang Hong Liu. The study investigates the early face perception of socially anxious individuals using EEG during social interactions with virtual agents in a VR setting.
  • Professor Amanda Korstjens and Anastasia Vayona (Faculty of Science and Technology) gave a public webinar for the BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, on their public engagement project AWE (Augmented Wildlife Experiences), which combines nature and technology to create educational wildlife trails. A recording of the presentation, titled Augmented Wildlife Experiences: AWE trails to support nature connection, can be viewed on the BCS website.

In addition:

  • Research led by Professor Matthew Bennett and Dr Sally Reynolds (Faculty of Science and Technology) at White Sands National Park in New Mexico won the Research Project of the Year: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences award at this year’s Times Higher Education Awards. The project has rewritten understanding of when humans settled in America. Read more here.
  • Professor Vanora Hundley (Faculty of Health and Social Sciences) and Professor Kate Welham (Faculty of Science and Technology) have been appointed to sit on the REF People, Culture and Environment (PCE) pilot panels, exploring the practicalities of the submission and assessment to inform the REF 2029 guidance on PCE. Read more here.
  • Dr Theo Akudjedu (Faculty of Health and Social Sciences) was awarded the European Federation of Radiographer Societies award, in recognition of his research achievements in the field of radiography. Read more here.


Congratulations to all those who have had funding for research and knowledge exchange projects and activities awarded in 2024. Across the year, BU received funding for 116 projects, totalling over £7 million.

Highlights include:

  • c.£170,000 in funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) to investigate the creative and legal issues around the use of artificial intelligence in media production (Project lead: Dr Szilvia Ruszev, Faculty of Media and Communication) Read more here.
  • c.£1.4m from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) to work in partnership with the University of the West of England to deliver the INSIGHT programme for South West Central region, proving research training for health and students and early career professionals. (BU Project lead: Professor Carol Clark, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences). Read more here.
  • c.£77,000 from Cancer Research UK to improve early detection of skin cancer, particularly among under-represented and high-risk groups. (Project lead: Professor Steven Ersser, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences) Read more here.
  • c.£220,000 from Innovate UK for a Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Wimborne-based image sharing site ClickASnap to develop a bespoke AI content moderation system for their platform. (Project lead: Dr Simant Prakoonwit, Faculty of Science and Technology) Read more here.
  • c.£2.78m from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) to work in partnership with the University of Plymouth to investigate the effectiveness of oral nutritional supplements for malnourished older adults in care home. (BU Project lead: Professor Jane Murphy, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences) Read more here.


Congratulations to all those who have had work published across the last year.

In total, 1,214 items were added to the BURO online repository in 2024, with over 850,000 downloads throughout the year.

BU was also ranked 13th out of over 1,500 major universities for the proportion of open access research outputs in the CWTS Leiden Ranking 2024. Read more here.

Content for The Year in Research has been collected using the research and knowledge exchange database (RED), the Bournemouth University Research Online (BURO) repository and submissions via The Month in Research online form, as well as news stories published throughout the year. It is by no means intended to be an exhaustive list. All information is correct as of 19.12.24.


Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe

12 February 2025

Looking to secure European funding? Then this Horizon Europe event is for you!

This session will cover:

  • Introduction to Horizon Europe
  • Where and how to find EU funding opportunities
  • Panel discussion – What are the most effective ways of building international partnerships and getting involved with peers across Europe?
  • Q&A session

For further information on this event please contact

Book here

Compelling narratives for funding success

Struggling to effectively communicate the potential impact of your research in funding applications? This training session on Tuesday, 28 January 2025 from 10am to 12noon, will equip you with the practical tools and knowledge to develop effective plans of impact, articulate these in proposals and increase your success rates.


This session is intended for academics working on a proposal at the time of the session. It could be an early-stage idea, or a specific proposal for a funder. Please bring your proposal with you to the session to work on.


Key benefits:

  • Maximise your impact: Learn how to identify, measure, and communicate the real-world significance of your research in funding proposals
  • Write more competitive proposals: Master the art of crafting compelling impact plans that resonate with funding panels.
  • Save time and effort: Discover efficient strategies to integrate impact considerations into your research process and proposals
  • Gain actionable insights: Apply your newfound knowledge to your current or future funding bids.

Where: Fusion building. In-person only, not hybrid.

Book here

Three tips for completing your Innovation Fund HEIF application

The guidance for the Innovation Funding Call for the HEIF drew your attention to ethics, here are three tips if you haven’t considered it yet: there are a few things you will need to check before you submit:

  1. Work through the university’s ethics checklist. This is an important part of your application, and if you needed a formal ethics review, this should have already been completed. If you submit your application without a good understanding of the ethical implications of your project, the Panel will score your project lower, so it may make the difference between your project being recognised as excellent and fundable, or not. Double check that you are ok to submit by checking the checklist: How to apply for a formal ethics review | Bournemouth University
  2. Complete the e-module on research ethics. To help you understand the ethical implications of your project, you can complete the e-module on research ethics if you haven’t already:
    Research ethics training opportunities | Bournemouth University. Even if you feel you have a good understanding of ethics in your research, you may find that if you are working with methods/populations/approaches that are cross-disciplinary (or outside of your usual field) that there are ethical angles you may not be aware of. This has been the case with some previous HEIF applications, so don’t discount it. If you don’t know where to go to get guidance, look across the BU faculties for expertise, including the PEIR (Public Engagement in Research) academics, or other specialists in the field you are working with. If you have contacted someone for advice, let us know in your application. It will show that you are taking the research ethics of your project seriously, and we will see the result of this in your project proposal.
  3. Make sure you give yourself time to do the Research Commercialisation Checklist. It is a requirement of the funding call that you do this, and if as a result you need to contact the Research Commercialisation Manager (Lesley Hutchins) you will urgently need to make time to schedule a conversation. Let us know in your application if you have contacted Lesley, so that we can see you understand the issues and requirements surrounding your commercialisation project – it will mean that the Innovation Funding Panel will be able to see the viability of your project within BU’s legal and process requirements, which will result in a better score for appropriate projects.

    Although the Innovation Fund is for knowledge exchange projects – which means you are working with non-HEI external partners, for example industry/businesses, charities, NGOs etc – your knowledge exchange activity is grounded in your research and must meet the universities ethical requirements to be successful. Please do not submit purely research projects without suitable knowledge exchange partners.

    Good luck with submitting your application tomorrow, please do get in contact if you have any questions. Dr Wendelin Morrison – Knowledge Exchange Manager

The Leverhulme Trust Visit to BU, 4th December now open for bookings-

Online event – 4 December 13.00-14.30

Join us at our upcoming virtual visit from The Leverhulme Trust, The Trust has been funding research for almost 100 years and has an essential role in the UK research funding landscape via its support for fundamental and higher-risk research, which has become much scarcer in some disciplines in recent years.

We will hear from the Director of Leverhulme about the funding schemes they offer, advice for applicants, Strategy and Looking into the future.

You are all welcome to join us and you will get a chance to raise your questions – to make the process easier can you please sent Eva Papadopoulou your questions in advance so we can coordinate them.

For more information about Leverhulme Trust visit and if you have any questions, please contact RDS.

Please book here: The Leverhulme Trust – funding development Tickets, Wed 4 Dec 2024 at 13:00 | Eventbrite

Bid-generating Sandpit: Interdisciplinary Research towards Sustainable Development Goals

Calling early career researchers (including practice-led) for two days of sparking ideas, discovering new project partners, and developing interdisciplinary funding bids!

26 – 27 March 2025

The British Academy Early Career Researcher Network brings together ECRs across the humanities and social sciences disciplines, regardless of their funding source or background.

Please note that in order to book a ticket to attend this event you must be a member of the British Academy Early Career Researcher Network, unless you have been invited directly by one of the event organisers. To find out if you are eligible to join the Network if you are not already a member, please see our website for more information on eligibility and how to sign up. Any questions, please email

For more information and to book see here

To secure your spot in the Sandpit, please complete and submit the following application – note that all participants must commit to attending both full days:

APPLY HERE BY 29 November 2024

Logo for the British Academy ECR network

British Academy ECR network

2025 Bid Generating Sandpit Invitation to Participate

Illustration of a lightbulb with a group of people inside around a circular table, with computers and papers. They are clearly working together.
Funded by the British Academy Early Career Researcher Network and organised by the Centre for the Study of Conflict, Emotion, and Social Justice, we are inviting applications for the:
2025 Bid-generating Sandpit: Interdisciplinary Research towards Sustainable Development Goals
26 – 27 March 2025
Bournemouth University, Executive Business Centre (TBC)
Participate in dynamic and interactive sessions to develop innovative research concepts addressing any of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), leading to funding bids across institutions and disciplines. Your goal is to form an interdisciplinary project team and build a funding proposal in only two days. You will then be allocated a mentor and have two online follow-up sessions to share your project progress and experiences.
We welcome early career (as you choose to define it) researchers, artists, practitioners or anyone with a general interest in sustainability and emerging interdisciplinary projects. You must be based at one of the South West Cluster Universities (which includes Bournemouth University). You should be keen to work in a multidisciplinary team, and willing to commit to attending the full sandpit, on both days. No prior experience of research funding is required.
To secure your spot in the Sandpit, please complete and submit the following application by 29 November 2024 – note that all participants must commit to attending both full days in person:
The event is facilitated by Dr. Catalin Brylla and Dr. Lyle Skains, with advisors and mentors to be drawn from senior Bournemouth University staff based on participant disciplines and interests.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The Month in Research: June 2024

A cartoon image of black and white hands clapping on a yellow background

The Month in Research

The Month in Research is our monthly round-up sharing research and knowledge exchange successes from across the previous month, showcasing the amazing work taking place across BU.

Your achievements

Thank you to everyone who has used the online form to put forward their achievements, or those of colleagues, this month.

  • Professor John Oliver (Faculty of Media and Communication) delivered a keynote address to the Department for Levelling-up in UK Parliament. The topic focussed on ‘how to manage strategic uncertainty’ during times of organisational uncertainty. The talk was attended by 100+ senior managers and directors responsible for the department’s project portfolio.
  • Dr Sarah Elliott, Jon Milward and Dr Miles Russell (Faculty of Science and Technology) – archaeologists from the Department of Archaeology & Anthropology and the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences shared their latest research at a day conference with the Dorchester Association. (Nominated by Harry Manley)
  • Dr Leslie Gelling, Dr Sue Baron and Cathy Beresford (Faculty of Health and Social Sciences) have had their paper published in Health Expectations, entitled Embedding Public Involvement in a PhD Research Project With People Affected by Advanced Liver Disease. It was co-authored by members of our public involvement group. (Nominated by Cathy Beresford)
  • Professor Zoheir Sabeur (Faculty of Science and Technology) was featured in a Q&A article in the June 2024 edition of the Journal of Ocean Technology (pages 110 -111), answering questions about his career, inspirations and thoughts on Artificial Intelligence.
  • Professor John Oliver (Faculty of Media and Communication) was presented with the European Media Management Association’s highest award for “excellence in media management scholarship and practice” at the annual conference in The Netherlands. The award also recognises Prof. Oliver’s contribution to the development of the association, where he served on the Executive Board for many years and as the President between 2021-23. Prof. Oliver commented that: “Whilst it is an honour to be presented with an individual award, it is also in recognition of the many people that have helped me develop my research and the contribution that many of the association’s members have made over the years.”


 Congratulations to all those who have had funding for research and knowledge exchange projects and activities awarded in June. Highlights include:

  • Dr Simant Prakoonwit (Faculty of Science and Technology) has been awarded c.£220,000 by Innovate UK for their project Intelligent moderation and assistance for commercial image sharing website
  • Dr Chris Brown (Faculty of Science and Technology) has been awarded c.£42,000 by Leverhulme for their project Probing the distortion of a visual search template


Congratulations to all those who have had work published across the last month. Below is a selection of publications from throughout June:

Content for The Month in Research has been collected using the research and knowledge exchange database (RED), the Bournemouth University Research Online (BURO) repository and submissions via The Month in Research online form. It is by no means intended to be an exhaustive list. All information is correct as of 28.6.24.

Please use The Month in Research online form to share your highlights and achievements, or those of colleagues, for the next edition. We will take a break over the summer and be back in September with a bumper round-up.

The Month in Research: May 2024

A cartoon image of black and white hands clapping on a yellow background

The Month in Research

The Month in Research is our monthly round-up sharing research and knowledge exchange successes from the previous month, showcasing the great work taking place across BU.

Your achievements

Thank you to everyone who has used the online form to put forward their achievements, or those of colleagues, this month.


Congratulations to all those who have had funding for research and knowledge exchange projects and activities awarded in May. Highlights include:

  • Professor Mel Hughes (Faculty of Health and Social Sciences) has been awarded c.£2,200 by the Care Quality Commission for their project Involving people in health and social care and understanding people’s experiences of care
  • Dr Terri Cole (Faculty of Science and Technology) has been awarded c.£25,000 by BCP Council for their project Development of a new perpetrator behaviour change programme for domestic abuse
  • Tom Cousins (Faculty of Science and Technology) has been awarded c.£5,000 by the Society of Antiquaries of London for their project Reconstructing the Maritime World of the Mortar Wreck


Congratulations to all those who have had work published across the last month. Below is a selection of publications from throughout May:

Content for The Month in Research has been collected using the research and knowledge exchange database (RED), the Bournemouth University Research Online (BURO) repository and submissions via The Month in Research online form. It is by no means intended to be an exhaustive list. All information is correct as of 31.5.24.

Please use The Month in Research online form to share your highlights and achievements, or those of colleagues, for the next monthly round-up.

Successful Bid-generating Sandpit designed and facilitated by BU academics Catalin Brylla and Lyle Skains

image with sandpit title, facilitator names, and sponsor logos27 early career academics from ten universities came together 30 April-1 May in Bournemouth for a two-day sandpit funded by The British Academy Early Career Researcher Network and organised by Dr. Catalin Brylla (Centre for the Study of Conflict, Emotion, and Social Justice) and Dr. Lyle Skains (Centre for Science, Health, and Data Communication Research). The participants specialise in a variety of disciplines such as performance, media, business management, environmental sciences, anthropology, computing, architecture, law, engineering, tourism, and health studies. They brought their interests in a sustainable world and society (as represented by the UN Sustainable Development Goals) to the sandpit for networking, team-building, and funding and project development workshops, many of which were based on the successful and innovative NESTA-developed ‘Crucible’ programme (no longer online, but see the Welsh Crucible).

image of 27 people seated in two rows of chairs facing one another, talking animatedlyThe success of the sandpit’s activities is highlighted by the culmination of six projects proposed to a panel of subject experts from Bournemouth University: Prof. Amanda Korstjens (ecology), Prof. Adele Ladkin (business), Prof. Huseyin Dogan (computing), Dr. Lyle Skains (arts practice and interdisciplinarity), Dr. Catalin Brylla (media practice) and Zarak Afzal (research development). These experts provide mentorship and feedback on the projects as they develop toward funding proposals. Two sandpit follow-up sessions will also aid the participants in developing their funding proposals.

A group of people around a table, writing notes, talking animatedly to one another. Other similar tables are in the background.This is the first ‘crucible’ sandpit of its kind offered through the BA ECRN, though plans are under development for further offerings in both the Southwest and other regional hubs.

To receive news of further sandpits and development opportunities, join the BA ECRN.

The Month in Research: April 2024

A cartoon image of black and white hands clapping on a yellow background

The Month in Research

The Month in Research is our monthly round-up sharing research and knowledge exchange successes from across the previous month, showcasing the amazing work taking place across BU.

Your achievements

Thank you to everyone who has used the online form to put forward their achievements, or those of colleagues, this month.

  • Dr Ellie Jennings (Business School) has had a new publication in the International Journal of Adolescence and Youth: E Gennings, J Batten & H Brown (2024) Development and validation of the Winchester Adolescent Wellbeing Scale: a holistic measure of children’s wellbeing, International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 29:1, DOI: 10.1080/02673843.2024.2331569


Congratulations to all those who have had funding for research and knowledge exchange projects and activities awarded in April. Highlights include:

  • Professor Jane Murphy (Faculty of Health and Social Sciences) has been awarded c.£140,000 by the National Institute for Health Research for their project Stage 2 – The clinical and cost-effectiveness of oral nutritional supplements compared to routine practice, fortified menus and dietetic supported nutritional care on the quality of life and functional outcomes in older people living in care homes in partnership with Plymouth University (lead institution)
  • Dr Dominique Mylod (Faculty of Health and Social Sciences) has been awarded c.15,000 by the National Institute for Health Research for their project Early Labour App.


Congratulations to all those who have had work published across the last month. Below is a selection of publications from throughout February:

Content for The Month in Research has been collected using the research and knowledge exchange database (RED), the Bournemouth University Research Online (BURO) repository and submissions via The Month in Research online form. It is by no means intended to be an exhaustive list. All information is correct as of 1.5.24.

Please use The Month in Research online form to share your highlights and achievements, or those of colleagues, for the next monthly round-up.

RKEDF: BU ECRN Funding call NOW OPEN – Deadline 26th April

The RKEDF and BU ECRN are delighted to offer funding (up to £500) to organise an event, roundtable, meeting, training, or workshop in support of research at BU.

This funding supports BU Early Career Researcher Network members to organise and facilitate an event that can be thematic, subject/discipline based, foster community engagement, knowledge exchange or networking and does the following;

–             Brings ECRs and others together to share ideas, knowledge and learning.

–             Provides a space for intellectual discussion.

–             Helps to facilitate collaboration and future opportunities.

–             Enables an opportunity for networking.

– Please note all requests are subject to approval by the RKDEF Team and must be made at least 3 weeks in advance of the event date. No reimbursements for payments will be made without prior authorisation from the team.

– All expenses must be paid by the end of the BU financial year (July 2024)

– You will need to receive written confirmation from RKDEF that your request has been successful before you can proceed with organising the event. 

– The event cannot have taken place prior to submitting your application.

Eligible costs

  • Event space
  • Travel bursaries for attendees
  • Catering and refreshments (Tea, Coffee, Water, Light snacks, Lunch)
  • Av (projector, screen, laptop, tech support on the day, microphones)
  • Printing costs (meeting handouts)
  • Speaker fee (up to £500)

Ineligible Costs

  • Software or hardware.
  • International event, speaker, or travel costs.
  • Costs for dependants or spouses to attend events.
  • Research costs.

How to apply:

Please download and complete all sections of the EOI for BU ECRN Funding (500 words max per section) and email your completed application to: by 26th April 2024. Successful applicants will be notified by 1st May 2024.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact BU ECRN Academic Leads Ann Hemingway ( and Sam Goodman ( or RKDEF Advisor Joelle Fallows (jfallows@bournem