Tagged / news

Writing for The Conversation interactive workshop – Wednesday 5th March

Would you like to build a media profile and take your research to a global audience by writing for The Conversation?

Join Conversation editor Grace Allen for an in-person workshop at Talbot Campus on Wednesday 5th March to find out more about working with The Conversation and share your article ideas.

The Conversation is a news analysis and opinion website with content written by academics, researchers and PhD candidates working with professional journalists.

Since we first partnered with The Conversation, articles by BU authors have had over 11 million reads and been republished by news outlets across the world.

In this interactive session, you’ll find out more about communicating your research to the public, what The Conversation is looking for, and have the chance to discuss your research and pitch potential story ideas.

It runs from 2pm – 4pm in the Fusion Building on Talbot Campus.

Sign up via Eventbrite

Find out more about our partnership and the benefits of working with The Conversation

Horizon 2020 news and upcoming events – September 2018

MSCA Individual Fellowships 2018 Call Submission Rates

According to UKRO, the European Commission has released the submission rates for the 2018 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowships (IF) call, which closed on 12 September; a total of 9,830 proposals were submitted.

This represents a slight increase in comparison to the previous MSCA IF call under Horizon 2020 in 2017, which received 9,089 proposals. The results can be expected by mid-February 2019.

Open registration for MSCA Innovative Training Networks UK Information Events

UKRO in it’s capacity as National Contact Point for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) will hold two free information days focussing on the 2019 MSCA Innovative Training Networks (ITN) call for proposals (deadline for the submission of applications on 15 January 2019). Registration can be accessed through the following links: Wednesday 10 October, London; Friday 12 October, York.

Participation in the events is free, but registration is mandatory for attendance; places will be offered on a first come first served basis.

Open registration for Societal Challenge 6 Information Day

An information and brokerage event for the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 6: ‘Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies’ will take place in Warsaw, Poland on 8 November. It is organised by the European Commission (DG RTD) and Net4Society, a network of SC6 National Contacts Points.

The event is free of charge but limited to 2 persons representing the same department/organization. Online registration is obligatory.

EU Partnering event on the use of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for monitoring health status and quality of life after cancer treatment

Academics are invited to submit an expression of interest to participate in this partnering event.

The aim of the event is to foster and facilitate the development of R&D project consortia for Horizon 2020 EU funded projects in the Healthtech themes. The event is aimed to provide a platform for new commercial and technological collaborations, especially between business and research organisations.

Open registration for UKRO Annual Visit to BU

RKEO will host annual UK Research Office visit to BU on 10th October 2018. The event will take place in FG06 seminar room with the sessions for BU academics commencing at 11:30.


To find more about Horizon 2020 programme and available funding in your area, visit Horizon 2020 website. More details on projects funded under FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020 may be found on CORDIS website.

For further details on EU and international funding opportunities please contact international research facilitator or any member of RKEO Funding Development Team to individually discuss your ideas and the ways we could support you.

BU Briefing – It was only a mild concussion

Our BU briefing papers are designed to make our research outputs accessible and easily digestible so that our research findings can quickly be applied – whether to society, culture, public policy, services, the environment or to improve quality of life. They have been created to highlight research findings and their potential impact within their field.

Sports concussion has been the subject of much discourse in the scientific literature and mainstream media for many years. Major national and international sporting events are extensively covered by the media, with vast numbers of column inches and webpages dedicated to summarising these events. The frequency of concussion in some of the world’s biggest sports such as soccer, football, and rugby means that many of these concussive events which occur in high-profile competitions are also the focus of this reporting.

This paper analyses the descriptions of online sports concussion news on a global scale, using a search engine to retrieve news stories, and evaluates the media’s role in shaping public perception and misconception regarding concussion in sport. Further analysis sought to identify geographical patterns associated with different descriptions of sports concussion.

Click here to read the briefing paper.

For more information about the research, contact Dr Osman Ahmed at ahmedo@bournemouth.ac.uk.
To find out how your research output could be turned into a BU Briefing, contact research@bournemouth.ac.uk.

What is on the agenda in Europe? Info-Europa can help….

If you are wanting to get the inside track on what is important within Europe, one source of information is Info-Europa. This newsletter is compiled by Patrick Overy , University of Exeter European Documentation Centre and Eric Davies of Eurojargon Enterprises.

In the January 2015 issue, the following topics are considered:

News – Cross-border legal disputes / GMOs / TTIP / Foreign policy / Transport infrastructure

Draft legislation – Air pollution / Investment Fund / UK fuel tax

EU Legislation – Vehicle emissions

Documents – Living & working conditions / Victims of crime / Terrorism / Illegal immigration / Quality in education / Serbia / Stability & Growth Pact /Employment & social report

Statistics  – Personal money transfers / Air passengers / Tourist accommodation / Year for Development / Current account / Industrial production / Trade in goods / Underemployment / Neighbourhood policy / Short-term indicators

Events – Free resources / UK & human rights

Recommended Sources – 100 Books / Council & European Council


You can sign up to receive this newsletter via email direct to your in-box.




Bournemouth Research Chronicle

Just under a year ago we published the second edition of the Bournemouth Research Chronicle (BRC). It went to print after the start of my maternity leave, meaning I got out of stuffing envelopes and posting hundreds of copies!

It was definitely worth my colleagues’ efforts though. Academic peers, research partners, potential business collaborators and journalists were among the recipients and the feedback was really positive.

Front cover of Bournemouth Research Chronicle 2012The BRC is a glossy magazine highlighting a range of BU research projects, presented within our eight societal themes. We’ve just begun preparations for the next edition, which will focus specifically on some of the fantastic impact-led work being carried out across BU.

Where work is at, what we call the ‘interim impact’ stage, the right effort and energy can propel it towards phenomenal impact in the future. The BRC is just the sort of vehicle to help achieve that. Featured research could land on the doorstep of a business eager to apply your findings, or in the inbox of an influential opinion leader or policy maker in your field. That’s why communications activity is such an important part of the life cycle of a research project. Often it is the bridge between the research and societal impact.

So please tell us about your impact-led projects. There is some space left in the next edition of the BRC, as well as numerous other communications opportunities to reach the audiences that need to hear about your work. My contact details are in the BU address book, so do get in touch with me (Sally Gates).

Incidentally, Bryce Dyer, pictured on the front cover of the last edition, is presenting one of the award lectures at next week’s British Science Festival in Newcastle. Congratulations Bryce and good luck!

And who’s up for being on the front cover of the BRC this time round…?