Postdoctoral Research Fellow Abier Hamidi recently conducted the first of two Patient and Public Involvement workshops with Arabic women. Mentored by Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen and Dr. Pramod Regmi, and funded by FHSS QR Pump Prime, Abier explores Arabic women’s understanding of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWGs) and their access to health services. During this initial workshop, three Arabic women actively contributed their insights and experiences to refine the questionnaire, design the survey dissemination strategy, and ensured ethical, linguistic, and cultural considerations were met.
The survey is set to launch in May, and with the help of the women, will be distributed nationwide. Once the survey closes, the women will be invited to the second workshop, where they will collaborate with Abier to interpret the results.
Abier Hamidi is a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Wellbeing & Long-term Health, working on a Cancer Research UK-funded study under the supervision of Professor Steven Ersser, researching Early Detection of Skin Cancer. Her PhD thesis is titled ‘Understanding the gender and religious context of women and HIV in Libya: A mixed-methods study’. Supervisors: Dr. Pramod Regmi and Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen.