Tagged / RKEDF

RED – The Research & Enterprise Database

This Online session  is aimed at all academics to provide an overview of the Research & Enterprise Database, including how to access the system, the information available to view, budget management via RED, and how to use RED to identify your supporting pre and post award officers.


Wednesday 18th October 15:30-16:00, Online

Introduction to RED – The Research & Enterprise Database online workshop will be repeated on a monthly basis.

You can find a suitable date and book your space here Introduction to RED


For any queries regarding this workshop, please contact Alex Morrison Post Award Programme Manager morrisona@bournemouth.ac.uk

Principal Investigation – Post Award for RKE, 19th October

Post Award for RKE – Principal Investigation


This session is aimed at any researcher who is, who plans to be, a Principal Investigator for an externally funded research or knowledge exchange project.

Topics covered include:

• What is post award?

• Roles and responsibilities
• Systems
• Key policies
• Starting your awarded project
• Making changes to your project and reporting

• Hints and tip

By the end of the session, attendees will have a strong foundation of what to expect when being responsible for their awarded projects.

The month’s session is on  Lansdowne Campus

on Wednesday 19th October, 14:00-15:00


You can find a suitable date and book your space here: Booking Form

For any queries regarding this workshop, please contact Alex Morrison, Post Award Programme Manager morrisona@bournemouth.ac.uk

Imposter Syndrome


The Imposter Syndrome session is aimed at colleagues dealing with feelings of imposter syndrome in academia.

At the end of the session attendees will have achieved greater confidence in developing their career and profile.

This workshop aimed at all colleagues dealing with feelings of imposter syndrome in academia and facilitated by Prof. Ann Hemingway, aheming@bournemouth.ac.uk and Prof. Sam Goodman, sgoodman@bournemouth.ac.uk

Thursday 12th October 

from 10.00 – 11.30 at Talbot Campus and MS Teams

To book a place, please complete the Booking form. 


For any further information please contact RKEDF@bournemouth.ac.uk

Impact Essentials: Finding your stakeholders

This RKEDF session aimed at researchers at all career stages, and will give you the tools to help you entify the organisations, groups and people who could either benefit from your research, or be able to influence or facilitate impact arising from it.

In this session, we will cover stakeholder mapping, the types of organisations and people who could benefit from your research, those who could facilitate impact and the best routes to engage with them. We will give practical examples and allow time for questions and discussion of individual research projects.

Impact essentials: Finding your stakeholders

Tuesday 10th October

Online session from 10.00-11.00

To book on to a session, please complete the Booking Form. 


For queries regarding the content of this session, please contact Impact Advisors, RKEOKnowledgeExchangeImpactTeam@bournemouth.ac.uk

RKEDF training: Impact Essentials

Impact Essentials: From public engagement to impact

This session is aimed at researchers at all stages of their careers to find out how public engagement activity can help their research have an impact on the world.

Participants will explore the link between public engagement activity and measurable impact, reflect on their own impact goals, identify potential stakeholders and engagement activity, and learn from high-ranking impact case studies with a significant public engagement pathway.

By the end of the session they will have a better understanding of how impact can be developed from public engagement activity.


Impact Essentials: From public engagement to impact

Tuesday 3rd October

from 14:00 – 15:00 at Talbot Campus

To book your place fror the session, please complete the Booking Form.

For queries regarding the content of this session, please contact Amanda Edwards, Amanda Edwards aedwards@bournemouth.ac.uk





Wellcome trust ECR award

The Wellcome trust ECR award is for researchers from any discipline with up to 3 years post-doctoral experience doing research that has the potential to improve human life, health and wellbeing. This session is aimed at research leads, Early Career Researchers and mentors.

The scheme has three rounds per year and so the session is also open to those interested in applying in future rounds.

Professor Sam Goodman will be sharing his experience of being on Wellcome’s Early Career advisory group in Medical Humanities, and in reviewing applications for the ECR award.

Professor Goodman has also successfully received funding from Wellcome.

Please check eligibility for the scheme: https://wellcome.org/grant-funding/schemes/early-career-awards

Friday 22nd September 2023

at Lansdowne Campus, from 11.00 – 12:00


To book a place on this workshop, please complete the Booking Form.

For any information about the content of this session, please contact Kate Percival – Research Facilitator kpercival@bournemouth.ac.uk

Impact Essentials: Creating your impact development plan

Creating your impact development plan is a workshop for researchers at all career stages and at all stages of the project lifecycle – from formulating research questions and preparing grant applications to developing a potential impact case study.

This practical workshop provides the tools, advice and time to start putting together your own plan to achieve impact.

By the end of this session, you will have created a detailed impact development plan, tailored to your particular needs and stage of impact development.

Thursday 7th September     13.00-15.00      Talbot Campus

To book on to the session, please complete the Booking Form. 

For queries regarding the content of this session, please contact Amanda Lazar, Impact Adviser impact@bournemouth.ac.uk


British Academy Small Grants Workshop

British Academy Small Grants Workshop aimed at all staff with Research Council bids in development.

The attendees will have the chance to discuss their proposal with a Research Facilitator and a Funding Development Officer will also be on hand to answer any questions relating to budget and processes.

The call for the next round of BA/Leverhulme Small Grants opens on 6th September 2023 and closes on Wednesday 8th November 2023.

This guidance session is for academics who are interested in submitting an application.

Wednesday 6th September 10.00-12.00, Talbot Campus

To book on to a session, or be added to the waiting list, please complete the Booking Form. 

For further information please contact: epapadopoulou@bournemouth.ac.uksmundy@bournemouth.ac.uk

Postdoc Appreciation Week 2023 – celebrating our postdoctoral researchers

Postdoc Appreciation Week(PAW) takes place each year to celebrate, showcase and recognise the contribution that postdoctoral researchers make towards research and academic life.


Originally an initiative from the National Postdoc Association in the USA (National Postdoc Appreciation Week), it is now also celebrated in the UK, and this year will take place from Monday 18th – Friday 22nd September.


To mark Postdoc Appreciation Week, we are holding an appreciation event on Monday 18 September for postdoctoral researchers and their managers.


The event will be a chance to celebrate all the hard work that postdocs and researchers dedicate to research, teaching, outreach and so much more, as well as an opportunity to catch up with our Research Staff Association (RSA) representatives over coffee and cake.


We will also be profiling the amazing work and research undertaken by our post-doctoral research staff community.


If you would like to attend the event, or find out more about our Postdoc Appreciation Week activity, please contact RKEDF@bournemouth.ac.uk

You can also get involved on social media during Postdoc Appreciation Week by using #LovePostdocs and #NPAW2023 on Twitter and Instagram and tagging us @BU_Research or @UK_NPAW.

RKEDF: Research training events coming up in September

Here are some great RKEDF training events coming up in September


Click on the titles to see details and book a place on to upcoming events.


New Generation Thinkers 2024 AHRC/BBC Radio 3 Tuesday 5th September 11:00-12:30 Talbot Campus

This is an introduction to the New Generation thinkers, how it works, how to apply and with a mock panel set up.

RKEDF: British Academy Small Grants Workshop Wednesday 6th September 10:00-12:00 Talbot Campus 

BA Small Grants Workshop aimed at all staff with Research Council bids in development. The attendees will have the chance to discuss their proposal with a Research Facilitator and a Funding Development Officer will also be on hand to answer any questions relating to budget and processes.

 Impact Essentials:creating your impact development plan Thursday 7th September 13:00-15:00 Talbot Campus 

For researchers at all stages of the project lifecycle – from formulating research questions and preparing grant applications to developing a potential impact case study.

Introduction to RED – The Research & Enterprise Database Tuesday 12th September 15.30-16.00 Online session

This session is aimed at all academics to provide an overview of the Research & Enterprise Database, including how to access the system, the information available to view, budget management via RED, and how to use RED to identify your supporting pre and post award officers.

Principal Investigation – Post Award for RKE Wednesday, 13th September 14:00-15:00 Talbot Campus

This session is aimed at any researcher who is, who plans to be, a Principal Investigator for an externally funded research or knowledge exchange project.

This session is fully booked but please feel free to book your place on one of the next months’ sessions

Thursday, 19th October 14.00-15.00 Lansdowne Campus
Thursday, 15th November 14.00-15.00 Talbot Campus
Wednesday, 13th December 14.00-15.00 Lansdowne Campus
Wednesday, 10th January 14.00-15.00 Talbot Campus


For any queries regarding these workshops, please contact the RKEDF@bournemouth.ac.uk

Principal Investigation-13th September



Post Award for RKE – Principal Investigation


This session is aimed at any researcher who is, who plans to be, a Principal Investigator for an externally funded research or knowledge exchange project.

Topics covered include:

• What is post award?

• Roles and responsibilities
• Systems
• Key policies
• Starting your awarded project
• Making changes to your project and reporting

• Hints and tips

By the end of the session, attendees will have a strong foundation of what to expect when being responsible for their awarded projects.

The first session is on Talbot campus, on Wednesday 13th September, 14:00-15:00


You can find a suitable date and book your space here: Booking Form

For any queries regarding this workshop, please contact Alex Morrison, Post Award Programme Manager morrisona@bournemouth.ac.uk

RED-Research & Enterprise Database


This session is aimed at all academics to provide an overview of the Research & Enterprise Database, including how to access the system, the information available to view, budget management via RED, and how to use RED to identify your supporting pre and post award officers.

The first, online session is on Tuesday 12th September, 15:30-16:00 and it will be repeated on a monthly basis.

You can find a suitable date and book your space here Introduction to RED


For any queries regarding this workshop, please contact Alex Morrison Post Award Programme Manager morrisona@bournemouth.ac.uk

RKEDF Impact Planning Training 7th September


As part of the RKEDF Impact Essentials programme, booking is now open for the Impact Essentials: creating your impact development plan 2-hour in-person workshops. There are 4 dates to choose from and they will be delivered on both Talbot and Lansdowne campuses, so hopefully there will be a date and time that is convenient for everyone who would like to attend.

This workshop are for researchers at all career stages and at all stages of the project lifecycle – from formulating research questions and preparing grant applications to developing a potential impact case study. This practical workshop provides the tools, advice and time to start putting together your own plan to achieve impact. By the end of the session, you will have created a detailed impact development plan, tailored to your particular needs and stage of impact development.

The first session is on Talbot campus (room tbc) on 7th September, 13:00-15:00.

You can find a suitable date and book your space here: Impact Essentials – Bournemouth University Intranet.

Exciting opportunities under the RKEDF

Here are some great RKEDF training events coming up in June



Follow the links for more information and to book.

RDS Academic & Researcher Induction         Wednesday, 7 June

This event provides an overview of all the practical information staff need to begin developing their research plans at BU, using both internal and external networks.

Anatomy of an Impact Case Study                    Wednesday, 7 June 13:00-15:00

By the end of this session you will be familiar with the structure of an impact case study, what makes an excellent case study and what you will need in order to start building an impact case study from your own research.

ESRC New Investigator                                         Thursday, 8 June 11:00 – 13:00

Beginning with a general overview of the ESRC in terms of what they like to fund and their priorities for funding, the session will then cover the guidance for the scheme and the structure of the application.

RSA Writing Day for Researchers                    Tuesday, 13th June 9:00 – 17.00

Do you have a piece of writing to do or an article to finish up, but can never seem to find the time to do it? This event is for you!

 ECRN – Imposter Syndrome                              Wednesday, 14th June 16:00 – 17:00

he session will offer a space to discuss this growing issue as well as offer advice, guidance and support on how to manage, avoid and overcome such feelings.

BU Research Conference 2023                           Wednesday, 14 Jun 2023 10:00 – 18:00

The BU Research Conference is back for 2023 and this year’s event will explore the concept of ‘failure’ in academia and building the resilience to overcome obstacles that may be in your path.

Writing Academy 2023                                           21st, 22nd, 23rd June

This year the Writing Academy covers strategies for academic writing: writing to prompts, targeting a journal/specific criteria, types of prompt for academic writing, ‘snack writing’, goal setting for writing

RKEDF – Real World Examples of Public Engagement  Wednesday, 21 June 14:00-16:00

Learning the basic principles is essential for doing effective public engagement with research, but it can be challenging to apply them to developing your own projects.

Engaging with Parliament for Impact           Friday, 23 June

This session will cover multiple ‘Common Routes to Influence’, including Government consultations, Select Committees, All Party Parliamentary Groups, think tanks etc. and the best ways to approach them. You will have an opportunity for stakeholder mapping and to plan your approach.

  The Way of the Productivity Ninja                  Thursday, 29 June 13:00-15:00

In this practical, engaging, interactive and fun 2 hour online workshop you’ll learn how to utilize the mindset and tactics of the 9 Characteristics of the Productivity Ninja.

BU Artificial Intelligence Workshop                Thursday, 29 June 8:30 – 13:30

If you are a business or academic interested in exploring ways in which AI could be utilised to deliver new or enhanced ways of working, then put 29 June 2023 in your diary. 


Checkout the full range of possible events via the  the “Events Calendar

If there are any sessions that are already fully booked, please make sure you add your name to the waiting list.



Anatomy of an impact case study workshop – 7th June

If you would like to know more about REF impact case studies, are hoping to write a case study in the future, or are working towards a case study for the next REF, then this session is for you.

A two-hour, in-person workshop examining in detail everything impact case study, we will look at the different sections and what is required for each one, then examine impact case studies from previous REFs to establish what the panels are looking for. We will then move on to thinking about what you would need to do to start building your own impact case study.

By the end of this session you will be familiar with the structure of an impact case study, what makes an excellent case study and what you will need in order to start building an impact case study from your own research.

Book via OD here