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Congratulations to Dr Daisy Wiggins for her successful bid for NIHR Undergraduate Internship funding

Dr Daisy Wiggins was successful in her bid for NIHR Undergraduate Internship funding. This is a small aspect of a much larger body of work being done in collaboration with University Hospitals Dorset (UHD) with Minesh Khushu consultant Neonatologist at UHD, Dr Steve Trenoweth and Michael Lyne here at BU. Daisy, supervised by Prof Vanora Hundley and Steve T. will herself be supervising a BU undergraduate student who has just successfully interviewed. The intern will be looking at the literature available on women and families involved in care proceeding particularly looking at current support, interventions and help offered during pregnancy or at the removal of their baby. 

As of 2022, 86.9% of women attending court for care proceedings, had cases whereby the child/ren were less than 11 months old and a large majority were babies (Alrouh et al. 2022). The evidence is clear on how this has a significant impact on the newborn in the immediate postnatal period, but also in terms of future development. Furthermore the wider impact on the woman, families and care systems is well documented, what isn’t  however is currently available support and services for these children, women and families.  The intern will look at currently literature to contribute to a scoping review before supporting PPI with women who have experience of this to understand what provisions of care and interventions are needed.

It is hoped that the output from this internship will be a stepping stone into a larger PhD project that identifies pertinent factors (personal, social/ cultural, legal and health) to improve our understanding of the needs of women who are at risk of repeated care proceedings following birth.

With future aspirations of developing and testing a service level approach / pathway to meet the needs of pregnant women involved in care proceedings (and particularly those who are subject to repeat proceedings).

Check out BU_research and BU_midwifery for details of the focus groups to please share

SHDC Workshop: Media & Information Literacy for Health and Science Communications

logo - science, health, and data communications research group

On 20th June, the Centre for Science, Health and Data Communications Research at Bournemouth University hosted a workshop on Media and Information Literacy (MIL) for Communication Ecosystem Change, with a focus on how to promote MIL for better science and health communications.

Kate Morris from Ofcom and Stephane Goldstein from the Media and Information Literacy Alliance shared what each organisation is doing and supporting in the MIL space. The rest of the workshop brought researchers from across BU faculties and external guests together (in addition to Ofcom and MILA, this included other universities, Parentzone and Sense about Science) to share their work using BU’s theory of change for MIL. This ToC was initially produced for BBC Media Action and has subsequently been developed further for the UK Government (DSIT), in collaboration with Ofcom; The British Council and MILA.

During the workshop, colleagues mapped their completed, present and future research to the theory of change, to precisely locate the difference their work makes to people’s lives with regard to access to media and information; critical awareness; new forms of capability and positive consequences for the health and science communication ecosystem. We also considered how to move our research across the threshold between latent and manifest change, and also how our work is congruent with the strategies set out by Ofcom and MILA in the opening talks. This approach also helps us to think about how our work relates to the criteria for research impact in the UK REF framework.

This workshop was the first meeting of this new BU research cluster, within SHDC, working together on research in this area, and we hope it will be the first of many productive collaborations.

The cluster supports and enables research into the role of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in a resilient and healthy society, with a focus on three core strands of activity:

  • Education and training in MIL for scientists and health practitioners
  • Developing resilience to misinformation through MIL
  • Improving science, health, and data communication advocacy through advancing public MIL

Thanks to Anna Feigenbaum, An Nguyen and Samantha Hutton for supporting the event and to all those who attended and contributed to the workshop.

For more information about this research cluster, contact Julian McDougall.

Conversation article: Supershoes have transformed competitive distance running, but they remain controversial

Dr Bryce Dyer writes for The Conversation about the controversy around advanced running footwear known as ‘supershoes’ and how they work.

Supershoes have transformed competitive distance running, but they remain controversial

Bryce Dyer, Bournemouth University

On the face of it, competitive distance running appears not to have changed much since the Olympic Games were revived in 1896. However, even the relative simplicity of racing from gun to tape has radically altered in recent years due to the rise of advanced running footwear known colloquially as “supershoes”.

A few years ago, the Nike Vaporfly shoe kicked off a storm of controversy in athletics. It became a focus for claims about whether it provided some athletes with an unfair advantage over those not equipped with the shoes.

In 2019, Kenyan distance runner Eliud Kipchoge wore prototype Vaporfly shoes when he became the first athlete to run the marathon distance in under two hours as part of the Ineos 1:59 challenge in Vienna. Ultimately, the shoes avoided a ban just in time for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Several years on, what more do we understand about these shoes and how they work? My recent paper attempts to review and answer ten key questions about supershoes as the Paris Olympics now loom on the horizon.

First, we need to understand what supershoes are and how they differ from
traditional running footwear. Initially, supershoes used a sole that saw a combination of material called a polyamide block elastomer (known by its tradename Pebax) coupled with the use of a carbon fibre plate.

At the height of the controversy, much was made of this plate, leading to claims that they were essentially springs propelling runners along. However, scientists now understand that, generally speaking, it’s the combination of all of the soles’ components working together harmoniously that’s behind the shoes’ success.

This broad effect has helped topple a raft of world records in the marathon and half-marathon distances. The shoes have improved times by roughly 1.4-2.8% or 0.6-2.2% in the men’s and women’s marathon events respectively over the last seven to eight years.

Today, other brands such as Adidas and Saucony have their own designs and
use different components in different ways. But the harmonious principle in the sole design is inherently the same.

Teeter-totter effect

Beyond the observation that all components are working in unison, a more detailed explanation of how the shoes work remains elusive because so many different influences can contribute to athletic performance. Among factors credited with the shoes’ enhanced performance are the thickness of the midsole and what’s been termed the “teeter-totter” effect, an upwards reaction force that passively enhances the propulsive stance of the runner. There’s also evidence against both of these ideas.

However, there is now strong evidence that supershoes reduce a runners’ oxygen consumption when compared to traditional running shoes. However, the scientific community isn’t in agreement as to how that is achieved.

Most studies focus on well-trained runners so it’s plausible that a recreational runner or those of a different age could see wildly different levels of performance enhancement than the elite runners we’ll see in Paris this summer. It’s also conceivable that the placebo effect could mean that simply knowing that you are wearing an advanced shoe makes you perform better in a race, regardless of whether the shoe helps or not.

As to the shoes’ acceptability, that is ultimately decided by the sport’s stakeholders and you, the spectator. Whether they are fair or not, new technology can either prompt people to use it or provide cost barriers that reduce peoples’ participation.

Furthermore, consumers can now purchase supershoe technology themselves. Whether they really want to or are happy to do so for something that may only be effective for a few hundred miles of running before the sole materials could begin to lose their potent mechanical properties remains equally contentious.

The use of supershoes has not been unchecked or challenged. In 2020, World Athletics, the international governing body for the sport, moved to limit this technology by implementing regulations that countered what it felt was contributing to the magnitude and frequency of records being broken.

In this case, the governing body’s rules centred on limiting the sole thickness, the number and complexity of any internal rigid structures (such as the carbon fibre plates) and the prevention of shoes that were one-offs and would therefore not be accessible for the consumer to buy.

Most leading running shoe brands have now released their own supershoes. The technology will undoubtedly evolve, so perpetual vigilance will be required by the World Athletics. Ultimately, supershoes have sometimes courted controversy, but they don’t seem to be going away and will remain an important part of distance running for the foreseeable future.The Conversation

Bryce Dyer, Associate Professor of Sports Technology, Bournemouth University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Congratulations to Malika Felton for winning best oral presentation at the WiSEAN conference

BU Programme Lead for BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy, Dr Malika Felon was awarded the prize for Best Oral Presentation at the WiSEAN conference (Women in Sport and Exercise Science Academic Network) at University of Portsmouth in June 2024. This comes after her award of the Early Career Researcher Award at the same conference last year in Liverpool.

Malika presented on behalf of the Reproductive Health and Outdoor Swimming Group, which includes experts from across cold water physiology, exercise physiology, reproductive science, maternal health, obstetrics, neonatology, water epidemiology and representatives from the Open Water Swimming Society and an open-water swimming social enterprise (University of Plymouth, University of Portsmouth, UCL, NHS Trusts, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Bluetits Chill Swimmers).

The presentation was on the group’s work ‘Cold Water Swimming and Pregnancy: A Scoping Review and Consensus Recommendations’. The work recognises the lack of evidence-based information to answer the many questions women have about cold water swimming during pregnancy. The presentation gained a lot of interest, and the group encourage future research to provide the evidence on which accurate advice can be based, allowing women to make evidence based decisions on whether to continue cold water swimming during pregnancy.

Bournemouth University had a group of eight members of staff travel up the coast to attend the WiSEAN conference, including supporting Megan Chesters, a final year undergraduate student from BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy, present her final year Research Project as a poster presentation.

Dr Malika Felton writes “The WiSEAN conference is a fantastic supportive environment, and I am honoured to be recognised for my work at two conferences in a row.”

“As part of the award I received a signed copy of The Female Body Bible (The Well HQ), which I am very much looking forward to read and has been on my to read list since before it came out. The foreword at the start of the book is ‘For those who want to forge a better future for girls and women everywhere – in sport, in health, in life’. I’m looking forward to being a part of this future, working alongside other amazing researchers in the area of women’s health.”


BU academics publish report 10 days after the 2024 UK General Election

We are very pleased to announce the publication of UK Election Analysis 2024: Media, Voters and the Campaign, edited by Daniel Jackson, Katy Parry, Emily Harmer, Darren Lilleker, Julie Firmstone, Scott Wright, and Einar Thorsen.
It features several contributions from BU academics.
Featuring 101 contributions from over 130 leading academics and emerging scholars, this free publication captures the immediate thoughts, reflections and early research insights on the 2024 UK General Election from the cutting edge of media and politics research.
Published just 10 days after the election, these contributions are short and accessible. Authors provide authoritative analysis of the campaign, including research findings or new theoretical insights; to bring readers original ways of understanding the election and its consequences. Contributions also bring a rich range of disciplinary influences, from political science to cultural studies, journalism studies to geography.
The publication is available as a free downloadable PDF, as a website and as a paperback report.
Democracy and representation
1. Public anxiety and the electoral process (Prof Barry Richards)
2. How Nigel Farage opened the door to No. 10 for Keir Starmer (Prof Pippa Norris)
3. The performance of the electoral system (Prof Alan Renwick)
4. Tory downfall is democracy rectifying its mistakes (Prof Stephen Barber)
5. Votes at 16 and decent citizenship education could create a politically aware generation (Dr Ben Kisby, Dr Lee Jerome)
6. “An election about us but not for us”: the lack of communication for young people during GE2024 (Dr James Dennis)
7. Election timing: masterstroke or risky gamble? (Prof Sarah Birch)
8. The dog that didn’t bark? Electoral integrity and administration from voter ID to postal votes (Prof Alistair Clark)
9. A political gamble? How licit and illicit betting permeated the campaign (Dr Matthew Wall)
10. Ethnic diversity in politics is the new normal in Britain (Prof Maria Sobolewska)
11. Bullshit and Lies on the campaign trail: do party campaigns reflect the post-truth age? (Prof Darren Lilleker)
12. Stoking the culture wars: the risks of a more hostile form of polarised politics (Dr Jen Birks)
Voters, polls and results
13. Forecasting a multiparty majoritarian election with a volatile electorate (Dr Hannah Bunting)
14. The emerging infrastructure of public opinion (Dr Nick Anstead)
15. A moving target? Voter segmentation in the 2024 British General Election (Prof Rosie Campbell)
16. Don’t vote, it only encourages them? Turnout in the 2024 Election (Prof Charles Pattie)
17. Cartographic perspectives of the 2024 General Election (Prof Benjamin Hennig)
18. Gender and vote choice: early reflections (Dr Ceri Fowler)
19. Changing Pattern amongst Muslim voters: the Labour Party, Gaza and voter volatility (Dr Parveen Akhtar)
20. Religion and voting behaviour in the 2024 General Election (Dr Ekaterina Kolpinskaya, Dr Stuart Fox)
21. Failure to connect: the Conservative Party and young voters (Dr Stephanie Luke)
22. Youthquake for the progressive left: making sense of the collapse of youth support for the Conservatives (Prof James Sloam, Prof Matt Henn)
23. Values in the valence election (Prof Paula Surridge)
24. Tactical voting: why is it such a big part of British elections? (Thomas Lockwood)
The nations and regions
25. Have voters fallen out of love with the SNP? (Dr Lynn Bennie)
26. The spectre of Sturgeon still looms large in gendered coverage in Scotland (Melody House, Dr Fiona McKay)
27. The personalisation of Scottish politics in a UK General Election (Dr Michael Higgins, Dr Maike Dinger)
28. Competence, change and continuity: a tale of two nations (Dr Will Kitson)
29. Election success, but problems remain for Labour in Wales (Dr Nye Davies)
30. Four ways in which Northern Ireland’s own seismic results will affect the new Parliament (Prof Katy Hayward)
31. Bringing People together or pulling them apart? What Facebook ads say about the NI campaign (Dr Paul Reilly)
32. A New Dawn For Levelling Up? (Prof Arianna Giovannini)
33. Who defines Britain? National identity at the heart of the 2024 UK General Election (Dr Tabitha Baker)
Parties and the campaign
34. A changed but over-staged Labour Party and the political marketing weaknesses behind Starmer’s win (Prof Jennifer Lees-Marshment)
35. To leaflet or not to leaflet? The question of election leafleting in Sunderland Central (Prof Angela Smith, Dr Mike Pearce)
36. Beyond ‘my dad was a toolmaker’: what it’s really like to be working class in parliament (Dr Vladimir Bortun)
37. The unforced errors of foolish men: gender, race and the calculus of harm (Prof Karen Ross)
38. Election 2024 and rise of Reform UK: the beginning of the end of the Conservatives? (Dr Anthony Ridge-Newman)
39. The Weakening of the Blue Wall (Prof Pete Dorey)
40. The Conservative party, 1832-2024: an obituary (Dr Mark Garnett)
41. Bouncing back: the Liberal Democrat campaign (Prof Peter Sloman)
42. The Greens: riding two horses (Prof Neil Carter, Dr Mitya Pearson)
43. Party organisations and the campaign (Dr Danny Rye)
44. Local campaign messaging at the 2024 General Election (Dr Siim Trumm, Prof Caitlin Milazzo)
45. The value of getting personal: reflecting upon the role of personal branding in the General Election (Dr Jenny Lloyd)
46. Which constituencies were visited by each party leader and what this told us about their campaigns (Dr Hannah Bunting, Joely Santa Cruz)
47. The culture wars and the 2024 General Election campaign (Prof John Steel)
48. “Rishi’s D-Day Disaster”: authority, leadership and British military commemoration (Dr Natalie Jester)
49. Party election broadcasts: the quest for authenticity (Dr Vincent Campbell)
Policy and strategy
50. It’s the cost-of-living-crisis, stupid! (Prof Aeron Davis)
51. The last pre-war vote? Defence and foreign policy in the 2024 Election (Dr Russell Foster)
52. The 2024 UK general election and the absence of foreign policy (Dr Victoria Honeyman)
53. Fractious consensus: defence policy at the 2024 General Election (Dr Ben Jones)
54. The psycho-politics of climate denial in the 2024 UK election (Prof Candida Yates, Dr Jenny Alexander)
55. How will the Labour government fare and what should they do better? (Prof Rick Stafford and team)
56. Finding the environment: climate obstructionism and environmental movements on TikTok (Dr Abi Rhodes)
57. Irregular migration: ‘Stop the boats’ vs ‘Smash the Gangs’ (Prof Alex Balch)
58. The sleeping dog of ‘Europe: UK relations with the EU as a non-issue (Prof Simon Usherwood)
59. Labour: a very conservative housing manifesto (Prof Becky Tunstall)
60. Why the Labour Government must abolish the two-child benefit limit policy (Dr Yekaterina Chzhen)
61. Take the next right: mainstream parties’ positions on gender and LGBTQ+ equality issues (Dr Louise Luxton)
The digital campaign
62. Local news and information on candidates was insufficient (Dr Martin Moore, Dr Gordon Neil Ramsay)
63. The Al election that wasn’t – yet (Prof Helen Margetts)
64. Al-generated images: how citizens depicted politicians and society (Niamh Cashell)
65. The threat to democracy that wasn’t? Four types of Al-generated synthetic media in the General Election (Dr Liam McLoughlin)
66. Shitposting meets Generative Artificial Intelligence and ‘deep fakes’ at the 2024 General Election (Dr Rosalynd Southern)
67. Shitposting the General Election: why this campaign felt like one long meme (SE Harman, Dr Matthew Wall)
68. Winning voters’ hearts and minds… through reels and memes?! How #GE24 unfolded on TikTok (Dr Aljosha Karim Schapals)
69. Debating the election in “Non-political” Third Spaces: the case of Gransnet (Prof Scott Wright et al)
70. Which social networks did political parties use most in 2024? (Dr Richard Fletcher)
71. Facebook’s role in the General Election: still relevant in a more fragmented information environment (Prof Andrea Carson, Dr Felix M. Simon)
72. Farage on TikTok: the perfect populist platform (Prof Karin Wahl-Jorgensen)
News and journalism
73. Why the press still matters (Prof Steven Barnett)
74. When the Star aligned: how the press ‘voted’ (Prof Dominic Wring, Prof David Deacon)
75. Visual depictions of leaders and losers in the (still influential) print press (Prof Erik Bucy and Dr Nathan Ritchie)
76. Towards more assertive impartiality? Fact-checking on BBC television news (Prof Stephen Cushion)
77. The outsize influence of the conservative press in election campaigns (Prof Dan Stevens, Prof Susan Banducci, Dr Ekaterina Kolpinskaya and Dr Laszlo Horvath)
78. GB News – not breaking any rules… (Prof Ivor Gaber)
79. Vogue’s stylish relationship to politics (Dr Chrysi Dagoula)
80. Tiptoeing around immigration has tangible consequences (Dr Maria Kyriakidou, Dr Iñaki Garcia-Blanco)
81. A Taxing Campaign (Prof David Deacon et al)
82. Not the Sun wot won it: what Murdoch’s half-hearted, last-minute endorsements mean for Labour (Dr John Jewell)
83. Is this the first podcast election? (Carl Hartley, Prof Stephen Coleman)
84. A numbers game (Paul Bradshaw)
85. Election 2024 and the remarkable absence of media in a mediated spectacle (Prof Lee Edwards)
86. 2024: the great election turn-off (Prof Des Freedman)
Personality politics and popular culture
87. Ed Davey: Towards a Liberal Populism? (Dr Tom Sharkey, Dr Sophie Quirk)
88. Why Nigel Farage’s anti-media election interference claims are so dangerous (Dr Lone Sorensen)
89. Nigel Farage and the political circus (Dr Neil Ewen)
90. Binface, Beany and Beyond: humorous candidates in the 2024 General Election (Prof Scott Wright)
91. What Corbyn support reveals about how Starmer’s Labour won big (Prof Cornel Sandvoss, Dr Benjamin Litherland, Dr Joseph Andrew Smith)
92. “Well that was dignified, wasn’t it?”: floor apportionment and interaction in the televised debates (Dr Sylvia Shaw)
93. TV debates: beyond winners and losers (Prof Stephen Coleman)
94. Is our television debate coverage finally starting to match up to multi-party politics? (Dr Louise Thompson)
95. Tetchiness meets disenchantment: capturing the contrasting political energies of the campaign (Prof Beth Johnson, Prof Katy Parry)
96. “We’re just normal men”: football and the performance of authentic leadership (Dr Ellen Watts)
97. ‘Make the friendship bracelets’: gendered imagery in candidates’ self-presentations on the campaign trail (Dr Caroline Leicht)
98. Weeping in Wetherspoons: generative Al and the right/left image battle on X (Simon Popple)
99. An entertaining election? Popular culture as politics (Prof John Street)
100. Changing key, but keeping time: the music of Election 2024 (Dr Adam Behr)
101. Truth or dare: the political veracity game (Prof John Corner)

BA Small Grants Guidance session

BA Small Grants will be opening soon

We are welcoming your proposals for the upcoming BA/Leverhulme Small grants call.
To ensure that the pre-award team can provide all interested academics with optimal support we are inviting you to participate to British Academy Guidance session

 Wed 24th July 2024, 10:00-12:00 Online

Join us to review the guidance and then start work on your application. Slides will be available after the session and the timeline schedule for this call can be found here.

To book onto this session, please complete the Booking Form under “BA Small Grants Guidance session – 24/07/2024” in the drop down menu.

If you have any queries, please contact Eva Papadopoulou epapadopoulou@bournemouth.ac.uk or your Funding Development Officer.

BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants

BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants

We are welcoming your proposals for the upcoming BA/Leverhulme Small grants call.

The below deadlines will be in place to ensure that the pre-award team can provide all interested academics with optimal support.



24 July 2024


Guidance Session via Teams 24/07, 10:00-12:00


Join us to review the guidance and then start work on your application. Slides will be available after the session.

To book your place just email us at akakaounaki@bournemouth.ac.uk

24 Jul – 4 Sep Work on your proposal

If you need help, speak to RDS for support and to your peers/mentors, organise your team, start a Flexi-Grant account, start an application in the system

4 Sep – 18 Sep Internal Peer review taking place
4 September 2024          Call Opens

–        Latest date to submit your ITB (Intention To Bid form)

18 September 2024 –        Advise your referee that you will be sending them your completed application on FlexiGrant and they will need to provide their supporting statement by 21 October. Note that the earlier you complete you application on FlexiGrant, the more time the referee will have to review your bid and provide the supporting statement

–        If you are Grade 8 or below and you wish to use the support of an External Application Reviewer (EAR), you must submit your quality approved by the Faculty draft application to RDS by this date.


21 October 2024

–        Nominated referee supporting statement to be completed via FlexiGrant.

–        Submit your draft proposal to RDS preawardenquiries@bournemouth.ac.uk

28 October 2024 Your final application must be submitted on Flexi-Grant by this date at the latest.


Once you have uploaded all relevant documentation and your referee and CoI’s have completed their parts too, the “submit” button will appear on your screen. You can click submit’ and the form will be sent to BU’s accounts for RDS checks.

28 Oct- 6 Nov Institutional checks to take place by RDS
6 November 2024 Final submissions


If you have any queries, please contact Eva Papadopoulou at epapadopoulou@bournemouth.ac.uk or Katerina Kakaounaki at akakaounaki@bournemouth.ac.uk.

Prize awarded for paper on rural tourism transport use in Bali

BUBS PhD student Rama Permana was awarded the Smeed Prize runner-up at the 56th Universities’ Transport Study Group (UTSG) Annual Conference 2024 held at University of Huddersfield earlier this month. Rama presented a paper entitled Sustainability Transitions in Rural Tourism Travel: Who are the ‘Switchable’ Visitor Segments? The paper draws on surveys at 3 rural sites in Bali following qualitative interviews on the first stage of his PhD study. Utilising hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analysis, this paper discovers traveller segmentation in the tourism destination based on their own rural travel practices.  (Image source: Huddersfield Business School)

New research on domestic abuse service provision for minority groups

Victims and survivors of domestic abuse from minority communities face additional barriers in accessing support, research by an interdisciplinary team at BU has found. The research explored the experiences of LGBTQ+, black and ethnic minority (BME) communities, and disabled people to understand their specific support needs, as well as the barriers and needs of a wider population based in Southampton and its surrounding areas.

The team of researchers comprised Terri Cole in Psychology, Jane Healy in Criminology and Orlanda Harvey in Social Work, who undertook a series of data collection measures over the last 12 months. Through interviews and a survey with women (and men) who experience domestic abuse or know of someone who has experienced domestic abuse, they identified a variety of individual and structural barriers to getting support.

The work was commissioned by Yellow Door and Stop Domestic Abuse; you can read more about the project, it’s findings and recommendations, and access a link to the report here: Minority groups face additional barriers in accessing domestic abuse services, research finds | Bournemouth University

Research Ethics Panel Meetings – Reminder to staff and postgraduate researchers

Research Ethics

There are no central Research Ethics Panel (REP) meetings held during August, so if you’re hoping to start data collection activities over the summer and are in the process of completing your research ethics checklist, please keep this in mind when planning your research activities.  Submit your checklist in time for the final REP meetings to be held in July.  Checklists received during August which need to be reviewed by a full Panel will be deferred until September (dates to be advised).

REPs review all staff projects and postgraduate research projects which have been identified as high risk through the online ethics checklist.  Details on what constitutes high risk can be found on the research governance, research ethics & integrity website.

There are two central REPs:

  • Science, Technology & Health – last meeting date of 2023/24 is 24 July 2024 with deadline for submissions – 16 July 2024
  • Social Sciences & Humanities – Meetings dates for September – TBC


Staff and PGR ‘high risk’ projects will be reviewed by one of the central REPs and Researchers (including PGR Supervisors) will normally be invited to Panel for discussions.

Staff Projects which are ‘low risk’

Reviews for low risk projects will continue as normal during August (via email), although turnaround may take longer than normal due to Reviewer availability during this month.

PGR Projects which are ‘low risk’

There are no changes to the review process for low risk PGR projects and reviews will continues as normal throughout August, again subject to the availability of Supervisor and assigned Ethics Champions.

More details about the review process and REP meeting dates can be found on the governance, research ethics & integrity website.  Email enquiries should be sent to researchethics@bournemouth.ac.uk.

New paper: Tourism and transport use in Bali, Indonesia

Congratulations to BUBS PhD student Rama Permana on the publication of his paper ‘The (un)sustainability of rural tourism travel in the Global South: A social practice theory perspective’ in the International Journal of Tourism Research. The paper draws on a series of semi-structured interviews with tourists and destination stakeholders which explore tourists’ rural travel practices in Bali, Indonesia. The paper uses a social practices perspective to explore how Bali’s transport provision has evolved to meet residents’ needs for travel and income generation, shaping the options for tourists. The paper highlights how transition to more sustainable transport use is challenging when local populations are invested in existing transport provision and how this provision has become part of the tourism experience. 

Last reminder – MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 internal deadline next week

Dear colleagues,

This is a kind reminder that next Monday, 15 July 2024 is the deadline for submission of ItB if you plan to submit an application to MSCA PF 2024 call.

We have already received a large number of ItBs which is close to the capacity RDS can handle, so any late ItBs submitted after Monday will be rejected.

This year we have planned that all proposals are completed and submitted to the funder on 10 September, a day before the call deadline.