Category / Doctoral College

Doctoral Supervision | New Supervisors Development Workshop 5 March 2024

Whether you are a new supervisor, you plan to be one, or you have experience but are new to Bournemouth University, this development workshop is for you. (If you have already booked, your place is confirmed).

The workshop, which is mandatory for new supervisors, offers the necessary knowledge to supervise Postgraduate Research students by placing this knowledge within both the internal and external regulatory framework.

This workshop will cover the following key areas:

  • The nature and scope of doctoral study and the role of a supervisor
  • Purpose and operation of the BU Code of Practice for Research Degrees
  • Monitoring, progression, completion and the process of research degrees at BU
  • The importance of diversity, equality and cultural awareness
  • Student recruitment and selection
  • Keeping students on track – motivation and guidance

Date: Tuesday 5 March 2024

Time: 10:00 – 15:15

Location: Talbot Campus (in person) Poole House, Room 226

Click here to book via the staff intranet.


PGR Research Culture and Community Grant

Reminder the Second Call for Applications is Open 

The Doctoral College is delighted to offer a second round of funding of the PGR Research Culture and Community Grant. This grant is intended to support PGR-led activity across researcher development, research culture and research community building initiatives.

We are committed to fostering a cohesive and collaborative community of PGRs and we have dedicated grants aimed at supporting PGR-led social and/or academic events: this may be a social event, training activity or other initiatives to enhance the PGR student experience. In addition to community building, the purpose of the funding is to enable PGRs to gain transferable skills and experience in planning, organising, promoting and implementing PGR engagement activities.

Stream 1: PGR Researcher Development

  • Supports the organisation of skills focused workshops, events, or initiatives.
  • Grants of up to £500 per activity are available.
  • Examples: analysis workshops, guest speakers, digital skills sessions, writing sessions.

Stream 2: PGR Research Culture and Community

  • Supports the delivery of PGR research culture and community building, well-being or social activities.
  • Grants of up to £300 per activity are available.
  • Examples: cultural events, get togethers, wellbeing enhancing activities.

Applications close Monday 4 March 2024 (midnight)

Full details on how to apply, including the application form can be found on the Doctoral College Brightspace.


If you would like to discuss your ideas before submitting your application please contact:

3C Event – PGR Culture, Community & Cake

The Doctoral College is excited to bring you our first 3C event! This social event is a catch-up opportunity for all PGRs to meet informally with the PGR community, share your research and make new connections.

This is also a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have, particularly for any new starters. This is an informal session and it would be great to see you there.

Register here

Postgraduate Research Showcase Celebration

Meet fellow researchers and academics at the Postgraduate Research Showcase Celebration. Support your PGR community and celebrate some of the amazing research that is taking place at BU!

Register via the Doctoral College Brightspace

Any questions please contact

Supervisory Development Lunchbite Session: Wellbeing Support for PGRs at BU

These one hour sessions are aimed at all academic staff who are new to, or experienced at, supervising research degree students and are interested in expanding their knowledge of a specific aspect or process in doctoral supervision. Each session will be led by a senior academic or a service representative who will introduce and facilitate the topic. Staff will benefit from discussions aimed at sharing best practice.

Wellbeing Support for PGRs at BU

Ensuring the wellbeing of PGRs and supervisors can be challenging and this session will look at the support available for PGRs at BU. This discussion will be led by Dr Chloe Casey, FHSS.

Staff attending this session will:

  • have gained additional knowledge of how to support vulnerable PGRs
  • have gained an understanding how to signpost PGRs to the support available at BU

Date: Tuesday 30 January 2024

Time: 12:00 – 13:00 (online)

For further details and to book visit the Doctoral College Supervisory Development staff intranet pages.

Doctoral Supervision | New Supervisors Development Workshop Dates 2024

Sessions coming up in January, March and May 2024.

Whether you are a new supervisor, you plan to be one, or you have experience but are new to Bournemouth University, this development workshop is for you. (If you have already booked, your place is confirmed).

The workshop, which is mandatory for new supervisors, offers the necessary knowledge to supervise Postgraduate Research students by placing this knowledge within both the internal and external regulatory framework.

This workshop will cover the following key areas:

  • The nature and scope of doctoral study and the role of a supervisor
  • Purpose and operation of the BU Code of Practice for Research Degrees
  • Monitoring, progression, completion and the process of research degrees at BU
  • The importance of diversity, equality and cultural awareness
  • Student recruitment and selection
  • Keeping students on track – motivation and guidance

Book your place onto one of the Doctoral Supervision: New Supervisors Development workshops below. Further details about this workshop can also be found on the staff intranet.

Date Time Location Booking (via Eventbrite)
Wednesday 31 January 2024 10:00 – 15:15 Online Book
Tuesday 5 March 2024 10:00 – 15:15 Talbot Campus (in person) Book
Wednesday 15 May 2024 10:00 – 15:15 Lansdowne Campus (in person) Book

Free research impact training from Fast Track Impact

Free sessions from Fast Track Impact on preparing for REF2029, scoping an ethics of engagement and impact, integrating impact into your next funding bid and influencing policy. Book soon as some of these events only have a few spaces left.

Preparing for REF2029

Date: 5 February, 2024

Time: 10:00 – 13:00

This session will help you monitor, evaluate and evidence your impact.

Key benefits:

  • Learn about evidence-based principles for delivering research impact when you don’t have much time
  • Discover easy and quick-to-use templates you can use immediately to:
    • Prioritise who to engage with first
    • Create a powerful impact plan that will guarantee your research makes a difference without wasting your time
  • Learn how to monitor, evaluate and evidence impact convincingly in your case study
  • Discover easy and quick-to-use tools to fix problems with significance or reach in case studies
  • Find out what makes a 4* impact case study, based on research into high versus low-scoring cases in REF2014 and a worked example showing the anatomy of a 4* claim from REF2021
  • Discuss impact plans that might develop into REF2028 case studies with colleagues

Scoping an ethics of engagement and impact

Date: 26 February, 2024

Time: 13:00 – 14:00

  • As governments and funders around the world invest in the impact of research as an unquestioned good, there are growing concerns around the ethics of pursuing impact.
  • Should University ethics committees consider engagement and impact plans for projects that are working on controversial topics or with vulnerable groups – even if their research doesn’t involve human subjects and so would not normally fall under their jurisdiction?
  • How should researchers and their institutions manage issues such as:
    • Undeclared conflicts of interest (e.g., arising from funding and promotion outcomes from the Research Excellence Framework in the UK)
    • Positive bias in the presentation of impacts (e.g. research leading to economic impacts via questionable ethical practices that also led to significant harm to the environment or human rights), and
    • Concerns about how vulnerable individuals and groups have been used to generate or corroborate impacts?

Integrating impact into your next funding bid

Date: 20 May, 2024

Time: 10:00 – 12:00

Learn how to increase your success rates and integrate impact into your next research proposal

Key benefits:

  • Discuss insider tips and tricks, and get bid writing tools to help you co-produce your next proposal with the people most likely to benefit from your research. 
  • Discuss examples of impact sections from real cases for support 
  • Learn how to integrate impact convincingly with your proposal, using a mapping approach to ensure your impact goals map onto your impact problem statement, beneficiaries and impact generation activities, whilst managing risks and assumptions. 
  • Power all of this with a systematic stakeholder analysis and impact logic model that will make it easy to articulate specific and credible impacts.

Free training: Influencing policy

Date: 2 September, 2024

Time: 10:00 – 13:00

This session is based on research by Prof Reed and the latest evidence on how to get research evidence into policy.

Key benefits:

  • Discover quick and easy tools you can use immediately to:
    • Prioritise which policy actors to engage with first and how to instantly get their attention
    • Create a powerful impact plan that will guarantee your research makes a difference without wasting your time
  • Discuss how to design an effective policy brief, infographic or presentation 
  • Learn how to get your research into policy, wherever you work in the world, by building trust and working with intermediaries 
  • Be inspired by primary research and case studies

Free training: The Productive Researcher

Date: 2 December, 2024

Time: 10:00 – 13:00

Find out how you can become significantly more productive as a researcher in a fraction of your current working day.

Key benefits:

  • Leave with practical tools you can use immediately to prioritise limited time to achieve more ambitious career goals
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the values that underpin your work, and the reasons why you feel time pressured
  • Identify priorities that are as much about being as they are about doing, and that are stretching, motivational, authentic, relational and tailored to your unique strengths and abilities
  • Turn these into an “experiment” to make practical changes that create a positive feedback loop between your priorities and your motivation, so you can become increasingly focussed and productive

Postgraduate Research Showcase

Did you miss the the latest PGR Conference? Do not worry you can now visit the Atrium Gallery on Talbot Campus to view a selection of the posters that were exhibited on the day as part of the Postgraduate Research Showcase.

Half of the posters are now on display. These will then be swapped out for the remaining posters halfway through the exhibition, which will be displayed until Friday 23 February. Just visit the Atrium when it suits you to see some of the amazing research that is taking place at BU.

To mark the occasion, on Wednesday 7 February 15:00-16:00, we will be hosting the Showcase Celebration! This is a social event and is a great opportunity to support the PGR community, with cheese and wine on offer. Check out the Doctoral College Brightspace for more information and to book.

A Virtual Exhibition of the posters is also available via the BU website.

Any questions please email:

Best wishes,

The Doctoral College

New PGR network – SPROUT – connecting sustainability to our research

Bournemouth University is working with University of Newcastle and University of Cardiff to provide opportunities for Postgraduate Research (PGR) students to connect with each other and learn about how sustainability can enhance their doctoral research. 

Our mission is to connect and nurture PGRs, aspiring PGRs (perhaps currently studying their master’s degree) and Early Career Researchers who are interested in developing their understanding about how sustainability can enhance the rationale for and impact of their research.  

We launch the network in February 2024 and would love you to encourage your PGRs to join. We will be holding a programme of monthly online events with the following aims: 

  • To build confidence amongst PGRs, aspiring PGRs and ECRs in engaging with SDGs. 
  • To provide opportunities within a community of practice to develop peers’ understanding about sustainability. 
  • To increase awareness of sustainability’s contribution to employability and funding opportunities.  
  • To provide collaborative opportunities for PGRs and ECRs to develop a range of competencies applicable to their own research and personal/ professional contexts. 

The network is a legacy of SustainaWHAT?! a series of events held during 2023 which connected PGRs to the sustainability agenda and sought to facilitate a cross-institution PGR network for ongoing support and inspiration of SDG-informed research.  

Want to know more? Then email Professor Fiona Cownie ( or PGR lead Jack Olley  (

We’d love to welcome your PGRs to SPROUT. 

Prof Fiona Cownie and Jack Olley 

Bournemouth University Network Leads  

The 15th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference – Thank You

Thank you to all of our presenters, poster exhibitors, session chairs and of course delegates who supported the 15th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference. It is always a highlight on the Doctoral College events calendar and we hope you all enjoyed the day.

We were thrilled with the energy and enthusiasm on the day, and we were delighted to see a strong turnout of PGRs and colleagues showing their support and helping to promote our positive PGR research culture and community across BU.

Last chance to submit your feedback!

If you attended, either as a presenter or delegate, we would love to hear your feedback via this anonymous feedback form.

Your feedback will help us improve future conferences so please let us know your thoughts.

Feedback collection will close soon –  15 December 2023.

Postgraduate Research Showcase

Did you miss the 15th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference? Do not worry you will be able to visit the Atrium Gallery to view the posters that were exhibited on the day!

Half of the posters will be on display from 2 January. These will then be swapped out for the remaining posters, halfway through the exhibition, which will be displayed until 23 February.

We will be holding a celebration event on the 7 February 2024, with more information to follow so watch this space!

A Virtual Exhibition is now available via the BU website.


You can see more of the highlights from the day on twitter #BUPGRConf23 and #BUDoctoralCollege. 

I look forward to seeing many of your again next year!

Arabella [Doctoral College Marketing & Events Coordinator]

Coming Up! Supervisory Development Lunchbite Sessions 6 December

These one hour sessions are aimed at all academic staff who are new to, or experienced at, supervising research degree students and are interested in expanding their knowledge of a specific aspect or process in doctoral supervision. Each session will be led by a senior academic or a service representative who will introduce and facilitate the topic. Staff will benefit from discussions aimed at sharing best practice.

Milestone Panel Member: What’s my Role? This discussion will be led by Dr Ian Jones, BU Business School. This session is focused on expanding individuals’ knowledge on the processes and responsibilities involved in being a panel member for a Probationary or Major Review. Staff attending this session will have gained additional knowledge of the role of panel members and be aware of the relevant sections of the Code of Practice for Research Degrees.

Update: This session is to be rescheduled

Administrative Checks for Examiners of Vivas: Right to Work Checks and Other Challenges (UKCGE Event)

Date: Wednesday 6 December 2023

Time: 13:00 – 14:00

For further details and to book visit the Doctoral College Supervisory Development staff intranet pages.

What is the impact of doctoral research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences?- Online Event from the UKCGE

Online Event from the UKCGE: Free to BU Staff

The UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) is the representative body for postgraduate education and research. As BU is a member of the UKCGE, staff can attend online events free of charge.

See below for details on next week’s online event:

Session Details Date, Time & Book
What is the impact of doctoral research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences? This online discussion, run in collaboration with The British Academy, will examine the impact of doctoral research in the arts, humanities and social sciences. 6 December

13:00 – 14:00

Book now

This event may be of interest to research degree supervisors and academic and professional staff who support our PGRs.


New funding available for doctoral training studentships as BU joins the ESRC South West Doctoral Training Partnership

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) has announced new investment in 15 doctoral training partnerships (DTPs) spanning 89 institutions over the next five years, providing professional development and training opportunities to enhance the capabilities of doctoral candidates.

BU was part of a successful £15.3m bid which now enables colleagues to bid for prestigious ESRC-funded doctoral studentships.

We have partnered with the University of Bristol, University of Bath, Bath Spa University, University of Exeter, University of Plymouth, University of St Mark and St John (Marjon), and University of the West of England as part of the South West Doctoral Training Partnership (SWDTP).

Students sat chatting outside the Doctoral College

The partnership will cover the breadth of social sciences, as well as areas of interdisciplinary research. The ESRC awards cover five years of PhD studentships, with the first intake beginning in October 2024. The ESRC aims to support 500 students a year nationwide across the partnerships.

The DTPs will also develop tailored training programmes for students and staff and support a wide variety of collaborative activities, including events and placement opportunities. 

Professor Mike Silk, Institutional Lead for BU and a member of the SWDTP Management Board, said: “This is a prestigious award which will fund over 170 studentships across the consortium of SWDTP partners and provides us with an exciting opportunity to further elevate our postgraduate provision in both disciplinary and interdisciplinary pathways aligned with the ESRC.

“It allows BU staff and students to benefit from the leadership and research knowledge across all eight institutions and for BU to enhance and extend its research environment, promote and support excellent, innovative, diverse and interdisciplinary research, and foster transferable research skills and the career development of our postgraduate researchers.”

He added that the partnership will also bring additional benefits, with all registered postgraduate research students at BU now having access to opportunities for additional training across partner institutions, sharing best practice, resources and academic knowledge, placements, and funding for staff projects and events.

Fiona Knight, Head of The Doctoral College at BU, said: “The Doctoral College is excited to be collaborating with our partners in the SWDTP and the opportunity to share best practice, resources and academic knowledge.

“This partnership will strengthen our support for all of our social science postgraduate researchers and enable access to a network of social scientists across the DTP.”

The funding means that BU will now be able to bid for ESRC-funded doctoral studentships across several areas of excellence that align to the ESRC’s funding priorities – including Health, Wellbeing, and Society; Psychology; and Climate change, Sustainability, and Society.

Stian Westlake, ESRC Executive Chair, said: “Our vision for postgraduate training is that it will develop globally competitive social science researchers who can operate in interdisciplinary, collaborative, and challenge-led environments across a range of sectors and who have a diversity of backgrounds and experiences.

“This redesigned and expanded doctoral training opportunity will enhance the experience for PhD students and boost the UK’s capability.”

Find out more about BU studentships and opportunities through the SWDTP

Visit the South West Doctoral Training Partnership website

Now Booking! Supervisory Development Lunchbite Sessions 2023/2024

The Doctoral College are delighted to launch the Supervisory Development Lunchbite Sessions for 2023/2024. More sessions will be added soon.

These one hour sessions are aimed at all academic staff who are new to, or experienced at, supervising research degree students and are interested in expanding their knowledge of a specific aspect or process in doctoral supervision. Session details and to book your place are available using the link below.

Each session will be led by a senior academic or service representative who will introduce and facilitate the topic. Staff will benefit from discussions aimed at sharing best practice.

Booking is via Eventbrite for Doctoral College sessions. Sessions also include UKCGE events. Bournemouth University is a member of UKCGE and the events listed are free to BU staff.

Please use your BU email address when booking.

Click here for further details and to book your place. For enquiries, please email

Event Date Time Location
Administrative Milestones to Support On-Time Completion 15 November 2023  



Online (UKCGE)

Administrative Checks for Examiners of Vivas: Right to Work Checks & Challenges  

22 November 2023




Online (UKCGE)

Chairing Viva Voces: What’s my Role? 22 November 2023 12:00 – 13:00 Online
What is the impact of Doctoral Research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 6 December 2023 13:00-14:00 Online (UKCGE)
Milestone Panel Member: What’s my Role? 6 December 2023 12:00 – 13:00 Online
Wellbeing Support for PGRs at BU 30 January 2024 12:00 – 13:00 Online
Managing Difficult Students 6 February 2024 12:00 – 13:00 Online
Supporting International PGRs: Key Factors 14 February 2024 12:00 – 13:00 Online
UKCGE Recognised Research Supervisor Scheme 15 February 2024 12:00 – 13:00 Online
Supporting PGRs Requiring ALS 21 February 2024 12:00 – 13:00 Online
A Practice Led Thesis: The Supervisors Guide 19 March 2024 12:00 – 13:00 Online
AI and the Research Degree 20 March 2024 12:00 – 13:00 Online