Category / Knowledge Exchange

Creative Industries Business Briefing – April


Creative Industries Business Briefing

A digest of useful information for creative industries businesses updated every month. The briefing highlights UK and European funding, support, events and training. Compiled by the KTN in partnership with Innovate UK, Catapults, Tech City, Nesta and Horizon2020.

April 2015 now available.

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Surgery – tomorrow!

This is a reminder that Neil Grice, Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) Adviser from Innovate UK will be hosting a KTP Surgery for any academics who have any KTP queries or would like some help and guidance.

The Surgery will feature several 20 minute time slots which are to be booked in advance from 09.30-11.30 on Tuesday 14th April.

If you would like to book a 20 minute slot or would like to find out more about KTP, please contact Rachel Clarke Knowledge Exchange Adviser (KTP) on 61347 or email

SBRI competition open for registration – Long term care revolution

The long-term care revolution national challenge, an SBRI competition run by Innovate UK, is now open for registration. 

The aim of this competition to stimulate the development of innovative new products, services and systems that disrupt the current long-term care model, have a clear and viable route to market as well as the potential to be commercialised at scale. 

More information on this funding opportunity.

Applications from consortia that include companies outside the long-term care sector  are encourage to apply bringing  fresh and innovative ideas to the challenges of this competition.

Competition Briefing event, 14 April 2015.

This event is an excellent opportunity  receive first hand information about the competition – its scope, application process, key dates etc. as well as meet and network with peers, potential partners, market leaders & innovators in the industry

More information on the briefing event.

For queries about this competition, please contact

KTP Surgery – Next week!

Do you have a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) query?  Or perhaps need some advice on how to start off a KTP discussion with a business?  Neil Grice, our local KTP Adviser from Innovate UK will be on Talbot Campus from 9.30am – 11.30am on Tuesday 14th April for a series of one-to-ones with academics who would like dedicated KTP support.

To book one of these 20 minute slots, please contact Rachel Clarke, KE Adviser (KTP) on 61347 or email

Click here to find out more about KTP.

Biotechnology YES 2015 is open for applications

 Biotechnology YES, now in its 20th year, is an innovative competition developed to raise awareness of the commercialisation of ideas among early career researchers. The competition is funded by sponsorship and aims to encourage an entrepreneurial culture in the UK postgraduate and postdoctoral base for the benefit of the UK bioeconomy.

 6 workshops are being held across the UK in the autumn and three of these are to be hosted by industry:

  • Plant, microbial and environment workshop hosted for the fifth year by Syngenta at Jealott’s Hill
  • Biomedical YES workshop again hosted by GSK and the Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst
  • Food, Nutrition and Wellbeing workshop hosted for the first time by Unilever at Colworth

The Royal Society of Chemistry is once again sponsoring teams to compete in Chemistry YES to be run in conjunction with the Biotechnology YES workshops.

 Environment YES, now in its 10th year, will once again be run alongside Biotechnology YES.

This competition is open to all bioscience early career researchers not just those funded by BBSRC.

For further information and how to apply please visit:   


Creative Business Development Briefing for April 2015 is out now!


The April edition of our monthly business briefing for the UK’s creative industries is now live! This is a monthly publication that provides a digest of useful information about funding, financing, support and events to assist creative entrepreneurs with their innovation and growth agendas. This month’s edition offers edited highlights of a number of public funding programmes from leading organisations supporting our sector including: Innovate UK, Nesta, British Film Institute, Creative England, Creative Scotland, Horizon 2020 & more.

 Creative Business Development Briefing – April 2015

CLiMB Research Update

CLiMB Research Update

CLiMB is based within The National Centre of Post-Qualifying Social Work at Bournemouth University and operates an independent and expert research team who are able to provide bespoke and tailored programmes of evaluation to meet local and unique requirements.

We provide skilled expertise, ensuring that ethical considerations are discharged correctly; that the tools used will appropriately measure what they need to measure; and that the data analysis, interpretation and presentation is suitable and will withstand scrutiny.

Evaluating impact of any leadership development is integral to the concept of a learning culture, continuously improving the potential of all individuals to make a positive difference in the quality of their interventions with others. Too much leadership development has been about input rather than assessing the impact and learning that takes place. Our approach is about supporting the workforce to adapt and improve their services through sound leadership development.

We evaluate the impact of what we do in the workplace, and this provides evidence for commissioners and purchasers of the value of our contribution to achieving positive change. Our main point of differentiation from other universities and development providers is the way we design, deliver and assess our work drawing on our deep knowledge of ‘what works’. It is not a surprise that our knowledge, experience and excellence in this area has resulted in CLiMB being the first port of call for many organisations’ development and research needs.

Some of our most recent research includes:

The Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care

NIHRWe have been commissioned by CLAHRC (The Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care, part of the National Institute for Health Research) to provide our expertise and support their project team in the East of England. We are assisting in the design and implementation of a fully triangulated impact evaluation of the two GP Mental Health Leadership programmes over the East of England and the Southern Region. Working with our experience and knowledge of the Leadership Framework, we have been able to provide step-by-step consultancy and support to both guide and facilitate the process.

Centre of Workforce Intelligence

CWFI We have been commissioned by the Centre of Workforce Intelligence funded by the Department of Health, to model the future demand of the health and social care workforce over the next 30 years. Professor Keith Brown and Emily Rosenorn-Lanng were invited to participate in the Elicitation workshop facilitated by DoH with a host of Social Care Workforce leaders and specialists to look at the current and future impacts on the workforce and what this may be more care planning in the future. Emily in particular sourced and analysed the national data for the level of demand and availability of the current workforce.

London Borough of Enfield

EnfieldWe were commissioned by the London Borough of Enfield to evaluate their Making Safeguarding Personal Strategy in order for them to apply for Gold Standard status from the Local Government Association. Dr Gary Barrett and Sarah Wincewicz were invited to spend time with the teams at Enfield to explore safeguarding practice. As part of this work we are collaborating with Enfield and other local authorities to create a Safeguarding App, which will allow practitioners to access the most current safeguarding information on a mobile device.

£7m funding competition open for registration


Wave Energy Scotland (WES) is launching four new SBRI funding competitions with up to £7m funding available.

The aim of this funding competition is the development of new innovative energy conversion solutions that are applicable to the wave energy sector. More information on this funding opportunity.

Competition Briefing event, 31 March 2015.

This event is an excellent opportunity for you to receive first hand information about the competition – its scope, application process, key dates etc. More information on the briefing event.

£4m collaborative R&D funding now open ! – Protecting data in industry

£4m collaborative R&D funding now open ! – 23 March 2015

Innovate UK is to invest up to £4 million in collaborative research and development (R&D) projects that tackle the growing risks of disruption to internet-enabled businesses and their digital supply. More information on this competition.

Competition Briefing Events – 25 March onwards at several locations

The event is an excellent opportunity for you to receive first hand information about the competition – its scope, application process, key dates etc. as well as meet and network with peers, potential partners, market leaders & innovators in the industry. More information & event registration page.

For queries about this competition, please contact

The Impact Awards for Knowledge Exchange and Commercialisation (KEC) Professionals

The Impact Awards from RCUK and PraxisUnico reward and recognise knowledge exchange, technology transfer and commercialisation professionals who have excelled in enabling and facilitating the achievement of impact from the outcomes of research.

PraxisUnico and the Research Councils are working together to facilitate the sharing of best practice, and to acknowledge and celebrate the work that Knowledge Exchange and Commercialisation (KEC) professionals do in enabling impact from UK research organisations.

The Impact Awards from RCUK and PraxisUnico reward and recognise knowledge exchange, technology transfer and commercialisation professionals who have excelled in enabling and facilitating the achievement of impact from the outcomes of research.

PraxisUnico and the Research Councils are working together to facilitate the sharing of best practice, and to acknowledge and celebrate the work that Knowledge Exchange and Commercialisation (KEC) professionals do in enabling impact from UK research organisations.

The Impact Awards for KEC Professionals:

  • Recognises the important contribution made by KEC professionals working with researchers in turning excellent research into impact
  • Enables the sharing of best practice in KEC amongst the varied community served by the Research Councils and PraxisUnico
  • Stimulates innovative approaches to KEC activities in UK research organisations and beyond

The competition replaces the PraxisUnico Impact Awards and the BBSRC Activating Impact competition.


£4m funding for ‘Protecting data in Industry’


£4m collaborative R&D funding opening soon – 23 March 2015

Innovate UK is to invest up to £4 million in collaborative research and development (R&D) projects that tackle the growing risks of disruption to internet-enabled businesses and their digital supply. More information on this competition.

Competition Briefing Events – 25 March onwards at several locations

The event is an excellent opportunity for you to receive first hand information about the competition – its scope, application process, key dates etc. as well as meet and network with peers, potential partners, market leaders & innovators in the industry. More information & event registration page.

For queries about this competition, please contact