Category / PG research

This part of the blog features news and information for postgraduate research students and supervisors

The Graduate School invites all PGR Students at BU to our PGR FILM NIGHT!

 It is the first of this year’s film nights which will be held regularly as part of the Graduates School’s social events calendar for Postgraduate Research students.

On WEDNESDAY 30 JANUARY at 6pm the 1998 comedy hit ‘Rushmore’ will be screened in KG03.


For more details about the film please visit

NUMBERS ARE RESTRICTED so if you’d like to come along please email by midnight on Thursday 25 January

We hope to see you there!

PGR Development Scheme – Round 2 Applications for Funding now open

The Graduate School is pleased to announce that applications are now invited for Round 2 of the competition.

PGRs eligible to apply must submit an application form (below) to the Graduate School by 28 February 2013.

The funding is available for activities taking place between March 2013 and July 2013 (and exceptionally up to and including September 2013).

PGRs awarded funding under Round 1 will not be eligible to apply for further funding in Round 2.

The PGR Development Scheme is open to BU postgraduate researchers (PGRs) irrespective of the mode of study (full-time/part-time) or funding status (BU studentships/externally funded/self-funded).

Individual awards will provide financial support of normally up to £2,000 (and exceptionally £5,000) for research activities related to an individual PGR’s research project or personal development.

Examples of research activities covered by the Scheme include:

  • Research Activities
    • Conference attendance
    • Additional fieldwork
    • Other activities required to advance research e.g. visiting major libraries, museums, other research institutions (UK, EU or International)
    • Preparation of specialist material or data
    • In exceptional circumstances, research consumables and equipment (providing it is clear these would not normally be purchased by the School as part of the research degree)
  • Developmental Activities
    • Research development e.g. attending external training events specific to research activity
    • Personal development e.g. attending external personal development training events
  • Networking
    • Organisation of an academic conference at BU with external participants
    • Attendance at external networking events leading to advance of the research
    • Publications or dissemination of research

You should also map the proposed activity onto the relevant sub-domains of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF):

Knowledge & Intellectual Abilities A1 – Knowledge base A2 – Cognitive abilities A3 – Creativity
Personal Effectiveness B1 – Personal qualities B2 – Self-management B3 – Professional & career development
Research Governance C1 – Professional conduct C2 – Research management C3 – Finance, funding & resources
Engagement, Influence & Impact D1 – Working with others D2 – Communication & dissemination D3 – Engagement & impact

Awards will only cover direct costs including travel, subsistence, training or development costs and all applications will need to include a precise breakdown of costs.  Applications should be supported by the Supervisory Team and the relevant Deputy Dean (Research & Enterprise) of the relevant Academic School.

PGRs wishing to apply must submit a completed GS PGR Development Fund Scheme – Application Form to the Graduate School ( by Thursday 28th February 2013.

Applications to the Scheme will be reviewed independently and all decisions on funding will be made by the Graduate School.

For further information please read the GS Researcher Scholarships Scheme – Policy (2)

PGR Development Programme – New arrangements for the Library Workshops on 16th January 2013

Due to high demand, we need to change the venue and time for both library sessions on Wednesday 16th January 2013.  The new arrangements are as follows:

Time: 9 am – 10.15 am:
Finding information and Using Researcher Tools
Outline: The session will include an introduction to advanced searching skills, using citations smartly and analytical tools
Facilitator: Chris Wentzell

Time: 10.30 am – 12 noon
Managing your citations using Endnote and Endnote Web (Repeat workshop)
Outline: The session will include an introduction to Endnote and Endnote Web, exporting from databases, Cite While You Write tool
Facilitator: Emma Crowley

Venue: S102 – Studland House, Lansdowne Campus

 If you haven’t reserved a place and would like to come along please email

Developing a working paper at BU

I would like to make you aware of an exciting development at BU.

A multi-disciplinary group of BU academics has been meeting over the last 6 months in order to design a online journal that is capable of acting as a central focus for the dissemination of the high quality research and scholarly outputs from UG and PG dissertations, post graduate researchers, early career researchers and established academic staff. The group has designed a developmental working paper online journal that will support ‘would be’ authors and their potential publications. Although particular emphasis has been given to maximising high quality outputs of UG and PG students and early career academics, this online journal will be capable of supporting the potential of all those engaged in research and scholarship at BU.

Below are a series of Q & As:


What’s the name of the working paper?

The provisional title is eBU: Working Papers Online


How is the working paper structured?

The working paper will not be limited to any one discipline or allied to any one particular methodology, but will aim to publish articles driven by the key BU Research Themes: (Creative and Digital Economies, Culture and Society, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth, Environmental Change and Biodiversity, Green Economy and Sustainability, Health, Wellbeing and Ageing, Leisure and Recreation, Technology and Design). Apart from the build-up to launch, the working paper will have no deadlines or specific calls for papers. Instead, the working paper will work on a rolling submission process.

A set of author guidelines and details about formats are currently being considered and written. However, the guidelines are likely to accommodate a wide range of formats.


What are the submission processes for staff and students?

It is envisaged that staff will act as gatekeepers and encourage undergraduate and master’s students to submit high quality work into a format this is publishable. Post-graduate researchers and academic members of staff will be able to submit papers on their own accord.

After a short review from the editorial board, two designated BU academics will provide an initial quality check. The paper will then be uploaded to the internal intranet working paper site. This will allow any member of staff or student to read and offer feedback. However, within a few weeks the two designed reviewers will then provide a more comprehensive and detailed critical review. All reviews will take place in a safe, secure and INTERNAL environment. After a detailed review, students will then be encouraged to make any recommended changes and submit to external publication/or make their work available to be published on external working paper website.

This working paper is set to go live in March.


Further information

If anyone is interested in becoming involved in helping to create this online journal, and/or at an editorial level please get in touch with Andrew Harding (, Andrew Adams ( or Fiona Knight (


Reminder – Santander Travel Grants – Deadline for applications: Monday 14 January 2013

The Graduate School and the Development Office are pleased to announce the launch of a number of Santander Grants.

BU works closely with Santander, who are committed to supporting higher education and as such, are offering 25 x £1,000 grants for BU Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs).  These grants are specifically designed to allow PGRs to travel to at least one university from either the UK Santander Universities Network or to one of the Overseas Santander Partner Universities, to undertake a specific piece of work and build or develop links with international Researchers.

Successful applicants will be expected to participate in general PR activities about their research. This may involve attending events and promoting the benefits of the funding.  *Unsuccessful submissions from the last round of the Santander Scholarship funding (run by the Research & Knowledge Exchange Office (RKEO)) cannot be resubmitted to this round. Previous unsuccessful applicants can submit new projects/ideas to this round.

For further information, please read the GS Santander Travel Grants – Policy

To apply, please complete the GS Santander Travel Grants – Application Form and submit it by email to the Graduate School (email: by 5 pm, Monday 14 January 2013.

HSC Student receives Graduate Scholar Award at University of Berkeley Conference.


Sheetal Sharma, HSC presented at the Science in Society conference (SiS) at Berkeley University in November 2012 where she received a Graduate Scholar Award

As a PhD student presenting it’s an opportunity to practice for the inevitable viva and a chance to reflect on your work, as there’s always a question you do not expect. For instance, I had a few questions on cultural aspects of my PhD mixed-methods evaluation. That helped me prepare for my transfer viva, where I was asked on the cultural context of the health promotion intervention, specifically in a country context, run by Green Tara Nepal: The plenary was the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues on ethics and morality of science.

Conferences can be competitive, in the sense, you need to be accepted. Secondly you also can compete for a ‘free space’ and in this instance you were able to compete to be a chair. At SiS, graduate students were invited to, through a very formal application process, to be chair of session. Although it means you won’t attend certain talks, the trade-off is worth is as one is forced to think of questions or how to manage, and be critical and aware of several issues of research.

Being ‘forced’ to be critical led to my planning more what aspects I want to present to the audience. This conference was concerned with the science of health, its epistemology and helped me think of how to discuss the development of theory. As in a PhD viva one might need to answer ‘new knowledge to the field’ how the theory or models proposed are better than competing theories.

I was also lucky to visit Howard University, where I spend time researching cultural ‘appropriateness’ of health programmes, specifically should postnatal care be done again at 40 days. For my PhD evaluation of the Green Tara Nepal that the cultural sensitive aspect led to its increase in health services uptake. I encourage those interested to visit their work as they are ranked school in the top 20% of social work programmes. The World Bank and USAID frequently have invitations to talks, the ones I attended highlighted the focus of women in development, what role programmes can play to develop rural areas; as it is women in Nepal who ‘stay’ in the villages to farm and care for the family as men migrate abroad or to the capital city Kathmandu.

This experience helped me begin the reflection of what my evaluation means, whether in a policy context or the epistemological context; on my return I spoke to my supervisory team. Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen, Prof. Vanora Hundley, Dr. Catherine Angell and my external supervisor Dr. Padam Simkhada (University of Sheffield) who encouraged me to on this basis strengthen my writing for my discussion on what the research done has meant.


British Library’s Doctoral Open Days

Some free events are being held by the Bristish Library for the chance to discover their unique research materials. From newspapers to maps, datasets to manuscripts, ships’ logs to websites, their collections cover every format and language and span the last 3,000 years. The events are aimed at first year PhD students who are new to the Library. At the events you will learn about their collections, find out how to access them and meet the the Library’s expert staff and other researchers in your field.

Event dates:

18 January History

25 January History 2

1 February Social Sciences

11 February Social Sciences 2

18 February Media, Cultural Studies & Journalism

22 February Art & Design

 The main focus of these events is towards the arts, humanities and social sciences, however, science students can of course apply for a free Reader Pass – useful if you’re already planning a research trip to London. 

To find out more please visit their website.


Notice to All Academic Staff: 2013 PhD Studentship Competition – Deadline for submission:10th December 2012

Studentship proposal forms are currently been invited for the 2013 BU PhD Studentship Competition for projects starting in Sept/Oct 2013, as part of the Fusion Investment Fund.

There will be 50 studentships available across two parallel strands:

(1)   Matched Funded projects

(2)   Fully Funded.

All proposals should match clearly to one of the eight BU Research Themes

Staff are asked to check the eligibility criteria carefully before applying

Strand 1 – Matched Funded Studentships

  • A total of 45 matched funded studentships are available.
  • Matched-funding – The stipend for 2013/14 is going to be £14,000 but this is likely to increase in line with the Research Council stipends over the course of the studentship.  As such, the external funder would need to provide a minimum of 50% of the costs, for example:
    • 3 x £7.5K = £22.5K towards the stipend
    • 1 x £1.5K = £1.5K research costs (@ £3K over 3 years – or £2.5K where research costs are likely to be up to £5K)
    • Total = £24K over 36 months
  •  Any additional contribution from the matched funder helps to offset the cost of the school.
  • Matched Funders may come from:
    • Industry/business partners,
    • Government and non-government organisations,
    • Other academic institutions
    • NHS,
    • Research Councils, or
    • Other external bodies. 
  • Priority may be given to applications that involve supervisors from two or more Schools and/or those from early career researchers.
  • Applicants are encouraged to discuss potential applications to this funding strand with Deputy Dean for Research or equivalent within their School.

Strand 2 – Fully-Funded Studentships

  • A total of 5 fully funded studentships are available.
  • These are exceptional awards for highly original, timely and non-applied or “blue-sky” research projects where there is no potential for match funding.  Priority will be given to those areas where there is a clear strategic driver for a particular REF Unit of Assessment and/or the applicant can demonstrate an immense societal impact.
  • Applicants are encouraged to discuss potential applications to this funding strand with Professor Matthew Bennett or Professor Tiantian Zhang in advance.

The studentships will be awarded to supervisory teams on the basis of a competitive process across the whole of BU led by Professor Matthew Bennett (PVC) and managed by the Graduate School.  Applications will be reviewed internally and assessed with awards made by a cross University Panel. In selecting proposals for funding emphasis will be placed on the excellence of the research and quality of proposal.  Strategic fit with one of the relevant UoA and potential for societal impact are key criteria.

Only the best projects in each strand will be funded and proceed to advert.  Full details and criteria are set out in the policy document BU Studentship Competition 2013 Policy 

Applications on the Studentship Proposal form which can be downloaded here: Studentship Project Proposal 2013 should be submitted to the Dr Fiona Knight (Graduate School Academic Manager) via email to  no later than 5pm on 10th December 2012.  Decisions will be made in early January 2013.

All general enquiries can be addressed to Dr Fiona Knight (Graduate School Academic Manager) via email to

Santander PGR Grants – Apply Now!

The Graduate School and the Development Office are pleased to announce the launch of a number of Santander Grants.

BU works closely with Santander, who are committed to supporting higher education and as such, are offering 25 x £1,000 grants for BU Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs).  These grants are specifically designed to allow PGRs to travel to at least one university from either the UK Santander Universities Network or to one of the Overseas Santander Partner Universities, to undertake a specific piece of work and build or develop links with international Researchers.

Successful applicants will be expected to participate in general PR activities about their research. This may involve attending events and promoting the benefits of the funding.  *Unsuccessful submissions from the last round of the Santander Scholarship funding (run by the Research & Knowledge Exchange Office (RKEO)) cannot be resubmitted to this round. Previous unsuccessful applicants can submit new projects/ideas to this round.

For further information, please read the GS Santander Travel Grants – Policy

To apply, please complete the GS Santander Travel Grants – Application Form and submit it by email to the Graduate School (email: by 5 pm, Monday 14 January 2013.


PGR Development Scheme – Round 2 Applications for Funding now open!

The Graduate School is pleased to announce that applications are now invited for Round 2 of the competition.

PGRs eligible to apply must submit an application form (below)  to the Graduate School by:

  • 28 February 2013 – for activity taking place between March 2013 and July 2013 (and exceptionally up to and including September 2013)

PGRs awarded funding under Round 1 will not be eligible to apply for further funding in Round 2.

The PGR Development Scheme is open to BU postgraduate researchers (PGRs) irrespective of the mode of study (full-time/part-time) or funding status (BU studentships/externally funded/self funded).

Individual awards will provide financial support of normally up to £2,000 (and exceptionally £5,000) for research activities related to an individual PGR’s research project or personal development.  It is envisaged that this year approximately 15 awards will be made.

Examples of research activities covered by the Scheme include:

  • Research Activities
    • Conference attendance
    • Additional fieldwork
    • Other activities required to advance research e.g. visiting major libraries, museums, other research institutions (UK, EU or International)
    • Preparation of specialist material or data
    • In exceptional circumstances, research consumables and equipment (providing it is clear these would not normally be purchased by the School as part of the research degree)
  • Developmental Activities
    • Research development e.g. attending external training events specific to research activity
    • Personal development e.g. attending external personal development training events
  • Networking
    • Organisation of an academic conference at BU with external participants
    • Attendance at external networking events leading to advance of the research
    • Publications or dissemination of research

You should also map the proposed activity onto the relevant sub-domains of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF):

Knowledge & Intellectual Abilities A1 – Knowledge base A2 – Cognitive abilities A3 – Creativity
Personal Effectiveness B1 – Personal qualities B2 – Self-management B3 – Professional & career development
Research Governance C1 – Professional conduct C2 – Research management C3 – Finance, funding & resources
Engagement, Influence & Impact D1 – Working with others D2 – Communication & dissemination D3 – Engagement & impact

 Awards will only cover direct costs including travel, subsistence, training or development costs and all applications will need to include a precise breakdown of costs.  Applications should be supported by the Supervisory Team and the relevant Deputy Dean (Research & Enterprise) of the relevant Academic School.

PGRs wishing to apply must submit a completed GS PGR Development Fund Scheme – Application Form to the Graduate School ( by Thursday 28th February 2013

Applications to the Scheme will be reviewed independently and all decisions on funding will be made by the Graduate School.

For further information please read the GS Researcher Scholarships Scheme – Policy (2)

New workshops for March – PGR Development Framework Programme

I’m pleased to announce new workshops for March 2013.  All bookings should be made via

An introduction to applying for research funding
Outline: This workshop serves as an introductory guide to students who are approaching the end of their studies and are entering an academic career where obtaining research funding will be a key skill.
Date: Wednesday 6 March 2013
Time: 09:30 – 11:30
Room: PG22 – Poole House – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Julia Taylor

Preparing for your First Review (REPEAT workshop)
Outline: The aim of the workshop is to familiarise students with the purpose and role of their first review with insights from a current PGR and School Research Administrator
Date: Wednesday 6 March 2013
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Room: PG22, Poole House – Talbot Campus
Facilitators: Graduate School

Manage, Influence and Motivate – PLACES ARE LIMITED FOR THIS WORKSHOP
Outline: This workshop will outline the principles of behavioural communication styles. Behavioural traits influence how we communicate, how we behave, what motivates us and what makes us turn on our heels and go home!  We will explore basic components of communication including listening skills and the power of body language.  These principles will support teambuilding and facilitate skills for developing and motivating staff appropriately.
Date: Wednesday 13 March 2013
Time: 09:30 – 16:30
Room: PG22 – Poole House – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Margaret Collins
Numbers are restricted, so book early to avoid disappointment

Outline: This workshop will allow you to understand the nature and sources of your stress.  You will gain the skills to deal with your stress symptoms and with stressful situations.
Date: Thursday 14 March 2013
Time: 09:30 – 16:30
Room: EB704, Executive Business Centre – Lansdowne Campus
Facilitator: Margaret Collins
Numbers are restricted, so book early to avoid disappointment

Introduction to the Bournemouth Research Information and Network (BRIAN)
(REPEAT workshop)
Outline: This workshop aims to provide you with an overview of BRIAN, BU’s publication management system, and show how BRIAN enables your external profile page, which allows you to promote yourself for potential research collaborations, research grants and enterprise opportunities; and how to search BRIAN to see who within BU is carrying out the research that you’re interested in.
Date: Wednesday 27 March 2013
Time: 09:30 – 12:30
Room: S102, Studland House – Lansdowne Campus
Facilitator: Jo Garrad

Public Engagement (REPEAT workshop)
Outline: The workshop will look at What Public Engagement is; Why does it matter?; How to do it; Engagement in practice; Internal support for creating a supportive environment for engagement.
Date: Wednesday 27 March 2012
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Room: PG22, Poole House – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Dr Rebecca Edwards

PGR Workshops for February – PGR Development Framework Programme

I’m pleased to announce new workshops for February 2013.  All bookings should be made via

Action Research
Outline: The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of Action Research and its origins.  You will look at the introduction to the concept of “communicative spaces” and discuss the use of Action Research for a dissertation
Date: Wednesday 6 February 2013
Time: 09:30 – 11:30
Room: PG22 – Poole House – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Ann Bevan

Preparing for your Viva
Outline: The aim of the workshop is to familiarise students with the purpose and the format of the oral examination of their thesis. The workshop will familiarise participants with the role of the internal and external examiner and the judgements they will be making in the course of the viva. The session will also include input from the subject Librarians on copyright procedures
Date: Wednesday 13 February 2013
Time: 09:30 – 11:30
Room: PG22 – Poole House – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Heather Hartwell

Introduction to Focus Groups
Outline: The session will briefly outline the origin of Focus Group Research, its underlying philosophy, and its place among qualitative methods.  The session will also address some more practical issues and the strengths and weaknesses of this particular qualitative method. 
Date: Wednesday 20 February 2013
Time: 09:30 – 11:30
Room: PG22 – Poole House – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Professor Edwin van Teiljelen

Practice- Led Research
Outline: This workshop will provide an overview of what makes practice-led research different from other academic research, looking at some case studies.  This will be followed by a discussion around the issues and rewarding events that participants have encountered as practice-led researchers.
Date: Wednesday 20 February 2013
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Room: PG22 – Poole House – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Neal White and Stephen Bell

Presentation Skills – THIS COURSE IS NOW FULL
Outline: This workshop will outline the principles of confident speaking whether for meetings, seminars or research conferences.  You will deliver a short presentation and receive coaching and feedback within the supportive workshop environment
Date: Wednesday 27 February 2013
Time: 09:30 – 16:30
Room: PG22 – Poole House – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Margaret Collins
Numbers are restricted, so book early to avoid disappointment

Outline: This workshop will outline the principles of confident speaking whether for meetings, seminars or research conferences.  You will deliver a short presentation and receive coaching and feedback within the supportive workshop environment
Date: Thursday 28 February 2013
Time: 09:30 – 16:30
Room: EB704, Executive Business Centre – Lansdowne Campus
Facilitator: Margaret Collins
Numbers are restricted, so book early to avoid disappointment




NEW workshops for January 2013 – PGR Development Framework Programme

I’m pleased to announce new workshops for January 2013.  All bookings should be made via

PGR induction (Repeat workshop)
Outline: Introduction to BU’s academic and professional support for your research degree.  The session will also include an introduction to the Research Development Framework and how to map your personal development
Date: Wednesday 9 January 2013
Time: 10:00 – 13:00
Room: PG22 – Poole House – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Graduate School

NVivo Training – please note change of date
Outline: The morning session will provide an introduction to Nvivo  – why use a computer for qualitative analysis?  The afternoon will look at building your database and coding your data
Date: Thursday 24 January 2013
Time: 09:00 – 17:00
Room: S102 – Studland House – Lansdowne Campus
Facilitator: Ben Meehan – External Consultant from QDATRAINING PLC

Finding information and Using Researcher Tools (Repeat workshop)Outline: The session will include an introduction to advanced searching skills, using citations smartly and analytical tools
Date: Wednesday 16 January 2013
Time: 10:00 – 12:00
Room: DLG31 – The Sir Michael Cobham Library – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Emma Crowley

Managing your citations using Endnote and Endnote Web (Repeat workshop)
Outline: The session will include an introduction to Endnote and Endnote Web, exporting from databases, Cite While You Write tool
Date: Wednesday 16 January 2013
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Room: DLG31 – The Sir Michael Cobham Library – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Emma Crowley

Writing for Marketing
Outline: The aim of the workshop is to learn how to write for marketing purposes – useful for public engagement activities
Date: Wednesday 23 January 2013
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Room: S102 – Studland House – Lansdowne Campus
Facilitator: Mike O’Sullivan

Critical Thinking
Outline: The aim of the workshop is to give you the tools to make critical use of evidence from research to inform complex judgements and decisions
Date: Wednesday 30 January 2013
Time: 09:30 – 11:30
Room: PG22 – Poole House – Lansdowne Campus
Facilitator: Dr Jenny Moon

The Transfer Process
Outline: The aim of the workshop is to prepare students for the process of the transfer from MPhil/PhD to PhD. All students who register for a research degree have the choice to proceed in their studies towards an MPhil award or to transfer onto a doctoral route that leads to a PhD.
Date: Wednesday 30 January 2013
Time: 13:00 – 15:00
Room: PG22 – Poole House – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Professor Anthea Innes


New wave of PhD students in the Psychology Research Centre

The postgraduate research community in Psychology has been growing over recent years in line with our expansion of staff and undergraduate students. We now have 17 PhD students in the research centre as we recently welcomed seven new students. We are pleased that our new PhD students have all received either studentships or scholarships to fund their work. These new research projects represent the disciplines of the psychology of health, cognition, and education, and highlight the varied application of psychology to advance both science and issues encountered in everyday life. We are really pleased to have these students join us and add to the research going on in Psychology. We have listed the students and their research interests below in case other members of staff have interests in common. If you do, and would like to find out more, please do contact the students or their supervisors.



Student Supervisors Funding Title
Natalia Adamczewska Dr Samuel Nyman

Prof Jonathan Parker (HSC)

Prof Peter Coleman (University of Southampton)


BU Vice-Chancellor fee-waive scholarship Psychological adjustment to accidental falls.
Anna Bobak Dr Sarah Bate

Dr Ben Parris

BU fully-funded studentship Face facts: Why face processing skills should be improved in forensic and national security settings. 
Simon Ferneyhough Dr Jane Elsley

Dr Andy Johnson

BU fully-funded studentship How does our ability to integrate objects and events change as we age?  
Abbey Laishley  Dr Julie Kirkby

Prof Simon Liversedge



BU fully-funded studentship Quantifying the role of working memory in efficient classroom performance 
Jessica Miller Dr Jan Wiener

Prof Siné McDougall


BU Vice-Chancellor fee-waive scholarship & funding from Army of Angels PTSD and Navigation.
Sophie Nicholls Dr Sarah Bate

Dr Ben Parris

BU Vice-Chancellor fee-waive scholarship Effects of Stochastic Sub-sensory Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation on Speed and Accuracy of Face Recognition: An Application to National Security and Forensic Settings. 
Michele Salvagno A/Prof Jacqui Taylor

Dr Milena Bobeva (BS)

Dr Maggie Hutchings (HSC)

BU fully-funded studentship (online education) The Highs and Lows of Ubiquitous Mobile Connectivity: towards a model for pedagogical delivery that supports the well-being of learners 


PGR Development Framework Programme – Additional November workshop

Additional workshops for November:

Social Media Workshop:  Introduction to Twitter, Blogging and LinkedIn
This workshop will introduce you to the use of Social Media and answer questions such as “Why Twitter?” and how to use it to engage and grow audiences.  The workshop will include practical exercises such as setting up your profile.  The session will also include a look at LinkedIn and blogging
Date: Wednesday 28 November 2012
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Room: S102, Studland House – Lansdowne
Facilitator: Paul Hughes