Tagged / 12 days to Xmas

RKEO alternative 12 days ‘to’ Christmas – 11 REFs a piping

On the eleventh day to Christmas, my RKEO friend gave to me, 11 REFs a piping.

The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the exercise for assessing the volume and quality of research in UK HEIs. As with its predecessor (the RAE), the results of the REF are used by HEFCE to determine the annual quality-related research (QR) grant distributed from HEFCE to HEIs in England.

We have a dedicated REF2021 site on the blog, which will bring you all the latest news. You can also find here development sessions available for each of the UoAs that BU intends to submit to. Book your place now!

RKEO alternative 12 days ‘to’ Christmas – 10 funders funding

On the tenth day to Christmas, my RKEO friend gave to me, 10 funders funding.

I’m going to be lazy here and list seven that are all research councils, although you may see this as one as they all come under the banner of UKRI (with Innovate UK and Research England thrown in for good measure).

There are seven research councils who receive funding from the Government’s science budget. These are AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC, MRC, NERC and STFC. The research councils fund high quality research that has an impact on the growth, prosperity and wellbeing of the UK. Some projects may include international partners. Their focus tends to be on more theoretical rather than applied research. In addition to research project funding, money may also be available to hold seminar series and support training and career development of researchers.

You can find links to all seven, plus their funding opportunities, strategy, delivery plan, funding guidance, impact reports, and much more in the one place here.

You’re getting more than you bargained for here (takes the tally to 11) with the many charities that BU submits funding applications to. The four main ones are British Academy, Leverhulme Trust, Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society. Click here for more information on all of these.

And going back to the third day of Christmas, find out all you need to know about Horizon 2020 here.European Union - Horizon 2020


RKEO alternative 12 days ‘to’ Christmas – 8 Outputs a milking

On the eighth day to Christmas, my RKEO friend gave to me, 8 Outputs a milking (apologies that this sounds really odd).

The University recognises that research publications, as one of the main outputs of research, are a key asset. Click here to find out more about how RKEO can support you with your outputs. This includes the Writing Academy, Open Access, BRIAN, and much more.

RKEO alternative 12 days ‘to’ Christmas – 7 Development options to swim in

On the seventh day to Christmas, my RKEO friend gave to me, 7 development options to swim in.

Some of the verses aren’t quite flowing but you get the idea.

The RKEDF provides a whole host of opportunities for academic development. Here’s seven ways to find out what’s on offer for you:

RKEO alternative 12 days ‘to’ Christmas – 6 funding panels to join on

On the sixth day to Christmas, my RKEO friend gave to me, six funding panels to join on.

To help us further develop our research capacity in line with BU2025, a new Research Performance and Management Committee (RPMC) has been established to oversee research investment and performance. Under the auspices of the RPMC, funding panels are being established to have oversight of funding allocations, in order further to build the research environment, our external engagement and the quality and impact of research endeavours. Funding panels will demonstrably operate in an academically robust, fair and transparent manner.

We are now seeking expressions of interest (EoIs) from BU staff to be members of six funding panels. Please click here to find out which panels seek members and how to apply.

RKEO alternative 12 days ‘to’ Christmas – 5 Ethics gold rings

On the fifth day to Christmas, my RKEO friend gave to me, five ethics gold rings.

Bournemouth University (BU) is committed to promoting and upholding the highest quality academic and ethical standards in all its activities. All research undertaken by BU staff and students must have ethical approval. Please ensure you consult the Research Ethics Code of Practice and gain ethical approval before commencing research.

Find out more here, including how to apply for ethical approval, guidance on the ethics checklist, and much more.

RKEO alternative 12 days ‘to’ Christmas – 3 more months in the EU

On the third day to Christmas, my RKEO friend gave to me, 3 more months in the EU.

Or will it be? Who knows with Theresa May quoting The Jam with ‘the public gets what the public wants’ and the rest of her Cabinet quitting.

Assuming it’s all still going ahead, get your Horizon 2020 application in quickly.  Find out what’s on offer here. If you want advice on any of the H2020 calls, please contact Ainar Blaudums for more information. If you don’t know Ainar, see the second day of Christmas blog post to find out all about him.

RKEO alternative 12 days ‘to’ Christmas – 2 new FDT members

On the second day to Christmas, my RKEO friend gave to me, 2 new FDT members.

Welcome to Theresa McManus, Funding Development Coordinator, and Ainar, Research Facilitator – International.

Theresa provides support to the University-wide Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework, (RKEDF), which incorporates a suite of pathways providing developmental support to academics at every stage of their careers.

Theresa specifically provides support to the Research Facilitators, the Funding Development Manager, and the Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework Facilitator within RKEO.

Theresa enjoys being efficient, proactive and having a variety of different activities to work on. She is a sustainability champion, cycles to work and is a keen environmentalist and gardener.

Ainar works across all faculties Tuesday to Friday as a single point of contact for bids and proposals to international funders. Within the Funding Development Team, the aim of his work is to contribute towards the growth of EU and international research activity across the University. Ainar’s responsibilities include scanning strategic agendas of EU and international research funders, supporting principal investigators in strengthening their applications, ensuring the proposal meets the funder’s strategic aims and supporting the FD Officers with his expertise of EU and international funding.

For more than a decade, Ainar has been involved in both pre- and post-award activities related to EU and international funding. His strengths are extensive experience of working for government, academia and industry, collaborating internationally and across different disciplines.

Ainar enjoys travelling overseas, gardening and appreciates all the nice and simple things that life provides.

RKEO alternative 12 days ‘to’ Christmas – A proposal in a pear tree

Apologies that this is a brutalisation of the Christmas song, but we wanted to share with you 12 useful bits of information in the days leading up to the Christmas break (yeh, 12 working days to go!).  Here comes the first one!

On the first day to Christmas, my RKEO friend gave to me, a proposal in a pear tree.  Click here to see the BU application timeline – your guide to applying for external RKE funding. This also shows who can support you within RKEO and has useful links to the support on offer from the RKE Development Framework, and the all important intention to bid form.