I have summarised the draft FP7 Transport work programme and placed this on the I drive. As with the other work programmes, this is highly confidential and not to be circulated outside of BU. The final work programme will be released in July. I:\R&KEO\Public\RDU\Draft Work Programmes for 2012-13
Tagged / FP7
I have a top secret FP7 Security document – oh the irony!
Yep, I have summarised the draft FP7 Security Work Programme to save you having to read the mammoth work programme and try to find the info you need (and I am proud to say we are the only uni who does this!). I have placed the summary document on our I drive as it is highly confidential and absolutely not for dissemination outside of BU. You will find hyperlinks taking you to each of the themes, and the calls expected to be released within this. The final work programme will be released in July, so this gives you a great headstart. Find the Security and other draft work programmes at I:\R&KEO\Public\RDU\Draft Work Programmes for 2012-13
Sneak preview of the Energy FP7 Calls for Proposals
I have managed to obtain a draft of the EC FP7 Energy Work Programme. This is highly sensitive information and as the final document isn’t released until July, should give you a great head start to plan your proposal.
I’ve summarised the very dull document with easy to use hyperlinks to take you straight to areas you are interested in, and placed on the I drive along with our other summary FP7 documents. Please note that these are absolutely not to be circulated outside of BU – not even to your prospective partners! I:\R&KEO\Public\RDU\Draft Work Programmes for 2012-13
Likely calls to be released under Health, Environment and Science in Society FP7 themes
The Work Programmes are still being finalised and due for release in July, but I have obtained information about some of the likely calls that may come out.
I am excited that one of the areas I have info on is the new Science in Society theme. I also have updated information on the FP7 Health theme and also an update on the FP7 Environment theme which also has the anticipated date for the Information Day- the key opportunity to find partners and discover more about the calls for proposals.
This information is highly confidential and for this reason has been placed on our I drive. You can access this and info on the other likely calls in different thematic areas here: I:\R&KEO\Public\RDU\Draft Work Programmes for 2012-13 . The information is to be treated with caution as it is based on draft documentation and is for BU staff only; this is not for circulation.
Reading likely areas of funding in FP7 is critical as it gives you months of extra preparatory time and a fantastic head start on writing your proposal. If you are thinking of making a submission, send me an email and I can help you pull your application together.
Two fantastic training sessions for EU submissions in February at BU!
I’m delighted to announce that the brilliant Dr Martin Pickard of the company Grantcraft will be returning to Bournemouth in February. Martin has 25 years of winning EU funding and an excellent track record in helping academics write successful proposals.
EU Funding & Grant Writing:With FP7 drafts being released already, I’ve invited Martin to host a one day workshop on EU funding and grant writing, as it is very different from UK funders. I organised this session last year and the feedback we received from staff who attended was excellent“I must say it’s a great workshop, which provides us a number of important points we should pay attention to while drafting our proposals.”. This will take place in K103 (Kimmeridge House, Talbot Campus) on February 15th and all refreshments and lunch will be included. Attending this session will also enable you to access Martin’s excellent reviewing skills for your submission until September, which is fantastic.
Marie Curie Fellowships: These grants are absolutely the best way to kick start your EU career; they have a fantastic success rate for applications (40%) and you only need one other EU partner. You can either apply to have an academic come to the university from Europe or you can go to another European country as part of the fellowship scheme. BU has had success with Marie Curie grants before and Martin is an absolute expert in writing these types of grant. This session will be dedicated to selecting the right grant for you and how to write a fantastic proposal. This will take place in EB203(Exec Business Centre, Lansdowne Campus) on February 16th and all refreshments and lunch will be included. Attending this session will also enable you to access Martin’s excellent reviewing skills for your submission until the official deadline in September.
Booking for either day is compulsory as numbers are limited and each day will run 9:30-5 and will include lunch and refreshments. Please register for the event here stating which session you would like to attend (you may attend both if you wish), and stating any dietary requirements and any special arrangements you may require for attending.
Miss the FP7 Health Programme Infoday? Don’t worry, slides are available!
The Infoday was organised by the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) who manages the Health Programme on behalf of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO). Presentations made on the day include advice on administrative procedures and the technical contents of the Call which is open until 9 March 2012. A video and slides of presentations held at a recent Infoday on the 2012 Call for Proposals for the Health Programme (2008-2013) are available here.
New EU Energy Roadmap 2050 – essential to read for FP7 Energy submissions!
The European Commission has adopted the ‘Energy Roadmap 2050’ which is intended to be the basis for developing a long-term EU framework for energy. If you’re interested in applying for calls under the FP7 Energy theme, then you should familiarise yourself with the overarching principles to strengthen your application.
The Energy Roadmap 2050 sets out the challenges posed by delivering the EU’s decarbonisation objective, while at the same time ensuring security of energy supply and competitiveness, by analysing a set of scenarios to describe the consequences of a carbon free energy system and the resulting necessary policy framework. Key points from the Roadmap include:
- Decarbonisation of the energy system is technically and economically feasible
- Energy efficiency and renewable energy are critical
- Early investments cost less
- Contain the increase of prices
- Economies of scale are needed
If you’re thinking of applying for Energy FP7, read the Energy Roadmap 2050 Communication and FAQs on the Roadmap.
I’ve got a draft copy of the FP7 ICT Work Programme for you!
I’ve managed to obtain a draft version of the FP7 ICT Work Programme which features the calls for proposals to be released in 2012. This is just a draft and therefore subject to change but it gives you a great idea as to what the European Commission are looking to fund. The Work Programme is a tedious read so I’ve summarised the info on funding in there for you; the aim of the call etc. I have bookmarked the document so you can jump straight to the call that interests you from the front page.
As this document is highly confidential I have placed it on our I drive; it is strictly forbidden to circulate this outside of BU! I:\R&KEO\Public\RDU\Draft Work Programmes for 2012-13
There are also the drafts for Environment, Health and Food, Agriculture, Fisheries & Biotechnology in there too which I’ve blogged about previously.
The final official version of the Work Programmes aren’t released until July 2012 so this gives you a fantastic head start to preparing a submission.
I will summarise the other themes as soon as I get the drafts through so keep your eyes peeled on this blog for them!
Insight into FP7 Environment next round of funding & Info Day next month
We have managed to obtain information related to the FP7 Environment funding theme for 2013. This information indicates what areas may be funded, so gives you a real head start to make contacts and develop a cohort of researchers for a submission. This is highly sensitive information and not to be circulated outside of BU, which is why I have placed this info on the I drive: I:\R&KEO\Public\RDU\Draft Work Programmes for 2012-13
The UK National Contact Point (NCP) for the Intelligent Energy Europe is holding an information day on the 2012 call on 1st Feb in London. Places are limited and in order to ensure that as many key market actors (the Commission’s target audience for the IEE II Programme) as possible can attend the NCP will review the registration requests on January 20th prior to sending out confirmations the following week. You can register for the event here.
Interested in applying for FP7 ICT? this is a must-attend event!
The European Commission will hold an information day on FP7 Information Communication Technologies (ICT) Call 9, specifically focusing on the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) strand. This will take place on 18 January 2012 in Brussels. This is a critical opportunity to not only get top tips on your application, but is a key networking opportunity
The programme will include detailed sessions on the FET Call 9 objectives, providing up-to-date and first-hand information on the four FET initiatives in FP7 ICT Call 9. Sessions will also cover the contractual, legal and administrative aspects of the application process.
The following FET themes will be addressed:
- FP7-ICT-2011.9.9: Quantum ICT (QICT) including ERA-NET-Plus
- FP7-ICT-2011.9.10: Fundamentals of Collective Adaptive Systems (FOCAS)
- FP7-ICT-2011.9.11: Neuro-Bio-Inspired Systems (NBIS)
- Co-ordinating Communities, Identifying New Research topics for FET Proactive initiatives and fostering Networking of National and Regional Research Programmes.
The event will also include a brokerage session where participants will be invited to share their research ideas. It is being held in Brussels on January 18th
Participants must register in advance for this free event. Due to limited space and high demand it is strongly recommended that you register as soon as possible.
New Belgian Marie Curie Fellowships available
The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) has launched the first call for its new funding programme for postdoctoral researchers: PEGASUS Marie Curie Fellowships. These fellowships are co-funded by the FP7 Marie Curie Programme. The goals of PEGASUS are:
- to attract excellent postdoctoral researchers to Flanders in order to contribute to the advancement of Flemish science
- to provide the selected fellows with optimal conditions to further develop their research career in Flanders or abroad
PEGASUS aims at incoming mobility and/or reintegration of researchers working abroad. Candidates have to hold a PhD and should not have carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Belgium for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the start of the fellowship.
Within PEGASUS two options are possible:
- Pegasus-long: Postdoctoral fellowships of 3 years at a Flemish university. The fellowship is renewable once in open competition with the regular FWO postdoctoral fellows. 30 Pegasus-long fellowships are available, to be granted in a single call.
- Pegasus-short: Postdoctoral fellowships of 1 year at a Flemish university. The fellowship is not renewable, but candidates can apply afterwards in the open competition for a regular postdoctoral fellowship. This short fellowship is available under the form of an employment contract (standard option) or a stipend (exceptional cases).
More information on this programme and on the submission of proposals are available from the FWO Pegasus Programme Website.
Tackling Europe’s Societal Challenges
Yesterday’s blog post highlighted that a draft document we have obtained from the European Commission on Horizon 2020 has indicated that a major area of focus for research funding will be on Societal Challenges. This theme will incorporate EU policy and will focus on bringing together a critical mass of resources and knowledge across different fields, technologies and scientific disciplines. Societal Challenges will be addressed through activities which cover the full cycle from research to market, with a focus on innovation-related activities, such as piloting, demonstration, test-beds, support for public procurement, social innovation and market take-up of innovations.
Six thematic areas are included:
- Health, demographic change and well-being;
- Food security, sustainable agriculture and the bio-economy;
- Secure, clean and efficient energy;
- Smart, green and integrated transport;
- Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials;
- Inclusive, innovative and secure societies
I have summarised information contained in the draft Horizon 2020 document for you on each of these areas. Information includes the focus of the thematic area, the rationale behind it and likely areas and activities to be funded. This is a draft document so nothing is set in stone as yet, but it is definitely worth preparing for this now so you and your partners are ready for calls being released in 2013/14.
This information is highly confidential and not to be circulated outside of BU and can therefore be found on the I Drive: I:\CRKT\Public\Horizon 2020
Exclusive! Week long special on Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 is the replacement of FP7 – Europe’s largest funding programme, managed by the European Commission (EC). In 2014, FP7 will end and Horizon 2020 will be the primary mechanism through which to seek EC funding.
A confidential draft paper was released this week which details the proposed direction of Horizon 2020. Every day next week I will post important summaries of sections of the document most relevant to you so you can get a head start on preparing for Horizon 2020:
- Monday covers the rationale behind Horizon 2020
- Tuesday will detail the 3 funding priority areas of Horizon 2020
- Wednesday will outline funding proposed in the most relevant funding area for BU staff; ‘Societal Challenges’
- Thursday details proposals for the Marie Curie Programme throughout Horizon 2020
- Friday outlines the proposals for simplification of the rules and regulations of EC funding

- BU is the only University in the UK who has summarised this document and will disseminate it to their staff, so make sure you take full advantage of this information!
Insight into FP7 NMP funding areas and budget
While the draft Work Programme for the Nanosciences, Nanotechnology & New Materials Production (NMP) 2013 hasn’t been released yet, we do have some insights into what it may look . It has a whopping budget as this chart indicates and has many exciting potential funding areas which you can view a summary of in this PDF: NMP – Areas of Funding.
FP7 Security Theme Call Partner Sought
A project based at Cardiff University is seeking partners for the FP7 Security Call SEC-2012.4.4-2 ‘Means of decontamination of large groups, urban/wide areas and large, complex and/or sensitive object’.
In particular they are seeking partners who can take the lead in determining the feasibility of establishing a Europe wide bio-decontamination capability which would be based in part of the technology solutions developed during this study and would offer the potential to respond to a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear event. A key part of this package would be the ability to access input from first responders such as fire fighters and civil disaster planners. Any solution proposed should be cheaper than the current military options.
Please contact Professor Les Baillie at the Welsh School of Pharmacy, University of Cardiff, for further information:
New EU Health Research Search Engine Launched
The ‘HealthCompetence‘ search engine will provide an invaluable but simple tool for all those interested in health research. This is a free and really simple website to use where you can search by researcher, organisation, project title, thematic areas, keywords, countries, dates and many more fields.
You can also generate reports on the data, for instance if you would like to know a particular organisations participation in EU funded health research, or a thematic area in FP6 or FP7, or even to view the cooperation between two organisations in EU funded health research. This will be a very useful tool in helping you identify potential partners.
Finally, HealthCompetence has a list of upcoming events which you may be interested in, which will provide a great opportunity to network with potential collaborators.
CONFIDENTIAL! FP7 Food, Agriculture, Fisheries & Biotechnology likely future calls for proposals are here!
Exciting news if you’re interested in applying to the FP7 Food, Agriculture, Fisheries & Biotechnology theme next year – I’ve managed to obtain confidential documents which hint at calls to be released next July.
The documents are long and very dull and I’ve saved you the pain of reading these by summarising them for you with bookmarks to allow you to jump straight to the area which interests you.As these document are highly confidential I have placed the summary on our I drive; it is strictly forbidden to circulate this outside of BU! I:\R&KEO\Public\Draft Work Programmes for 2012. The final Work Programmes which feature the calls for proposals aren’t officially released until July 2012 so reading this gives you a fantastic head start to preparing a submission.
Whenever I can obtain other documents indicating future calls for FP7 I will summarise these for you and place on the blog (I’ve already done this for the Health theme) so keep checking the EU blog to make sure you don’t miss out!
TOP SECRET! I have a draft of the next calls to be released in Health under FP7…
I’ve managed to get my grubby mitts on a draft version of the FP7 Health Work Programme which features the calls for proposals to be released in 2012. This is just a draft and therefore subject to change but it gives you a great idea as to what the European Commission are looking to fund.
The Work Programme is a tedious read so I’ve summarised the info on funding in there for you; the aim of the call, the eligibility criteria, etc. I have bookmarked the document so you can jump straight to the call that interests you.
As this document is highly confidential I have placed it on our I drive; it is strictly forbidden to circulate this outside of BU! I:\R&KEO\Public\Draft Work Programmes for 2012
The final official version of the Work Programmes aren’t released until July 2012 so this gives you a fantastic head start to preparing a submission.
I will summarise the other themes as soon as I get the drafts through so keep your eyes peeled on this blog for them!