Tagged / funding

International Newton Fellowship Opportunities

Application deadline Thursday 26th March 2020, 3pm UK time

The Newton International Fellowships enable researchers to work for two years at a UK institution with the aim of fostering long-term international collaborations. The Scheme aims to attract the most promising early career postdoctoral researchers from overseas in the fields of natural sciences, physical sciences, medical sciences, social sciences and the humanities.

The Newton International Fellowships Scheme is delivered by the British Academy, Royal Society or the Academy of Medical Sciences- please see below links for call guidance :

British Academy

The British Academy is the UK’s national body for the humanities and social sciences – the study of peoples, cultures and societies, past, present and future.

Academy of Medical Sciences

We are the independent body in the UK representing the diversity of medical science. Our mission is to advance biomedical and health research and its translation into benefits for society.

Royal Society

The Society’s fundamental purpose, reflected in its founding Charters of the 1660s, is to recognise, promote, and support excellence in science and to encourage the development and use of science for the benefit of humanity.

Research must be within the remit of the funder.  Please ensure you read the guidance for the specific funder subject coverage to determine which of the above funders you will submit your proposal.

If you wish to discuss further please don’t hesitate to contact me at apekalski@bournemouth.ac.uk or alternatively call me on x61204

Research Training Events – Coming Soon

Research Training Opportunities

We have some great events coming up to help support you in your research activities.


Friday 31st January RKEDF: Environment Narrative Writing Day


Tuesday 4th February RKEDF: EndNote Desktop for Managing References and Writing for Publication
Tuesday 4th February RKEDF: Good Clinical Practice ‘Lite’
Tuesday 4th February RKEDF: Building Evidence for REF Impact Case Studies
Wednesday 5th February Royal Society Visit
Wednesday 5th February RKEDF: Introduction to Impact
Tuesday 11th February RKEDF: Overview of NIHR, CRNs and NIHR portfolio
Thursday 13th February RKEDF: Writing Day – Systematic and Scoping Reviews
Wednesday 19th February RKEDF: Advanced Literature Search Techniques
Thursday 20th February RKEDF: Environment Narrative Writing Day
Tuesday 25th February RKEDF: Research Ethics @ BU
Wednesday 26th February RKEDF: Measuring the Impact of Your Research with Advanced Citation Tools


You can see all the Organisational Development and Research Knowledge Development Framework (RKEDF) events in one place on the handy calendar of events.

Please note that all events are now targeted, so look closely at the event page to ensure that the event is suitable for you. In addition, most RKEDF events now require the approval of your Head of Department (or other nominated approver). Please follow the instructions given on the event page and the template email for you to initiate the booking request.

If you have any queries, please get in touch!

RKEDF – Overview of NIHR, CRNs and NIHR portfolio

On Tuesday 11th February, Research Development & Support are running a 2 hour workshop to give an overview of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Clinical Research Networks and the NIHR ‘portfolio’.

This workshop is designed to raise awareness of the benefits of the NIHR’s portfolio of research studies to BU and NHS partners.  It will also explore the role of the NIHR Clinical Research Networks (CRN), with an emphasis on the set-up and work of our local network, Wessex.

The workshop will cover the requirements to be eligible for the NIHR portfolio, how to apply so that your study may be considered for adoption, and how to access the support of the NIHR CRN.

By the end of this workshop you will have an understanding about:

  • The work of the NIHR and layout of the CRNs
  • How to apply for and the requirements for portfolio adoption
  • The benefits of having a study on the NIHR portfolio

If you’re interested in attending then reserve your place via Organisational Development.

Prostate Cancer Research Centre – your chance to influence their next call

Prostate Cancer Research Centre, who recently announced a £2m spend on seven new prostate cancer research projects across the UK, hope to launch their next grant call in the first half of 2020.

To help them finalise their next grant call, they are reaching out to UK cancer researchers at all career stages, as well as research support staff at UK institutions to invite them to participate in a short questionnaire. The purpose of this questionnaire is to explore the gaps in current research funding, so that they can best understand how funding can have the strongest possible impact both for science and for people affected by prostate cancer. If you’re looking for dietary supplement that helps correct prostate problems and also cleanses urinary system, click here for more info!

The questionnaire will take around 5 minutes to complete and all answers will be anonymous. The results will be used to inform their next grant call and may be shared via blog posts and reports.

The closing date for the survey is Monday, 13 January 2020. You can access the survey here: https://www.pcr.org.uk/research-gaps/

If you have any questions relating to the questionnaire or the charity, please do not hesitate to get in touch via info@pcr.org.uk.


Research Training Events into the New Year

We have some great RKEDF research training events coming up over the next few weeks to help support you in your research activities


Thursday 19th December RKEDF: Preparing Practice-Based Research Outputs for Assessment


Monday 13th January RKEDF: Research Outputs – Writing Day
Tuesday 14th January RKEDF: Writing Academy
Wednesday 15th January RKEDF: Working with Industry
Friday 17th January RKEDF: Preparing Practice-Based Research Outputs for Assessment
Thursday 30th January RKEDF: Environment Narrative Writing Day

You can see all the Organisational Development and RKEDF events in one place on the handy calendar of events.

Please note that all sessions are now targeted, so look closely at the event page to ensure that the event is suitable for you. In addition, most RKEDF events now require the approval of your Head of Department (or other nominated approver). Please follow the instructions given on the event page and the template email for you to initiate the booking request.

If you have any queries, please get in touch!

Update on Leverhulme Trust Visit

On Weds 20th November, BU were delighted to welcome Dr Tracey Henshaw, Assistant Director of Leverhulme Trust to speak about the funding opportunities available from Leverhulme. Tracey provided an overview of who the Leverhulme Trust are, what they will (and won’t!) fund, their funding programmes, and what they are looking for in funding applications including useful hints and tips for their main programmes.

You can now view the slides via Brightspace here.

RKE News – Latest issue out now

The latest issue of RKE News is out now. The purpose of the newsletter is to provide a termly update of internal and external research and knowledge exchange news, successes and opportunities.

This issue focuses on BU2025, the Strategic Investment Areas, Research Funding Panels, some of the many funding opportunities which are available and upcoming events.

I hope this information is helpful and of interest to you. If you would like to send in any stories or ideas for inclusion or if you have any feedback in general, please let me know.


UKRO Visit (and Brexit)

As usual, RDS will host an annual UK Research Office visit to BU in 2019. This year’s event has been scheduled for November; the reason is obvious – Brexit!


All academic staff interested in EU funding are invited to attend the event:

Monday 18th November Fusion Building – FG06 from 11:00 – 14:30. Lunch will be included.

Dr Andreas Kontogeorgos, European Advisor of the UK Research Office will be discussing with us the impact of Brexit on EU funding opportunities. Academics are welcome to submit any other EU funding related topics for discussion to Ainar Blaudums by the end of October.

UKRO delivers subscription-based advisory service for research organisations and provides MSCA and ERC National Contact Point services in the UK. As part of UKRO services, BU members of staff may sign up to receive personalised email alerts and get early access to EU funding related publications on UKRO portal.

Please contact Organisational Development to book a place.

BUCRU (Bournemouth University Clinical Research Unit) – Newsletter

Please see the latest newsletter from the Bournemouth University Clinical Research Unit (BUCRU). We hope you find it interesting.  This is our ‘last’ newsletter and covers content from last year, we are shortly introducing new quarterly ‘BUCRU Bulletins’ with more recent content to be disseminated digitally.

BUCRU supports researchers to improve the quality, quantity, and efficiency of research locally by supporting grant applications and providing on-going support in funded projects, as well as developing our own programme of research.  2018 was an exciting year for BUCRU including being awarded a further 5 years of funding from National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to continue our work as the RDS (Research Design Service) South West.  We’ve also submitted 14 grant applications, have 23 peer-reviewed publications and over £800,000 in grant involvement.

You can find out more within the newsletter, including news from our colleagues in the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Research and Education or visit: www.bournemouth.ac.uk/bucru

And don’t forget, your local branch of the NIHR RDS (Research Design Service) is based within the BU Clinical Research Unit (BUCRU) on the 5th floor of Royal London House. Feel free to pop in and see us, call us on 61939 or send us an email.

Doctoral and Advanced NIHR Fellowship Awards are now open for applications

The Doctoral and Advanced NIHR Fellowship Awards are now open to support individuals to undertake exciting and impactful research on their trajectory to becoming future leaders.

Now with increased flexibility and options to include clinical time, they support people at various points of their development from initial pre-doctoral training to senior post-doctoral research.

The NIHR has also partnered with seven charities to offer jointly-funded Partnership Fellowships at Doctoral and Advanced (post-doctoral) levels to utilise the strengths and expertise of both partners.

What do the Doctoral and Advanced Fellowships offer?

Round 3 Doctoral Fellowship – application deadline 1pm, 17 December 2019

The NIHR Doctoral Fellowship is a three year full-time award that supports individuals from all professional backgrounds to undertake a PhD in an area of NIHR research. This Fellowship may be taken up on a part-time basis between 50-100% whole time equivalent (WTE).

Clinical applicants can include up to 20% clinical time as part of the Fellowship.

Need help with your application? Find out tips from Professor Gary Frost, Chair of the NIHR Doctoral Fellowship Selection Committee.

Find out more


Round 3 Advanced Fellowship – application deadline 1pm, 3 December 2019

The NIHR Advanced Fellowship is for those at post-doctoral level and aimed at several specific points of a researcher’s career development. It is between 2 and 5 years and can be completed on a full or part-time basis (between 50-100% WTE).

They are also available with a ‘clinical academic’ option where clinical applicants can request up to 40% of their time be dedicated to clinical service/development, which would be covered by the award.

Find out what makes an excellent Advanced Fellowship application from Professor Jayne Parry, Chair of the NIHR Advanced Fellowship Selection Committee.

Find out more


NIHR-Charity Partnership Fellowships

Last year the NIHR Academy announced it would partner with leading UK medical research charities for the first-time, to offer jointly funded NIHR-Charity Partnership Fellowships at both Doctoral and Advanced (post-doctoral) level.

The aim, as part of the newly restructured NIHR Fellowships programme is to harness the strengths and expertise of both partners by adding value and quality in order to make the greatest impact.

Jointly funded NIHR Charity Partnership Fellowships enable researchers to:

  • Be part of an active and supportive research community; maintaining and building a relationship with both the NIHR and charity partner.
  • Engage with and receive valuable input from patient groups, making the most of the patient engagement/involvement opportunities available.
  • Gain greater research exposure through a variety of media and communication channels.
  • Potential events/conferences/networking opportunities available from the NIHR Academy and charity partner.

Please note that Doctoral and Advanced Fellowships now have two rounds per annum that open in April and October.


And don’t forget, your local branch of the NIHR RDS (Research Design Service) is based within the BU Clinical Research Unit (BUCRU) on the 5th floor of Royal London House. Feel free to pop in and see us, call us on 61939 or send us an email.

NERC standard grants – internal competition extended

NERC introduced demand management measures in 2012. These were revised in 2015 to reduce the number and size of applications from research organisations for NERC’s discovery science standard grant scheme. Full details can be found in the BU policy document for NERC demand management measures available here.

As at January 2019, BU has been capped at one application per standard grant round. The measures only apply to NERC standard grants (including new investigators). An application counts towards an organisation, where the organisation is applying as the grant holding organisation (of the lead or component grant). This will be the organisation of the Principal Investigator of the lead or component grant.

BU process

As a result, BU has introduced a process for determining which application will be submitted to each NERC Standard Grant round. This will take the form of an internal competition, which will include peer review. The next available standard grant round is 14th January 2020. The deadline for internal Expressions of Interest (EoI) which will be used to determine which application will be submitted has been extended until 11th October 2019.  The EoI form, BU policy for NERC Demand Management Measures and process for selecting an application can be found here: I:\RDS\Public\NERC Demand Management 2020.

NERC have advised that where a research organisation submits more applications to any round than allowed under the cap, NERC will office-reject any excess applications, based purely on the time of submission through the Je-S system (last submitted = first rejected). However, as RDS submit applications through Je-S on behalf of applicants, RDS will not submit any applications that do not have prior agreement from the internal competition.

Following the internal competition, the Principal Investigator will have access to support from RDS, and will work closely with Research Facilitators and Funding Development Officers to develop the application. Access to external bid writers will also be available.

Appeals process

If an EoI is not selected to be submitted as an application, the Principal Investigator can appeal to Professor Tim McIntyre-Bhatty, Deputy Vice-Chancellor. Any appeals must be submitted within ten working days of the original decision. All appeals will be considered within ten working days of receipt.

RDS Contacts

Please contact Lisa Andrews, RDS Research Facilitator – andrewsl@bournemouth.ac.uk or Jo Garrad, RDS Funding Development Manager – jgarrad@bournemouth.ac.uk if you wish to submit an expression of interest.


RKEDF – Overview of NIHR, CRNs and NIHR portfolio

On Tuesday 24th October, RDS are running a 2 hour workshop to give an overview of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Clinical Research Networks and the NIHR ‘portfolio’.

This workshop is designed to raise awareness of the benefits of the NIHR’s portfolio of research studies to BU and NHS partners.  It will also explore the role of the NIHR Clinical Research Networks (CRN), with an emphasis on the set-up and work of our local network, Wessex.

The workshop will cover the requirements to be eligible for the NIHR portfolio, how to apply so that your study may be considered for adoption, and how to access the support of the NIHR CRN.

By the end of this workshop you will have an understanding about:

  • The work of the NIHR and layout of the CRNs
  • How to apply for and the requirements for portfolio adoption
  • The benefits of having a study on the NIHR portfolio

If you’re interested in attending then reserve your place via Organisational Development.

Improving the impact section of your funding bids

Writing the impact section in a grant application can be challenging but a strong impact summary and description of the impact pathway/s can make all the difference between getting your research funded or not.

The RKEDF training session, Impact and Funding Bids, on Tuesday 1st October, 13:00-15:00, at Talbot Campus will help you understand exactly what you need to write for the best chance of success.

Facilitated by Impact Officers Matt Fancy and Amanda Edwards and Funding Development Officer Eva Papadopoulou, the session will give practical advice on completing the impact summary and pathway to impact sections of funding applications as well as best practice examples.

The session is aimed at academics at all stages of their careers, but it likely to be especially useful for ECRs preparing their first funding bids.

For further details and to register, follow the link to the OD booking page: Impact and Funding Bids.

Research Council Development Scheme – applications now open

BU is introducing the third round of the Research Council Development Scheme which is a coordinated, targeted set of activities designed to inspire and equip BU researchers to achieve greater success with Research Council funding.

The aim is to:

  • Increase awareness of the Research Councils opportunities
  • Equip researchers with the confidence and skills to apply for the Research Councils funding in line with their career stage
  • Fast-track the development of a portfolio of proposals by facilitating proposal writing, setting next steps and allocating support

Due to the wide range of opportunities offered by Research Councils, the RCDS will feature a range of activities which may be generic in scope or targeted to a cohort as follows.

  • E cohort – early career researchers and those new to Research Councils (learning aims: first grants, fellowships, general mind-set and approach)
  • M cohort – mid-career researchers and those with some Research Councils experience (learning aims: project leadership and moving up to larger grants/collaborations)
  • P cohort – professorial level and those with significant Research Council experience (learning aims: high value, strategic and longer-larger funding)

Members of the RCDS will have access to a mix of development activities:

  • As a group and within targeted cohorts: training, workshops, structured proposal writing sessions and opportunities to build peer-to-peer support.
  • 1:1 support for scoping/identifying funding streams and planning/starting proposals.
  • Hands-on work to develop proposals through the scheme, including bid surgeries.

The criteria for membership, expectations of membership, and the training and development timetable for the RCDS can be found in the scheme document : BU-RC-Dev.-Scheme-communications-19-20-1

Those wanting to participate in this great opportunity will need to submit an expression of interest to: RKEDF@bournemouth.ac.uk stating:

  • Why they are applying to the RCDS
  • What (if any) Research Council Bidding experience they have to date
  • Which targeted cohort they consider themselves to be in: E, M or P
  • Do they have a funding proposal in development? If so, to provide details of the proposal (this is not essential to be a member)

Please submit your expression of interest by 15th November 2019. RDS will then send a membership agreement form to potential members, where they will agree to attend the training sessions and submit proposals to the research councils. As this scheme is part of the RKEDF, potential members will need to seek approval from their Head of Department or departmental nominated approver.

Please read through the scheme document (above) and if any clarification is required then contact Lisa Andrews, Research Facilitator, RDS. This scheme is a fantastic opportunity to accelerate your research council funding track record.