Tagged / HR

New BU guide for managing staff employed on external R&KE applications and awards

We’re pleased to announce a new guide to support BU staff with managing new and existing staff employed on external R&KE awards, as well as staffing information to include on applications for external funding. The ‘BU Guide for managing staff employed on external R&KE applications and awards’ can be found on the intranet here.

A working group led by RDS, and including HR and Faculty Operations Managers, has worked on the guide for the past six months. A team of academics have reviewed the content and provided feedback, which has been incorporated. A big thank you to all those who have contributed to the guide.

The guide aims to provide an overview of, and links to, all the information needed for including staff on external research and knowledge exchange (R&KE) applications (pre-award), and how to recruit and manage those staff if awarded on to a project (post-award). The guide is structured into pre-award and post-award to assist with both the completion of staff sections on an application form and guidance on what to do when your application has been awarded and/or you require support from HR, RDS, or your Faculty Operations team. It also contains FAQs, useful links and contacts. The guide complements and should be used in conjunction with HR guidance available on the staff intranet.

RDS staff will ensure that the guide is disseminated to applicants (upon receipt of an intention to bid form including staff) and award holders (when staff are to be recruited, etc.).

Research in the NHS – HR Good Practice Resource Pack updated

Researchers from BU wishing to conduct their research within NHS premises will require the appropriate documentation. There is plenty of guidance available to guide researchers through these processes.

The Human Resources (HR) Good Practice Resource Pack has been reviewed and updated in light of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into force in the UK on 25 May 2018.

The HR Good Practice Resource Pack describes the process for handling HR arrangements for researchers and provides a streamlined approach for confirming details of the pre-engagement checks they have undergone with the NHS.

Changes to the document include:

  1. Inclusion of a transparency notice, which informs and clarifies to the applicant the purpose of collecting their personal data, their rights relating to data processing, as well as fulfilling other GDPR transparency requirements.
  2. The data requested in the Research Passport application form has been minimised following discussion with Data Protection and Information Governance Officers and Human Resource experts.
  3. All references to the Data Protection Act 1998 have been updated to DPA 2018.

You can find all the updated documents here along with the RDS workflow here surrounding staffing and delegation.

Remember that there is guidance available at BU with regard to implementing your research in a healthcare setting. Take a look at the Clinical Governance blog for documents, links and training opportunities. You can also get in touch with BU’s Research Ethics team with any queries.

‘Oh no, I have to deal with HR!’

Dear Friends of the HR & OB Department within the Business School:

There is a third seminar scheduled this year under the umbrella of the Department of HR & OB, Business School.  You are more than welcome to join us Friday, October 12 at 2:00 PM, room EB202.

The title of the seminar is “‘Oh no, I have to deal with HR!’ On Human Resource departments and their ‘bad’ reputation”. Dr Gbola Gbadamosi and Davide Secchi will share some ideas to explore potentials for collaboration, papers, research projects, funding, etc.  Please come join us for this exploratory research talk!

Internal Promotion – Associate Professor, Professor 1 and Professor 2

Dear Colleagues

We are pleased to invite applications for Associate Professor, Professor 1 and Professor 2 appointments.

The title of Associate Professor will be conferred on staff normally with a Doctorate and track record of excellence in one of the following areas: Education, Research, Enterprise or Professional Practice, with an evidence based potential to develop significant national/international standing.

A Professorship is awarded to individuals who have achieved distinction and esteem both at national and international level over and above that of a Reader or Associate Professor in one of the following areas: Education, Research, Enterprise and Professional Practice.

Full details regarding the role, application process, including job descriptions and person specifications are available here:

 I Drive\OVC\Public\Professors & Associate Professors

There will be 2 sessions held during August with the Pro Vice-Chancellor and members of the Professoriate to outline the promotion process, define the role and expectations of Associate Professor and Professorial post holders and outline the evidence you would be expected to demonstrate as part of your application.  If you are considering applying for one these posts you are strongly encouraged and expected to attend one of the following sessions:

Applying for Associate Professor – Monday 6 August 2012 at 2pm .

Applying for Professor 1 or Professor 2 – Wednesday 8 August at 2pm.

If for reasons of annual leave you are unable to attend one of these sessions then please contact the Pro-Vice Chancellor for an appointment via Kathryn Hill (ext. 65868) and he will endeavour where possible to meet you individually.

Please contact click here to book on to one of these events. If you are off-campus and experiencing difficulty accessing the staff intranet please email your booking to staffdevelopment@bournemouth.ac.uk

The closing date for all applications will be Wednesday 5 September 2012

It is expected that applications for Associate Professors will be assessed during September 2012 and shortlisted applicants invited to attend an interview during October 2012 subject to panel availability.

It is expected that applications for Professor 1 or 2 will be assessed during September 2012 and shortlisted applicants invited to attend an interview during December 2012 subject to panel availability.

If you would like any further information regarding this process then please speak to Katherine Jabbari on 61145 or your Academic Manager in the first instance.

Kind regards

Human Resources

Call for Expressions of Interest to join EU Institutional Human Resources Strategy Group

The ‘Institutional Human Resources Strategy Group’ was launched in 2009 to support the take-up of Charter and Code principles by employers and funders of researchers in Europe. The aim of the group is to provide a platform for the exchange of experiences and mutual support in the implementation of the ‘HR Strategy for Researchers incorporating the Charter and Code.’   So far, two cohorts incorporating 95 organisations has participated in the group. The Commission is now drawing up a list of candidates for the third cohort. It will have its first meeting in January 2012. This is expected to be followed by two more meetings in 2013.  
The HR Strategy comprises five steps:  

  • An internal gap analysis by the individual organisation involving key stakeholders and in particular researchers;
  • The development and publication of an institutional HR strategy for researchers and an action plan detailing how the institution will respond to the gaps identified;
  • Acknowledgement of progress by the Commission
  • Self-assessment of progress after at most two years;
  • External analysis after at most four years.  

If you are  interested in joining the group, contact the Commission giving contact details and a short paragraph explaining the motivation for joining the group by September 29th.