Category / REF Subjects

Impact of fatigue management research in Multiple Sclerosis – FACETS, IMSPIRE and beyond

Lunchtime Seminar with Peter Thomas, Wednesday 15th April 1-1.50pm, R303

Please come to listen to Professor Peter Thomas present on the impact that his research into fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis is having, noting the importance of research with strong potential for patient benefit, and the importance of the research funder.

Further information on this Seminar series can be found by clicking on the link below.

Impact Seminar dates 2015

There is no need to book – just turn up. Contact Zoe on for more information.

We look forward to seeing you there.

BU is leading research in areas identified in the top 10 emerging technologies

The top 10 emerging technologies will significantly influence the future landscape of research council funding, its initiatives, collaborative opportunities and formation of consortiums on global level.

Although service and product based economy is on the rise in the South and South East Asian countries, core Engineering and Technological disciplines have conventional and strategic importance in terms of education and research mainly due to higher employability both in academic and industrial sectors. The number of UG/PG students is usually high with highest tariff points in medicine and engineering.

Key BU partners such as PES University (MoU has been signed, joint Journal and Conference publications, funding proposals have been developed, mutual visits), National University of Science & Technology (match funded PhD studentships), National Institute of Technology (joint publications and organising international conference) and Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology (MoU has been signed, mutual research visits, and education activity through British Council funding) are some, which are a window, to their research and education activity.

SDRC has been leading research and research informed education in collaboration with national and international higher education and industrial partners in major themes of the top 10 emerging technologies.

Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMs):

Research in this area is conducted through a PhD programme entitled “In-situ corrosion health monitoring and prediction in military vehicles” in collaboration with a major industrial partner.


This research is performed through two PhD programmes entitled “Developing thin film nano-composite coatings for advanced applications” and “Electroplated composite coatings with incorporated nano particles for tribological systems with the focus on water lubrication”. Both these programmes are in collaboration with international HEI and industrial partners.

Advanced Energy Storage And Generation:

Research in this area is supported by industrial and HEI partners through “Energy recovery at thermodynamic expansion and thermal boosting through convection in flat plate solar thermal systems”, “Experimental investigation and mathematical modelling of dynamic equilibrium of novel thermo fluids for renewable technology applications” and “Research and development in novel alternative renewable energy technology”.

BU is best placed in terms of the above themes that provide a strong foundation to further enhance international collaborations for research and education.

If you would like further information or have interest in any of the above areas please contact Dr Zulfiqar Khan.

Impact of fatigue management research in Multiple Sclerosis – FACETS, IMSPIRE and beyond

Lunchtime Seminar with Peter Thomas, Wednesday 15th April 1-1.50pm, R303

Please come to listen to Professor Peter Thomas present on the impact that his research into fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis is having, noting the importance of research with strong potential for patient benefit, and the importance of the research funder.

Further information on this Seminar series can be found by clicking on the link below.

Impact Seminar dates 2015

There is no need to book – just turn up. Contact Zoe on for more information.

We look forward to seeing you there.

New paper on obesity research

Colleagues associated with the Health Economics Research Unit (HERU), Health Services Research Unit (HSRU) and the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health (all based at the University of Aberdeen), the Nursing, Midwifery & Allied Health Professional Research Unit (University of Stirling), the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research & Policy (SCPHRP) based at the University of Edinburgh and the Centre for Midwifery, Maternal and Perinatal Health (CMMPH) at Bournemouth University published their latest paper on obesity research.  The paper ‘A systematic review of the cost-effectiveness of non-surgical obesity interventions in men’ is published in the journal: Obesity Research & Clinical Practice.  This systematic review summarises the literature reporting the cost-effectiveness of non-surgical weight-management interventions for men. Studies were quality assessed against a checklist for appraising decision modelling studies.  This research is part of the larger ROMEO study.


Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen

Faculty of Health & Social Sciences



Boyers, D., Avenell, A., Stewart, F., Robertson, C., Archibald, D., Douglas, F., Hoddinott, P., van Teijlingen, E., A systematic review of the cost-effectiveness of non-surgical obesity interventions in men, Obesity Research & Clinical Practice (online first)

Putting ‘Emotions’ on the Research Agenda at BU – two new international scholars and professors at BU raise the research profile on the emotions

The study of emotions is multi-disciplinary. This is shown in the research profiles of two of the newly appointed professors at BU who bring international research and publishing profiles to two different faculties. Professor Ann Brooks is Professor of Sociology in HSS and Professor Candida Yates is Professor of Communication in FMC. Both academics have been involved in researching the emotions from different perspectives.

Ann has been involved in research on the emotions since 2010 when she became part of the Australia Research Council Grant funded Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions 2011-2017, with a grant of $24 million AUD spread across 5 universities. Ann remains an International Investigator with the ARC until 2017 and her projects are outlined here: She has recently established a new research cluster on space, emotions and cities in conjunction with a colleague at the Centre:,-cities-and-emotion.aspx.

She has published a number of books in the area of the emotions and social change including the following both with Routledge, the most recent being Emotions and Social Change (Routledge New York, 2014) (with David Lemmings).   Other books on the emotions include Emotions in Transmigration (Palgrave 2012) (with Ruth Simpson) and Gender Emotions and Labour Markets-Asian and Western Perspectives (Routledge 2013).








Ann is working with Candida and Professor Barry Richards of FMC in the development of new Masters programmes in the area of emotions among other areas.  Candida’s research applies a psychosocial approach to the study of emotion, media and popular culture and her current work focuses on the psycho-cultural dynamics of emotion and UK political culture. She is Director (with Caroline Bainbridge, University of Roehampton) of the AHRC Research Network: Media and the Inner World (, that brings together media professionals, clinicians and academics to explore the role of emotion in media and popular culture. Candida has developed that work through public engagement, research publications, consultancy and also as Editor of the Karnac Book Series: Psychoanalysis and Popular Culture that explores the emotionalisation of popular culture in different contexts, including TV, film, music and social networking,

Candida has published widely on the psycho-cultural dynamics of emotion, gender and popular culture, and her publications include Emotion: Psychosocial Perspectives (co-ed, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), and Psychoanalysis and Television (co-ed, Karnac Books, 2013); Media and the Inner World; Psycho-cultural Approaches to Emotion, Media and Popular Culture (co-ed, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) and The Play of Political Culture, Emotion and Identity (in Press, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).





EU Radar – Societal Challenges – Secure societies – protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens

The following EU Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges’ calls are all closing after April 2015. If you are thinking of applying to any of these calls, please contact RKEO Funding Development Team as soon as you are able, so that we can help you with your submission.

The date given is the funder’s deadline with all closing at 17:00 Brussels local time, unless stated otherwise

Secure societies – protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
Digital security,: Cyber security, privacy and trust – please check the specific topics – 27/8/15
Fight against terrorism and crime – please check the specific topics – 27/8/15
Border security and external security – please check the specific topics – 27/8/15


General / Multiple Topics

Horizon 2020 dedicated SME instrument phase 1 and phase 2 –  deadlines – 17/6/15, 17/9/15 and 25/11/15

Please check the specific topics within this call which may meet your research funding needs.

For more information on EU funding opportunities, contact Paul Lynch or Emily Cieciura, in the RKEO Funding Development Team.

Upcoming CfE Event: The Business of Rugby World Cup 2015

Thursday 23 April 2015
5:30pm arrival for a 6pm start
Executive Business Centre, 89 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8EB

We are delighted to be welcoming Rob Wingrove from RTH2015 who manage and operate the Official Hospitality programme for Rugby World Cup 2015 to the BU Centre for Entrepreneurship.

Rob will be joining us to talk about the Official Hospitality programme Rugby World Cup 2015.

Rugby World Cup 2015 is estimated to inject nearly £1bn into the British economy in 2015. With over 2.3m tickets up for sale, a global TV audience of 4bn and a record sponsor programme how do you create one of the biggest corporate hospitality programmes in history in a saturated market. This presentation looks into three years of planning and development to deliver one of the largest commercial hospitality programmes for any global sporting event, and the marketing strategy and tactics implemented to achieve a forecast of over £110m in sales.

This is a free event for businesses, BU students, BU staff and BU Alumni. Refreshments will be provided, to find out more or to book your place please use the link below:

CLiMB Research Update

CLiMB Research Update

CLiMB is based within The National Centre of Post-Qualifying Social Work at Bournemouth University and operates an independent and expert research team who are able to provide bespoke and tailored programmes of evaluation to meet local and unique requirements.

We provide skilled expertise, ensuring that ethical considerations are discharged correctly; that the tools used will appropriately measure what they need to measure; and that the data analysis, interpretation and presentation is suitable and will withstand scrutiny.

Evaluating impact of any leadership development is integral to the concept of a learning culture, continuously improving the potential of all individuals to make a positive difference in the quality of their interventions with others. Too much leadership development has been about input rather than assessing the impact and learning that takes place. Our approach is about supporting the workforce to adapt and improve their services through sound leadership development.

We evaluate the impact of what we do in the workplace, and this provides evidence for commissioners and purchasers of the value of our contribution to achieving positive change. Our main point of differentiation from other universities and development providers is the way we design, deliver and assess our work drawing on our deep knowledge of ‘what works’. It is not a surprise that our knowledge, experience and excellence in this area has resulted in CLiMB being the first port of call for many organisations’ development and research needs.

Some of our most recent research includes:

The Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care

NIHRWe have been commissioned by CLAHRC (The Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care, part of the National Institute for Health Research) to provide our expertise and support their project team in the East of England. We are assisting in the design and implementation of a fully triangulated impact evaluation of the two GP Mental Health Leadership programmes over the East of England and the Southern Region. Working with our experience and knowledge of the Leadership Framework, we have been able to provide step-by-step consultancy and support to both guide and facilitate the process.

Centre of Workforce Intelligence

CWFI We have been commissioned by the Centre of Workforce Intelligence funded by the Department of Health, to model the future demand of the health and social care workforce over the next 30 years. Professor Keith Brown and Emily Rosenorn-Lanng were invited to participate in the Elicitation workshop facilitated by DoH with a host of Social Care Workforce leaders and specialists to look at the current and future impacts on the workforce and what this may be more care planning in the future. Emily in particular sourced and analysed the national data for the level of demand and availability of the current workforce.

London Borough of Enfield

EnfieldWe were commissioned by the London Borough of Enfield to evaluate their Making Safeguarding Personal Strategy in order for them to apply for Gold Standard status from the Local Government Association. Dr Gary Barrett and Sarah Wincewicz were invited to spend time with the teams at Enfield to explore safeguarding practice. As part of this work we are collaborating with Enfield and other local authorities to create a Safeguarding App, which will allow practitioners to access the most current safeguarding information on a mobile device.