Category / Funding opportunities

Leverhulme Trust visit – 1st Feb – booking now open

Booking is now open for the Leverhulme Trust  visit (1st February).

Places are limited, and are going like hotcakes –   to book your place please click here.

What’s happening?

Jean Cater from the LT is coming to BU, and its a great opportunity to find out more about how the Leverhulme works,  what they are looking for in a proposal and what they fund.    

The Leverhulme Trust offers a range of funding opportunities – across all disciplines.   This includes research grants, international networks, early career fellowships, research fellowships and more. 

The session will cover:  

  • where the Leverhulme sits in the funding spectrum
  • schemes and application procedures
  • things to bear in mind if applying
  • plenty of time to ask questions too.  

This session is for you if:

  • you have a research idea and wonder if the Leverhulme Trust might be an appropriate funder
  • you are developing a funding proposal for the Leverhulme Trust
  • you don’t know much about the Leverhulme Trust and would like to find out more


  • Date: Wednesday, 1st February 2012
  • Time: 2-4pm
  • Place:  Thomas Hardy Suite – PG 146
  • Refreshments will be available.

** To book your place please click here. ** 

If you have any questions please contact Caroline O’Kane

Leverhulme Trust – Research Leadership Awards

The Leverhulme Trust has announced that the Research Leadership Awards are now open to applications.  Each university is only allowed to put forward one candidate for this scheme.

The aim of these awards is to support those who have succeeded in beginning a university career but who are then confronted with the task of building a research team able to tackle an identified but distinctive research problem. The awards provide support for research assistants and research students led by the award holder. Applicants will have held a university post for at least two years.


The awards:

• are each for a sum of between £800,000 and £1 million;

• are for the provision of research assistants and research students to build a research group under the direction of the grant holder. A fraction of the award (up to a maximum of 25%) can be used for associated costs;

• are for research activity over a five year period;

• are offered in any subject area within the Trust’s normal remit;

• will be allocated with attention to three selection criteria; namely, first the record and promise of the group leader, secondly the fit of the group’s research involvement and resources, and thirdly the extent to which the work of the group can be seen to bring about a fruitful reshaping of the disciplinary landscape.

More information is available on the Leverhulme website.  If you are considering applying please register your interest with Susan Dowdle asap.

Highlights from the recent Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Conference

KTPFollowing the Comprehensive Spending Review of 2010, the Technology Strategy Board was hit hard, as were many government departments and their initiatives. The December 2011 KTP Conference, however, shows that the climate for KTPs is improving and that BU is in a position to benefit from this optimism.

Highlights from the conference were:

  • Iain Gray (TSB Chief Executive) emphasised KTPs are central to the schemes offered by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) delivered via the Technology Strategy Board.
  • Although KTPs should still demonstrate the previously advised elements of Innovation, Impact and Challenge, there is a shift towards Quality in proposals. The outcome for BU is that KTPs looking at market development and business strategies may be acceptable to the TSB, if a high level of quality can be clearly demonstrated in the proposal.
  • A good relationship with local our KTP adviser is vital in ensuring successful KTP outcomes. The adviser should be contacted early on in the development of the proposal to ensure that each project meets with current TSB (and other funders’) criteria.
  • The TSB is developing relationships with other potential KTP funders including public bodies such as research councils. Other funding schemes are available within the TSB and should be considered if the KTP model is not appropriate.
  • Academic staff are encouraged to make contact with the Knowledge Transfer Network for their area of expertise via the _connect website.
  • The TSB is consulting with HEIs in the light of the Wilson Review . This is supported by other TSB reports such as Concept to Commercialisation.
  • There is a general need across the KTP sector to attract,  recruit and retain high quality UK / EU graduates

For more information on KTPs, please go to the KTP website  or at BU contact David Kilburn (

The Leverhulme Trust are coming to BU…hold the date

The Leverhulme Trust

On 1st February 2012 Jean Cater from the Leverhulme Trust is coming to BU. 

This is a fantastic opportunity to find out more about how the Leverhulme works,  what they are looking for in a proposal and what they fund.    

The Leverhulme Trust offers a range of funding opportunities – across all disciplines.   This includes research grants, international networks, early career fellowships, research fellowships and more. 

The session will cover:  

  • where the Leverhulme sits in the funding spectrum
  • schemes and application procedures
  • things to bear in mind if applying
  • plenty of time to ask questions too.  

This session is for you if:

  • you have a research idea and wonder if the Leverhulme Trust might be an appropriate funder
  • you are developing a funding proposal for the Leverhulme Trust
  • you don’t know much about the Leverhulme Trust and would like to find out more


  • Date: Wednesday, 1st February 2012
  • Time: 2-4pm
  • Place:  Thomas Hardy Suite – PG 146

Information about how to book will come in January 2012.   There is limited space so please watch this space for more information.

In the meantime, if you have any questions please email Caroline O’Kane

ESRC Knowledge Exchange Opportunities Scheme

The new Knowledge Exchange Opportunities Scheme opens today until the 07th February 2012.

This scheme provides researchers with a great opportunity to engage with organisations in the private, public and civil society sector(s) on a social science issue.

The KE Opportunities Scheme now covers activities at all stages of the research process; from setting up networks to help inform the first stages of research; to the development of activities designed to apply previous research to policy and practice issues (previously covered by the ESRC Follow on Fund Scheme).

Please note this is a collaborative scheme and, as such, all applications must include at least 25% co-funding from partner(s) in the user community (depending on the sector involved). For further details, including how to apply, please visit the website:

There have been a number of changes to this call from previous ESRC Knowledge Exchange calls.  For this reason, please ensure you have read the guidance notes carefully before submitting your proposal.

Please contact RKE Ops as soon as possible if you are considering applying to the scheme – they can help you with costings, school approval and using the JeS system to prepare your application.

We also have RPRS – the internal peer review scheme which you can use to obtain comments from our academic staff on your draft application.

Santander Research and Travel Grants Fund – Deadline Extended to 13th January

In the second round of funding we have 4 x £5000 scholarships from Santander for BU staff or research students to travel to at least one university from the Santander overseas network to undertake a specific piece of work and build or develop links with international researchers.  This call is open to applications until 13th January.

Awards will be announced by the end of January 2012, and funds must be spent before the end of July 2012.  Preference will be given to applications received from postgraduate research students and early career researchers.

Funds can only be used to cover direct costs (i.e. not salary costs or overheads).

To apply complete the Santander form 2011-12 Round 2 and submit it by email to Susan Dowdle:

Successful applicants will be expected to participate in general PR activities about their research.  This may involve attending events and promoting the benefits of the funding.

The closing date for applications is Friday 13 January 2012.

Unsuccessful submissions from the last round of the Santander Scholarship funding cannot be resubmitted to this round. Previous unsuccessful applicants can submit new projects/ideas to this round.

The Royal Society Wolfson Laboratory Refurbishment Grants Scheme 2012

The Wolfson Foundation has announced a further call for proposals under the Laboratory Refurbishment Grants Scheme. It aims to improve the existing physical infrastructure in UK universities to promote high quality scientific research. Up to £1.5m in funds will be available for the 2012 round.

The scheme has been running for 13 years. To limit the number of applications – and thereby reduce the effort involved in submissions, the scheme has focused on specific research topics, usually for two years at a time. The present focus is on imaging – interpreted widely to include astronomy, materials science, nano structures, biological and medical applications. We are looking for novel research projects which can include both image capture and subsequent interpretation, coupled with an identified opportunity to locate the work in space recovered from previous usage.

This scheme does not support:

– Research on existing imaging equipments for the same application;

– Commercialisation of a proven-concept/prototype into a near-market product;

– Refurbishment of laboratories housing established imaging equipment(s) for research purposes.

– Research into labelling of ‘samples’ including luminescence, chromophore, radio-labelling etc. and ‘sample’ preparation

The scheme note contains more details of the scheme and how to apply. They cannot accept more than one proposal from any department in this round. A statement of support for applications will need to be provided by the PVC.

To discuss this opportunity further, please contact RKE Operations.

Santander Research and Travel Grants Fund – Open until 9th Dec

In the second round of funding we have 4 x £5000 scholarships from Santander for BU staff or research students to undertake a specific project that builds on or develops links with at least one university from the Santander overseas network.  This call is only open to applications until 9th December so get your applications in fast.

Awards will be announced in January 2012, and funds must be spent before the end of July 2012. Preference will be given to applications received from postgraduate research students and early career researchers.

Funds can only be used to cover direct costs (i.e. not salary costs or overheads).

To apply complete the Santander application form and submit it by email to Susan Dowdle:

Successful applicants will be expected to participate in general PR activities about their research.  This may involve attending events and promoting the benefits of the funding.

The closing date for applications is Friday 9 December 2011.

Unsuccessful submissions from the last round of the Santander Scholarship funding cannot be resubmitted to this round. Previous unsuccessful applicants can submit new projects/ideas to this round.

Funding with a Media Flavour – UK

At a recent Media School meeting attendees asked us to outline some of the common funders, so here is a general overview of those funders with a Media flavour both domestic and further a field.  Part One concentrates on the key UK funders and in the next few days we’ll post information on potential EU funders and schemes.


Research Councils

The two primary research councils for media-focused research are the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) which are responsible for funding the vast majority of arts and humanities in the UK. The success rates for the AHRC are the highest of all RC’s (see the recent blog article) and it offers standard grants,  networking grants, collaborative doctoral awards and early career research grants.

The RCs also focus on particular initiatives to address issues of intellectual and wider cultural, social or economic urgency, these schemes tend to have higher success rates than the standard grants so are always worth consideration. Information on AHRC initiatives can be found here.

An overview  – AHRC Early Career Research Grants:

Early Career Research Grants are intended to assist new researchers at the start of their careers in gaining experience of managing and leading research projects. They look to support well-defined research projects enabling individual researchers to collaborate with, and bring benefits to, other individuals and organisations through the conduct of research.

They also enjoy higher success rates than standard grants, there are no set submission dates, projects can last up to 60 months and should cost between £20,000 and £200,000 fEC.

To be eligible as an early career researcher you must be within eight years of the award of your PhD or equivalent professional training or within six years of your first academic appointment.

Further information on all opportunities can be found here – AHRC ESRCs

British Academy

The British Academy supports excellent ideas, individuals and intellectual resources in the humanities and social sciences.  In particular, the Academy enables UK researchers to work with scholars and resources in other countries, sustain a British research presence in various parts of the world and help to attract overseas scholars to the UK.

An overview  – International Partnership and Mobility Scheme:

Aims to support the development of partnerships between the UK and other areas of the world where research excellence would be strengthened by new, innovative initiatives and links. Awards are for research partnerships between scholars in the UK and scholars in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East, South Asia, or East Asia.

Partnerships might include a range of related activities, and mobility should form an integral part of proposals. Workshops and seminars should form an integral part of the programme. The main purpose of the funding is to cover travel and maintenance costs, although costs related to other eligible activities will be considered. Partnerships including a training element and involving scholars in the early stages in their career will be looked on favourably.

Grants are offered up to a maximum of £10,000 per year for a period of one year or three years. The submission deadline is 8th February 2012.

Further information can be found here – British Academy International Partnerships

In addition to these big UK funders, there are also some smaller more focused funders which may appeal to the interests of specific research groups within the school. For instance conference grants offered by the The Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA) could be of interest to the Narrative Research Group – information can be found here MHRA.


Technology Strategy Board – Updates

The Technology Strategy Board, which delivers the Knowledge Transfer Partnership scheme, has announced:

  • New funding criteria from the ESRC and BBSRC – ESRC Criteria for KTP support 2011 and  BBSRC Criteria for KTP Support 2011
  • Updated financial procedures for timely claiming and payment of awards
  • Applications for Shorter KTPs are now re-opened during the migration of KTPs to a streamlined 6 to 36 month scheme
  • A new version of Guidance Notes for Grant Application and Proposal Forms has been issued
  • An updated Management Handbook for KTPs – for Supervisors was released in October 2011
  • There is a competition for KTPs in Multicore and Parallel Processing  – closing date 24/11/11
  • Ashorne Hill have been selected to provide the new training package for Associates

As the TSB releases more information on KTP scheme, I will be posting this on the blog, so watch out for more news.

Please contact me if you have any queries about current or future KTPs, in the first instance. Further information is also available on the KTP website. For those interested in developing KTPs and networking with others with the same interests, the TSB recommends that you join the Knowledge Transfer Network.

Emily Cieciura (Research & Knowledge Exchange Operations) or 01202 968241

BU Santander Scholarships 2011-12 round 2 – apply now!

Santander is offering four x £5,000 research and travel grants to BU staff and research students

After the success of the Santander Scholarship competition a couple of months ago, Santander have offered BU staff and research students the opportunity to apply for further scholarships in a second round of funding.

The funds must be used for a specific project to build on or develop links with at least one university from the Santander overseas network. Awards will be announced in January 2012, and funds must be spent before the end of July 2012. Preference will be given to applications received from postgraduate research students and early career researchers.

Funds can only be used to cover direct costs (i.e. not salary costs or overheads).

To apply complete the Santander application form and submit it by email to Susan Dowdle:

Successful applicants will be expected to participate in general PR activities about their research. This may involve attending events and promoting the benefits of the funding.

The closing date for applications is Friday 9 December 2011.

Unsuccessful submissions from the last round of the Santander Scholarship funding cannot be resubmitted to this round.

Good luck 🙂

Funding opportunity – ESRC Research Seminars

Seminar groups are multi-institutional groups of academic researchers, postgraduate students and non-academic users who meet regularly to exchange information and ideas with the aim of advancing research within their fields. Where appropriate, seminar group members should be drawn from the public sector, commercial private sector, third sector and other relevant organisations as well as from academic institutions. We would particularly encourage seminar groups designed to bring together leading researchers from across disciplines to identify new research agendas or capacity building priorities. These grants are non-fEC and are limited to £15,000. This covers:

  • travel and expenses for speakers and participants
  • administrative costs
  • stationery, postage, copying and telephone costs
  • hire of rooms and facilities

An additional £3,000 can be made available when applicants have made a strong case for the inclusion of international academics or the holding of events abroad.

Further information regarding eligibility can be found on the RCUK website: (

The deadline for applications is 10 November 2011.

If you’re interested in submitting an application, please contact the RKE Operations team.

Funding Opportunities

We have received information about the following funding opportunities which may be of interest:

British Academy/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowships

This scheme enables established scholars to have one year’s research leave with funding being provided to cover the costs of replacement teaching.  The closing date for applications is 16 November 2011.  The Academy takes no account of an applicant’s age or current status (eg Professor, Lecturer) in determining eligibility for these awards. Rather, in all cases, award-holders are expected to be able to disseminate the results of their research not only through publications, but also through feeding into their future academic career after the end of the awards. Any field of study in the humanities and social sciences is suitable for support.  More info available on the website.

Lister Institute Research Prizes

The Lister Institute of Preventative Medicine, which is a registered charity established to support biomedical and related research, is now inviting applications from outstanding young researchers in biomedical or related biological sciences for its 2012 Research Prizes.

More information can be found on the charity’s website.

British Academy small grants – deadline 9 November 2011

The British Academy is the UK’s national academy for the humanities and social sciences. Funding is available under their Small Research Grants scheme for grants to support primary research in the humanities and social sciences.

Applications will not be considered for less than £500. The maximum grant is £10,000 over two years. Applications for collaborative or individual projects are equally welcome under this scheme. Applications from international groups of scholars are welcome, provided there is a UK-based scholar as lead applicant.

Funds are available to facilitate initial project planning and development; to support the direct costs of research; and to enable the advancement of research through workshops or conferences, or visits by or to partner scholars. Applicants may seek support for any combination of eligible activity and cost up to the overall limit of £10,000. The Academy will assess applications equally on their merits, with no preference as to mode of enquiry.

All applications should demonstrate that Academy funds are sought for a clearly defined, discrete piece of research, which will have an identifiable outcome on completion of the Academy-funded component of the research.

This scheme is very useful for humanities and social science researchers to carry out a pilot project which may then lead to larger grant funding in future. The deadline for applications, which must be prepared and submitted online using eGap2, is 9th November 2011.

Please contact the CRE Operations team as soon as possible if you would like to submit to this call.

Funding Opportunity – Assistance with Impact Analysis

JISC have recently announced a funding opportunity “Embedding impact analysis good practice in research, using BCE practitioners”.

This Call is designed to encourage skills sharing between researchers, engagement practitioners and information management specialists. It is aimed at research groups looking to bring in external expertise and support to help them develop improved capability and process to analyse the benefits and impact of their research, in order to enhance their impact and sustainability.

The work, which will be facilitated by the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE), focuses on the highly topical area of research impact. It invites people to register online to form partnerships to synthesise and share learning about how to embed technology-enabled good practice in impact analysis in research groups, using the expertise of Business and Community Engagement staff.

For any queries please contact David Owen.

The deadline for receipt of proposals is 31 October 2011. Call details can be found here.