Category / Fusion themes

Economic Turbulent Times especially for SME Firms’ Productivity from Eastern Europe Talks by BU EACES member

‘Globalisation, integration, cooperation – what is at stake in the current turbulent times? The title of the 6th Conference in cooperation with the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies 22-23 March 2024 hosted in South-East Europe, Szeged University.’ An EACES member from Bournemouth University, joined in via the host hybrid liaison of an ‘economic constraints online’ distance free option in parts recorded. This conference was a cauldron of many research talks, many directly from SE Europe – within ‘geo-economic fragmenting’ (EACES terminology), presenting multi-factorial pathways for alternative futures.

The conference keynote plenary presentations were by leading European research institutes: Marzenna Anna Weresa, Professor of Economics (Warsaw School of Economics): European Competitiveness in Turbulent Times: Focus on Innovation. Nicolaas Stijn Groenendijk, Professor of Public Policy, Organisation and Innovation (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences): Global resources and the EU’s strategic autonomy role (EU, he stated is small relating to global spaces which should be protected not controlled: satellites, security economics, governance and environment including outer space, cyberspace, weapons, instruments in interplay with geo-economics geopolitics).”

Professor Weresa, Poland, emphasised the importance of using “innovative competitiveness to survive turbulence changing behaviours, attitudes, experimenting” with the “ability to improve productivity through use of relational capital, resources; ability to create evolving new relationships (collaborations, alliances) in providing a stable framework for multidimensional co-operation in arenas of social, ecological, economic, that must ultimately lead to sustainability, building human and social capital to transform labour market and environment with need of competitiveness support from new policies to meet the challenges in 20th anniversary year of EU integration in this zone.”

FOR INTRIGUED READERS, MORE RARE INSIGHTS: Demands for extra finance economic investment were identified by some presenters as divided into a ‘never-ending goal of closer convergence by the most advanced Eastern European transition economies, or deterioration even instability has occurred’ (where constrained not received). Alongside improving financial models, financial digitalisation and green transition research, where ‘large investment is needed mainly for SMEs’ (small medium enterprises are the majority of firms in Eastern Europe). Alternatives to beneficial FDI (foreign direct investment) were highlighted, with some potential FDI kept for ‘national home issues’ by others, alternatively benefits of keeping ‘productivity and trading boundaries’ closer together within Eastern Europe. Research into ‘Roundtripping FDI,’ academically ‘defined as onshore corruption and offshore secrecy for starting-up businesses or mitigating figures is reports progress for this complex to measure indirect FDI, transmission shipment via a hidden host intermediary economy. Reality challenges stated in geo-economics and geo-policies to achieving either ‘strength’ from co-operation, integration and finance economic strategies within more heterogeneity (differences) and increasing ‘potential vulnerability’ from dissipation, stasis, fragmenting debated. One South-East Europe researcher described ‘as wishing to help the EU as currently it is like a parent struggling not coping very well in relation to Eastern Europe matters.’ A new finance economic societal era change called ‘Zeitenwende’ is gaining momentum in academia and popular media.

NOTE: Professor Michael Landsmann, The Vienna Institute, REGRETTED BEING UNABLE TO VISIT AND LEAD OPEN THE CONFERENCE KEYNOTE DUE TO LAST MINUTE CIRCUMSTANCES BUT HIS RESEARCH CONTRIBUTION IN THIS ARENA IS: ‘importance of understanding economics from a global perspective and multiple view-points.’ Coincidentally, the previous week, the UK defence secretary returned from a visit to Ukraine and Poland NATO exercises, with a satellite signal jamming of his plane’s navigation system, near Kaliningrad; stressing “increased 3% GDP spend on defence” and “support for Ukraine,” according to the Times, “it was a wake-up call,” as he saw a different ‘East-West’ in engagement mode perspectives instead of ‘West-East.’

Notably, Michael Landsmann co-authored ‘Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: assessment of the humanitarian, economic, and financial impact in the short and medium term’ in International Economics and is ‘the Economist winner of the Rothschild Prize 2022’. Michael Landsmann published research states: ‘how can the geo-economic and geopolitical challenges of our time be classified and understood, and how is the West and East integration proceeding?’ “Economic policy issues are not purely factual questions, but involve – as Kurt Rothschild emphasised” – “questions of power, interests and the goals of various social groups”. ‘With his analytical approach, Michael Landesmann has made these power constellations, interests and goals visible. In his lectures, he concretises this approach using three developments: Russia’s war against Ukraine, energy and inflation crisis, and global multipolarity. He relates it to the title of his lectures revolving around conceptual ‘centrifugal and centripetal forces in the European integration process,’ and ‘the need for flexible and experimental economic policy in turbulent times.’

BU: An independent report on topical critical latest Eastern European Matters in research by Fiona Vidler MBA MSc MLIBF, member of EACES, with BUBS AFE quantitative research theme: Impacts of Corruption, Financial Constraint and Firm Productivity. Global Crisis Times – SME Evidence from European Transitional Economies – historical roots in comparative economics past hundred years: focus on over thirty years ago, fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) and Independence (1991), with empirical regression analyses interpretations (using prior advanced statistics econometrics research training by USA specialists) in global financial crisis turbulence timeframes for SMEs (small medium enterprise) firms; exploring economic trading alliance influences relationships; endogenous (internal causes) effects beyond exogenous crises (a resurgence interest in visionary post-Keynesian on economic consequences from the 1930s, elements now reoccurring).
(PDF) Poster 2023 Fiona Vidler AFE BUBS (

It’s only a name…

Yesterday my co-author Dr. Orlanda Harvey received an email from a sociology journal informing her that “The below co-author name is not matching with the separate title page provided and in the submission. If Van is the middle name please update the name in the author’s account.  Name in separate title page appears as Prof Edwin van Teijlingen….Name in site appears as vanTeijlingen, EdwinPlease address the above issue before resubmitting the manuscript.”

If you have an odd name in English you will have to get used to this kind of misunderstanding.  This is the second time this is happening when submitting a paper this month!   Interestingly with a different variant of my name.  A migration and health journal  argued to me co-author that my name on ORCID was ‘Edwin van Teijlingen’ but on Scopus ‘van Teijlingen, Edwin Roland’.  the journal then asked that we change it.

To add more example on the inflexibility of online systems, my greatest surprise a few years ago was that I could not add my Dutch family name ‘van Teijlingen’ with a small ‘v’ on the online booking web pages of the Dutch airline KLM.

What’s In A Name? A name is but a name, and to quote Shakespeare: A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.


New article by BU Social Work academics

Congratulations to Drs. Louise Oliver and Orlanda Harvey  who had their latest article published in the British Association of Social Workers magazine. The article is titled: The seven-eyed social worker: a tool for critical self-reflection”. This article is about how a supervision model, developed by Hawkins and Shohet, which focuses upon the relationship between the service user/client and the social worker. The two BU academics noted that “This model supports critical reflection, delving into the use of self when working with others. It promotes professional curiosity, which is at the heart of critical reflection”. This gives an alternative lens and approach to social work practice.
Well done!
Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen
Centre for Midwifery & Women’s Health

Congratulations to Prof. Sara Ashencaen Crabtree

Congratulations to Sara Ashencaen Crabtree, Professor of Social and Cultural Diversity, on the publication of her latest book An Historiography of Women’s Missionary Nursing Through the Lives of Two Sisters: Doing the Lord’s work in Kenya and South India (published by Routledge).

This book employs both ethnographic and secondary, archival data, drawing on a rich, fascinating trove of original material from the pre-1940s to the present day.  It offers a unique historiographic study of twentieth century Methodist missionary work and women’s active expression of faith, practised at the critical confluence of historical and global changes. The study focuses on two English Methodist missionary nursing Sisters and siblings, Audrey and Muriel Chalkely, whose words and experiences are captured in detail, foregrounding tumultuous socio-political changes of the end of Empire and post-Independence in twentieth century Kenya and South India.

This work presents a timely revision to prevailing postcolonial critiques in placing the fundamental importance of human relationships centre stage. Offering a detailed (auto)biographical and reflective narrative, this ‘herstory’ pivots on three main thematic strands relating to peopleplace and passion, where socio-cultural details are vividly explored. 

This book pays tribute to our former colleague, Professor Fran Biley.  As part of a wider oral history project entitled “Memories of Nursing” Fran Biley interviewed two British sisters who had retired to the South of England.  The two sisters, Muriel and Audrey, followed very similar missionary career paths in two different former British colonies.  Two sisters spent a total of 54 years working as Methodist missionaries in India and Kenya, one as a nurse, the other as a midwife.  Fran collected over 10 hours of interview data, as well as old videos, a suitcase of 35mm slides, albums full of old photographs, letters and personal papers from the two sisters.   Unfortunately, Fran died far too young in November 2012, before the rich data could be analysed.  Sara conducted further extensive interviews with Muriel and others who knew them, as well as undertaking a huge detective hunt to find a considerable amount of secondary data pertaining to the sisters and other Methodist missionaries across UK archives.  I am glad to be able to report that  Dr Muriel Chalkley, whose life is portrayed in the book, received an Honorary Doctorate from Bournemouth University in recognition of her services to nursing.

Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen

Centre for Midwifery & Women’ Health (CMWH)


PRME UKI events and open calls for applications for awards

You are invited to a Zoom meeting of the PRME UKI (Principles of Responsible Management Education, UK and Ireland) Interest Group on Employability, Sustainability and Jobs of the Future (co-led by Dr Jonathan Louw MCIPD SFHEA and Dr Karen Cripps) that will take place on 13th March from 2.30pm – 4.00pm. This will host Arti Kumar MBE as a keynote presenter to celebrate the close of the ‘Career Story Telling for the Sustainable Development Goals’ workshops.

 Arti’s keynote speech will unravel the key features of SOARing to Success as a principled, inclusive and interconnected approach. She will show how staff can animate the four dimensions of SOAR as a process of personalised learning that enables all students to constructively align their aspirations and employability development with sustainable development goals. 

The SOAR framework was used to structure the ‘Career Story Telling for the Sustainable Development Goals’ workshop that was delivered at over 20 universities as part of PRME seed funding for pedagogic innovations 2023 (by Karen Cripps, Cathy d’Abreu and Dr Milena Bobeva).The session will include insights from collaborating colleagues and students, share the resources developed through the project, and host an open discussion on approaches to embedding ’employability for sustainability’ within the curriculum. You can read more about the project and collaborators in the link below and the zoom registration link here.  To register in advance for this meeting click here.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

PRME Global Student Sustainability Awards Open

We are delighted to share that submissions for the 2024 PRME Global Student Sustainability Awards are open!

All Sustainability-oriented student organisations associated with PRME Signatory Members from the PRME Chapter UK & Ireland are encouraged to apply! Submissions should be completed through a SUBMISSION FORM (deadline: 31st March 2024 at 23:59 ET) to be filled by a student organisation representative, who must be a student formally enrolled with a PRME Signatory Member during the 2023 calendar year.

Applicants can find all the information about the Awards structure, submission criteria and requirements by accessing the CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS – TERMS OF REFERENCE. There, you will see that the PGS Sustainability Awards are divided into two phases: Regional Awards (February to May) and Global Awards (May to June).

Due to a partnership with Marketplace Simulations, on the 18th June 2024, PRME will celebrate the Regional Winners and award the Global Winner during the 2024 PRME Global Forum. On occasion, the student organisation awarded as the Global Winner will receive a USD $2,000 monetary prize to increase the impact of their local initiatives! The PGS Team will host two informational webinars to present the 2024 PGS Sustainability Awards and answer any questions regarding the application processes.  Please find below the registration links to these informational sessions:

  • Informational Webinar 1 – 8th March, 12.00 to 13.00 CET (register here)

Informational Webinar 2 – 18th March, 17.00 to 18.00 CET (register here)

PRME UK and Ireland Conference and Doctoral Colloquium 2024

The Calls for Proposals are open for the PRME UK and Ireland Conference and Doctoral Colloquium 2024 ‘Educating for Deep Transformation: Business Schools’ contribution to a Greener, Healthier, Fairer Society’ to be held at the University of Exeter 19th-21st June 2024. 

Submission Deadlines:

Doctoral Colloquium: Tuesday 12th March 2024

Conference: Tuesday 19th March 2024

Details of the Calls can be found here.

Additional information can be found in the link below.

2024 PRME Faculty Teaching Awards: Applications are Open

The PRME Faculty Teaching Awards recognize excellence in teaching sustainable development and responsible management practices in business education. They seek to honour innovative and impactful pedagogical contributions that advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and align with the pedagogical interests of the PRME community.

Eligibility: Faculty at PRME Signatory institutions from all levels and disciplines. Applications can be submitted from individuals or as a team application of no more than six.

Submissions close: 31st March 2024. For more details click here.

British Council funded BU project SUNRISE on sustainability research: three upcoming events

SUNRISE (Supporting ­­­University Network for Research in Sustainability Engagement) is a British Council funded managed by BU in collaboration with Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).

The project aims at inspiring and building capacity for sustainability research through hybrid cross-institutional student mobility events. Particularly, it focuses on leveraging student online and hybrid mobility to build capacity for research on sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To achieve this, we will be hosting three cross-institutional hybrid conferences celebrating sustainability research carried out by staff, and undergraduate and postgraduate students in both universities. These will be demonstrating research addressing local and global challenges on five key themes:


Food nutrition and eating behaviour (SDG 2, 3, and 12)

Gender equality (SDG 5) 

Tourism and Hospitality (SDGs 3, 10, 12)  

Sustainability marketing and communication (all SDGs)  

Sustainability and employability (SDG 4, 5 and 8)  


The events will be delivered following the following schedule:

17 April 2024, 8-10 am (UK time) - researchers from both BU and USM will introduce the work they carry out on the themes above

9 May 2024, 8-10 am  (UK time) – we will host a student conference including live presentations and a virtual multimedia exhibition of UG and PG student research related to global challenges

Autumn 2024 - we will host a PGR conference including live presentations and a virtual multimedia exhibition of research related to global challenges

All events in the series will be run in a hybrid mode, i.e. they will be in-person at both the partner campuses with a virtual link between both universities capturing keynote presentations, online panel sessions and live pitches for research collaboration.

At BU, the project is managed by Dr Milena Bobeva (BUBS), Dr Reena Vijayakumaran (HSS), Prof Fiona Cownie (FMC), Dr Roberta Discetti (BUBS), and  Dr Daisy Fan (BUBS). Our partners at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) are Dr Vina Tan Phei Sean and Assoc Prof. Ng Theam Foo.


Socio-Ecological Transition Seminars – Spring 2024 events

We are delighted to share the spring 2024 calendar for our Socio-Ecological Transition Seminars (SETS). This seminar cycle’s discussions will revolve around the global crisis of waste and the unsustainability of current modes of production and consumption, analysed across sectors and geographical contexts, in its societal, organisational, political, and ethical dimensions.

We have a confirmed calendar of international distinguished speakers:

April 3rd h 3 pm: A public sociology of waste, Myra Hird

Myra J. Hird, Professor in Environmental Studies at Queen’s University (Canada). Myra holds a PhD from Oxford University and is a distinguished interdisciplinary scholar researching the global waste crisis and will present her recent book A Public Sociology of Waste (2022, Bristol University Press).

April 24th h 3 pm: Recycling Class: The Contradictions of Inclusion in Urban Sustainability, Manisha Anantharaman

Manisha Anantharaman, Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Center for the Sociology of Organisations, Sciences Po Paris (France). Manisha holds a PhD from University of California Berkeley, and her research focuses on the politics of ecological transition and sustainability. Manisha will present her recent book Recycling Class. The Contradictions of Inclusion in Urban Sustainability (2024, MIT press).

29th May h 3 pm: The Social Life of Unsustainable Mass Consumption, Magnus Boström.

Magnus Boström, Professor of Sociology at the Center for Environmental and Sustainability Social Science (CESSS) at Örebro University, Sweden. Magnus’ research interests include politics, representation, consumption, action, and transformative learning in relation to various transnational environmental and sustainability issues. Magnus will present his recent book: The Social Life of Unsustainable Mass Consumption (2023, Rowman & Littlefield)

All seminars are online on Zoom: ID: 853 3457 0893

Passcode: SETS

SETS is a joint initiative between the Research Group on Collective Action, Change, and Transition at the University of Trento, the Centre for Sustainable and Socially Responsible Consumption at Bournemouth University, and the Environmental Sociology Section at the University of Orebro. The seminars are open to a diverse audience, including academics, students, practitioners, social movements, and the non-specialist public.

SETS aims at reflecting with critical instruments and theories on socio-ecological transformations in times of crisis – with a special focus on everyday life and the sphere of social and ecological reproduction. In particular, the seminars aim at eliciting reflection on the different practices and “fields” where struggles and transformative action take place. The seminars are open to a diverse audience, including academics, students, practitioners, social movements, and non-specialist public.

Dr Roberta Discetti, SETS co-founder

Embedding Fairtrade in teaching and research: a panel discussion with the Fairtrade Foundation

Dear all,

As part of our BU Fairtrade weeks 2024, we are delighted to invite you to a panel discussion dedicated to academics with an interest in sustainability, to explore connections with Fairtrade through collaboration with the Fairtrade Foundation.  

Date: February 27th at 2 pm – Fusion Building, room F305 (in-person only event).

BU is a Fairtrade University; we received the accreditation in 2022 with the highest possible score (3 stars out of 3) and we are among a very small group of universities worldwide to have achieved this. There are plenty of ways for academics to get involved with Fairtrade that will be explored in a panel discussion with the following speakers: 

Elena Fernandez-Lee, Education Campaigning Manager at the Fairtrade Foundation: Elena will talk about the Fairtrade University scheme, discussing best practices to embed Fairtrade in teaching and research, and highlighting potential areas of collaboration with BU academics. Elena will also share about the Foundation’s new campaigns about climate justice and decolonization of the curriculum, and outline ways for BU academics to get involved. 

Izzy Chalk, BU Sustainability Officer: Izzy will talk about BU’s journey to becoming accredited as a 3-star Fairtrade university, outlining best practices in embedding Fairtrade in the curriculum and emphasising further areas of collaboration between the Sustainability team and BU academics. 

Dr Roberta Discetti, BU Fairtrade academic representative: Roberta will share some research-informed practices related to Fairtrade engagement, including NGO/academics cooperation, student co-creation, and multi-stakeholder collaborative initiatives. 

The panel discussion will be followed by an optional 30-minute networking where we will have the opportunity to connect with our guest speaker Elena and discuss different ways of expanding the integration of Fairtrade in sustainability teaching and research. This event is open to all BU and AUB academics, to maximise opportunities for collaboration across departments and faculties.

Digital Marketing Colloquium 2024-Submission Deadline 15/02/2024

We are extremely excited to announce that digital marketing research group (Department of Marketing, Strategy and Innovation) is organising its first digital marketing colloquium on Tuesday 19th – Wednesday 20th March 2024 at the Bournemouth University Business School. 

This colloquium will bring together leading researchers and practitioners to discuss and visualise the future of strategic and operational marketing. Both technology advancements and marketing developments will be explored, co-creating future innovations for collaboration and solutions. The aim is to draw in forward-thinking research on crucial subjects that have an impact on consumers, businesses, and society as a whole. Participants will be encouraged to stimulate fresh perspectives and explore uncharted territories.   

This is an multi and inter-disciplinary event, scope of which covers the following indicative areas:  

  • Digital business process reengineering 
  • Digital consumption, behaviour, attitudes, and decision-making 
  • Digital ecosystems: strategies and operations 
  • Digital Twins  
  • Virtual Real Estate  
  • Enhanced social web3, virtual and hybrid interactions  
  • AI in Business and Industry 
  • Predictive analytics 
  • Machine Learning and Algorithms  
  • AI Supply chain optimisation 
  • AI based Customer Relationship Management 
  • Virtual experiences  
  • Designing immersive and illusive experience in the Metaverse and Web3 
  • Interactive and engaging user experiences  
  • Gamification and serious gaming  
  • Business models and opportunities  
  • Future of Work  
  • Education, training and adaptive learning 
  • Creativity and design in AI  
  • Blockchains and smart contracts, cryptocurrencies, NFTs  
  • Digital Identity: opportunities and challenges  
  • CyberSecurity and customer experience  
  • Wearable technology  
  • Human-robot interaction 
  • Robotics and Automation design 
  • Robot based services  
  • Chatbots and virtual assistants  
  • Autonomous vehicles and drones 
  • Environment, climate, energy optimization and sustainability  
  • Ethical, legal and social implications  
  • Health and wellbeing.  

 We welcome submissions in the form of abstracts for presentations, posters and workshop proposals. Workshop proposals are an interesting element we wish you to consider – workshops are meant to run a related to Colloquium theme interactive session on a specific topic to stimulate participants to co-create future scenarios or solutions, work interactively on an emerging topic and exchange ideas. Please see the detailed Call for Papers attached here.  Deadline for all submissions is 15th Feb 2024 and abstracts for presentations and posters as well as workshop proposals can be submitted by clicking here   

We will keep you in the loop about further developments on this colloquium and will share all the links for submission systems soon. Watch this space and save the date 😊 

Digital Marketing Colloquium 2024 Organising Committee 



MIL Eco-Lab: Media & Information Literacy for Healthy Ecosystems

logo - science, health, and data communications research group

MIL Eco-Lab: Media & Information Literacy for Healthy Ecosystems

Cluster Lead: Julian McDougall

This new research cluster, located in SHDC, will generate and support research to inform policy and practice for the role of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in: promoting societal resilience to misinformation; improving the health of communication ecosystems and supporting better health, science and data literacies.

This new cluster will form an MIL Eco-Lab to support and grow capacity for:

  • Research-informed MIL, working with a theory of change;
  • Education and training in MIL (including for better health and science communications);
  • Designing third spaces for MIL practice;
  • Evaluating MIL for ecosystem health (moving beyond solutionism, for positive consequences and social change);
  • Intersecting with the work of the Media and Information Literacy Alliance charity in advocacy spaces (including health, science and data communications).
  • Fostering productive inter-disciplinary and international environments for doctoral research in MIL and pioneering research in the field, where significant, for health, science and data communications.

Colleagues who are interested in finding out more about this cluster and discuss how your research can contribute, with no obligation to join, are invited to share your availability here for a zoom workshop later this month. And / or if you would like to chat about this 1-1, just email me and we can set that up.

Thanks for reading,


Discovering Causal Relations and Equations from Data

Discovering equations, laws, or invariant principles underpins scientific and technical advancement. Robust model discovery has typically emerged from observing the world and, when possible, performing interventions to falsify models.

Recently, data-driven approaches like classic and deep machine learning are evolving traditional equation discovery methods. These new tools can provide unprecedented advances in computer science, neuroscience, physics, philosophy, and many applied areas.

We have just published a new study discussing concepts and methods on causal and equation discovery, outlining current challenges and promising future lines of research. The work also showcases comprehensive case studies in diverse scientific areas ranging from earth and environmental science to neuroscience.

Our tenet is that discovering fundamental laws and causal relations by observing natural phenomena is revolutionised with the coalescence of observational data and simulations, modern machine learning algorithms and domain knowledge. Exciting times are ahead with many challenges and opportunities to improve our understanding of complex systems.

This study is a collaborative work between eight universities in Europe and the United States (Valencia, Berlin, Tübingen, Jena, Stockholm, New York, and Bournemouth Universities).

Camps-Valls, G., Gerhardus, A., Ninad, U., Varando, G., Martius, G., Balaguer-Ballester, E., Vinuesa, R., Diaz, E., Zanna, L. and Runge, J., 2023. Discovering causal relations and equations from data. Physics Reports, 1044, 1-68 (Impact Factor=30).