Category / RKE development framework

British Academy Visit to BU – great success!

We were delighted to welcome visitors from the British Academy on Tuesday, 10th September 2019.

With over 40 in attendance, BU academics heard updates on all the British Academy funding opportunities and guidance on how to increase their potential for success. Our visitors also met with 10 academics for one to one discussions of their funding aspirations. All found their meetings invaluable and colleagues in  Research Development and Support (RDS) look forward to supporting them with their future applications to a variety of British Academy funding schemes.

Presentations were given by five British Academy award holders at Bournemouth University:

  • Jayne Caudwell : Safe Swim: Supporting physical activity and wellbeing for transgender young people.
  • Janice Denegri-Knott : Digital Possessions in the Family.
  • Daisy Fan : Towards a Better Quality of Life: Value Co-Creation in Leisure with the Active Elderly.
  • Xun He : Judging overall mood of a crowd: how does the brain rapidly perceive an average emotion from multiple faces?
  • John Oliver : Investigating the culture of chronically under performing firms: past, present and future.

The slides from the visit are available to BU staff within the Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework (RKEDF) area on Brightspace.

If you would like to discuss an application to the British Academy, or any other funder, please contact your faculty’s RDS team.

There are many more RKEDF events planned for the coming year – find out more!

Book your British Academy 1-1 now!

The British Academy / Leverhulme Small Grant scheme opens on Thursday, 4th September. If you are planning on submitting an application, don’t miss this opportunity!

Senior staff members from the British Academy are visiting on 10th September, 11:00 – 14:00.

They will provide an overview of the British Academy and its remit, the type of funding offered, their grant-awarding processes, and some key considerations. Then a selection of BU award-holders will give short presentations on their experience of the application and project management processes. There will be opportunities for questions and discussion. The event will be followed by a networking lunch. See the intranet page for more information and how to book.

During the lunch period, 8 one-to-one sessions will be available to be booked with the British Academy staff. If you are interested in booking one of these slots, please contact the RKEDF team with details of the particular scheme you wish to apply for or topic you wish to discuss.



Book a 1-1 with the British Academy

Senior members from the British Academy are visiting on

10th September, 11:00 – 14:00 (FG04)

They will provide an overview of the British Academy and its remit, the type of funding offered, their grant-awarding processes, and some key considerations. Then a selection of BU award-holders will give short presentations on their experience of the application and project management processes. There will be opportunities for questions and discussion. The event will be followed by a networking lunch. See the intranet page for more information and how to book.

During the lunch period, 8 one-to-one sessions will be available to be booked with the British Academy staff. If you are interested in booking one of these slots, please contact the RKEDF team with details of the particular scheme you wish to apply for or topic you wish to discuss.


British Academy Visit – Save the Date!

September 10th 11:00 – 14:00 Talbot Campus

Members of the British Academy are visiting BU on Tuesday 10th September.

There will be a presentation late morning, looking at their portfolio of funding opportunities and providing useful information on their application and assessment processes, with some handy top tips. This will be followed by a networking lunch.

To book, please contact Theresa McManus.

Please put the date in your diaries!

Workshop available – Ethical Thinking and Decision-making in Practice

Are you new or relatively new to research? Are you interested in attending a workshop that will allow you to improve your understanding and confidence in the application of ethical considerations to your research activity? Then take advantage of the following opportunity!

Dr Helen Kara will be delivering a one-day workshop on Monday 17th June, 09:30 – 16:30 on Talbot Campus, entitled Ethical Thinking and Decision-making in Practice.

The aims & objectives of this sessions are to:

  • To increase their awareness of the need for ethics compliance in research and, by the end of the workshop, be aware of their responsibilities and when to seek further assistance
  • To develop their skills in the following key areas, within the context of ethical research:
    a. Planning and design
    b. Gathering data and data analysis
    c. Reporting, including presentation and dissemination
    d. Consideration of ethical dilemmas, based on real-world examples and participants’ experience

If you want to book onto this workshop and take advantage of this great opportunity, then please see the following page for instructions.
If you are a PGR, please email Organisation Development to book your place.

Research & Knowledge Exchange Development Framework – updated flyer!

Please look out for your copy of the updated Research & Knowledge Exchange Development Framework flyer which will be delivered to you over the next week by your faculty’s Funding Development Officer.

On the staff intranet, the RKEDF is arranged to align with your current situation and researcher development needs:

I am an ECR / new to research 
I want to know more about External funding 
I am new to BU 
I want to fund and build my research team
I need to disseminate my research 
I need to know about the REF 
I need help with BU research systems and polices
I want to increase the impact of my research
I need help with my research career
I want to work internationally
I want to share my research more widely
I need to meet with Research Development and Support staff 

You can see all the Organisational Development and RKEDF events in one place on the handy calendar of events.

Please note that all sessions are now targeted, so look closely at the event page to ensure that the event is suitable for you. In addition, RKEDF events now require the approval of your Head of Department (or other nominated approver). Please follow the instructions given on the event page and the template email for you to initiate the booking request.

If you have any queries, please get in touch!

Royal Academy of Engineering visit Bournemouth University on 15th May 2019

The Faculty of Science and Technology and Research Development and Support were pleased to welcome Programme Managers, Dr Chung-Chin Kao and Keir Bonnar from the Royal Academy of Engineering on Wednesday, 15th May 2019.

The Royal Academy of Engineering provides a wealth of information regarding their support for engineering as the UK’s national academy for engineering and technology, where engineering is taken in its broadest sense, underpinning our daily lives, driving economic growth, playing a critical role in addressing major societal challenges and helping ensure our readiness for the future, from providing a sustainable supply of food, water and clean energy, to advancing healthcare, and keeping us safe and secure, with alignment to the BU2025 vision. Read more about what they do.

The visit commenced with a tour of the Faculty of Science and Technology’s Innovation Centre, lead by BU’s Dr Philip Sewell, Head of Department – Design & Engineering, where staff and students were seen in action, including those preparing for the forthcoming BU Festival of Design & Engineering. Following discussions with senior faculty academics, Chung-Chin and Keir provided an overview of the funding schemes available to BU staff, stressing the importance of working with industrial partners. Schemes are available to support research at all career levels.

For those in academia, the Royal Academy of Engineering supports schemes for undergraduates, and postgraduates, exchanges between academia and industryresearchers, international collaborative research, public engagement and entrepreneurial activity.  The events calendar is also worth watching with more events to be added to increase engagement with the Academy.

In addition, materials for HE are promoted on their dedicated HE Focus website. This includes:

If you were unable to attend today’s event, the slides are available to BU staff. To make sure that you stay up to date, sign up to receive updates or follow on social media


Mid-Career Academic Research Showcase – Call for Expressions of Interest to Present

Are you a research-active and mid-career academic?

Do you have research findings or research experiences that you wish to share with BU colleagues?

No? Please save the date as you may want to support your colleagues and find out more about BU research. Watch out for further announcements and invitations to attend.

Yes? Read on….

On Wednesday 19th June 2019, you will have the opportunity to present your research to your colleagues at the forthcoming Mid-Career Academic Research Showcase, which is being hosted by Research Development and Support.

To take part, please submit a brief Expression of Interest (EoI) by Friday, 10th May.

The EoI should provide:

  • Your details;
  • A working title for your presentation or table-based showcase;
  • A brief outline of the research being undertaken (no more than 100 words);
  • Any evidence of how your research contributes to Fusion at BU and
  • Confirmation as to if you would like one of the c. 15 minute presentation slots available or if you would like to present your research during the afternoon networking session, by reserving one of the showcase tables. As presentation slots are limited, please also state if you would be happy to reserve a showcase table if all the presentation slots are filled. Every effort will be made to balance faculty representation, where possible.

All EoIs must be submitted via the Research & Knowledge Exchange Development Framework email account, with MCA EoI as the subject line.

Subject to support, it is planned that this will become an annual event for BU’s Mid-Career Academics.

Royal Academy of Engineering – visiting BU on 15th May 2019

Research Development and Support are pleased to announce that representatives from the Royal Academy of Engineering will be visiting BU on Wednesday, 15th May 2019.

As the UK’s national academy for engineering and technology, the Royal Academy of Engineering brings together the most talented and successful engineers – their Fellows – to advance and promote excellence in engineering for the benefit of society. The Academy runs a broad programme of grants and prizes to support and celebrate the pursuit of engineering activities and to enable closer contact between academia and industry.

Book to attend and increase your awareness in terms of:

  • Who they are
  • Their remit
  • Types of funding offered
  • Their decision-making processes
  • Time frames and planning a Royal Academy of Engineering application

Find out more and book.

British Academy Small Grant Call – Now Open

The call for the next round of BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants will open 10th April 2019 and close 5pm on Wednesday 5th June 2019 and is aimed at Early Career Researcher and/or pump priming purposes.

If you can’t attend this session, then we ask you to submit your intention to bid form to your Funding Development Officer by 17th April 2019, after this date applications will be moved to the Autumn round.

The British Academy have provided updated guidance on the small grants – BA scheme notes for applicants and BA FAQs . They have asked that all applicants read the documentation carefully before starting their application.


The call closes at 5pm on Wednesday 5th June 2019.

20th March 2019


RDS British Academy Guidance session


10th April 2019 Call Opens – start reading guidance
17th April 2019 Intention to bid forms to be submitted to your faculty Funding

Development Officer.

27th May 2019 Nominated referee supporting statement to be completed via FlexiGrant
28th May 2019 Your final application must be submitted on FlexiGrant  by this date at the latest.
28th May -5th  June 2019 Institutional checks to take place by RDS

Any queries please contact Alexandra Pekalski 

Calling all ECRs!

Do you want to meet with fellow BU ECRs in an informal setting to discuss  the highs and lows of being a Early Career Researcher?

Then … come and join the BU Early Career Researcher Network!

We meet monthly and have a programme of topics for the year. The next meeting is on Wednesday, 13th March, where we will be discussing how to find research funding

The network is open to those BU academics who define themselves as ECRs and includes PTHP. The Brightspace group is also open to others across BU who wish to support our ECRs.

If you would like to come to this event, or find out about future events by signing up to the ECRN community on Brightspace, just let us know.


Get an insider’s view on how to influence policymakers in Parliament

If you would like your research to have a real impact on policy decisions at a national level, you may want to book onto Achieving Policy Impact in the UK Parliament – a special workshop run by Sarah Foxen of the Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology (POST), the UK parliament’s knowledge exchange unit.

This event takes place on Wednesday March 6 on the Talbot campus and there are only a few remaining places left. You’re advised to book promptly, using this link here, as the room capacity is only 30. We are delighted Sarah is able to come to Bournemouth for this one-off training event – her role as POST’s Knowledge Exchange Manager means she is perfectly placed to offer an insider’s view on how to get your research taken up by policymakers in Parliament. The workshop aims to:

  • demystify the process by which academic research can influence public policy
  • explain how policy impacts can be evidenced
  • examine what it is that policymakers are looking for in terms of academic research.

There will also be an opportunity in the afternoon session for participants to prepare and deliver a pitch to Parliament and gain invaluable advice on what policymakers are looking for and what is the most effective way of achieving policy impact for your research.

You can read a recent article Sarah wrote for the Wonkhe blog here:  (How to have REF-able policy impact). In it, she outlines a joint initiative between Parliament and Research England which aims to ensure a shared understanding of what parliamentary impact is, and how it can be evidenced in REF 2021.

For any further information on the workshop and details of the programme, please contact Amanda Edwards, Impact Officer, RDS on x61308 or by email:





Are you a BU Early Career Researcher? Read on….

Launched in September 2018, the Early Career Researcher Network welcomes Early Career Researchers, including those on fixed and PTHP contracts!

Indicative content for our forthcoming monthly meetings:

  • Locating research funding
  • Research methods – where to get help
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in research
  • A full day writing retreat with support
  • The opportunity to share your research within an informal setting with your ECR peers

To be added to the Brightspace community and to find out more, please contact Research Development & Support via and we will add you to the group.


Forthcoming RKEDF events

We have some great events coming up over the next few weeks to help support you in your research activity within the Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework (RKEDF).

We have also grouped the RKEDF events around your needs, so if, for example, you are an Early Career Researcher or need to know about external funding, you can click on the link to find all the RKEDF sessions that may assist you. You can also find related events by using the link on each session’s page.


Monday 25th February RKEDF: Impact Case Study Writing Retreat



Friday 1st March RKEDF: Introduction to the Logframe Approach
Monday 4th March RKEDF: Technical Bid Writing Workshop
Wednesday 6th March RKEDF: Achieving Policy Impact in the UK Parliament
Friday 8th March RKEDF: Research Outputs – Writing Day
Monday 11th March RKEDF: Writing Academy – Day 1 of 3
Wednesday 13th March RKEDF: Introduction to NVivo: Setting up your qualitative data
Thursday 14th March RKEDF: Advanced NVivo: Analysing your data
Wednesday 20th March RKEDF: BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants Guidance Session
Wednesday 27th March RKEDF: EndNote Desktop for Managing References and Writing for Publication
Wednesday 27th March RKEDF: Research Data Management



 Tuesday 2nd April RKEDF: Advanced Literature Search Techniques
Wednesday 3rd April RKEDF: Measuring the Impact of Your Research with Advanced Citation Tools
Monday 8th April RKEDF: Writing Day – Systematic and Scoping Reviews


The above list does not include events where attendance requires faculty nominations / applications or are part of the Early Career Researcher Network schedule for 18/19. You can see all the Organisational Development and RKEDF events in one place on the handy calendar of events.

Please note that all sessions are now targeted, so look closely at the event page to ensure that the event is suitable for you. In addition, RKEDF events now require the approval of your Head of Department (or other nominated approver). Please follow the instructions given on the event page and the template email for you to initiate the booking request.

If you have any queries, please get in touch!

Back by Popular Demand….

Responding to your feedback and by popular request, the below events are coming up over the next two months – please click on the event titles that are of interest to find out more and reserve your place as soon as possible:

Course Title Date
Introduction to the Logframe Approach For Funders Friday 1st March 10:00 – 16:00 Talbot Campus
Introduction to NVivo: Setting up your qualitative data Wednesday 13th March 09:00 – 17:00 Lansdowne Campus
Advanced NVivo: Analysing your data Thursday 14th March 09:00 – 17:00 Lansdowne Campus
Future Leaders Fellowships Guidance Session Wednesday 10th April 12:00 – 14:00, Talbot

To see all the events within the RKEDF and the wider Organisational Development offering, please refer to the handy Calendar of Events.

Additionally if you are a PGR please visit the Doctoral College Researcher Development Programme for your own special tailored events.